Abstract submission is open!
For presenting a poster at the 30th ECNP Congress, you can already submit your abstract. The deadline is 1 April 2017.
Abstract submission poster presenters
Abstracts can be submitted via the online form:
Abstract submission: 1 April 2017, 23.00 CEST (Central European Summer Time).
Registration: 15 April 2017
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Please read the information below carefully:
- When you submit an abstract, you are required to register for the 30th ECNP Congress no later than 2 weeks after the abstract submission deadline. Otherwise the submitted abstract will not be reviewed for poster presentation and publication in the supplement to the journal European Neuropsychopharmacology.
- Abstracts will be considered for publication (after the congress) and/or poster presentation (during the congress) provided they are submitted according to the guidelines for abstract submission poster presenters. These guidelines can also be followed while submitting online.
- In addition to the abstract submission guidelines there are four examples of model abstracts available which meet important criteria of a good scientific abstract. Both the guidelines and the examples can also be accessed during the abstract submission process.
- Before submitting your abstract, please read the conditions for publication.
- Abstracts can only be submitted through the online form.
Special benefits for abstract submitters
Free registration for junior scientists in Europe
If you are a European junior scientist and submit an abstract, we offer you free registration* to the congress and the chance to win one of our awards. Registration for abstract submitters is mandatory before 15 April 2017. If you tick the box ‘junior scientist abstract submitter’ on the registration form, payment will not be requested.
*provided you match ECNP’s definition of a Junior Scientist, your abstract is accepted for poster presentation and publication and you present your poster at the 30th ECNP Congress in person.
CDE Grant
For abstract submitters who are resident of a European country with a developing economy* there are a number of grants available (provided your abstract is accepted for presentation and you present your poster at the 30th ECNP Congress in person).
This grant consists of free registration to the congress and EUR 500 to support travel expenses for the 30th ECNP Congress. You can indicate your interest by ticking a box during abstract submission.
*CDE-countries within Europe are: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Kosovo, Macedonia-FYR, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine.
During the congress, ECNP offers a number of awards related to submission of an abstract for the congress.
Read more…
Media opportunities at the ECNP Congress
Every year the ECNP press team promotes selected research presented at the ECNP Annual Congress. This tends to get good international press coverage – in 2016 our work was featured by the likes of the BBC, the New York Times, The Times, La Stampa, Die Welt, etc. The work needs to be newsworthy and based on good science or be clinically important, meaning that we only promote around 8 to 10 items each year from a much larger initial selection. If you would be interested in having us consider your abstract as part of our media programme, please indicate that on the abstract submission form.
Receipt of your submission will be confirmed by the ECNP Office via e-mail within two weeks. If you have not received a confirmation within this period, please notify the ECNP Office.
If it is not possible to submit your abstract via internet, please contact the ECNP Office.
If your abstract is not accepted for publication and/or presentation, you can cancel your registration free of charge within 14 days after receiving the message that your abstract has been rejected and the registration fee paid will be returned within 30 days after the outcome.
Further information
If you have additional questions, please contact the ECNP Office by e-mail or call +31 88 75 69 565.
ECNP Congress
The annual ECNP Congress is Europe’s premier scientific meeting for disease-oriented brain research, annually attracting between 4,000 and 6,000 neuroscientists, psychiatrists, neurologists and psychologists from around the world.
Organized by: ECNP
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 1st April 2017
Check the event website for more details.