Postdoctoral Research Assignment “Μetabolomic Characterization of Tissue Generation Process”

Posted 1 Jahr ago

Postdoctoral Research Assignment “Μetabolomic Characterization of Tissue Generation Process”

The Institute of Chemical Engineering Sciences, Foundation of Research and Technology – Hellas, (FORTH/ICE- HT) is seeking applicants for one postdoctoral research assignment in the context of the research project “Precision Manufacturing of Microengineered Complex Joint Implants (JOINTPROMISE)” ) – Grant Agreement number: 874837, which is implemented under the H2020 Research and Innovation Action.

Job Description

To carry out, under a part-time work or a fixed-term employment contract, experimental and analytical work on the metabolomic characterization of cell cultures for tissue generation. The job will also involve participation in the implementation of JOINTPROMISE project deliverables, participation in meetings and preparation of reports to the FORTH team PI and the Coordinator.

Location: FORTH/ICE-HT, Patras, Greece

Duration: up to 9 months, with the potential of renewal or extension according to the needs of the project

Salary: up to approximately 1100 € per month (total cost of the employer, including social security and taxes) depending on the qualifications and time devoted to project

Envisaged starting date: 1/11/2023

Requirements and Qualifications

The applicant should hold a B.S or Diploma in Natural Sciences or Engineering, a PhD in Natural or Health Sciences or Engineering. Post-doctoral experience of at least 2 years is required.  Proven participation in funded research projects and publications in international peer-reviewed journals. Candidates must have good knowledge of Greek and English (Level B2). At least 3 years’ experience in cell culture techniques is required. Expertise in advanced cell physiology characterization techniques, with emphasis in mass spectrometry metabolomics is highly preferable. Experience in European grant participation would be favored.

The evaluation of the candidacies will be based on the following criteria and qualifications:

Qualifications Weight Evaluation criteria & Points
Experience in cell culture techniques 25 Relevance of PhD thesis (5 pts, low; 10pts, moderate; 15 points, high) and number of relevant publications (2 pts per journal publication, 1 pt per conference announcement, up to 10 pts max)
Participation in EU funded research projects 25 Duration of proven experience in EU funded projects; 5/year, max. 25 pts
Publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and announcements in conference proceedings & symposia in the context of cell culture techniques, biochemistry, nanomedicine 25 Number of publications in journals and announcements in conferences and symposia (5 points/publication, 1 point/announcement, with a maximum of 25 points)
Experience in advanced cell physiology characterization techniques, with emphasis in mass spectrometry metabolomics 15 Duration of proven experience,

3 points/year of employment in relevant projects with a maximum of 15 points

Knowledge of the English language 10 C1=7.5 points, C2=10 points
TOTAL 100  

Application Submission

Interested candidates who meet the aforementioned requirements should submit their applications, no later than 2/10/2023, 16.00h., by email to Kleanthi Zacharopoulou:, cc:

In order to be considered, the application must include:

  • Application letter
  • CV with clear description of the techniques possessed by the applicant and the level of experience
  • Scanned copies of academic titles and language knowledge certificates
  • Statement of research interests
  • Copies of the publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals
  • Copies of announcements in conference proceedings and symposia
  • Copy of Phd dissertation
  • Employer’s certificate of previous experience and participation in EU funded projects and any other official document to certify the aforementioned required qualifications

Any application received after the deadline will not be considered for the selection.

Selection Procedure

Applications that are received on time will be evaluated by a scientific committee using the criteria mentioned above. If necessary, certain candidates will be invited to a personal interview with the committee.

Interview Criteria:

(a) Background in the objective of the assignment (5 points). (b) Organizational and communication skills (5 points). (c) Team-spirit and self-motivation (5 points). (d) Commitment to achieving the goals (5 points)

The outcome of the selection will be announced on the website of FORTH/ICE-HT as well as on the website of “DIAVGEIA”

Selection Announcement

The result of the selection will be announced on the website of: FORTH/ICE-HT.

Candidates have the right to appeal the selection decision, by addressing their written objection to the FORTH/ICE-HT Research Secretariat, e-mail:, within five (5) days after the results announcement on the web.


For information and questions regarding the application and selection procedure, candidates are asked to contact the FORTH/ICE-HT Research Secretariat, e-mail:, tel.: +30 2610 965278.

For information and questions about the advertised position and the research activity of the group or the Institute, candidates are asked to contact Dr. Maria Klapa, tel: +30 2610 965249, e-mail:


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Job CategoryPostdoctoral

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