University Assistant (post doc)

The Computational and Soft Matter Physics Group at the Faculty of Physics invites applications for a postdoc position (6 years) in the group of Prof. Christoph Dellago. The group develops and uses modern computer simulation techniques combined with analytical theory to study a broad range of condensed matter systems with an emphasis on the statistical mechanics of equilibrium and non-equilibrium processes. Members of the group contribute to the teaching at the Faculty of Physics at all levels from the Bachelor to the Doctoral program. The successful candidate is expected to participate in the research projects of the Dellago Group currently focusing on soft matter, nanoparticles, phase transitions and stochastic thermodynamics. She or he will also contribute to the teaching of the group and take part in other group activities such as the organization of meetings and public outreach. Duration of contract: 6 years

– Participation in research, teaching and administration
– Lead participation in externally funded research projects (particularly EU and nationally-funded-projects)
– Presentation of research activities at international meetings
– Publication of research papers
– Independet teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreement
– Supervision of students
– Assistance in organization of conferences, meetings and symposiums – Participation in research, teaching and administration
– Lead participation in externally funded research projects (particularly EU and nationally-funded-projects)
– Presentation of research activities at international meetings
– Publication of research papers
– Independet teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreement
– Supervision of students
– Assistance in organization of conferences, meetings and symposiums

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