Mobility Grant for Norwegian Language, Literature and Culture

Are you studying Norwegian language, literature or culture at Master or Ph.D. level? If so, you could be eligible for a grant.

The mobility grant is awarded for one-, two- or three-months’ fieldwork at a Norwegian university or research institute. It covers subsistence costs and travel to and from Norway. The grant is administered by the Norwegian Directorate of Higher Education and Skills.

Here you can read about Anastasija from Serbia, who did her research in Bergen autumn 22 thanks to the mobility grant. 

Who may apply?

You must be a Master and Ph.D.-student and have chosen Norwegian language, Norwegian literature or Norwegian culture as topic for your dissertation. You must be a student at a department for Nordic/Scandinavian studies at a university outside of Norway.

Application deadline: March 20th, 2023

The next call for application will be published in December 2022 and the application deadline is March 20th, 2023. This call will apply for fieldwork in Norway during the academic year 2023-2024.

What does the grant cover?

Travel grant:
•    NOK 3,000 for travel from countries in Europe
•    NOK 4,500 for travel from St. Petersburg and Moscow in Russia
•    NOK 6,000 for travel from other cities in Russia, other Eurasia countries and countries outside of Europe

Grant for board and lodging:
•    The grant follows the rates set by The Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund for basic support and is NOK 11 800 per month for the academic year 2023-2024.

Here you can read about Rajmund from Hungary, who did his research in Tromsø autumn 2020. 

The application procedure

1. Download and read the Guidelines for the Mobility grant for Language, Literature or Culture in English or Norwegian:

2. Prepare a project description and contact a lecturer/researcher in Norway, specializing in your chosen subject area, and who may consider guiding you during your stay.

3. Fill out the online application form in Espresso. The application can be written in English or Norwegian.

4. Obligatory attachments:
•    a recommendation letter from the home institution tutor
•    a personal invitation letter from the Norwegian institution

5. Submit the application before the annual deadline March 20th, 2023.

6. Your application will be assessed by the Programme Committee for Norwegian Studies Abroad.

7. The applicants will be informed about the outcome of their application, normally early May.


A report about the fieldwork must be submitted after the fieldwork has ended. A report form will be available under “My tasks” in Espresso.

Do you have questions concerning the application process?
Contact us at