Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) is the national foundation for investment in research in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), which assist in the development and competitiveness of industry, enterprise, and employment in Ireland. It also promotes and supports STEM education, engagement, and career development, and the value of STEM to Ireland’s economic and societal development. With a vision to further enhance Ireland’s reputation as a Global Innovation Leader in scientific and engineering research, SFI’s new Strategy 2025 – Shaping Our Future – is designed to meet current challenges and to position Ireland to take advantage of future opportunities.
The Board of SFI is now seeking to appoint an outstanding individual to the role of Director General (Chief Executive Officer) of the Agency. Reporting to the Board, the Director General will be an inspiring leader with a proven track record of achievement in academia, industry, or government/public sector. They will bring a deep understanding of the international research environment, and the strategic vision, leadership and management experience to deliver effectively on the mission and vision of the Agency.
SFI will be supported in this appointment process by the executive search firm Perrett Laver. For further details, including job description, person specification and information on how to apply, please visit For informal inquiries please contact The deadline for applications is noon IST on Wednesday 1st September 2021.
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