Experimental Biophotonic Researcher Heverlee, Belgium

PhD in the field of (bio)physics, chemistry, nanotechnology, or engineering eager to shape tomorrow’s health care technologies

What you will do

Within imec’s Life Science Technology department, our group’s R&D activities focus on the development of novel tools for health care applications. In general, we are investigating techniques and tools that are based on silicon (nano)technology. This concerns for instance biosensors, microfluidics, novel imaging modalities and non-invasive molecular detection techniques. In particular, our group is focused on the implementation of optical techniques like fluorescence sensing/imaging, cytometry and spectroscopy on a silicon platform. More specifically, we perform research on novel photonic platforms, based for instance on integrated photonics, tightly integrated with electronics.

We are looking for an enthusiastic employee, eager to shape tomorrow’s health care technologies. We aim for research and development at the highest international level and with relevance for the biomedical and pharmaceutical industry.

As a biophotonic researcher, you will be

  • responsible for managing and executing funded and/or company funded R&D projects.
  • working with application engineers in the life science technologies department, design engineers from the photonics design group system engineers working on healthcare technologies.
  • involved in project definition, management and execution. This includes the design of experiments, building of setup(s), taking/analyzing data and presenting the results to customers, at international conferences and writing of scientific papers.

What we do for you

We offer you the opportunity to join one of the world’s premier research centers in nanotechnology at its headquarters in Leuven, Belgium. With your talent, passion and expertise, you’ll become part of a team that makes the impossible possible. Together, we shape the technology that will define the society of tomorrow.

We are committed to being an inclusive employer (http://www.imec-int.com/en/careers#diversity) and proud of our open, multicultural, and informal working environment with ample possibilities to take initiative and show responsibility. In everything we do, your future colleagues are guided by the imec values of passion, excellence, connectedness and integrity. We commit to supporting and guiding you in this process; not only with words but also with tangible actions. Through imec.academy, ‘our corporate university’, we actively invest in your development to further your technical and personal growth.

We are aware that your valuable contribution makes imec a top player in its field. Your energy and commitment are therefore appreciated by means of a market appropriate salary with many fringe benefits.

Who you are

  • A PhD in the field of (bio)physics, chemistry, nanotechnology, or engineering.
  • We look forward to your experience with integrated photonics, optical biosensors, fluorescence and/or optical spectroscopy.
  • Your hands-on experience with design of experiments, building of setups and data interpretation and ideally chemometrics is what we are looking for.
  • As a colleague, you are self-motivated, innovative, results driven, and a team-player.
  • On top, you can communicate well and have good interpersonal skills to link research groups and project partners.
  • English language skills to work in imec’s international working environment.

Apply online at www.imec.be/jobs.

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