$10,000 Scholarship To Support Students | Apply Now

Posted 3 years ago

The IFMA Foundation scholarship program has awarded more than US$1.4 million dollars to more than 576 students since the program started in the early 1990s. Scholarship recipients receive a cash award and fully subsidized World Workplace conference travel, registration and participation.

The individual scholarships range in value from US$1,500 to $10,000 and are awarded to undergraduate (2-year and 4-year) and graduate students enrolled in facility management or FM-related (built environment) programs.

These scholarships change lives and are a principal strategy in creating the next generation of FM professionals. The Global Workforce Initiative explores the expansion of scholarship opportunities. High school seniors, associate degree students, working students and veterans are encouraged to apply.


Who is eligible to apply for an IFMA Foundation Scholarship:

  • Must be enrolled at an accredited institution for a Facility Management or related field. “Degree” (Associate, Bachelor, and Graduate) is determined by your institution at the time of application submission
  • Must have a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 3.2 in FM or related courses. For international students, equivalent documentation of academic achievement level equivalent to a 4.0 GPA. Click International Grade Equivalencies as a basis to determine eligibility.
  • Applicants awarded a scholarship are required to attend IFMA’s  World Workplace Conference and Exhibition in Anaheim, CA  October 20th to 22nd and participate in the IFMA Foundation activities.
  • Working students are encouraged to apply.

Helpful Hints

IFMA Foundation Student Scholarship Helpful Hints (.pdf)

Why download the helpful hints document:

  • Offers insight to completing the form
  • Answers many common questions eligible applicants have

Interested in attending a helpful tips webinar? Click the blue link to learn webinar dates, and times, and to register.

Teicholz Sustainability Scholarship

Through the generosity of IFMA Fellow Eric Teicholz, the IFMA Foundation is offering scholarship opportunities to individuals interested in earning their Sustainability Facility Professional® (SFP) in 2021.

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