Asia scholarship

Researcher Recruitment at Waseda Institute for Advanced Study

The Waseda Institute for Advanced Study is committed to promoting the university-wide acceptance of leading researchers from other countries as well as to facilitating the production of research results, scholarly exchange with researchers at Waseda, and other such outcomes. For this purpose, the Institute invites researchers doing work at the cutting …

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Chinese Government Scholarship-Silk Road Program at Chongqing University (2018-2019)

In order to deepen the education cooperation with the“Belt and Road”countries and to cultivate professionals for these countries, the Ministry of Education P.R.C has set up the “Chinese Government Scholarship-Silk Road Program” since 2017. This scholarship program is provided to Chinese universities for recruiting the outstanding young students from “Belt …

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2018 Call for Applications for Master’s Scholarship Tenable at Universities in the People’s Republic of China

2018 Call for Applications for Master’s Scholarship Tenable at Universities in the People’s Republic of China CLOSING DATE: 29th June 2018 May 07, 2018 to June 29, 2018 The Government of The People’s Republic of China has made scholarship offers to the African Union Commission, through the Department of Human Resources, Science …

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Post-doc Fellowships at Orient-Institut Beirut

The Orient-Institut Beirut (OIB) of the Max Weber Foundation seeks to further international dialogue by supporting doctoral and postdoctoral research through a variety of competitive fellowships. To this end, the OIB awards a number of visiting fellowships of up to 12 months for the academic year beginning in September 2018 …

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ecoming a WMI Scholar

Our Ideal Candidate – A student, male or female, from a country in the developing world who: Successfully completed a secondary education, with good to excellent grades Is 35 or under on March 1, 2020 Will be studying in his or her country or another country in the developing world* …

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500 Bourses d’études pour les étudiants internationaux à l’Université Mahidol en Thaïlande, 2018

L’Université Mahidol Thaïlande lance le programme de bourses Mahidol 2018, avec plus de 50 bourses complètes et 450 bourses partielles pour les candidats qualifiés pour étudier à l’Université Mahidol. L’université de Mahidol, une institution de recherche autonome en Thaïlande, a son origine dans la création de l’hôpital Siriraj en 1888. …

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Bourses de Master Wellcome Trust en santé publique et médecine tropicale pour les pays à faible et moyen revenu

Le programme vise à soutenir la recherche qui améliorera la santé publique et la médecine tropicale à un niveau local, national et mondial. Stade de carrière: Formation post-universitaire Où votre organisation hôte est basée: Pays à faible et moyen revenu Type de chercheur: Santé publique Niveau de financement Bourses d’études, …

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