The Department for Environmental Science would like to collaborate with ambitious postdoctoral researchers with excellent research track records on Villum Investigator Grants in 2021 and onwards. The department conducts research and advisory activities within the following areas: Atmospheric Pollutions, Environmental Pollutants and Ecosystem services – you can read more here:
Specifically, the department is keen to host potential candidates to work on projects related to the following topics:
- Arctic research
- Integrated spatial modelling of land-use, water and air quality, integrating natural and social scientific model and data
- Circular resource flows / circular economy
- Atmospheric pollution and impacts on human health
- Environmental DNA, microbiology
- Remediation of water and soil
- Climate change, mitigation and adaptation
- Sustainable energy and environment
The Villum Investigator Programme
The aim of the Villum Investigator Programme is to allow researchers to pursue original new ideas in technical or natural sciences.
Applicants who are already established in Denmark are expected to be active researchers who have a track record of excellent research for the last 10 years or more.
A Villum Investigator is appointed for a six-year period at a Danish university or another Danish research institution. Applicants who are already established in Denmark may apply for up to DKK 30 million. Applicants who at the time of application have been employed outside Denmark for at least four of the last five years may apply for up to DKK 40 million.
Villum Investigators can re-apply at the end of their grant period in open competition with other applicants.
Who can apply?
The ideal applicant is an active researcher who has demonstrated international, groundbreaking research of the highest scientific quality for 10 years or longer.
We announce the programme every two years in open competition. The application deadline of this year’s call is September 2, 2020. The final grant approval will take place in March 2021.
Grant amount?
Researchers already established at a Danish research institution can apply for up to DKK 30 million, incl. 15% for indirect costs.
VILLUM FONDEN wants to encourage the recruitment of leading international researchers to Denmark. If you have been employed outside Denmark for at least four of the last five years at the time of application, you can apply for up to DKK 40 million, incl. 15% for indirect costs.
Part of the grant can be used to hire, e.g., a secretary or an assistant who can relieve the researcher of administrative tasks.
Time frame
The duration of a grant is six years. At the end of a grant period, it is possible to apply again in competition with other applicants.
Approval of grant
It will take approx. seven months from application deadline to grant.
What can we offer?
Online communication to introduce you to Aarhus University (AU), the Villum Investigator programme, and your AU potential supervisor and research group. We will assist you with developing and fine-tuning your topic description and application to maximise your chances of success. The Villum Investigator application is to be submitted by September 2020 and if the application is successful the six-year period will start in March 2021.
Who we are looking for and how to apply
We expect you to have an excellent research track record and be enthusiastic about at least one of the above mentioned research areas, academically curious and open minded towards the diversity of research approaches to deal with environmental and biological issues. In order to decide whether you meet this profile, please email us a synopsis of a research proposal you wish to work on (1 page) and your CV and list of publications, h-index, citations, impact factor, participation in conferences, any attracted funding, etc. In your application, include the name of a researcher from the Department of Environmental Science who you think would be a suitable supervisor for your potential project. Please email these documents no later than 15.04.2020 to John Jacobsen,
Who are we?
Aarhus University ranks among the top ten universities founded within the past 100 years and is currently number 65 on the Shanghai ranking list. AU educates 39,000 students and about 1,800 PhD students with 11,000 permanent staff. The Department of Environmental Science consists of 170 employees and provides an excellent environment for younger researchers to thrive and to work on projects of interest to them with active mentoring from senior research staff. We are located near Copenhagen and you can easily reach both the city centre and Copenhagen airport by public transportation.
If you have any questions you are very welcome to contact John Jacobsen, / +45 93508383.
Kind regards,
John Jacobsen
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