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Bourse postdoctorale mondiale TUM à l’Université technique de Munich

La bourse TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship 2024 offre à jusqu’à 10 jeunes scientifiques internationaux la possibilité de mener des recherches avec un hôte au TUM pendant 2 ans maximum dans le cadre de la bourse. Nous accorderons les bourses lors de deux appels distincts (mars / septembre). Le premier appel …

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The “Interdisciplinary School for the Blue Planet” (ISblue) launches an international post-doctoral fellowship program

The “Interdisciplinary School for the Blue Planet” (ISblue) launches an international post-doctoral fellowship program. This call continues the International postdoctoral program offered by ISblue since 2019 and LabexMER before. ISblue offers creative young scientists the opportunity to develop their own research project in one of the ISblue laboratories. As part of the strong multidisciplinary …

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SIIT Graduate Scholarships for Academic Year 1/2024

Application period: February 15 – March 31, 2024 Announcement of successful candidates: May 13, 2024 Benefits of SIIT graduate scholarships as follows: Scholarships for Thai applicants Scholarship for foreign applicants *** Please be informed that the final decision for admission and types of scholarship granted will be made by the SIIT Executive Committees.

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