PhD positions in Inorganic materials and technology

What we offer:

  • Unique opportunity to participate in the European project integrating significant international know-how and experience with access to up to 1 year internships with FunGlass international partners at their home sites in Germany, Italy or Spain under supervision of world leading scientists,
  • scholarships to cover living cost during study (app. 800,- EUR/monthly which is comparable to the average net salary in Slovakia),
  • access and training on high-end laboratories and equipment/techniques; for full list see,
  • program of visiting scientists/lectures, workshops,
  • opportunity to actively participate at the FunGlass school (semi-annual out of town 3-day workshop and the ICG Montpellier Summer school and/or international conferences,
  • Complementary skills training: Slovak language classes, English competence program, presentations skills, ethical issues, project management

Admission requirements:

  1. min.  M.Sc./graduate degree in inorganic materials and technology or related study programs,
  2. with the desire for independent laboratory work are also eligible,
  3. high English language proficiency skills,
  4. strive for excellence and be able to focus on solving scientific problems,
  5. be a team player of high cultural awareness.

for more information, refer to Daniela Vavrová, PhD study advisor,

application submission terms:                                                        admission exam terms:     

20.03.2020                                                                                            30-31.03.2020

08.05.2020                                                                                            19-21.05.2020

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