CNES – Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (the French Space Agency) funds every year about 30 postdoctoral positions in French laboratories in space sciences, Earth sciences and space technologies. In order to know more precisely which fields of research are eligible candidates should connect to the CNES web site at the following address (in English) (in French)
and select “Post doctorate” in the “Contracts” pull-down menu (or “Post-doctorat” in the “Contrats” menu on the French site). If no match is found, the project is probably not eligible for funding. Please note that the post-doctoral offer number 250 in Space Technologies is a generic entry for all post-doctoral proposal on technologies of interest to space. The other offers are more targeted in scope. In case of doubt candidates are invited to inquire at
Before applying for funding candidates must consolidate their research project with the laboratory where they intend to conduct their work. Once the project is ready and agreed to by the laboratory director, candidates must submit their application on the web site listed above before 31 March 2022.
The selection process will take place in May and early June 2022, in two rounds. Candidate who make it to the second round will be interviewed in early June. Final selection will take place around mid-June.
Successful candidates will be employed by CNES with a work contract starting around 1 October 2022. CNES is an equal opportunity employer, candidates of all nationalities can apply as long as they hold a Ph.D. Knowledge of the French language is not required but encouraged. The selection process is based on excellence of the research project and of the candidate.
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