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Janssen Pharmaceutica Scholarship for MSc Global Mental Health, UK

The MSc Global Mental Health course is a joint programme provided by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience, King’s College London. The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to initiate, develop and oversee mental health programmes …

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Bourse doctorale et post-doctorale 2017 pour les étudiants chercheurs sénégalais, France

Ce programme de bourses finance un ou plusieurs séjours de recherche (4 mois maximum par séjour et par an) dans un laboratoire français, sur une période maximale de 3 ans.   La bourse comprend : – les frais de voyage entre le Sénégal et la France ; – une couverture …

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CrossCulture Programme for internships in Germany

The CrossCulture Programme (CCP) is an exchange and dialogue programme of ifa (Institut für Auslands­beziehungen), funded by the German Federal Foreign Office. Since 2005 it offers young professionals and committed volunteers the opportunity to expand their professional and political competence as well as to gather international experience through a working …

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