Nelson Mandela Award for Health Promotion

Posted 1 year ago

The Nelson Mandela Award for Health Promotion was established in 2019 upon the initiative of the Ministers of Health of Member States of the African Region.

It is awarded to individuals, institutions and/or governmental or nongovernmental organizations that have made a significant contribution to health promotion, as per the Statutes for the award.

The Award aims at rewarding work that has extended far beyond the call of normal duties.

In recognition of the humility of Nelson Mandela, the Award given to each laureate consists of a plaque. It is presented by the President of the World Health Assembly at a special ceremony during a plenary of the World Health Assembly, together with the Director-General of the WHO and normally a representative of the Nelson Mandela foundation.

Placeholder Picture

WHO/Pierre AlbouyDr Mariam Athbi Al Jalahma (Bahrain) receiving the Nelson Mandela Award for Health Promotion

Procedure for the proposal and selection of candidates

Any national health administration of a Member State of the World Health Organization, or any former recipient of the award, may put forward the name of a candidate for the Award. Current and former staff members of the World Health Organization and current members of the Executive Board are ineligible to receive the Award.

The nomination must be accompanied by a written statement of the reasons for proposing the candidate. The same candidature may be submitted several times if unsuccessful.

Proposals are submitted to the Director-General of the World Health Organization, who submits them to the Award Selection Panel.

The Award Selection Panel, in a private meeting, considers the candidates for the Award and proposes the name(s) of the recipient(s) of the award to the Executive Board. The proposal is considered by the Executive Board, which designates the recipient(s) of the Award.

Candidature form

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