Working at IMT Atlantique 2020 Recruitment Campaign

You will find below the list of positions to be filled as part of the recruitment campaign for teacher-researchers.

Detailed job offers will be published from 22 January. (currently being updated)


Job title Départment Deadline for receipt of applications Date of interviews Application form & registration conditions
Associate Professor in data science – Brest campus Signal & communications March 31th, 2020 May 14th, 2020 Downloadable file
Associate Professor in digital economics / management – Brest campus Logic of Uses, Social Sciences and Information March 31th, 2020 June 02th, 2020 Downloadable file
Associate Professor in artificial intelligence / human system cooperation – Brest campus Logic of Uses, Social Sciences and Information March 31th, 2020 June 05th, 2020 Downloadable file
Associate Professor in Image Processing / Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging – Brest campus  Image and Information processing March 31th, 2020 May/June 2020 Downloadable file
Associate Professor specialized in the fields of optical networks – Brest campus Optics March 31th, 2020 May 12th, 2020 Downloadable file
Professor of Cybersecurity – Rennes campus Network Systems, Cyber Security and Digital Law March 31th, 2020 May/June 2020 Downloadable file

Job title Départment Deadline for receipt of applications Date of interviews Application form & registration conditions

Professor – Chair Industry of th Future

A 5 year fixed-term contract

IT department March 27th, 2020 April 2020 Downloadable file

Application process

Each candidate must submit a standard file consisting of the following sections:

  • a curriculum vitae
  • a copy of the titles and diplomas acquired.
  • a cover letter
  • a summary document (maximum 4 pages) retracing all the candidate’s qualifications, work and experience.
  • the list of references of the candidate’s publications.
  • any other document that the candidate deems useful.

Transmission of files

The complete file must be sent by e-mail. The mailing address will appear on the announcements that will be published from 22 January 2020 on this web page.

IMPORTANT: it is recommended not to wait until the last few days to send applications so that, in the event of an incomplete file, the missing documents can be claimed from the candidates and sent before 31 March 2020 at 23.59 hrs.
Beyond this deadline, any application that is incomplete or does not respect the required format will be declared inadmissible.

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