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Apply for Brunei Darussalam University Research Doctorate (Fully Funded)

The UBD Graduate Research Fellowship (UGRS) is a competitive program awarded to quality doctoral students with a strong desire to work in an international and competitive research-intensive environment. UBD is committed to opening doors for the brightest students to work and network with our researchers in order to enrich their experience …

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Average Salary in Europe: Where Do People Earn the Most?

Income disparities in Europe are striking, ranging from over €85,000 to less than €10,000 per year per inhabitant. This variation reflects the economic differences between countries on the continent. Switzerland at the Top When it comes to salaries in Europe, Switzerland stands out. According to the latest figures published by …

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Bourse de recherche Eduard Gübelin dans les domaines des sciences de la Terre, Suisse

La bourse de recherche Dr. Eduard Gübelin est une subvention annuelle allouée à un projet de recherche innovant dans le domaine de la gemmologie décernée par l’Association Dr. Eduard Gübelin pour   Recherche et identification des pierres précieuses – une entité à but non lucratif du groupe Gübelin. La bourse vise …

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