Asia scholarship

Tsinghua University Scholarship

The CGS is open to both the degree program students (undergraduate and graduate) and the visiting/exchange students. The full CGS covers tuition fees, on-campus accommodation, living allowance and comprehensive medical insurance. The partial CGS covers one or few items in the full CGS. Specific items covered by the partial CGS …

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SDU Freshman Scholarship for International Students

SDU Freshman Scholarship for International Students is a scholarship program for  outstanding international freshmen. It provides support for international students to successfully complete their studies(Degree study  ) in Shandong University. 1.Applicant a.With Foreign nationality, holding a foreign passport, being friendly to China and being physically and mentally healthy b.Abiding by …

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Guangdong Government Outstanding Foreign Student Scholarship

The Guangdong Province Government hasestablished the “Guangdong Government Outstanding student scholarship”. This award is used for subsidizing the international degree students with excellent performance. Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS)attaches much importance to this scholarship and is making sure that selecting scholarship candidates is under a just, fair and open …

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Anhui Government Scholarship for International Students

Anhui Government Scholarship Program for International Students is established to attract more international students to study and research in Anhui higher education institutions, improve international student education quality, strengthen mutual understanding and friendship between Anhui people and people from the rest of the world and expand the international influence of …

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Leakey Foundation Research Grants on Human Origins

Advanced doctoral students (advanced to candidacy – all but dissertation) and established scientists are eligible for Leakey Foundation Research Grants. There are no citizenship restrictions; however, all applications must be in English. Funding The Leakey Foundation exclusively funds research related specifically to human origins. Priority of funding is commonly given …

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Beijing Government Scholarship

In order to promote the development of higher education of International students in Beijing, further improve the talent cultivation, scientific research, social service, and cultural exchange, Beijing Government has set up the Scholarship (BGS) for International students. Categories of Aplicants & Duration Students who wish to study and are studying …

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The Al Qasimi Foundation’s Doctoral Research Grants

Award Description The Al Qasimi Foundation’s Doctoral Research Grants encourage scholars from a wide range of disciplines and professional fields to undertake research toward informing policymaking in the United Arab Emirates. The Grants are open to PhD students from all nationalities studying at an accredited university in the United Arab …

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UNESCO : Bourses l’Homme et la biosphère pour les jeunes scientifiques

Chaque année depuis 1989, aux jeunes chercheurs se voient attribuer des bourses d’un montant pouvant aller jusqu’à 5000 dollars afin de soutenir leurs recherches sur les écosystèmes, les ressources naturelles et la biodiversité. Par le biais des bourses MAB pour les jeunes scientifiques, le programme de l’Homme et la biosphère …

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Bourses d’études en « français intensif » à la Sorbonne Abu Dhabi

L’Université Sorbonne Abu Dhabi lance un concours permettant aux étudiants non émiriens d’obtenir une bourse d’études pour l’année universitaire 2019-2020. Peuvent y participer les étudiants de toutes nationalités résidents ou non aux Émirats arabes unis et désireux de suivre le programme de « français intensif » de la Sorbonne Université Abu Dhabi. …

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Appel à candidatures : Bourse d’études pour un Master en informatique – Vietnam

L’Institut Francophone International (IFI), rattaché à l’Université Nationale du Vietnam -Hanoï (UNVH), lance un appel à candidatures pour le programme de bourses de sa promotion 2018-2020 du Master Informatique, option Réseaux et Systèmes communicants. (Double diplôme remis par l’Université Nationale du Vietnam à Hanoi et l’Université de Lyon 1, France). Date limite après prolongation : 15 novembre …

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Top 10 des bourses d’étude pour les étudiants étrangers

Déménager à l’étranger pour étudier peut souvent être une aventure coûteuse à entreprendre. Les frais de scolarité, l’hébergement, le coût de la vie et bien d’autres choses empêchent généralement beaucoup d’étudiants de rêver d’un diplôme dans un autre pays. Cependant, certains étudiants sont si talentueux et ont tellement de potentiel que …

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