
Dear tourists, come to Cyprus! If you get Coronavirus, we pay you for your vacation

Do you want crystal clear water and warm sand, but are concerned about coronaviruses? Rest assured: if you catch it in Cyprus, the government, terrified by the prospect of a gloomy summer season, promises you care and holidays at its expense. OUR SERVICES When we are an island nation very dependent …

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Covid-19 detected in Algeria is nothing like the one discovered in China

The coronaviruses identified in Algeria and those discovered in China are not similar. This was revealed on Wednesday by the head of the Chinese medical delegation, on mission since May 14 in Algeria. This team of eminent experts in the fight against the coronavirus will leave the country this Thursday, May 28 …

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Trump threatens to close facebook and twitter

Twitter, Facebook…: Donald Trump threatens to “close” social networks after reporting his tweets. “Republicans believe that social media platforms completely censor the voices of conservatives. We are going to severely regulate them, or shut them down, so as not to allow that to happen, ”tweeted Donald Trump. Frequently accused of laxity …

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I thought I was young, that the virus was not going to affect me

Mike Schultz, a 43-year-old American nurse infected with a coronavirus, spent six weeks on respiratory monitoring and intubation. During this period, he lost 22 kg. It is now one of the symbols of the consequences of the coronavirus. Mike Schultz, a 43-year-old American nurse infected with Covid-19, decided to show the after-effects …

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Professor Didier Raoult announces that he will leave the IHU for a Chinese university

Adored by some, strongly criticized by others for his treatment against Covid-19 based on hydroxychloroquine, Didier Raoult plans to leave Marseille. The professor who currently heads the University Hospital Institute (IHU) in infectious diseases located in La Timone has been recruited by the Peking University Health Science Center (PUHSC) , the faculty of medicine …

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Do not count on the summer to slow down the covid-19 pandemic, specify the researchers.

Summer global warming alone will not save the northern hemisphere from the covid-19 pandemic, say researchers at Princeton University in a study published on Monday by the journal Science. Statistical studies, conducted in recent months despite the little progress made on the new coronavirus, have shown a weak correlation between …

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Study predicts end dates for Corona pandemic

A study prepared by the University of Singapore predicted the end of the Corona pandemic crisis in many countries of the world, which has so far injured more than 2.8 million people and about 200,000 others dead, as reported by the American channel “Al Hurra” on Saturday. The study, published …

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Didier Raoult soon suspended from his activities by the Order of Doctors

Clouds are gathering around Raoult and his treatment against Covid 19… To date, only one random trial (with draw) has been published. The Prescrire review concludes in detail: no proven efficacy, but many more undesirable consequences (30%, compared to 9% in the control group). And now the Council of the Order of …

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Study by Zurich researchers reveals that COVID-19 is much more than just pneumonia

A study by researchers from Zurich reveals that COVID-19 is much more than just pneumonia: it is a systemic vascular inflammation. It thus causes many cardiovascular problems and failures of vital organs. The first patients were mostly suffering from hard-to-treat pneumonia, the University Hospital Zurich (USZ) said in a statement. Thereafter, doctors …

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For some mysterious reason, smokers are 5 times less likely to develop covid-19 disease.

Does Nicotine Preserve Covid-19? This theory will be verified by a medical unit at the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital and by the neurobiologist Jean-Pierre Changeux, member of the Academy of Sciences. According to initial observations, smokers are indeed less affected than others by the virus. Their proportion is quite low in patients, as several studies …

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Two Chinese doctors in Wuhan infected with coronavirus went black

In a strange incident, the faces of two Chinese doctors in Wuhan turned black after being infected with the Corona virus last January, according to a report in the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, Monday evening. The two doctors, “Yi Fan” and “Hu Weifeng” (42), were infected with the virus while …

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They predicted the coronavirus years ago and no one paid attention

Do you believe the speech of astrologers? Many of us do not, but we are in the darkest days our planet is going through due to the spread of the new Corona virus, we have noticed the presence of people around us who predicted this disaster, and perhaps they were surprised …

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A dog has been waiting for its sick Turkish owner outside the hospital for 5 days

The dog has been waiting for five days outside a Turkish hospital where the owner is in intensive care for treatment. According to the Anatolian correspondent, the ambulance transported the Turkish citizen, Under Solo, five days ago to a hospital in the city of Partin, due to health problems he …

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Will the 2020 diplomas have any value?

On 13 March, the Government closed the doors of schools, colleges, high schools and universities. The question of pedagogical continuity arises for a few days. But how to ensure teaching when everyone is confined, locked at home. While for some, video conferoe action takes over without problems, as in preparatory …

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UNESCO Science Sector Compiles Educational Resources to Assist Students on the African continent

The World Health Organization declared the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) a “pandemic” on 11 March 2020, adding that this is the first “worldwide spread” of a new disease that can be controlled. The continual spread of infections and the unpredictability of conditions improving in the short-term has caused for drastic …

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