100 Váradi Distance Learning Scholarships at the University of London

József Váradi, former student of the University of London, has donated over £ 1 million to the University in the form of Váradi Scholarships to support distance and flexible learning students at the University , over the next 10 years. Fellows may be required to participate in marketing-related activities and / or events to promote and share their experiences of the stock market.

Host institution (s):

University of London in the United Kingdom

Level / field (s) of study:

Online studies in:

• BSc Informatique
• BSc Psychologie
• BSc Business Administration
• Global MBA
• Master of Laws (LLM)
• MSc Data Science
• MSc Supply Chain Management and Global Logistics

Number of grants:


Target group:

Students from all countries, but especially those from Central and Eastern Europe – namely, Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland , Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia and Ukraine.

Value / inclusions of scholarships:

The Váradi scholarships cover all tuition fees from the University of London. The scholarships do not cover any costs or expenses (such as computers and additional study materials or tuition fees) not directly payable at the University of London. The Váradi scholarship will be valid for the maximum period of registration for the full online program.


Eligible candidates are all new students of the University who apply to study one of the eligible distance learning bachelor and master programs (see above). You will have to demonstrate that without the scholarship, you would not be able to undertake the program. Only those who receive an offer for one of the above eligible programs are eligible.

Application instructions:

Submit a request for your chosen degree via its course page. We encourage you to apply for a scholarship at the same time as you submit your program application. The application deadline for the scholarship is  July 17, 2020  for entry in October 2020.

The medjouel.com team informs you that it is important to visit the official website (link below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.


Official scholarships website:  https://london.ac.uk/applications/funding-your-study/scholarships-and-bursaries/varadi-scholarships#elmiss-199-19980

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