Job Archives

L'Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) est ravi d'annoncer le lancement du programme Towards Leadership en partenariat avec le Conseil de recherche médicale de l'UKRI.   


Le programme AREF Towards Leadership vise à permettre aux scientifiques talentueux et émergents d’Afrique de concourir avec succès pour l’UKRI MRC et d’autres opportunités de financement majeures dans la recherche en santé mondiale. Ensemble, nous investissons dans des scientifiques africains talentueux en Afrique, améliorant ainsi leur potentiel de recherche et de leadership en santé mondiale.   

Le programme se déroulera d'octobre 2024 à octobre 2025, composé de deux ateliers résidentiels (ouverture et fermeture) et d'un atelier virtuel. 

Le programme est conçu pour soutenir l'engagement et améliorer les capacités des participants et pour permettre aux scientifiques talentueux et émergents d'Afrique de rivaliser avec succès sur un pied d'égalité pour l'UKRI MRC et d'autres opportunités de financement majeures dans la recherche en santé mondiale. Le programme vise à obtenir des subventions, à responsabiliser des équipes efficaces, à collaborer à l'échelle internationale, à influencer les parties prenantes et à bâtir des carrières de recherche enrichissantes.  

Aperçu du programme

Le Programme comprend les éléments suivants : 

  • Trois ateliers mixtes inspirants et pratiques à intervalles semestriels 
  • Webinaires supplémentaires, didacticiels et ressources en ligne 
  • Évaluations de base et de fin de programme 
  • Collaboration entre les individus participants  

Le programme comprend les thèmes suivants, adaptés pour répondre aux besoins de chaque cohorte : 

  • Le chercheur en tant que leader axé sur l'apprentissage et le leadership dans un monde complexe ; accroître la conscience de soi et la pleine conscience des cohortes tout en renforçant leurs capacités de coaching, d'influence et de leadership.  
  • Le chercheur efficace développe la capacité de l'individu à visualiser, planifier et mettre en œuvre ses objectifs de carrière et sa trajectoire de développement grâce à la planification du développement personnel, à la gestion du temps et au mentorat. 
  • Le chercheur en tant que communicateur augmente les compétences de leadership, de paternité et d'autorité de l'individu grâce à l'utilisation de présentations, de narrations et de messages efficaces tout en affinant son engagement avec les utilisateurs de la recherche. 
  • Le candidat convaincant : comprendre les bailleurs de fonds. Compétences en matière d'élaboration et de rédaction de propositions : formuler une question de recherche ; justifier la conception/la stratégie ; notes conceptuelles et propositions complètes. Partage de données. Comprendre l’évaluation par les pairs. Entretiens de bourse. 
  • Le chercheur comme manager : Construire une belle équipe. Collaboration efficace. Planification de la mise en œuvre. Travailler avec les départements de soutien à la recherche et des finances. Gérer un budget. Gestion de la propriété intellectuelle. 

Les cinq thèmes seront intégrés dans les trois ateliers. L'équilibre du programme sera déterminé par les besoins du participant. 

Les frais des ateliers ainsi que l'hébergement et les déplacements associés des candidats sélectionnés seront pris en charge par le MRC et l'AREF.  

Les évènements clés

Le calendrier de tous les participants de Towards Leadership est le suivant : 

L'atelier d'ouverture est prévu du 25 au 27 novembre 2024.   

L'atelier 2 se tiendra virtuellement et est prévu du 17 au 21 mars 2025. 

L'atelier de clôture est prévu en octobre 2025 

Rejoindre le programme

L'entrée au Towards Leadership se fait via un processus de candidature qui sera rigoureusement et équitablement examiné pour sélectionner les meilleurs candidats pour le programme.  

comment s'inscrire

Les candidatures au programme Towards Leadership doivent être soumises en ligne avant   le 6 mai 2024 . Veuillez cliquer sur ce lien pour soumettre votre candidature. 

Mission de santé mondiale

L'AREF et le MRC souhaitent recruter des chercheurs talentueux dans un large éventail de disciplines biomédicales, cliniques et liées à la santé. L'AREF veillera à la sélection d'une cohorte équilibrée d'hommes et de femmes pour le programme. Si vous ne savez pas si votre recherche relève de cette compétence, veuillez envoyer un e-mail à


  • Vous êtes citoyen d'un pays d'Afrique. 
  • Vous êtes actuellement employé en Afrique par une université reconnue et/ou un institut de recherche spécialisé.  
  • Vous êtes un chercheur en début de carrière, vous avez terminé vos études de recherche et vous en êtes maintenant aux premiers stades de la direction de votre propre groupe de recherche.
  • Vous serez titulaire d'un doctorat de recherche (PhD/DPhil/MD) d'un établissement universitaire reconnu OU vous aurez une qualification médicale/clinique PLUS une maîtrise pertinente pour la recherche, généralement obtenues au cours des 10 dernières années. Si plus de 10 ans se sont écoulés depuis votre dernier diplôme, veuillez expliquer dans votre candidature pourquoi vous devriez toujours être considéré comme un chercheur en début de carrière (c'est-à-dire des responsabilités familiales ou une interruption/un changement de carrière ayant un impact sur votre carrière de chercheur). 
  • Vous êtes actuellement responsable de la gestion/supervision d’un ou plusieurs étudiants en recherche et/ou membres du personnel de recherche et participez à l’établissement de collaborations de recherche.
  • Vous démontrez que vous êtes aux premiers stades de la direction d’une équipe de recherche ou que vous êtes un membre actif d’une équipe de recherche menant des recherches en santé mondiale. 
  • Une partie importante de votre rôle actuel d’employé consiste à développer et mener des recherches en santé. 
  • Vous avez déjà de l'expérience dans l'obtention de financements de recherche (valeur combinée de 500 000 £ ou moins). 


  1. Pour être accepté dans le programme, vous devrez démontrer le potentiel d'en bénéficier, ainsi que celui de votre établissement d'origine. Par conséquent, dans le formulaire de candidature, vous devrez fournir une déclaration personnelle convaincante démontrant : 
  • Votre programme de recherche actuel/le plus récent et son potentiel d’impact sur la santé. 
  • Une vision de carrière convaincante et comment vous comptez y parvenir. 
  • Votre potentiel en tant que leader émergent de la recherche pour créer un groupe de recherche performant, influencer votre discipline et vous engager dans un impact ou une innovation en dehors du monde universitaire. 
  • Comment vous et votre institution bénéficierez de votre participation au programme AREF Towards Leadership .  
  1. Les candidatures doivent être accompagnées d'une lettre d'appui d'un représentant principal autorisé de votre établissement employeur, tel que le directeur. Ils devraient 
  • confirmez votre éligibilité. 
  • confirmez qu'ils vous autorisent à participer aux trois ateliers - que vous ne serez pas retiré pour remplir des obligations d'enseignement, d'administration ou autres. 
  • Décrivez comment eux-mêmes et l’institution reconnaîtront les avantages qu’apporte la participation au programme – et comment ces avantages seront intégrés et durables au sein de l’organisation. 
  1. Les candidats doivent s'engager pleinement à participer aux trois ateliers du programme ; la participation partielle n’est PAS une option.  

Dates clés

Date limite de candidature 16h00 GMT le 6 mai 2024

Candidats retenus notifiés début juillet 2024

Des questions?

Pour des questions générales sur le programme AREF Towards Leadership, vous êtes invités à nous contacter à

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةStage et Formation

L’Africa Research Excellence Fund (AREF) est ravi d’annoncer le lancement du programme Towards Leadership en partenariat avec le Conseil de recherche médicale de l’UKRI.    But...View more

Bannière de bourses d'études 

À propos de la bourse

2024 est une année unique pour la démocratie, alors que des milliards de personnes se rendent aux urnes dans au moins 60 pays. Cela représente près de 50 % de la population mondiale qui participe aux élections. C’est la première année dans l’histoire où autant de personnes voteront pour l’avenir qu’elles souhaitent, et nous n’en verrons pas une autre avant 2048. Pendant ce temps, le monde se trouve à la croisée des chemins sur la voie de la carboneutralité. Pour garantir un avenir durable, le monde doit entreprendre une décarbonisation rapide et profonde de tous les secteurs de l’économie. Alors que de nombreux pays ont renforcé leurs politiques climatiques, la montée d'une « réaction verte » pourrait ralentir le rythme des progrès. Si le monde veut prendre les mesures nécessaires vers une transition verte et juste, beaucoup dépendra de la manière dont les gens voteront au cours de cette année électorale sans précédent. Reconnaissant l'importance de cette année charnière, BMW Group cherche à impliquer et à connecter les futurs dirigeants qui plaident en faveur d'une politique climatique accélérée avec le soutien d'un large soutien démocratique. La bourse Engage Billions aidera de jeunes leaders politiques du monde entier à se joindre au One Young World Summit 2024 à Montréal au sein de la délégation mondiale du groupe BMW. Nouveau Parlement » réunissant de jeunes dirigeants d'entreprises, de responsables politiques et d'ONG à Bruxelles, la capitale européenne de l'élaboration des politiques.

Qui doit postuler ?

Les candidats retenus seront de jeunes leaders activement impliqués et ayant un impact sur le rôle de la démocratie dans la politique climatique. Le candidat sélectionné devra justifier d'un minimum de deux ans d'expérience dans l'un des rôles ci-dessous :
  • Une politique : un rôle d’élaboration/de conseil en matière de politique climatique au sein d’un gouvernement/fonction publique supranational ou national.
  • Un rôle politique et de plaidoyer dans une ONG ou un groupe de réflexion national ou international axé sur le climat.
  • Un rôle de leadership au sein d'une organisation dirigée par des jeunes/étudiants qui milite en faveur d'une politique climatique progressiste et d'une participation démocratique accrue.
  • Un rôle de leadership au sein d'une organisation dirigée par la communauté qui milite en faveur d'une politique climatique progressiste et d'une participation démocratique accrue.
De plus, les candidats doivent être :
  • Âgé de 18 à 30 ans d’ici mai 2024.
  • Disponible pour participer au One Young World Summit 2024 à Montréal du 17 au 21 septembre.
  • Disponible pour participer au Welcome! Sommet de la jeunesse du nouveau Parlement à Bruxelles en juin/juillet 2024.

Avantages de la bourse

  • Participation au One Young World Summit 2024 à Montréal en tant que délégué du Groupe BMW.
  • Hébergement à l'hôtel à Montréal entre le 17 et le 21 septembre (inclus) 2024.
  • Les frais de déplacement à destination et en provenance de Montréal (vols en classe économique)
  • Restauration qui comprend le petit-déjeuner, le déjeuner et le dîner.
  • Transport entre l'hébergement du Sommet et le lieu du Sommet.
  • Les frais de déplacement vers et depuis Bruxelles.
  • Hébergement à l'hôtel à Bruxelles Bienvenue ! Sommet de la jeunesse du nouveau Parlement.
  • Membre permanent de la communauté des ambassadeurs One Young World.
  • Accès aux professionnels BMW dans leur domaine sur la base des besoins et du conseil.

Fermer les candidatures1er mai 2024

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةStage et Formation

  À propos de la bourse 2024 est une année unique pour la démocratie, alors que des milliards de personnes se rendent aux urnes dans au moins 60 pays. Cela représente près de 50 % de la popu...View more

Current University of Arkansas System employees, including student employees and graduate assistants, need to log in to Workday via , then access Find Jobs from the Workday search bar to view and apply for open positions. Students at University of Arkansas System two-year institutions will also view open positions and apply within Workday by searching for “Find Jobs for Students”. All Job Postings will close at 12:01 a.m. CT on the specified Closing Date (if designated). If you close the browser or exit your application prior to submitting, the application process will be saved as a draft. You will be able to access and complete the application through “My Draft Applications” located on your Candidate Home page. Closing Date: Type of Position: Faculty - Tenure/Tenure Track Workstudy Position: No Job Type: Regular Work Shift: Day Shift (United States of America) Sponsorship Available: Yes Institution Name: University of Arkansas, FayettevilleFounded in 1871, the University of Arkansas is a land grant institution, classified by the Carnegie Foundation among the nation’s top 2 percent of universities with the highest level of research activity. The University of Arkansas works to advance Arkansas and build a better world through education, research and outreach by providing transformational opportunities and skills, promoting an inclusive and diverse culture and climate, and nurturing creativity, discovery and the spread of new ideas and innovations. The University of Arkansas campus is located in Fayetteville, a welcoming community ranked as one of the best places to live in the U.S. The growing region surrounding Fayetteville is home to numerous Fortune 500 companies and one of the nation’s strongest economies. Northwest Arkansas is also quickly gaining a national reputation for its focus on the arts and overall quality of life. As an employer, the University of Arkansas offers a vibrant work environment and a workplace culture that promotes a healthy work-life balance. The benefits package includes university contributions to health, dental, life and disability insurance, tuition waivers for employees and their families, 12 official holidays, immediate leave accrual, and a choice of retirement programs with university contributions ranging from 5 to 10% of employee salary. Below you will find the details for the position including any supplementary documentation and questions, you should review before applying for the opening. If you have a disability and need assistance with the hiring process, please submit a request via the Disability Accommodations | OEOC | University of Arkansas ( : Request an Accommodation. Appli­cants are required to submit a request for each position of which they have applied. For general application assistance or if you have questions about a job posting, please contact Human Resources at 479.575.5351. Department: Department of Theatre Department's Website: Summary of Job Duties: The Department of Theatre in the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Arkansas invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Theatre to start in August 2024. This is a standard nine-month faculty appointment. The tenure track Assistant Professor will design graduate and undergraduate courses, provide curriculum material, construct syllabi, and lead classroom instruction focused on performance and specific acting techniques. Teaching two to three courses each semester, this position will develop and implement new methods of teaching to reflect changes in the field and to create interest, understanding, and enthusiasm among students. Additionally, the position may be called upon to direct or perform as determined by the department. We seek a candidate with evidence of an active pursuit of a research/creative agenda leading to refereed scholarship, professional publications, presentations, and/or professional creative work. Service to the university, region, and national organizations are expected. In addition, a commitment to collaboration and collegiality is essential for the position. Regular, reliable, and non-disruptive attendance is an essential job duty, as is the ability to create and maintain collegial, harmonious working relationships with others. ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT The Department of Theatre provides a professional training program dedicated to carefully nurturing a select group of theatre artists. Expert faculty members mentor students in classes as well as in one-to-one settings. Students are provided with a full range of learning opportunities including concentrations in acting, costume design, directing, lighting design, playwriting and scene design. Learn more at Duties will include: • 40% Teaching • 40% Research • 20% Service Qualifications:   Minimum Qualifications: With submitted materials, the candidate must demonstrate
  • Terminal Degree in Theatre or related field from an accredited institution of higher education conferred by the start of appointment
  • Experience as a professional actor and director
  • Significant experience teaching Shakespeare First Folio Technique
  • At least five years of university teaching experience in acting and performance at both the graduate and undergraduate levels
  • Evidence of an active pursuit of a research/creative agenda leading to refereed scholarship, professional publications, presentations, and/or professional creative work
  Preferred Qualifications:
  • Experience teaching Meisner Technique at both the undergraduate and graduate levels
  • Experience teaching Physical Comedy, Improvisation, and/or Clowning
  • Ability to teach in related areas of performance such as acting for the camera and voice overs
  • Experience teaching introductory undergraduate general education theatre courses to large classes (100 or greater)
  • Current standing in Actor’s Equity Association
  • Demonstrated service to the university, region, and national organizations
  • Demonstrated commitment to collaboration and collegiality
Additional Information: Salary Information: Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications. Required Documents to Apply: Cover Letter/Letter of Application, Curriculum Vitae, List of three Professional References (name, email, business title), Statement of Teaching Philosophy Optional Documents: Proof of Veteran Status Recruitment Contact Information: John Walsh, search committee chair, All application materials must be uploaded to the University of Arkansas System Career Site Please do not send to listed recruitment contact. Special Instructions to Applicants: Completed applications received by 5/10/2024, will be assured full consideration. Late applications will be reviewed as necessary to fill the position. For additional inquiries, please contact the search committee chair, John Walsh, at Applicants must submit • a curriculum vitae, • a cover letter/letter of application, • a statement of teaching philosophy, and • a list of three professional references (name, title, email address, and phone number) willing to provide letters of recommendation if requested during the application process. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Pre-employment Screening Requirements: Criminal Background Check, Sex Offender Registry  The University of Arkansas is committed to providing a safe campus community. We conduct background checks for applicants being considered for employment. Background checks include a criminal background check and a sex offender registry check. For certain positions, there may also be a financial (credit) background check, a Motor Vehicle Registry (MVR) check, and/or drug screening. Required checks are identified in the position listing. A criminal conviction or arrest pending adjudication or adverse financial history information alone shall not disqualify an applicant in the absence of a relationship to the requirements of the position. Background check information will be used in a confidential, non-discriminatory manner consistent with state and federal law.   The University of Arkansas seeks to attract, develop and retain high quality faculty, staff and administrators that consistently display practices and behaviors to advance a culture that embeds inclusion, opportunity, educational excellence and unparalleled access for all.   The University of Arkansas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University does not discriminate in its education programs or activities (including in admission and employment) on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, marital or parental status, protected veteran status, military service, genetic information, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity). Federal law prohibits the University from discriminating on these bases. Questions or concerns about the application of Title IX, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, may be sent to the University's Title IX Coordinator and to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights. Persons must have proof of legal authority to work in the United States on the first day of employment.   All application information is subject to public disclosure under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. Constant Physical Activity: N/A Frequent Physical Activity: N/A Occasional Physical Activity: N/A Benefits Eligible: Yes

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Current University of Arkansas System employees, including student employees and graduate assistants, need to log in to Workday via , then access Find Jobs from the Workday sear...View more

Current University of Arkansas System employees, including student employees and graduate assistants, need to log in to Workday via, then access Find Jobs from the Workday search bar to view and apply for open positions. Students at University of Arkansas System two-year institutions will also view open positions and apply within Workday by searching for “Find Jobs for Students”. All Job Postings will close at 12:01 a.m. CT on the specified Closing Date (if designated).

If you close the browser or exit your application prior to submitting, the application process will be saved as a draft. You will be able to access and complete the application through “My Draft Applications” located on your Candidate Home page.

Closing Date:

Type of Position:

Faculty - Non-Tenure

Workstudy Position:


Job Type:


Work Shift:

  Sponsorship Available:


Institution Name:

Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas

The first community college established in Arkansas, Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas (PCCUA) is a multi-campus, two-year college serving Eastern Arkansas. PCCUA has academic, occupational/technical and continuing education programs and offers over 25 associate degree programs with campuses in DeWitt, Helena-W. Helena and Stuttgart. Thank you for your interest, and we hope you’ll be joining our Ridge Runner family soon! Below you will find the details for the position as well as any specific application requirements you should review before applying for this opening. To apply for this position, please click the Apply link/button. If you have a disability and need assistance with the hiring process, please call Human Resources at (870) 338-6474, ext. 1271.


Arts and Sciences - Phillips County

Department's Website:

Summary of Job Duties:

Teach full compliment of biological science courses according to ACTS and course catalog, including but not limited to Anatomy and Physiology, General Biology, Botany, Zoology, Environmental Science and Microbiology. Courses primarily will be delivered face-to-face, but will also include online options. Assist with recruiting and retention efforts as well as campus and college activities/projects/committees to further the mission of the College.


Minimum Qualifications: Master's degree in biology or closely related field.  Experience and ability to conduct coursework online, utilize course delivery platforms such as Blackboard, ability to conduct virtual/online labs as well and integrate technology into instruction to meet the needs of students from a variety of backgrounds.  Must meet HLC faculty qualifications.

Preferred Qualifications: Five (5) or more years of teaching experience, preferably in a higher education setting.  Experience with Blackboard and Zoom.  Ability to work in a team setting.

Additional Information:

Salary Information:

Commensurate with education and experience

Required Documents to Apply:

Curriculum Vitae, List of three Professional References (name, email, business title), Unofficial/Official Transcript(s)

Optional Documents:

Special Instructions to Applicants:

Recruitment Contact Information:

Carol Birth,

All application materials must be uploaded to the University of Arkansas System Career Site  

Please do not send to listed recruitment contact.

Pre-employment Screening Requirements:

Criminal Background Check, Motor Vehicle Reports Check

For general application assistance, or if you have questions about a job posting, please contact Human Resources at (870) 338-6474, ext. 1271.

PCCUA is committed to providing a safe campus community. We will conduct criminal background checks and a sex offender registry check for applicants seeking employment. For certain positions, there may also be a financial (credit) background check, a Motor Vehicle Registry (MVR) check, and/or drug screening. Required checks are identified in the position listing. A criminal conviction or arrest pending adjudication or adverse financial history information alone shall not disqualify an applicant in the absence of a relationship to the requirements of the position. Background check information will be used in a confidential, non-discriminatory manner consistent with state and federal law.

The University of Arkansas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University does not discriminate in its education programs or activities (including in admission and employment) on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, marital or parental status, protected veteran status, military service, genetic information, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity). Federal law prohibits the University from discriminating on these bases. Questions or concerns about the application of Title IX, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, may be sent to the University's Title IX Coordinator and to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights.

Persons must have proof of legal authority to work in the United States on the first day of employment.

All application information is subject to public disclosure under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.

Constant Physical Activity:

Hearing, Manipulate items with fingers, including keyboarding, Pulling, Pushing, Reaching, Talking

Frequent Physical Activity:


Occasional Physical Activity:


Benefits Eligible:


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Current University of Arkansas System employees, including student employees and graduate assistants, need to log in to Workday via, then access Find Jobs from the Workday search ...View more

Current University of Arkansas System employees, including student employees and graduate assistants, need to log in to Workday via, then access Find Jobs from the Workday search bar to view and apply for open positions. Students at University of Arkansas System two-year institutions will also view open positions and apply within Workday by searching for “Find Jobs for Students”. All Job Postings will close at 12:01 a.m. CT on the specified Closing Date (if designated). If you close the browser or exit your application prior to submitting, the application process will be saved as a draft. You will be able to access and complete the application through “My Draft Applications” located on your Candidate Home page.

Closing Date:

Type of Position:

Faculty - Tenure/Tenure Track

Workstudy Position:


Job Type:


Work Shift:

Sponsorship Available:


Institution Name:

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is a metropolitan research university that provides an accessible, quality education through flexible learning and unparalleled internship opportunities. At UA Little Rock, we prepare our more than 8,900 students to be innovators and responsible leaders in their fields. Committed to its metropolitan research university mission, UA Little Rock is a driving force in Little Rock's thriving cultural community and a major component of the city and state's growing profile as a regional leader in research, technology transfer, economic development, and job creation.

Below you will find the details for the position including any supplementary documentation and questions you should review before applying for the opening.  To apply for the position, please click the Apply link/button.

If you have a disability and need assistance with the hiring process please contact Human Resources at 501-916-3180.

For general application assistance or if you have questions about a job posting, please contact Human Resources at 501-916-3180.


Nursing Department

Department's Website:

Summary of Job Duties:

This position is a 12-month, tenure-track, Assistant Professor appointment in the School of Nursing. The job duties include teaching, advising, mentoring, and evaluating students throughout the nursing program. Nursing faculty participate in service to the university, community, and the nursing profession. Teaching includes classroom experiences, along with other duties as assigned. In-state residency is required following employment. This position is governed by state and federal laws and agency/institution policy.


Required Education and/or Experience:

  • A master's degree with a major in nursing, OR A doctoral degree with a major in nursing, OR A doctoral degree (Ph.D. or EdD), and a masters in nursing;
  • Applicant must have a current, unencumbered Arkansas or multi-state RN license from a compact state or the ability to obtain Arkansas licensure before the position start date;
  • Applicants must maintain in-state residency during employment.

Preferred Education and/or Experience: 

  • Doctoral degree in Nursing or related field or current enrollment in a doctoral program;
  • Teaching experience and recent experience in nursing practice or nursing education in the area(s) of program need;
  • CNE Certification.

Job Duties and Responsibilities:


  • Consistent student and peer ratings of above average or higher;
  • Active participation in team planning and decision-making;
  • Revision of student learning experiences based on data analysis, current research findings and trends;
  • Use of effective teaching strategies and methodologies;
  • Establishment and maintenance of collegial working relationships;
  • Effective communication with staff, students, peers, agency personnel and administration;
  • Consistent meeting of established timelines and project completion dates;
  • Contributes to the evaluation and revision of courses (i.e. content, assignments, forms, learning activities, etc.);
  • Development of test items in accord with department guidelines (AAS);
  • Evidence of continued role development (i.e. seminars, workshops);
  • Demonstrate effective integration of technology;
  • Demonstrate knowledge of current nursing practice and contemporary healthcare trends.


  • Active participation in departmental governance and committees by offering ideas, meeting SPE timelines, and contributing to SPE development and revisions;
  • Service on department and/or college committees;
  • Participation in community, discipline-linked service activities;
  • Accurate academic advising with adherence to department expectations for service in this area and active participation in departmental group information sessions;
  • Active membership in a minimum of one state or national professional organization in nursing or higher education.

Research/ Scholarly:

  • Participation in professional continuing education activities;
  • Development and submission (individually or as part of a group) of a minimum of two professional articles or presentations every two years;
  • Development of research/study idea and design in an area of interest and/or benefit to the nursing program or body of nursing knowledge in general;
  • Creation of learning resources for use in the curriculum;
  • Development and/or maintenance of internal documents or reports necessary to meet department goals.

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:

  • Ability to teach and mentor students throughout the nursing program. Teaching may include clinical, face-to-face, online, and/or hybrid formats;
  • Ability to work with a diverse population;
  • Computer literacy and experience;
  • Ability to work a flexible schedule, which may include evenings, nights, and weekends;
  • Ability to travel occasionally, which may include overnight stays;
  • Ability to drive a motor vehicle and possess a valid driver's license;
  • Ability to maintain scheduled on-campus office days.

Additional Information:

Salary Information:


Required Documents to Apply:

Cover Letter/Letter of Application, List of three Professional References (name, email, business title), Resume, Statement of Teaching Philosophy

Optional Documents:

Special Instructions to Applicants:

Recruitment Contact Information:

Valarie Abrams, HR Business Partner,

All application materials must be uploaded to the University of Arkansas System Career Site  

Please do not send to listed recruitment contact.

Pre-employment Screening Requirements:

Adult Maltreatment, Criminal Background Check, Sex Offender Registry

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is committed to providing a safe campus community. We conduct background checks for applicants being considered for employment. Background checks include a criminal background check and a sex offender registry check. For certain positions, there may also be a financial (credit) background check, a Motor Vehicle Registry (MVR) check, and/or drug screening. Required checks are identified in the position listing. A criminal conviction or arrest pending adjudication or adverse financial history information alone shall not disqualify an applicant in the absence of a relationship to the requirements of the position. Background check information will be used in a confidential, non-discriminatory manner consistent with state and federal law.

The University of Arkansas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. The University does not discriminate in its education programs or activities (including in admission and employment) on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, disability, religion, marital or parental status, protected veteran status, military service, genetic information, or sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, and gender identity). Federal law prohibits the University from discriminating on these bases. Questions or concerns about the application of Title IX, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, may be sent to the University's Title IX Coordinator and to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights.

Persons must have proof of legal authority to work in the United States on the first day of employment.

All application information is subject to public disclosure under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.

Constant Physical Activity:

Hearing, Sitting, Talking

Frequent Physical Activity:

Manipulate items with fingers, including keyboarding, Standing, Walking

Occasional Physical Activity:


Benefits Eligible:


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Current University of Arkansas System employees, including student employees and graduate assistants, need to log in to Workday via, then access Find Jobs from the Workday search ...View more

The University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) appreciates your interest in employment at our growing institution. We want your application process to go smoothly and quickly. Final applications must be submitted prior to the close of the recruitment.

If you need assistance or have questions regarding the application process, please contact our recruitment helpline at (775) 784-1495 or For UNR Med professional job postings, please contact the Office of Professional Recruitment at (775) 784-6778.

Job Description

The University of Nevada, Reno is recruiting a postdoctoral scholar in quantitative ecology and ecological forecasting. This position is located UNR Main Campus in the labs of Robert Shriver and Joanna Blaszczak.

The postdoctoral scholar will develop models to test novel hypotheses about how abiotic conditions and species interactions drive algal population and community dynamics that lead to harmful algal blooms in rivers using Bayesian modeling approaches and diverse datasets. The ultimate goal of this research is to better forecast when benthic harmful algal blooms will occur. The position is funded by a National Science Foundation Rules of Life grant to understand the mechanisms governing the proliferation of benthic harmful algal blooms in rivers in collaboration with Dr. Ramesh Goel (U. Utah), Dr. Rosalina Christova (George Mason University), and Dr. Hari Sundar (U. Utah). There will also be opportunities to assist fieldwork in the coast range of Northern California or Zion National Park in southern Utah. The postdoctoral scholar will collaborate with an interdisciplinary research team including ecologists, environmental engineers, phycologists, and computer scientists.

The position is 100% research with flexible start date in 2024. The position is currently funded up to two years.

The Postdoctoral Scholar will be part of a growing community of postdocs in the Dept. Natural Resources & Environmental Science and Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology Program, and have many opportunities for professional development including funding to attend meetings and workshops.

Required Qualifications

  • Ph.D. in Ecology or a related field.
  • Experience in ecological modeling approaches as evidenced in their publication record.
  • Completion of a doctoral degree in the appropriate discipline is required.
  • The doctoral degree must have been completed within the five years immediately preceding the first date of appointment as a postdoctoral fellow at the University.
  • The individual cannot have held previous positions in the professional ranks.

Preferred Qualifications

Candidates with experience in Bayesian modeling or population modeling are encouraged to apply.

Schedule and Travel 

The position will require 2 to 3 weeks of travel per year.

Compensation Grade Postdoctoral Scholar

To view the salary schedule for this position, please visit: Salary Schedules. Salary is competitive and commensurate with related education and experience.

Perks of Working at UNR!

  • Health insurance options including dental and vision - Health Insurance
  • E. L. Wiegand Fitness Center offers an annual or semester membership and family membership options.  E.L. Wiegand Fitness Center
  • Reno is proud to be a University town! Many local businesses offer discounts to WolfCard holders
  • Mountain EAP supports employees (and eligible dependents) through life's difficult moments. Mountain EAP is located in Reno and specializes in counseling and advising services for personal or interpersonal issues.
  • Several Diversity Committees and Affinity Groups focusing on campus-wide diversity initiatives to ensure we are working to create a diverse and welcoming campus climate. Diversity Groups
  • No state income tax!

Faculty Dual Career Assistance Program

The University of Nevada, Reno recognizes the importance of addressing dual-career couples’ professional needs. We offer a dual career assistance program to newly hired faculty spouses/partners that provides resources and assists them to identify career opportunities in Northern Nevada. Dual Career Assistance Program

Department Contact

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Joanna Blaszczak ( and/or Bob Shriver (



Full-Time Equivalent


Required Attachment(s)

Please note, once you submit your application the only attachment/s viewable to you will be the attachment/s to the resume/CV section of the application. Any additional required attachment/s to the cover letter, references, additional documents sections of the application, will not be viewable to you after you submit your application. All uploaded attachment/s will be on the application for the committee to review. To request updates to attachments, prior to the committee review of applications, please contact the candidate helpdesk at

Attach the following attachments to your application

1) Resume/CV

2) Cover Letter

3) Contact Information for Three Professional References

Full Consideration For full consideration, applications must be received by May 1, 2024

This posting is open until filled

Qualified individuals are encouraged to apply immediately. This search will close without notice when a sufficient number of applications are received or a hiring decision has been made.

Posting Close Date

Note to Applicant

A background check will be conducted on the candidate(s) selected for hire.

HR will attempt to verify academic credentials upon receipt of hiring documents. If the academic credentials cannot be verified, HR will notify the faculty member that an official transcript of their highest degree must be submitted within thirty days of the faculty member’s first day of employment.

References will be contacted at the appropriate phase of the recruitment process.

Applicants hired on a federal contract may be subject to E-Verify.

As part of the hiring process, applicants for positions in the Nevada System of Higher Education may be required to demonstrate the ability to perform job-related tasks.

For positions that require driving, evidence of a valid driver's license will be required at the time of employment and as a condition of continued employment.

Schedules are subject to change based on organizational needs.

The University of Nevada, Reno is committed to providing a place of work and learning free of discrimination on the basis of a person’s age (40 or older), disability, whether actual or perceived by others (including service-connected disabilities), gender (including pregnancy related conditions), military status or military obligations, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, national origin, race (including hair texture and protected hairstyles such as natural hairstyles, afros, bantu knots, curls, braids, locks and twists), color, or religion (protected classes).

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

The University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) appreciates your interest in employment at our growing institution. We want your application process to go smoothly and quickly. Final applications must be submitt...View more

Internal Number: 5167353

University of California Irvine Postdoctoral Scholar: Higher Education Research The UC Irvine Postsecondary Education Research and Implementation Institute (PERI2) is looking for a Postdoctoral Scholar with expertise in quantitative methodologies to carry out higher education research under the supervision of Dr. Sabrina Solanki (Research & Program Director) and Dr. Brian Sato (Associate Dean, Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation). This is a two-year position with a proposed start date of July 1, 2024 (negotiable). The University of California, Irvine has a vibrant and collaborative community of discipline-based education researchers, education researchers, and STEM educators striving to provide our highly diverse student population with a premier learning experience. PERI2 is housed within the Division of Teaching Excellence and Innovation (DTEI) and aims to bring together researchers across the campus interested in conducting education research and implementing this research into practice. The Postdoctoral Scholar will collaborate with UCI faculty, postdocs, and graduate students, primarily within STEM, Education, and Social Science disciplines, on PERI2 projects. In particular, this will include projects focused on studying noncredit education (IES R305A220224) and impacts of teaching-focused faculty in four-year institutions (NSF DUE 1821724). Questions about the position may be addressed to Dr. Sabrina Solanki ( ). Questions about submission or receipt of applications can be addressed to Cristi Nunez ( ). To apply, visit Copyright 2024 Inc. All rights reserved. Posted by the FREE value-added recruitment advertising agency jeid-dbbde2cbc9fcdb499c060d0ba5c984e7

Create a Job Alert for Similar Jobs Logo About University of California Irvine Since 1965, the University of California, Irvine has combined the strengths of a major research university with the bounty of an incomparable Southern California location. UCI's unyielding commitment to rigorous academics, cutting-edge research, and leadership and character development makes the campus a driving force for innovation and discovery that serves our local, national and global communities. Connections working at University of California Irvine More Jobs from This Employer Return to Search Results

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Internal Number: 5167353 University of California Irvine Postdoctoral Scholar: Higher Education Research The UC Irvine Postsecondary Education Research and Implementation Institute (PERI2) is looking...View more

Posting Title

Postdoctoral Researcher – Fuel Cell, Electrolysis, CO2 Reduction Device Performance and Durability



CO - Golden


Position Type

Postdoc (Fixed Term)


Hours Per Week



Working at NREL

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), located at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Golden, Colorado is the nation's primary laboratory for research and development of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.

From day one at NREL, you’ll connect with coworkers driven by the same mission to save the planet. By joining an organization that values a supportive, inclusive, and flexible work environment, you’ll have the opportunity to engage through our ten employee resource groups, numerous employee-driven clubs, and learning and professional development classes.

NREL supports inclusive, diverse, and unbiased hiring practices that promote creativity and innovation. By collaborating with organizations that focus on diverse talent pools, reaching out to underrepresented demographics, and providing an inclusive application and interview process, our Talent Acquisition team aims to hear all voices equally. We strive to attract a highly diverse workforce and create a culture where every employee feels welcomed and respected and they can be their authentic selves.

Our planet needs us! Learn about NREL’s critical objectives, and see how NREL is focused on saving the planet.

Note: Research suggests that potential job seekers may self-select out of opportunities if they don't meet 100% of the job requirements. We encourage anyone who is interested in this opportunity to apply. We seek dedicated people who believe they have the skills and ambition to succeed at NREL to apply for this role.

Job Description

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), located at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Golden, Colorado is the nation’s primary laboratory for research and development of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies.

A postdoctoral position is available in NREL’s Chemistry and Nanoscience Center to work in low temperature electrolysis, specifically in the testing of devices for performance and durability, the incorporation of catalysts, ionomers, and membranes into membrane electrode assemblies, and the characterization of these materials. This position will focus on materials integration for electrolyzers Electrolytes can be either acidic or alkaline in nature and materials may be incorporated into membrane electrode assemblies using either standard or advanced approaches.

MCCS Directorate


Basic Qualifications

Must be a recent PhD graduate within the last three years.

* Must meet educational requirements prior to employment start date.

Additional Required Qualifications

An acceptable candidate should have experience with and an understanding of electrochemical systems, specifically low temperature electrolysis, fuel cells, and carbon dioxide reduction. Specific skills of interest include:

  • Understanding of electrochemical processes and degradation mechanisms related to electrochemical systems.
  • Experience in testing and characterization related to electrochemical materials, including incorporating materials into membrane electrode assemblies and evaluating performance/durability.
  • Ex-situ characterization of materials including morphology, structure, and dissolution rates. In-situ characterization of performance, including impedance, loss separation, and site quantification.

In general, candidates should have a demonstrated track record of success in addressing fundamental and applied science questions and devising solutions to challenging problems.

Preferred Qualifications

Ph.D. in chemistry, chemical engineering, materials science & engineering. Record of publications/presentations in areas related to electrolyzers (hydrogen, carbon dioxide reduction), and/or fuel cells.

Qualified candidates should demonstrate considerable skill in interpreting and assessing experimental results.  Finally, excellent interpersonal as well as oral and written communication skills are essential for success at NREL.


Job Application Submission Window

The anticipated closing window for application submission is up to 30 days and may be extended as needed.

Annual Salary Range (based on full-time 40 hours per week)

Job Profile: Postdoctoral Researcher / Annual Salary Range: $73,200 - $120,800

NREL takes into consideration a candidate’s education, training, and experience, expected quality and quantity of work, required travel (if any), external market and internal value, including seniority and merit systems, and internal pay alignment when determining the salary level for potential new employees. In compliance with the Colorado Equal Pay for Equal Work Act, a potential new employee’s salary history will not be used in compensation decisions.

Benefits Summary

Benefits include medical, dental, and vision insurance; short-term disability insurance*; pension benefits*; 403(b) Employee Savings Plan with employer match*; life and accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance; personal time off (PTO) and sick leave; and paid holidays. NREL employees may be eligible for, but are not guaranteed, performance-, merit-, and achievement- based awards that include a monetary component. Some positions may be eligible for relocation expense reimbursement.

* Based on eligibility rules

Drug Free Workplace

NREL is committed to maintaining a drug-free workplace in accordance with the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act and complies with federal laws prohibiting the possession and use of illegal drugs. Under federal law, marijuana remains an illegal drug.

If you are offered employment at NREL, you must pass a pre-employment drug test prior to commencing employment. Unless prohibited by state or local law, the pre-employment drug test will include marijuana. If you test positive on the pre-employment drug test, your offer of employment may be withdrawn.

Submission Guidelines

Please note that in order to be considered an applicant for any position at NREL you must submit an application form for each position for which you believe you are qualified. Applications are not kept on file for future positions. Please include a cover letter and resume with each position application.


EEO Policy

NREL is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard basis of age (40 and over), color, disability, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, domestic partner status, military or veteran status, national origin/ancestry, race, religion, creed, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding), sexual orientation, and any other applicable status protected by federal, state, or local laws.

EEO is the Law | Pay Transparency Nondiscrimination | Reasonable Accommodations

E-Verify For information about right to work, click here for English or here for Spanish.

E-Verify is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. This business uses E-Verify in its hiring practices to achieve a lawful workforce.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Posting Title Postdoctoral Researcher – Fuel Cell, Electrolysis, CO2 Reduction Device Performance and Durability . Location CO – Golden . Position Type Postdoc (Fixed Term) . Hours Per Week 40...View more

Postdoctoral position is available in the lab of Dr. David Wang focused on RNA bacteriophage biology. RNA bacteriophages have been largely ignored by the scientific community and little is known about their diversity, their hosts, their impact on the microbiome, how they are sensed or how bacteria defend against them.  We discovered a massive expansion of novel RNA bacteriophage in virome studies (e.g., Krishnamurthy et al, PLOS Biology 2016). In addition, we hypothesize that a taxon of viruses commonly found in enteric viromes, the picobirnaviruses, are actually the 3rd known family of RNA bacteriophages (Krishnamurthy et al, Virology 2018) rather than eukaryotic viruses. Our recent studies (Gan and Wang, PNAS 2023) determined that picobirnaviruses encode proteins that can lyse bacteria, an essential step in bacteriophage life cycles. The foci of this position include identification of the bacterial hosts, culturing of novel RNA phages such as Picobirnaviruses, characterization of lysis mechanisms, defining the impact of RNA phage on the microbiome and identifying bacterial defense systems against RNA phage.

In addition to high-quality research facilities, career and professional development training for postdoctoral researchers is provided through the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, Career Center, Teaching Center, Writing Center and campus groups.

Information on being a postdoc at Washington University in St. Louis can be found at

Primary Duties and Responsibilities

Trains under the supervision of a faculty mentor including (but not limited to):

  • Manages their own project, which should lead to publication.
  • Develops expertise in virus-host interactions (bacteriophage infection of bacteria).
  • Develops proficiency in career skills, including writing, public speaking, networking, and critical evaluation of area literature.
  • Presents work both inside and outside the University with excellent oral communication skills.
  • Assists with grant preparation and reporting.
  • Prepares and submits papers on research with excellent writing skills.
  • Designs a research project or projects.
  • Conscientious discharge of research and/or teaching responsibilities.
  • Maintains conformity with ethical standards in research.
  • Collegial conduct towards co-trainees, staff members and members of the research group or department.
  • Adherence to all applicable University policies, procedures and regulations.

Required Qualifications

  • Requires a PhD or equivalent.

Preferred Qualifications

  • Expertise and experience in virology, bacteriology.

Working Conditions

This position works in a laboratory environment with potential exposure to biological and chemical hazards. The individual must be physically able to wear protective equipment and to provide standard care to research animals.

Salary Range

Base pay is commensurate with experience.

Applicant Special Instructions

To apply, please email your cover letter summarizing your research interests, past research experience, and future career goals, curriculum vitae or NIH biosketch, and the names and contact information for 3 references to Dr. David Wang at


For frequently asked questions about the application process, please refer to our External Applicant FAQ.


If you are unable to use our online application system and would like an accommodation, please email or call the dedicated accommodation inquiry number at 314-935-1149 and leave a voicemail with the nature of your request.

Pre-Employment Screening

All external candidates receiving an offer for employment will be required to submit to pre-employment screening for this position. The screenings will include criminal background check and, as applicable for the position, other background checks, drug screen, an employment and education or licensure/certification verification, physical examination, certain vaccinations and/or governmental registry checks. All offers are contingent upon successful completion of required screening.

Benefits Statement

Washington University in St. Louis is committed to providing a comprehensive and competitive benefits package to our employees. Benefits eligibility is subject to employment status, full-time equivalent (FTE) workload, and weekly standard hours. Please visit our website at to view a summary of benefits.

EEO/AA Statement

Washington University in St. Louis is committed to the principles and practices of equal employment opportunity and especially encourages applications by those from underrepresented groups. It is the University’s policy to provide equal opportunity and access to persons in all job titles without regard to race, ethnicity, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, protected veteran status, or genetic information.

Diversity Statement

Washington University is dedicated to building a diverse community of individuals who are committed to contributing to an inclusive environment – fostering respect for all and welcoming individuals from diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Individuals with a commitment to these values are encouraged to apply.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Postdoctoral position is available in the lab of Dr. David Wang focused on RNA bacteriophage biology. RNA bacteriophages have been largely ignored by the scientific community and little is known about...View more

The Female Athlete Science and Translational Research (FASTR) Program led by Dr. Emily Kraus is accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in female athlete health and performance. Individuals with backgrounds in kinesiology, exercise physiology, exercise science, endocrinology, and engineering are all welcome to apply. Our team is committed to improving the long term health and performance outcomes of female athletes through research on bone health, running biomechanics, relative energy deficiency in sport (REDs), and running medicine. For example, we are currently studying the effects of training volume and intensity on serum biomarkers in female ultrarunners training for the Western States 100 mile race as well as assessing the prevalence of risk factors for REDs in this population. Our research is supported by the Wu Tsai Human Performance Alliance. We are looking for a passionate and driven individual to join our team and spearhead projects to advance our understanding of relative energy deficiency in sport (REDs), bone health, and the menstrual cycle. Funding is available to support a fellow for up to two years. The fellow will work with an interdisciplinary group of scientists and clinicians, have the opportunity to share their work at international scientific conferences, and mentor undergraduate students.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

The Female Athlete Science and Translational Research (FASTR) Program led by Dr. Emily Kraus is accepting applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in female athlete health and performance. Individua...View more

Who is Saint Louis University? Founded in 1818, Saint Louis University is one of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious Catholic universities. SLU, which also has a campus in Madrid, Spain, is recognized for world-class academics, life-changing research, compassionate health care, and a strong commitment to faith and service.

All About You    

The Saint Louis University School of Education and SLU PRiME Center is seeking applications for the position of Postdoctoral Research Fellow. Successful candidates will conduct applied education policy research for the Center for Policy Research in Missouri Education (PRiME Center) in the School of Education, serving as data analysts and researchers, while also continuing to work on their own research agendas. Candidates will have the opportunity to lead project teams, provide input on the Center’s research agenda, and assist with the mentorship of graduate and undergraduate research associates.

The Postdoctoral Research Associate (Postdoctoral Fellow) will work closely with a large research team (including researchers in the SLU PRiME education policy research center and SLU Education Policy faculty and graduate students) to conduct research on Missouri education. The ideal candidate will have experience conducting program evaluations and designing research projects related to education policy issues, as well as experience with research practice partnerships in Missouri and/or the surrounding region.

Responsibilities are centered on designing and carrying out an applied education policy research agenda through the following:

● Conducting applied research on K-12 and/or postsecondary education in Missouri

● Serving in a leadership role by supervising project teams, providing input on the Center’s research agenda, supporting all research projects to completion, and assisting with the mentorship of doctoral students and research associates

● Co-authoring PRiME products to disseminate findings of research to education stakeholders through blogs, policy briefs, reports, and presentations

● Collaborating with practitioners and policy makers to develop and implement applied research projects

● Networking and presenting at conferences to receive feedback on the results of educational research in Missouri.

PRiME excels in the creation of research-practice-partnerships. For example, in addition to their direct role with the PRiME Center, the Postdoctoral Research Associate (Postdoctoral Fellow) may have the opportunity to be an embedded researcher with organizations such as:

● The Office of Research and Evaluation at Saint Louis Public Schools (SLPS)

● The Regional Education Laboratory Central (REL Central)

● The School Research Practice Collaborative in St. Louis (SRPC)

● The Office of Public School Partnerships at Saint Louis University, and its nine-school portfolio of charter public schools in St. Louis and Kansas City.

The Postdoctoral Research Associate (Postdoctoral Fellow) will be guided and mentored by SLU SOE faculty and senior members of the PRiME team at all stages of research projects. Additionally, research conducted for the PRiME Center has the potential to lead to publications in academic journals. Generous travel support is available for Fellows to present their findings at academic conferences.

Minimum Requirements:

● An earned doctorate in education research, policy, or a closely related field, with a preference for quantitative research methodology or data analysis. Degree must be conferred prior to start date

● A track record of publication or evidence of strong potential

● Strong commitment to helping underserved students in urban settings

● Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment

● Interest in pursuing and conducting applied and academic research of importance to state legislators, district stakeholders, and schools

Desired Qualifications:

● Expertise in quantitative and/or qualitative research, with a focus on K-12 or postsecondary education

● Expertise with statistical analysis software such as STATA, R, SAS, or SPSS

● Methodological expertise in research design, implementation, and analysis

● Experience working on large-scale datasets and collaborating with team members on such projects

● Experience designing and conducting surveys on postsecondary education

● Experience with copy-editing academic or applied research publications

Salary and Starting date: Salary will be competitive and commensurate with experience and includes benefits. This is a two-year term position with a proposed starting date of July 1, 2024. Start date is flexible.

Application Process: Applicants should submit a letter of interest (stating qualifications, policy areas of expertise/interests, and commitment to assisting urban school districts and conducting education policy research), an applied or translational writing sample (policy briefs, blogs, op-eds, etc., are preferred but excerpts of scholarly journal articles and/or dissertations are acceptable), current curriculum vita, and the names and contact information for three references. All applications should be submitted online at Saint Louis University. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis. For best consideration, all applications should be submitted on or before April 15, 2024


Research Support

Scheduled Weekly Hours:


Saint Louis University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. All qualified candidates will receive consideration for the position applied for without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, military/veteran status, gender identity, or other non-merit factors. We welcome and encourage applications from minorities, women, protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities (including disabled veterans). If accommodations are needed for completing the application and/or with the interviewing process, please contact Human Resources at 314-977-5847.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Who is Saint Louis University? Founded in 1818, Saint Louis University is one of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious Catholic universities. SLU, which also has a campus in Madrid, Spain, is rec...View more

Postdoctoral Research Associate I (Pharmacology and Toxicology) Tucson, AZ, United States | req19252 Apply Now Share Save Job Back to Search

Postdoctoral Research Associate I (Pharmacology and Toxicology)
Posting Number req19252
Department Pharmacology and Toxicology
Department Website Link
Location University of Arizona Health Sciences
Address 1295 N. Martin Ave, Tucson, AZ 85721 USA
Position Highlights The R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy, Pharmacology and Toxicology Department seeks a Postdoctoral Research Associate I for Dr. Xinglong Wang's lab. The Wang lab focuses on pathomechanisms of TDP-43 neurotoxicity and mitochondrial dysfunction in neurodegeneration. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research and receive outstanding training. Outstanding UA benefits include health, dental, vision, and life insurance; paid vacation, sick leave, and holidays; UA/ASU/NAU tuition reduction for the employee and qualified family members; access to UA recreation and cultural activities; and more! The University of Arizona has been recognized for our innovative work-life programs. For more information about working at the University of Arizona and relocations services, please click here .
Duties & Responsibilities
  • Design and conduct research projects.
  • Analyze research results and help determine next steps.
  • Write manuscripts and progress reports.
  • Assist in grant and manuscript editing and writing.
  • Help train undergraduate and graduate students in the lab; Assist in routine laboratory management and maintaining lab equipment.
Minimum Qualifications
  • Ph.D. in neuroscience or related field upon hire.
Preferred Qualifications
  • Peer-reviewed publication record and working experience in molecular biology and cell biology techniques.
  • A background in the field of neuroscience.
FLSA Exempt
Full Time/Part Time Full Time
Number of Hours Worked per Week 40
Job FTE 1.0
Work Calendar Fiscal
Job Category Research
Benefits Eligible Yes - Full Benefits
Rate of Pay $56,484 - $58,000
Compensation Type salary at 1.0 full-time equivalency (FTE)
Type of criminal background check required: Name-based criminal background check (non-security sensitive)
Number of Vacancies 1
Target Hire Date
Expected End Date
Contact Information for Candidates Xinglong Wang |
Open Date 4/10/2024
Open Until Filled Yes
Documents Needed to Apply Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Cover Letter
Special Instructions to Applicant
Diversity Statement At the University of Arizona, we value our inclusive climate because we know that diversity in experiences and perspectives is vital to advancing innovation, critical thinking, solving complex problems, and creating an inclusive academic community. As a Hispanic-serving institution, we translate these values into action by seeking individuals who have experience and expertise working with diverse students, colleagues, and constituencies. Because we seek a workforce with a wide range of perspectives and experiences, we provide equal employment opportunities to applicants and employees without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information. As an Employer of National Service, we also welcome alumni of AmeriCorps, Peace Corps, and other national service programs and others who will help us advance our Inclusive Excellence initiative aimed at creating a university that values student, staff and faculty engagement in addressing issues of diversity and inclusiveness.
Notice of Availability of the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), each year the University of Arizona releases an Annual Security Report (ASR) for each of the University’s campuses. These reports disclose information including Clery crime statistics for the previous three calendar years and policies, procedures, and programs the University uses to keep students and employees safe, including how to report crimes or other emergencies and resources for crime victims. As a campus with residential housing facilities, the Main Campus ASR also includes a combined Annual Fire Safety report with information on fire statistics and fire safety systems, policies, and procedures. Paper copies of the Reports can be obtained by contacting the University Compliance Office at

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Postdoctoral Research Associate I (Pharmacology and Toxicology) Tucson, AZ, United States | req19252 Apply Now Share Save Job Back to Search Postdoctoral Research Associate I (Pharmacology and Toxicol...View more


We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate who will focus on first-principles theoretical/computational modeling of topological quantum materials.  This position will be funded by the Quantum Science Center, a consortium of universities, national laboratories and industrial partners head quartered at ORNL, with the goal of realizing the potential of topological quantum materials for manipulating, transferring and storing quantum information. As part of our research team, you will work closely with experimentalists who synthesize and characterize quantum materials. First-principles based computational modeling will help interpreting experimental results, guiding synthesis experiment, and identifying materials with improved functional properties.

Major Duties/Responsibilities: 

  • Perform theoretical and computational modeling of low-dimensional quantum topological materials and proximity induced topological superconductivity using first-principles approaches.
  • Present and report research results at internal group meetings and at international conferences.
  • Publish scientific results in a timely and consistent manner in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Maintain strong dedication to the implementation and perpetuation of values and ethics of the institution.
  • Support ORNL’s mission by aligning behaviors, priorities, and interactions with our core values of Impact, Integrity, Teamwork, Safety, and Service. Promote diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility by fostering a respectful workplace – in how we treat one another, work together, and measure success.

Basic Qualifications:

  • A Ph.D in condensed matter theory, computational materials science, or a related discipline completed within the last five years.
  • At least 2 years of experience in first-principles modeling.
  • Proficiency in computer programming language(s) and a track record of computational code development.
  • Experience with Wannier function based techniques is desirable.
  • Knowledge of the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) Green's function method would be an advantage.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Excellent record of productive and creative research as demonstrated by publications in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills and the ability to communicate to an international, scientific audience.
  • Motivated self-starter with the ability to work independently and to participate creatively in collaborative teams across the laboratory.
  • Ability to function well in a fast-paced research environment, set priorities to accomplish multiple tasks within deadlines, and adapt to ever changing needs.

Special Requirements:

  • Applicants cannot have received their Ph.D. more than five years prior to the date of application and must complete all degree requirements before starting their appointment. The appointment length will be up to 24 months with the potential for a 1 year extension. Initial appointments and extensions are subject to performance and availability of funding.
  • Three letters of reference are required and can be uploaded to your profile or emailed directly to Please include the title of the position in the subject line.
  • Visa sponsorship is available for this position.

Benefits at ORNL:  

ORNL offers competitive pay and benefits programs to attract and retain talented people. The laboratory offers many employee benefits, including medical and retirement plans and flexible work hours, to help you and your family live happy and healthy. Employee amenities such as on-site fitness, banking, and cafeteria facilities are also provided for convenience.

Other benefits include: Prescription Drug Plan, Dental Plan, Vision Plan, 401(k) Retirement Plan, Contributory Pension Plan, Life Insurance, Pet Insurance, Disability Benefits, Generous Vacation and Holidays, Parental Leave, Legal Insurance with Identity Theft Protection, Employee Assistance Plan, Flexible Spending Accounts, Health Savings Accounts, Wellness Programs, Educational Assistance, Relocation Assistance, and Employee Discounts.


This position will remain open for a minimum of 5 days after which it will close when a qualified candidate is identified and/or hired.

We accept Word (.doc, .docx), Adobe (unsecured .pdf), Rich Text Format (.rtf), and HTML (.htm, .html) up to 5MB in size. Resumes from third party vendors will not be accepted; these resumes will be deleted and the candidates submitted will not be considered for employment.

If you have trouble applying for a position, please email

ORNL is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants, including individuals with disabilities and protected veterans, are encouraged to apply.  UT-Battelle is an E-Verify employer.

Nearest Major Market: Knoxville

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Overview:    We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Associate who will focus on first-principles theoretical/computational modeling of topological quantum materials.  This position will be funded b...View more

La  Vice-présidence juridique de la Banque mondiale  offre aux étudiants en droit très motivés l'opportunité d'être exposés à la mission et au travail de la Banque mondiale et à ceux de la Vice-présidence juridique. Le programme de stages juridiques de la Banque mondiale permet aux individus d'apporter de nouvelles perspectives, des idées innovantes et des dernières expériences de recherche aux opérations quotidiennes de la Banque mondiale et d'améliorer leurs compétences juridiques tout en travaillant dans un environnement multiculturel.

L'objectif du programme est de vous offrir une expérience directe des opérations quotidiennes de la Banque mondiale en collaborant étroitement avec le personnel de la vice-présidence juridique. En tant que membre de notre équipe, travaillant directement avec des professionnels du développement et des cadres supérieurs exceptionnels et inspirants, vous aurez la chance de contribuer aux services juridiques offerts par la Vice-présidence juridique ainsi que de participer à des événements et conférences de grande envergure organisés au cours du mandat. de votre stage.

Programme de stages juridiques de la Banque mondiale

Le programme de stages juridiques de la Banque mondiale est proposé trois fois par an pour une période maximale de trois mois au siège de la Banque mondiale à Washington, DC et dans certains bureaux nationaux sélectionnés pour les étudiants en droit actuellement inscrits.

Peut-on être stagiaire à la Vice-Présidence Juridique ?

  • Possédez-vous la citoyenneté d’un État membre de la BIRD ?
  • Êtes-vous inscrit dans un programme universitaire de droit LLB, JD, LLM, SJD, PhD ou équivalent alors que vous envisagez d'effectuer votre stage chez nous ? (par exemple, si vous postulez au cycle d'été du PLI, vous devez être inscrit à un programme universitaire de droit admissible entre juin et août)
  • Avez-vous une excellente maîtrise de la langue anglaise ?

Si vous avez répondu oui à toutes ces questions, vous êtes éligible pour être stagiaire à la Vice-présidence Juridique. La préférence sera accordée aux candidats qui possèdent une bonne maîtrise d'une deuxième langue, surtout s'il s'agit de l'une des langues de travail de la BIRD (arabe, chinois, français, russe ou espagnol).

Les candidatures d’étudiants internationaux éligibles et basés aux États-Unis sont également encouragées.


Programme de stages d'été :  la période de candidature débutera le 1er décembre et se terminera le 31 décembre (la période de stage dure 10 à 12 semaines, généralement entre juin et août, en fonction des besoins du moment). Il s'agit d'une excellente opportunité pour les étudiants souhaitant acquérir une expérience professionnelle à temps plein à la Banque mondiale pendant les mois d'été tout en étant inscrits dans un programme de droit.

Programme de stages d'automne :   la période de candidature débutera le 1er avril et se terminera le 30 avril (la période de stage proposée est de 10 à 12 semaines, généralement entre septembre et novembre, selon les besoins du moment). Il s'agit d'une excellente opportunité pour les étudiants souhaitant acquérir une expérience professionnelle à la Banque mondiale sous la forme d'externats au cours de l'année universitaire tout en étant inscrits dans un programme de droit à temps plein ou pour ceux inscrits à des programmes de droit à temps partiel et/ou du soir. Selon les règles du Département américain de la Sécurité intérieure, les étudiants autorisés à participer à l'OPT préalable à l'achèvement peuvent travailler à temps partiel (20 heures ou moins par semaine) pendant les cours.

Programme de stages de printemps :   la période de candidature débutera le 1er septembre et se terminera le 30 septembre (la période de stage proposée est de 10 à 12 semaines, généralement entre mars et mai, en fonction des besoins du moment). Il s'agit d'une excellente opportunité pour les étudiants souhaitant acquérir une expérience professionnelle à la Banque mondiale sous la forme d'externats au cours de l'année universitaire tout en étant inscrits dans un programme de droit à temps plein ou pour ceux inscrits à des programmes de droit à temps partiel et/ou du soir. Selon les règles du Département américain de la Sécurité intérieure, les étudiants autorisés à participer à l'OPT préalable à l'achèvement peuvent travailler à temps partiel (20 heures ou moins par semaine) pendant les cours.

Toutes les candidatures doivent être soumises pendant les périodes de candidature respectives.

Stages dans les bureaux pays :   La Vice-présidence juridique a limité ses stages sur le terrain aux bureaux où est présent un avocat de la Vice-présidence juridique. 

Comment postuler ?

Veuillez soumettre les documents ci-dessous via ce  lien :

  1. CV
  2. Déclaration d'intérêt
  3. Preuve d'inscription à un diplôme en droit (LLB, JD, LLM, SJD, PhD ou équivalent) et relevé(s) de notes.
  4. Court essai fournissant une réponse à une question de recherche posée par la vice-présidence juridique pour la période de candidature en vigueur.

Quel serait votre rôle ?

Les stagiaires seront probablement impliqués dans une multitude de tâches, au fur et à mesure qu'elles se présenteront pendant la durée du programme de stage, telles que :

  • Réaliser diverses missions juridiques sous la direction du ou des avocats superviseurs.
  • Effectuer des recherches sur des questions assignées, en utilisant des dossiers juridiques existants et des sources alternatives (par exemple, recherches assistées par ordinateur sur Internet, Intranet et/ou d'autres bases de données), analyser l'information et résumer les résultats.
  • Mener des analyses juridiques comparatives sur une gamme de questions dans un domaine donné, identifier les questions juridiques et politiques, rechercher des précédents pertinents et proposer des solutions appropriées.
  • Participer à des équipes de tâches/projets avec le(s) avocat(s) superviseur(s).
  • Aide à la préparation et à l'organisation de conférences et de réunions.
  • Effectuer des missions ponctuelles à la demande du ou des avocats superviseurs.

Informations Complémentaires

Visa :   les étudiants participant au programme de stages juridiques de la Banque mondiale doivent avoir des documents de visa d'étudiant valides parrainés par leurs établissements d'enseignement. La Banque mondiale n'aidera à l'obtention des documents de visa pour les participants au programme de stages juridiques de la Banque mondiale que dans des cas exceptionnels.

Coût :  La Banque mondiale ne rémunérera pas les participants au programme de stages juridiques de la Banque mondiale sous la forme de frais/compensation monétaires. Chaque stagiaire juridique de la Banque mondiale doit cependant être rémunéré conformément aux politiques et normes du Groupe de la Banque mondiale sous la forme (i) de frais/compensation monétaires payés par l'université ou autre organisation parrainante et acceptables pour la Banque ; ou (ii) un crédit académique équivalent au barème des frais de la Banque. Par conséquent, les étudiants participant au programme de stages juridiques de la Banque mondiale doivent obtenir des sources de financement appropriées pour la durée de leur stage.

Assurance médicale :   les stagiaires juridiques de la Banque mondiale sont responsables de leur propre assurance médicale et de tous les frais résultant d'accidents et/ou de maladies survenus pendant la période de stage et doivent présenter la preuve d'une couverture d'assurance médicale mondiale majeure et valide.

Processus de sélection :   les stagiaires juridiques de la Banque mondiale seront sélectionnés par le biais d'un processus de sélection compétitif. Le Groupe de la Banque mondiale est un employeur garantissant l'égalité des chances.

Intégration :   la vice-présidence juridique de la Banque mondiale organisera une brève session d'intégration au début du programme de stages d'été, d'automne et de printemps pour la cohorte entrante.

Évaluations des performances :   La Banque mondiale ne fournira pas d'évaluation des performances des participants au programme de stages juridiques de la Banque mondiale.

Veuillez noter que postuler ou participer au programme de stages juridiques de la Banque mondiale ne constitue pas une promesse ou une garantie d'emploi à la Banque mondiale à la fin du programme.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةStage et Formation

La  Vice-présidence juridique de la Banque mondiale  offre aux étudiants en droit très motivés l’opportunité d’être exposés à la mission et au travail de la Banque mondiale et ...View more

نشرت 6 أشهر منذ
Bienvenue au sixième concours annuel du Prix GoGettaz Agripreneur. C’est là que l’innovation agroalimentaire rencontre l’impact.

Le secteur alimentaire africain est confronté à des défis croissants en matière de résilience climatique , de sécurité alimentaire et  de nutrition . Le besoin de solutions révolutionnaires n’a jamais été aussi grand.

Êtes-vous un agripreneur qui mène la charge contre ces problèmes urgents ? Avez-vous une entreprise transformatrice qui fait des vagues dans le paysage agroalimentaire ? Nous voulons de vos nouvelles.

Avant de vous lancer, prenez un moment pour consulter nos critères et conditions d’éligibilité importants. N'oubliez pas que vous n'êtes pas obligé de compléter votre candidature en une seule session. Vous pouvez commencer aujourd'hui et enregistrer votre progression pour continuer plus tard. Une application de haute qualité vous permettra de faire remarquer votre entreprise.

Voici ce que vous devez faire pour commencer :

  1. Rejoignez la communauté GoGettaz lorsque vous participez au concours et vous aurez accès à des réseaux d'éducation, de mentorat et d'investissement pour vous aider à lancer, développer ou développer votre entreprise agroalimentaire.
  2. Consultez les critères d’éligibilité et les conditions ci-dessous.
  3. Créez votre profil VC4A et commencez votre candidature ! Vous pouvez enregistrer votre progression pour continuer plus tard.

Êtes-vous prêt à laisser votre marque dans le paysage agroalimentaire africain ?

Rejoignez-nous pour le sixième concours annuel du Prix GoGettaz Agripreneur et faites partie de la solution.

Postulez maintenant et grandissons ensemble. Pour plus d'informations, consultez notre brochure  ou consultez nos conditions générales .

Concours Prix GoGettaz Agripreneur 2024

Concours Prix GoGettaz Agripreneur 2024


Ferme le 10 juin 2024
Organisateur AllezGettaz
Cibles Afrique
Secteurs Agroalimentaire, Agritech


100 000 dollars américains de prix seront attribués à 2 gagnants !
  • 2 grands prix de 50 000 dollars américains
  • Impact Awards – Les juges du concours de cette année chercheront à récompenser les entreprises qui ont un impact significatif dans un ou plusieurs des domaines suivants : amélioration des moyens de subsistance en milieu rural, nutrition, solutions liées au climat, technologie, impact sur le genre, conservation des ressources naturelles et emploi. création
  • Participation facilitée à l'Agribusiness Deal Room
  • Invitation au programme de leadership GoGettaz Africa 2025 pour les meilleurs finalistes
Deux entrepreneurs, une femme et un homme, remporteront chacun 50 000 dollars américains pour les entreprises les plus innovantes et les plus évolutives. Nous souhaitons entendre les entreprises qui démontrent :
  • Innovation
  • Potentiel et traction du marché
  • Équipe inspirante et investissable
  • Modèle d'affaires
  • Impact
Les meilleurs agripreneurs de GoGettaz bénéficieront d'un voyage tous frais payés pour présenter leur entreprise lors de la finale GoGettaz au Sommet du Forum sur les systèmes alimentaires en Afrique. Le Sommet AFSF 2024 se tiendra à Kigali, au Rwanda, en septembre. Lors du sommet, la plus grande plateforme de mise en relation d'Afrique, l'AFSF Agribusiness Dealroom est une opportunité en or pour les finalistes de GoGettaz de rencontrer de futurs investisseurs, partenaires et collaborateurs. Les meilleurs candidats auront également la possibilité de postuler au programme exclusif de leadership GoGettaz Africa d'une durée de 6 mois, conçu pour donner aux dirigeants émergents les compétences et le réseau nécessaires pour se développer et développer leur entreprise. Les entrepreneurs sélectionnés bénéficieront d'un soutien personnalisé, s'engageant dans un coaching individuel, des séances entre pairs et des ateliers animés par des leaders d'opinion, favorisant une croissance et un développement continus même après la fin du concours.

Critère d'éligibilité

Le Prix GoGettaz Agripreneur est une opportunité fantastique pour les jeunes agripreneurs africains de développer leur potentiel agroalimentaire.

Ce que nous recherchons

Voici ce que nous recherchons : L'entrepreneur
  • L'entrepreneur est âgé de 35 ans ou moins à la date de soumission au concours et est légalement reconnu comme adulte dans le pays de nationalité.
  • L'entrepreneur possède la nationalité (avec une pièce d'identité officielle) d'un pays membre de l'Union africaine.
  • L'entrepreneur est le fondateur/co-fondateur de l'entreprise qu'il représente dans le concours et joue un rôle actif dans ses opérations et son leadership.
  • L'entrepreneur n'a pas de casier judiciaire lié à la corruption, à l'évasion fiscale, à l'irrégularité financière, au crime ou à toute autre infraction, et fournira une déclaration signée à cet effet, sur demande.
  • L'entreprise est déjà légalement enregistrée dans un pays membre de l'Union africaine ou aura commencé l'enregistrement d'une telle entité juridique avant le 10 juin 2024.
  • Venture a son siège dans un pays membre de l'Union africaine
  • Venture est conçu pour être financièrement viable, que ce soit en tant qu'entreprise à but lucratif ou à but non lucratif, générant des revenus et visant à ne pas dépendre du financement des donateurs.
  • Venture joue un rôle dans le secteur agroalimentaire et/ou soutient le développement du secteur agroalimentaire par une innovation ou une amélioration de processus
  • Le secteur agroalimentaire peut être défini comme les entreprises engagées dans :
    • Recherche et développement agroalimentaire
    • Production alimentaire primaire (agriculture)
    • Nutrition des cultures
    • Irrigation
    • Mécanisation, automatisation ou robotique, y compris les drones
    • Protection des cultures
    • Culture hydroponique ou agriculture urbaine
    • Transport, distribution, stockage ou logistique
    • Préparation des aliments
    • Emballage ou commercialisation
    • Commerce de détail ou service alimentaire
    • Gestion des déchets ou recyclage
    • Solutions/services numériques ou technologiques au secteur agroalimentaire
    • Solutions/services de financement innovants pour le secteur agroalimentaire
    • Solutions/services en matière d'énergies renouvelables ou environnementales pour le secteur agroalimentaire
    • Innovations du système alimentaire (par exemple, larves de mouches soldats)

Dates clés


  • Un jury d'experts examinera toutes les candidatures au fur et à mesure de leur dépôt du 8 avril au 10 juin 2024.
  • Les évaluations prennent en compte les critères suivants :
    • Innovation
    • Potentiel et traction du marché
    • Équipe inspirante et investissable
    • Modèle d'affaires
    • Impact
  • Les 24 demi-finalistes du Top 24 seront informés via WhatsApp et par e-mail à la mi-juillet.
  • Les demi-finalistes seront chacun interviewés et invités à fournir des informations complémentaires.
  • 12 finalistes seront sélectionnés par le jury fin juillet 2024. Six finalistes masculins et six finalistes féminins seront informés via WhatsApp et e-mail.
  • Les finalistes seront invités à concourir sur scène lors du sommet de l'AFSF à Kigali, au Rwanda, au cours de la première semaine de septembre 2024.
  • Les 12 finalistes bénéficieront d'un mentorat, de liens avec des programmes et d'autres conseils pour poursuivre leur parcours entrepreneurial.

Questions sur le formulaire de candidature

L'application comprend des questions telles que :
  • "Donnez un exemple de votre esprit d'entreprise."
  • « Comment votre entreprise génère-t-elle des revenus ? »
  • « Quel est votre plan pour développer votre entreprise ? »
  • « Qui sont vos principaux concurrents ? »
  • « Quels sont vos plus grands défis commerciaux jusqu’à présent et comment les avez-vous surmontés ? »
Les candidats doivent remplir chaque section de la candidature pour être pris en considération. Assurez-vous de prévoir suffisamment de temps pour terminer toutes les sections. N'oubliez pas que vous pouvez sauvegarder votre progression. Vous pouvez compléter votre candidature en plusieurs sessions. Les candidats qui réussissent le tour initial seront invités à soumettre une vidéo de présentation de deux minutes, dans laquelle vous pourrez vraiment impressionner les juges et leur montrer pourquoi vous méritez de participer à la finale du concours du Prix GoGettaz Agripreneur 2024. Votre pitch vidéo sera utilisé pour promouvoir votre entreprise auprès du public GoGettaz.

À propos de GoGettaz

GoGettaz est une initiative de partenariat dont la vision est de renforcer l'écosystème des jeunes entrepreneurs du secteur agroalimentaire à travers le continent. Les partenaires fondateurs sont Econet, un conglomérat multinational privé de télécommunications, de médias, d'énergie et de technologie, et Yara International, une entreprise mondiale de nutrition des cultures, fondée en Norvège.

Nos cofondateurs et collaborateurs inspirants sont :

Le Forum sur les systèmes alimentaires en Afrique (AFSF) , l'un des événements de haut niveau sur l'agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire les plus visibles et les plus fréquentés en Afrique, crée et entretient des partenariats efficaces axés sur la transformation de l'agriculture africaine.

Yara International est une entreprise mondiale de nutrition des cultures dont le mandat est de développer les connaissances pour nourrir le monde de manière responsable et protéger la planète.

Econet Group est un conglomérat multinational privé de télécommunications, de médias, d'énergie et de technologie.

L’ Alliance pour une révolution verte en Afrique (AGRA)  s’efforce de transformer l’agriculture sur le continent pour nourrir l’Afrique et le monde.

La Confédération des syndicats agricoles d'Afrique australe (SACAU) représente l'intérêt commun des agriculteurs de la région.

L'Organisation néerlandaise de développement SNV est animée par la vision d'un monde meilleur : un monde où, dans chaque société, tous les individus vivent dans la dignité et ont des chances égales de prospérer de manière durable.

L’ Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international (USAID) est un acteur catalyseur des efforts de développement et humanitaires qui aide les bénéficiaires à renforcer leur résilience et leur autonomie

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPrix, Concours et offres

Bienvenue au sixième concours annuel du Prix GoGettaz Agripreneur. C’est là que l’innovation agroalimentaire rencontre l’impact. Le secteur alimentaire africain est confronté à des défis cr...View more