Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship and ERC StG Applicants in Molecular Life Sciences

The Department of Molecular Life Sciences (DMLS) at the University of Zurich wishes to host and support SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship and ERC starting grant applications (through the Swiss ERC-replacement scheme) from outstanding researchers in the fields of molecular, cellular and computational biology. The DMLS provides a lively, inclusive and diverse working environment where a wide range of cutting-edge approaches – including quantitative imaging, functional genomics, bioinformatics and computer simulations – are applied to investigate the molecular and cellular mechanisms of living systems. Current research topics include cellular dynamics and organ differentiation, systems biology, viral infection and neuronal development and function.

In order to be eligible for an SNSF Eccellenza Professorial Fellowship, applicants should possess one of the following: Swiss nationality, a Swiss higher education degree or at least two years’ research experience at a Swiss higher education institution. Further information on the SNSF Eccellenza Program can be found at the SNSF Eccellenza website

Interested candidates should submit a description of research interests with clearly defined future aims (not exceeding five pages), a cover letter, CV and contact details of 3 referees by October 1st, 2021 directly to Angela Lloyd ( Please contact Francesca Peri ( or Darren Gilmour ( for more information. Interviews will take place in early November 2021. Due to the Covid-19 situation, the first round of interviews will be held online.

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