- Organisation/Entreprise
- ETH Zurich
- Domaine de recherche
- Informatique » AutreSciences psychologiques » Sciences du comportementSciences psychologiques » Psychologie
- Profil de chercheur
- Chercheur de première étape (R1)
- Pays
- Suisse
- Date limite d'inscription
- Type de contrat
- Temporaire
- Statut du travail
- À temps partiel
- Heures par semaine
- 41
- Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
- Non financé par un programme de l'UE
- L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?
- Non
Description de l'offre
Chercheur doctorant (Position PhD) en science des données : la résilience mentale à l'ère numérique
Contexte du projet
Description de l'emploi
- Développer et tester des interventions numériques utilisant de nouvelles technologies
- Collaborer avec des experts et des partenaires industriels
- Assister à des conférences internationales pour présenter votre travail
- Publication dans les meilleures revues de recherche
- Communiquer et interagir avec le public
- Soutien pédagogique et encadrement sous l'égide de la Chaire de marketing technologique, D-MTEC
Votre profil
- Diplôme en science des données, statistiques, mathématiques appliquées ou domaines connexes
- Maîtrise du développement et du déploiement de modèles d'apprentissage automatique (par exemple, utilisation de Python, R)
- Expérience en gestion de données et en ingénierie de fonctionnalités
- Expérience dans les techniques d'évaluation de modèles
- Excellentes compétences en communication écrite et orale en anglais
- Capacité à travailler en collaboration dans une équipe interdisciplinaire
- Fort intérêt pour la technologie
- Familiarité avec les techniques de traitement du langage naturel (NLP) et les LLM (par exemple, ChatGPT)
- Expérience avec les systèmes de bases de données (par exemple, SQL)
- Familiarité avec la théorie de la cognition incarnée
- Maîtrise de l'allemand
- Expérience de travail dans la recherche et/ou le milieu universitaire
Nous offrons
Travailler, enseigner et rechercher à l'ETH Zurich
Nous valorisons la diversité
Curieux? Nous aussi.
- Curriculum Vitae (1-2 pages)
- Lettre de motivation (1 page)
- Une déclaration d'intérêt de recherche liée à l'aperçu du projet ci-dessus (1 page)
- Copies des diplômes de licence et de master
- Noms et coordonnées de deux références
À propos de l’ETH Zurich
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Doctorat |
Organisation/Entreprise ETH Zurich Domaine de recherche Informatique » Autre Sciences psychologiques » Sciences du comportement Sciences psychologiques » Psychologie Profil de chercheur Chercheur d...View more
- Organisation/Entreprise
- Agroscope
- Domaine de recherche
- Sciences agronomiques » ZootechnieSciences médicales » Médecine vétérinaire
- Profil de chercheur
- Chercheur de première étape (R1)
- Pays
- Suisse
- Date limite d'inscription
- Type de contrat
- Temporaire
- Statut du travail
- À temps plein
- Heures par semaine
- 42
- Date de début de l'offre
- Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
- Non financé par un programme de l'UE
- L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?
- Non
Description de l'offre
- Domaine de recherche
- Sciences agronomiques » Zootechnie
- niveau d'éducation
- Master ou équivalent
- Domaine de recherche
- Sciences médicales » Médecine vétérinaire
- niveau d'éducation
- Master ou équivalent
- Maîtrise complétée en agronomie, médecine vétérinaire ou dans une discipline comparable
- Bonne connaissance de la physiologie des animaux de ferme et intérêt pour les études expérimentales avec les vaches laitières
- Bonne connaissance des programmes informatiques courants et des statistiques
- Très bonnes capacités de communication et de travail en équipe
- Connaissance d'une langue officielle suisse et très bonne maîtrise de l'anglais écrit et parlé
- Langues
- Niveau
- Excellent
Informations Complémentaires
- Site Web pour plus de détails sur le travail
- État/Province
- Fribourg
- Ville
- Posieux
- Site web
- Rue
- Rte de la Tioleyre 4
- Code Postal
- 1752
- frigga.dohme-meier@agroscope.admin.ch
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Doctorat |
Organisation/Entreprise Agroscope Domaine de recherche Sciences agronomiques » Zootechnie Sciences médicales » Médecine vétérinaire Profil de chercheur Chercheur de première étape (R1) Pays Su...View more
- Organisation/Entreprise
- Université de Bâle
- Domaine de recherche
- Architecture » AutreÉtudes culturelles » AutreHistoire » Histoire de l'artHistoire » Histoire de la philosophieHistoire » Histoire de la musiqueHistoire » AutreSciences du langage » Langues
- Profil de chercheur
- Chercheur de première étape (R1)
- Pays
- Suisse
- Date limite d'inscription
- Type de contrat
- Temporaire
- Statut du travail
- À temps plein
- Heures par semaine
- 38
- Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
- Non financé par un programme de l'UE
- L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?
- Non
Description de l'offre
dans les domaines de l'histoire, de l'histoire de l'art, de la musicologie, de la philosophie, de la littérature allemande, de l'histoire de l'architecture, de l'anglais, des études des médias et de l'égyptologie. Date limite de candidature : 27 mars 2024 L'eikones Graduate School du Centre de théorie et d'histoire de l'image de l'Université de Bâle lance un appel à candidatures pour trois postes de doctorat sur la théorie et l'histoire de l'image pendant quatre ans à compter du 1er septembre. , 2024. Depuis 2005, eikones sert de centre de recherche sur les images dans des perspectives systématiques et historiques. Le centre international et interdisciplinaire étudie les significations, les fonctions et les effets des images dans les cultures depuis l'Antiquité et dans notre société contemporaine. Il vise la théorie fondamentale de l’image et une enquête historique sur les images en tant qu’instruments de la connaissance humaine et des pratiques culturelles.
Le but de la subvention est de soutenir la réalisation d’une thèse originale et l’obtention du diplôme pendant la durée du poste. Les étudiants doivent remplir toutes les exigences circulaires de l'eikones Graduate School et participer aux événements du Centre d'histoire et de théorie de l'image.
- Excellentes qualifications académiques et promesses dans votre domaine d’études.
- Un projet de thèse innovant portant sur la théorie et l'histoire de l'image.
- Master ou diplôme équivalent dans un domaine d'études pertinent, en particulier l'histoire, l'histoire de l'art, la musicologie, la philosophie, la littérature allemande, l'architecture, l'anglais, les études des médias ou l'égyptologie.
- Les candidats doivent posséder un diplôme de maîtrise ou équivalent au 1er septembre 2024. Le diplôme de maîtrise doit avoir été obtenu au cours des deux années précédentes. Des exceptions peuvent être possibles dans des circonstances extraordinaires.
- Les doctorants doivent être conseillés par un membre du corps professoral de l'école doctorale eikones. Les doctorants doivent également être inscrits à l'Université de Bâle pour la durée du programme.
L'école doctorale eikones propose à d'excellents étudiants en sciences humaines qui souhaitent poursuivre un doctorat en histoire et théorie de l'image un programme d'études supérieures structuré caractérisé par des conseils dédiés, une internationalité, un dialogue interdisciplinaire régulier avec des chercheurs invités et des opportunités professionnelles. . L'objectif du programme de doctorat est la réussite du diplôme au cours d'une durée de quatre ans. Les salaires suivent les normes de l'Université de Bâle pour les postes de doctorat.
Candidature / Contact
Veuillez soumettre votre candidature en allemand ou en anglais sous forme de fichier PDF unique avant le 27 mars 2024 en utilisant le portail en ligne fourni par l'Université de Bâle. La candidature doit inclure : 1. Lettre de motivation 2. CV 3. Copies des certificats de diplôme 4. Coordonnées de deux références 5. Description du projet (au plus 10 pages) et bibliographie 6. Échantillon de rédaction (au plus 20 pages) Veuillez soumettre votre candidature avant le 27 mars 2024, via le portail en ligne de l'Université de Bâle. Veuillez télécharger uniquement deux fichiers : tous les documents répertoriés ci-dessus (1.-6.) dans UN SEUL FICHIER PDF via le champ "CV" ainsi qu'une lettre de motivation supplémentaire (1.) via le champ "lettre de motivation". Les candidatures non conformes à ce format ou reçues après cette date ne seront pas prises en considération. Les demandes doivent être envoyées à eikones@unibas.ch . Les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés pour des entretiens.
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Doctorat |
Organisation/Entreprise Université de Bâle Domaine de recherche Architecture » Autre Études culturelles » Autre Histoire » Histoire de l’art Histoire » Histoire de la philosophie Histoire...View more
Churchill College intends to appoint up to 16 Postdoctoral By-Fellows from the community of postdoctoral researchers of the University of Cambridge and its associated research institutes. The appointments will be for up to three years from 1st October 2024.
ProfilePostdoctoral By-Fellows contribute to a significant community of postdocs among the Churchill Fellowship. The College currently has 38 Postdoctoral By-Fellows to which we wish to further add and strengthen. Postdoctoral By-Fellows at Churchill College are full members of the Senior Common Room, possess generous dining rights, have access to sports and music facilities, and varied opportunities for participation in the academic and social life of the College. Research expenses can be claimed up to £1000 p.a. The positions involve no formal teaching requirement, although it is expected that appointees will interact with postgraduate students through the College’s informal mentoring scheme as well as contribute to the College’s academic mission in other ways. Opportunities for undergraduate teaching may be available in some subjects and can be explored through discussion with relevant Directors of Study. No stipend or honorarium is payable, and no College accommodation is provided. Postdoctoral By-Fellows may not simultaneously be fellows, by-fellows, or hold a similar position at another college.
One of the By-Fellowships awarded this round will be reserved for candidates in STEM disciplines who can demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and will be expected to act to continue that mission in College. The Sustainability By-Fellow has access to a further £1000p.a. to support academic activity within this theme. The College normally has two further Sustainability By-Fellows with whom the new Fellow will be expected to coordinate with.
CriteriaApplications are welcomed in any subject. Applicants must hold a salaried postdoctoral position or personal fellowship in the University or one of its associated research institutes, with tenure for at least two years from the date of application, that is until April 2026. Appointments will be made on the basis of academic distinction and potential contribution to the academic community at Churchill College. The College would be very pleased to accept applications from underrepresented groups, and, in addition, candidates working in the fields of sustainability, equality and diversity, and postcolonial studies.
ApplicationsTo apply:
- Complete this online form: https://forms.office.com/e/efSaeS5JNv
- Email a CV and letter, in which, in no more than 750 words (excluding references, footnotes and endnotes), applicants should describe their research and its importance, and what they will bring to the Churchill academic community. The nature and tenure of their current position should be clearly stated.
- Applicants must also arrange for two academic referees to write directly to the College on their behalf. It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that the referee submits their reference by the closing date.
Applications and references must be received by the Fellowship Administrator at Churchill College, by midday on Friday 26 April 2024
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Postdoctoral |
Churchill College intends to appoint up to 16 Postdoctoral By-Fellows from the community of postdoctoral researchers of the University of Cambridge and its associated research institutes. The appointm...View more
Duke University:
Duke University was created in 1924 through an indenture of trust by James Buchanan Duke. Today, Duke is regarded as one of America’s leading research universities. Located in Durham, North Carolina, Duke is positioned in the heart of the Research Triangle, which is ranked annually as one of the best places in the country to work and live. Duke has more than 15,000 students who study and conduct research in its 10 undergraduate, graduate and professional schools. With about 40,000 employees, Duke is the third largest private employer in North Carolina, and it now has international programs in more than 150 countries.
OCCUPATIONAL SUMMARYThe Sanford School of Public Policy’s Office of Communications and Marketing seeks an undergraduate student assistant for the summer via the NCCU Summer Communication Internship program (Dr. Mac Fellowship) with University Communications. The Sanford communications office handles websites, social media, web video production, podcasts, publications, media relations, advertising and special events for the school.
Track media placements; interview alumni, students, incoming faculty, etc. and write stories and profiles; complete general support work such as data entry. Update websites, using Drupal content manger, some work with social media. Create graphics as needed. Assist with production of print and/or online products including faculty guide, etc., and online e-newsletters. Assist with podcasts and video production and marketing. Help prepare for communications work in Duke Centennial in 2024 and major projects for fall 2023. Training will be provided for all tasks.
Required skills:
Strong writing, grammar, and Internet research skills; attention to detail; ability to learn and follow AP style. Proficiency expected with MS Office programs including Word and Excel. Graphic design skills. Essential traits include reliability, flexibility, strong work ethic, and ability to be self-directing. Knowledge of photo editing software such as Photoshop is a strong plus. Must have reliable internet and phone connection to be able to work remotely.
The Sanford communications office handles websites, social media, web video production, podcasts, publications, media relations, advertising and special events for the school.
Projects and deliverables:
Research, write and publish 3 stories, such as faculty or alumni profiles.
Interview current students, and draft 3 #HumansofDukeSanford profiles for publication in the fall.
Assist with creating/editing videos.
Create up to 10 graphics for social media.
Other ongoing projects:
Assist with marketing research for Ways & Means podcasts.
Assist with production of annual faculty guide.
Assist with photo shoot for Duke Magazine ad
Post media clips weekly.
Assist with content gathering for enewsletters.
The Dr. Mac internship is 20 hours per week for ten weeks, starting in late-May. The intern will be paid $17/hour. The intern will also receive two stipend payments of $1,750 each in June and July to help with living expenses (rent, transportation, meals).
In-person work is preferred. The intern is also expected to attend a series of lunch-time informational sessions on, for example, careers and specific job skills. These will be several Thursdays in June and July.
Every internship should result in published materials for your portfolio.
Covid note: All Duke University students, faculty, staff and affiliates must submit proof of COVID-19 vaccination or have an approved medical or religious exemption. This applies even if an individual is working remotely.
Work requires communications, analytical and organizational skills generally acquired through completion of a bachelor's degree program.
Duke is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer committed to providing employment opportunity without regard to an individual's age, color, disability, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
Duke aspires to create a community built on collaboration, innovation, creativity, and belonging. Our collective success depends on the robust exchange of ideas—an exchange that is best when the rich diversity of our perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences flourishes. To achieve this exchange, it is essential that all members of the community feel secure and welcome, that the contributions of all individuals are respected, and that all voices are heard. All members of our community have a responsibility to uphold these values.
Essential Physical Job Functions: Certain jobs at Duke University and Duke University Health System may include essentialjob functions that require specific physical and/or mental abilities. Additional information and provision for requests for reasonable accommodation will be provided by each hiring department.
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Stage et Formation |
Duke University: Duke University was created in 1924 through an indenture of trust by James Buchanan Duke. Today, Duke is regarded as one of America’s leading research universities. Located in Durha...View more
- Organisation/Entreprise
- Département
- Inst. Sci. de la Terre Orléans (ISTO)
- Domaine de recherche
- Géosciences » Autre
- Profil de chercheur
- Chercheur de première étape (R1)
- Pays
- France
- Date limite d'inscription
- Type de contrat
- Temporaire
- Statut du travail
- À temps plein
- Heures par semaine
- 38
- Date de début de l'offre
- Le poste est-il financé par le programme-cadre de recherche de l'UE ?
- Non financé par un programme de l'UE
- L'emploi est-il lié au poste du personnel au sein d'une infrastructure de recherche ?
- Non
Description de l'offre
- Domaine de recherche
- Géosciences » Autre
- niveau d'éducation
- Master ou équivalent
- Domaine de recherche
- Chimie » Autre
- niveau d'éducation
- Master ou équivalent
- Domaine de recherche
- Physique » Thermodynamique
- niveau d'éducation
- Master ou équivalent
- Langues
- Niveau
- Excellent
- Domaine de recherche
- Géosciences » Autre
- Années d'expérience en recherche
- Aucun
Informations Complémentaires
Lieu(x) de travail
- Nombre d'offres disponibles
- 1
- Entreprise/Institut
- Institut Sciences de la Terre Orléans (ISTO), CNRS-Univ. Orléans
- Pays
- France
- État/Province
- Centre Val de Loire
- Ville
- Orléans
- Code Postal
- 45071
- Rue
- 1A rue de la Férollerie
- Champ géographique
Où postuler
- Kenneth.koga@univ-orleans.fr
- Ville
- Orléans
- Site web
- Rue
- Château de la Source, Avenue du Parc Floral
- Code Postal
- 45067
- Kenneth.koga@univ-orleans.fr
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Doctorat |
Organisation/Entreprise UNIVERSITE D’ORLÉANS Département Inst. Sci. de la Terre Orléans (ISTO) Domaine de recherche Géosciences » Autre Profil de chercheur Chercheur de première étape (...View more
Job ID
AF9429 -0401-1705
Position Classification
FT Administrator
Position Summary
The Michael Ford Hip Hop Architecture Fellowship at the University of Detroit Mercy (UDM) is a groundbreaking program that aims to connect the field of architecture and Hip Hop culture. This fellowship, committed to nurturing innovative scholarship and creativity, provides a distinctive platform for individuals to explore and enrich the dynamic intersection of Hip Hop and architectural design. As the Fellow, you will explore the multifaceted connections between Hip Hop, urban planning, urban design, and community development as you collaborate directly with renowned Hip Hop architect Michael Ford and the Whitney M Young Jr Award-winning Detroit Collaborative Design Center (DCDC) and faculty. Beyond the UDM SACD classroom, your impact will resonate as you travel to co-facilitate Hip Hop Architecture Camps, engaging with students and communities nationwide. Join us in shaping the future of architectural education through a dynamic fusion of community engagement, music, and culturally relevant pedagogy.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities
Curricular Development and Instruction
- Co-facilitate Hip Hop Architecture Camps in cities across the United States.
- Co-Teach two undergraduate level Hip Hop Architecture Design Studios.
- Advance the Hip Hop Architecture Camp curriculum for K-12 students and college students.
Event Coordination
- Lecture Series: Lead the development of a city-wide, lecture series exploring the intersection of design and Hip Hop culture.
Community Engagement
- Community Masterplan: The Fellow will edit and advance the development of a neighborhood masterplan based on completed works by youth during The Hip Hop Architecture Camps and students during the UDM SACD design studios. This published plan will be for a specific community within the City of Detroit.
Minimum Qualifications
- Must hold a master’s degree or higher in architecture or a related field. Licensure is not required.
- Must demonstrate expertise or strong interest in Hip Hop culture.
- Must demonstrate teaching experience in architectural design and related subjects.
Preferred Qualifications
- We expect candidates to have a forward-thinking perspective.
- Fellow will work with diverse communities, including youth with English as a second language. Fluency in Spanish is not required but is a bonus.
Physical Requirements
Job may require lifting light weight objects (1 to 10 pounds) with no repetitive bending or stooping.
Work Environment
Occasional exposure to objectionable conditions or variations such as those found in variable weather conditions or light industrial settings.
Salary/Pay Information
Anticipated Schedule
Monday to Friday – 8.30 AM to 5.00 PM
Special Instructions to Applicants
Candidates must apply by completing an application and uploading materials. Materials must include:
- A letter explaining your interest in the position and the school
- A curriculum vitae
- Examples of work including both design and teaching experience (24 pages maximum);
- The names and contact information for three references.
Review of applications will begin Monday, April 8, 2024, and will continue until the position is filled. The appointment begins June 1, 2024. Please direct any questions about the position to the Dean of the School of Architecture & Community Development, Dan Pitera, FAIA at piteradw@udmercy.edu . Please copy Brigette Murphy-Barbee murphybr@udmercy.edu on all other email correspondence.
Our School of Architecture & Community Development is the only accredited architecture program based in Detroit, and is internationally known for its long history of providing a social, economic and environmental justice-driven and student-centered educational approach. We have always taken particular pride in our expertise in public interest design and civic engagement. SACD is also home to the Detroit Collaborative Design Center (DCDC), a professional practice with full-time staff supported by student employees providing design, planning, and community engagement services to the non-profit community using a “teaching-hospital” model for architects. SACD seeks to recruit and retain a diverse faculty as a reflection of university mission and our commitment to providing excellent, student-centered education for our diverse student body.
For additional information about the School, visit our website: sacd.udmercy.edu. The School of Architecture & Community Development has recently completed a name change transition and is currently working through the corresponding graphic branding and identity update to its website.
Employee Benefits
At the University of Detroit Mercy, we continually strive to provide a high-quality, comprehensive benefits package to our valued employees. We offer our employees the following benefits:
1. Medical-
Three health plans to choose from with a large national provider network.
2. Dental-
UDM’s School of Dentistry FREE to you and your dependents.
Option to purchase additional dental plan through UNUM.
3. Vision -
Exams and lenses every 12 months.
4. Health Savings Account and Flexible Spending Accounts offered.
5. Employee Assistance Program-
Provided to everyone in your household.
6. Short-Term and Long-Term Disability.
7. Life and AD&D -
1x base salary up to $100,000
8. Option to purchase additional life insurance, accident insurance, and/or critical illness insurance.
9. Tuition Remission Benefit for you, your spouse, and children.
10. Retirement Plan -
UDM provides matches up to 8%
Michigan’s largest, most comprehensive private University, University of Detroit Mercy is an independent Catholic institution of higher education sponsored by the Sisters of Mercy and Society of Jesus. Detroit Mercy seeks qualified candidates who will contribute to the University’s mission, diversity, and excellence of its academic community. University of Detroit Mercy is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer with a diverse student body and welcomes persons of all backgrounds.
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Stage et Formation |
Job ID AF9429 -0401-1705 Position Classification FT Administrator Position Summary The Michael Ford Hip Hop Architecture Fellowship at the University of Detroit Mercy (UDM) is a groundbreaking program...View more
- Organisation/Company
- Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento _IST-ID
- Department
- Research Field
- Engineering » Mechanical engineering
- Researcher Profile
- First Stage Researcher (R1)
- Country
- Portugal
- Application Deadline
- 26 Mar 2024 - 23:59 (Europe/Lisbon)
- Type of Contract
- Not Applicable
- Job Status
- Not Applicable
- Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
- Not funded by an EU programme
- Reference Number
- LA/P/0083/2020
- Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
- No
- Research Field
- Engineering » Mechanical engineering
- Education Level
- Undergraduate
- Be enrolled at a professional higher technical course, at a bachelor degree, at an integrated master or master degree, or to have a bachelor degree and be enrolled at a course that does not award an academic degree and it is integrated in the educational project of a higher education institution, performed in association or cooperation with one or several R&D units;
- Not exceed with this contract, including the possible renovations, an accumulated period of one year in this type of studentship, continuously or with interruptions;
- Not have held any other fellowship directly or indirectly funded by FCT.
- Be enrolled at a professional higher technical course, at a bachelor degree, at an integrated master or master degree, or to have a bachelor degree and be enrolled at a course that does not award an academic degree and it is integrated in the educational project of a higher education institution, performed in association or cooperation with one or several R&D units;
- Not exceed with this contract, including the possible renovations, an accumulated period of one year in this type of studentship, continuously or with interruptions;
- Not have held any other fellowship directly or indirectly funded by FCT.
- Experience of the front-end platforms and languages used in the MARETEC network: 40% (0/20);
- Experience in developing computer applications for simulating numerical models in a GIS environment: 30% (0/20);
- Individual interview (in the event of a tie between the best-placed candidates), where motivation and specific knowledge will be assessed: 30% (0/20).
- Website for additional job details
- https://ist-id.pt/concursos/bolsas/
- Number of offers available
- 1
- Company/Institute
- Country
- Portugal
- Geofield
- nuno.sarmento@tecnico.ulisboa.pt
- City
- Lisbon
- Website
- http://ist-id.pt/
- Street
- Av. Rovisco Pais
- Postal Code
- 1049-001 Lisboa
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Stage et Formation |
Organisation/Company Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento _IST-ID Department DRH Research Field Engineering » Mechanical engineering Researcher Profile ...View more
The Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) invites nominations and applications for the position of Curator of the Loeb Fellowship. The School seeks an exceptional individual to build upon the legacy of Loeb Curators William Doebele, James Stockard LF ’78 and John C. Peterson LF ’06. The successful candidate will provide leadership to the Loeb Fellowship and contribute to the GSD community. The Loeb Fellowship is a year-long residential fellowship for mid-career professionals who are accomplished practitioners, influential in shaping the built and natural environment, whose work is advancing positive social outcomes in the US and around the world. Loeb Fellows spend an academic year at Harvard’s GSD where they have access to the intellectual and critical life of the University. The Fellows—approximately 10 each year—are selected based on their potential to use the resources of the GSD, the University, and the current and past Fellows to become even more effective leaders and to have a greater impact as a result of their Fellowship year. The Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) educates leaders in design, research, and scholarship to make a resilient, just, and beautiful world. The GSD offers degree programs across a range of design disciplines—architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, urban design, design engineering, and real estate—as well as advanced research programs that cut across all of these disciplines, and a robust public program of lectures, exhibitions, and publications. Taken together, the immense variety of people, programs, and ideas represented at the School sustains a vibrant and rich environment for learning, inquiry, and collaboration unlike that of any other design school. Now in its sixth decade, the Loeb Fellowship was founded with a gift from John L. and Frances Loeb. Over the past fifty-three years the Fellowship has offered the resources of Harvard to a diverse group of over 500 Loeb Fellows from 40 U.S. states and 34 countries. For more information see: gsd.harvard.edu/loeb-fellowship and loebfellowship.gsd.harvard.edu. Candidates are encouraged to apply by April 26, 2024. However, applications will be reviewed on a continuing basis and the search will remain open until the position is filled.
Position Description
CORE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Reporting to the Dean of the GSD, the Curator provides vision and overall direction to the Loeb Fellowship program for mid-career professionals in design-related disciplines. As principal spokesperson for the program, the Curator directs the outreach within Harvard and beyond. In addition to providing leadership to and management of the Loeb Fellowship in the four areas described below—Fellows, Alumni, Curation, Administration—the Curator will also be expected to contribute to the School through service to the GSD.
- Loeb Fellows
- Convene cohort activities including orientations, weekly seminars, retreats and cohort travel, and dinners. Initiate and administer subsidiary projects and events, such as colloquia, seminars, and travel opportunities.
- Convene and serve on a nine-person Selection Committee for each cohort of Loeb Fellows. Direct annual Selection process, including recruitment.
- Direct recruitment and promotion. Have a wide network of colleagues on which to draw in seeking Loeb Fellows.
- Serve as advisor to Fellows on yearly individual work plans. Have the ability to mentor and motivate Fellows as mid-career professionals to grow in their technical skills, their vision, and their leadership ability.
- Encourage Fellows’ integration and networking within GSD, across Harvard and among Loeb Alumni. Facilitate contacts between the fellows and members of the GSD and Harvard communities.
- Collaborate with the Dean on the Senior Loeb Scholar appointment process and programming.
- Loeb Alumni
- Serve as liaison for the Loeb Fellowship alumni community and the GSD.
- Work with the Loeb Fellowship Alumni Association (LFAA) to pursue its mission, including the values of equity, diversity and sustainability. Support ongoing professional, intellectual, and social engagement among alumni. Foster collaboration between the Loeb Fellowship program, Loeb alumni, and the GSD.
- Facilitate alumni communications and networking, internally and externally, including central alumni database.
- Support alumni events and programs, including Loeb Fellowship Alumni Council (LFAC) grants and annual LFAA fall study tours.
- Curation
- Strategic planning, including visionary thinking around expanded programming, engagement, outreach, and potential impact of Fellowship, Fellows, and Alumni.
- Develop relationships and programming across the GSD, Harvard, and beyond, working with diverse constituencies, including students, faculty, staff, alumni and external stakeholders.
- Explore research and knowledge production opportunities, including public programs, exhibition and publication opportunities.
- Together with the Dean, convene an advisory committee to deepen relationships across the School.
- Administration
- Supervise Loeb Fellowship staff as well as independent contractors and other partners.
- Oversee and steward Loeb Fellowship facilities, including working with the Facilities and Campus Operations Office on management and maintenance of residential properties.
- Direct financial management, including working with the Finance Office on annual budget.
- Direct strategic communications, both internal and external.
- Identify, cultivate and pursue development and partnership opportunities, including in collaboration with the GSD Development and Alumni Relations Office
Basic Qualifications
- Bachelor's degree required
- Proven curatorial, staff and program management, and/or development leadership in an educational/design setting including architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning, urban design or related field is required.
- Experience working with academic leadership and faculty in an external relations context.
Additional Qualifications and Skills
- Be able to articulate and impart the values of “disciplinary knowledge and trans-disciplinary impact” to the diverse groups of practitioners who make up each class of Fellows
- Have an interest in and ability to build and support an intellectual and professional community.
- Be able to communicate and work across disciplinary boundaries
- Have excellent interpersonal and intercultural communication skills that work across diverse audiences including students, faculty, fellows, alumni, donors, and the greater public.
- Be committed to advancing the engagement of the design professions within the public, private, nonprofit and NGO sectors for the public good.
- Have the ability to work across, and engage with issues at different scales of the built environment.
- A Master’s degree in a field of study taught at the GSD is preferred.
- Demonstrate and implement a commitment to the values of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging:
- Harvard University views equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging as the pathway to achieving inclusive excellence and fostering a campus culture where everyone can thrive. We strive to create a community that draws upon the widest possible pool of talent to unify excellence and diversity while fully embracing individuals from varied backgrounds, cultures, races, identities, life experiences, perspectives, beliefs, and values.
- The Curator is encouraged to:
- Develop strategy to ensure that diversity, belonging and inclusion efforts are infused in all aspects of Loeb Fellowship, Senior Loeb Scholar and Alumni cohorts and programs and attend to the issues of intersectionality within and among the Loeb community
- Prioritize the innovation and reflection that comes from recognizing diverse perspectives and experiences and creating space for them in the Loeb Fellowship and GSD communities
- Have a proven ability to work collaboratively and engage in productive and respectful dialog with individuals of differing backgrounds
Physical Requirements
There are no known physical requirements associated with this position.
Working Conditions
Work is mainly performed in an office setting.
Additional Information
The Loeb Fellowship Curator will be appointed for an initial term of five years, and the position is renewable, contingent upon review and reappointment by the Dean. The Loeb Curator position is normally a full-time obligation and full-time residence in, or relocation to, the Boston metropolitan area is a requirement of the position. As appropriate to the Curator’s disciplinary and professional background, and at the discretion of the Department Chairs, a teaching appointment may be considered, reviewed annually and contingent on continuation of the staff appointment.
Work Format Details
This is a hybrid position that is based in Massachusetts. Additional details will be discussed during the interview process. All remote work must be performed within one of the Harvard Registered Payroll States, which currently includes Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Virginia, Washington, and California (CA for exempt positions only). Certain visa types and funding sources may limit work location. Individuals must meet work location sponsorship requirements prior to employment.
We invite you to visit Harvard's Total Rewards website (https://hr.harvard.edu/totalrewards) to learn more about our outstanding benefits package, which may include:
- Paid Time Off: 3-4 weeks of accrued vacation time per year (3 weeks for support staff and 4 weeks for administrative/professional staff), 12 accrued sick days per year, 12.5 holidays plus a Winter Recess in December/January, 3 personal days per year (prorated based on date of hire), and up to 12 weeks of paid leave for new parents who are primary care givers.
- Health and Welfare: Comprehensive medical, dental, and vision benefits, disability and life insurance programs, along with voluntary benefits. Most coverage begins as of your start date.
- Work/Life and Wellness: Child and elder/adult care resources including on campus childcare centers, Employee Assistance Program, and wellness programs related to stress management, nutrition, meditation, and more.
- Retirement: University-funded retirement plan with contributions from 5% to 15% of eligible compensation, based on age and earnings with full vesting after 3 years of service.
- Tuition Assistance Program: Competitive program including $40 per class at the Harvard Extension School and reduced tuition through other participating Harvard graduate schools.
- Tuition Reimbursement: Program that provides 75% to 90% reimbursement up to $5,250 per calendar year for eligible courses taken at other accredited institutions.
- Professional Development: Programs and classes at little or no cost, including through the Harvard Center for Workplace Development and LinkedIn Learning.
- Commuting and Transportation: Various commuter options handled through the Parking Office, including discounted parking, half-priced public transportation passes and pre-tax transit passes, biking benefits, and more.
- Harvard Facilities Access, Discounts and Perks: Access to Harvard athletic and fitness facilities, libraries, campus events, credit union, and more, as well as discounts to various types of services (legal, financial, etc.) and cultural and leisure activities throughout metro-Boston.
Job Function
General Administration
Department Office Location
USA - MA - Cambridge
Job Code
360060 Admin Offcr/SrIndiv Contrib
Work Format
Hybrid (partially on-site, partially remote)
00 - Non Union, Exempt or Temporary
Time Status
Pre-Employment Screening
Commitment to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging
Harvard University views equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging as the pathway to achieving inclusive excellence and fostering a campus culture where everyone can thrive. We strive to create a community that draws upon the widest possible pool of talent to unify excellence and diversity while fully embracing individuals from varied backgrounds, cultures, races, identities, life experiences, perspectives, beliefs, and values.
EEO Statement
We are an equal opportunity employer and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability status, protected veteran status, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, or any other characteristic protected by law.
LinkedIn Recruiter Tag (for internal use only)
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Stage et Formation |
The Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) invites nominations and applications for the position of Curator of the Loeb Fellowship. The School seeks an exceptional individual to build upon the legacy...View more
The Robert Burns Fellowship was established in 1958 by a group of citizens, who wished to remain anonymous, to commemorate the bicentenary of the birth of Robert Burns, and to perpetuate appreciation of the valuable services rendered to the early settlement of Otago by the Burns family.
The general purpose of the Fellowship is to encourage and promote imaginative New Zealand literature, and to associate writers thereof with the University. It is attached to the Department of English at the University of Otago.
The Fellowship duration is from 1 February 2025 to 31 January 2026. The stipend for the Fellowship is equivalent to a Lecturer’s salary and may include a contribution to travel/removal expenses. The salary is payable in twelve equal monthly instalments.
For further information about the Fellowship and previous recipients, please see below for attached Conditions of Award.
The following supporting material should be uploaded when you complete your online application: • Covering letter including short biography. • Curriculum vitae. • Details of published work. • A 500-word outline of work contemplated. • Samples of work (there is no minimum or maximum amount required).
Please apply via the Recruitment System. We encourage all documentation to be submitted via this system, the following file formats are accepted for attachments: • Word (.doc/.docx). • Word Perfect (.wpd). • Excel (.xls/.xlsx). • Rich Text Format (.rtf). • Portable Document Format (.pdf).
You may attach up to 10 files, and each file must not exceed 1.5 Mb.
Testimonials and names of referees are not required.
If you have any questions about the application process, please contact the Recruitment Team.
If you have any queries about the Fellowship, please email the Arts Fellowship Administrator.
Applications will close on Sunday, 2 June 2024.
Additional Information
Contact: Arts Fellowship Administrator
Contact: Recruitment Team Tel: +64 3 479 8275
Position details: Conditions of Award
Guidelines for Academic Positions: Guidelines
Further Information: Fellowship Website
Create an email with a link to this vacancy: Create email
Location: About Dunedin
Primary Location NZL-SI-Dunedin Employment Status Fixed Term Salary Level and Range Please see information above Organisation Humanities Divisional Office Job Function Fellowships
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Stage et Formation |
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS: The Robert Burns Fellowship was established in 1958 by a group of citizens, who wished to remain anonymous, to commemorate the bicentenary of the birth of Robert ...View more
The Fellowship was established by the University Council in 1969 and was made possible by the generous interest of anonymous friends of the University. The general purpose of the Mozart Fellowship Fund is to aid and encourage composers of music in the practice and advancement of their art, to associate them with the life of the University, and at the same time to foster an interest in contemporary music within the University and in the community.
The Fellowship duration is 1 February 2025 to 31 January 2026. The stipend for the Fellowship is equivalent to a Lecturer’s salary and may include a contribution to travel/removal expenses. The salary is payable in fortnightly instalments.
For further information about the Fellowship and previous recipients, please see below for attached Conditions of Award.
Applications must include your curriculum vitae and should include a maximum of three pieces of your work (scores and recordings).
Please apply via the Recruitment System. We encourage all documentation to be submitted via this system where possible. The following file formats are accepted for attachments: • Word (.doc/.docx) • Word Perfect (.wpd) • Excel (.xls/.xlsx) • Rich Text Format (.rtf) • Portable Document Format (.pdf)
You may attach up to 10 files, and each file must not exceed 1.5 Mb.
Audio file formats are not supported by this online Recruitment System but you may list web links in this application if your audio files can be accessed online. Alternatively, audio files can be mailed on CD or USB drive.
Additional material can be sent to the Fellowships Administrator. If you require any supporting material to be returned, please supply a prepaid self-addressed envelope. All remaining material will be confidentially disposed. Any material submitted outside of the recruitment system must be declared at the time of application and should be sent to:
Arts Fellowships Administrator Humanities Divisional Office, 5th Floor, Arts 1 Building, 95 Albany Street Dunedin New Zealand
Arts Fellowships Administrator Humanities Divisional Office PO Box 56, Dunedin, 9054, New Zealand.
Material must be received by the closing date.
To enable all members of the Mozart Fellowship Selection Committee to listen to each applicant’s work prior to the Selection Committee meeting, it may be necessary for copies to be made. Once the Selection Committee meeting has been held, all copies will be destroyed.
Applicants should give the names and contact email addresses of three persons (one of whom should, if possible, hold a University position) who are prepared to act as referees.
Applications will close on Sunday, 2 June 2024.
If you have any questions about the application process please contact the Recruitment Team.
If you have any queries about the Fellowship please email the Arts Fellowship Administrator.
Additional Information
Contact: Recruitment Team +64 3 479 8275
Contact: Arts Fellowship Administrator
Position details: Conditions of Award
Guidelines for Academic Positions: Guidelines
Further Information: Department Website
Create an email with a link to this vacancy: Create email
Location: About Dunedin
Primary Location NZL-SI-Dunedin Employment Status Fixed Term Salary Level and Range Please see information above Organisation Humanities Divisional Office Job Function Fellowships
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Stage et Formation |
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS The Fellowship was established by the University Council in 1969 and was made possible by the generous interest of anonymous friends of the University. The general...View more
The Fellowship was established by the University Council in 1962 and was initiated by the generous interest of anonymous friends of the University. The general purpose of the Frances Hodgkins Fellowship Fund is to aid and encourage painters and sculptors in the practice of their art, to associate them with the life of the University, and at the same time to foster an interest in the Arts within the University.
The Fellowship duration is 1 February 2025 to 31 January 2026. The stipend for the Fellowship is equivalent to a Lecturer’s salary and may include a contribution to travel/removal expenses.
For further information about the Fellowship and previous recipients, please see below for attached Conditions of Award.
Applications must include your curriculum vitae, a catalogue of works and a work plan of how you propose to make use of the Fellowship if awarded to you. You should also give details of three referees.
Please apply via the Recruitment System. We encourage all documentation to be submitted via this system. The following file formats are accepted for attachments: • Word (.doc/.docx). • Word Perfect (.wpd). • Excel (.xls/.xlsx). • Rich Text Format (.rtf). • Portable Document Format (.pdf).
You may attach up to 10 files, and each file must not exceed 1.5 Mb.
Additional material, for example images, can be sent in a range of formats (photographs, CDs, DVDs, USB Drives) to the Administrator. If you require any supporting material to be returned, please supply a prepaid self-addressed envelope. All remaining material will be confidentially disposed. Any material submitted outside of the recruitment system must be declared at the time of application and may be addressed to:
Arts Fellowships Administrator Humanities Divisional Office 5th Floor, Arts 1 Building 95 Albany Street Dunedin 9054 New Zealand
Arts Fellowships Administrator Humanities Divisional Office PO Box 56 Dunedin, 9054 New Zealand
Material must be received by the closing date.
It would be helpful to receive reviews of exhibitions held within the last five years, with the name of the reviewer, journal or newspaper and date of review.
Testimonials are not required.
Applicants should give the names and contact email addresses of three persons (one of whom should, if possible, hold a University position) who are prepared to act as referees.
If you have any questions about the application process please contact the Recruitment Team.
If you have any queries about the Fellowship please email the Arts Fellowship Administrator.
Applications will close on Sunday, 2 June 2024.
Additional Information
Contact: Arts Fellowship Administrator
Contact: Recruitment Team Tel: +64 3 479 8275
Position details: Condition of Award
Guidelines for Academic Positions: Guidelines
Further Information: Department Website
Create an email with a link to this vacancy: Create email
Location: About Dunedin
Primary Location NZL-SI-Dunedin Employment Status Fixed Term Salary Level and Range Please see information above Organisation Humanities Divisional Office Job Function Fellowships
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Stage et Formation |
IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS The Fellowship was established by the University Council in 1962 and was initiated by the generous interest of anonymous friends of the University. The general pur...View more
The SEDarc Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) is delighted to announce that we have been awarded funding from the ESRC to host Postdoctoral Fellows for the 2024-25 academic year.
Fellowships are aimed at providing a development opportunity for those in the immediate postdoctoral stage of their career, to provide the opportunity to consolidate their PhD through developing publications, their networks, and their research and professional skills. Fellowships are for 12 months.
The funding opportunity will be open to applicants who:
- Have been awarded a PhD or have passed their viva voce with minor amendments by the application deadline of 16 May 2024 and have been awarded their PhD by the fellowship start date of 1 October 2024.
- Have no more than 12 months active postdoctoral experience since passing their viva voce (allowing for career breaks) by 16 May 2024. The period of active post-doctoral experience should be calculated from the viva voce being passed to the closing date of 16 May 2024.
How to apply:
All applicants must submit an expression of interest (EOI) form together with a 2-page CV to sedarc@rhul.ac.uk by the 21 March 2024. We encourage applicants to also complete the ESRC SEDarc Postdoctoral Fellowships equal opportunities monitoring form. Please note that responses to the EDI form will be anonymised and held securely for statistical reporting to the ESRC only.
To obtain a copy of the EOI form please enter your details here: Postdoctoral Fellowship - Expression of Interest (EOI) request form
Applications will then be assessed, those shortlisted will then be asked to complete the ESRC application form. SEDarc will peer review the proposals and make funding decisions on behalf of ESRC by 17 June 2024.
For queries related to the call, please e-mail sedarc@rhul.ac.uk . Further information from the ESRC regarding early career researchers can be found here: Early career researchers – UKRI
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Postdoctoral |
The SEDarc Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) is delighted to announce that we have been awarded funding from the ESRC to host Postdoctoral Fellows for the 2024-25 academic year. Fellowships are aime...View more
*Applications will be reviewed on a rolling-basis.
FDA Office and Location: A research opportunity is available within the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), located at St. Louis, Missouri.
The Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) performs an essential public health task by making sure that safe and effective drugs are available to improve the health of people in the United States. As part of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), CDER regulates over-the-counter and prescription drugs, including biological therapeutics and generic drugs. This work covers more than just medicines.
Research Project: This project is located in the Office of Testing and Research (OTR), Office of Pharmactical of Quality (OPQ). The project is involved in the development of analytical procedures to characterize adulterants in drug products using Nuclear Resonance Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Using the developed method, you will screen a variety of pharmaceutical products to determine the prevalence of impurity contamination.
Learning Objectives: Under the guidance of the mentor, the participant will have opportunities to expand their knowledge and experience in pharmaceutical development, application assessment and regulation by attending internal and external trainings, conferences, and involvement in the processes of solving real-world regulatory issues.
Appointment Length: The appointment will initially be for one year, but may be renewed upon recommendation of FDA and is contingent on the availability of funds.
Level of Participation: The appointment is full time.
Citizenship Requirements: This opportunity is available to U.S. citizens, Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR), and foreign nationals. Non-U.S. citizen applicants should refer to the Guidelines for Non-U.S. Citizens Details page of the program website for information about the valid immigration statuses that are acceptable for program participation.
This program, administered by ORAU through its contract with the U.S. Department of Energy to manage the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, was established through an interagency agreement between DOE and FDA. The participant will receive a monthly stipend commensurate with educational level and experience. Proof of health insurance is required for participation in this program. Participants do not become employees of FDA, DOE or the program administrator, and there are no employment-related benefits.
Completion of a successful background investigation by the Office of Personnel Management is required for an applicant to be on-boarded at FDA. OPM can complete a background investigation only for individuals, including non-US Citizens, who have resided in the US for a total of three of the past five years.
FDA Ethics Requirements
If an ORISE Fellow, to include their spouse and minor children, reports what is identified as a Significantly Regulated Organization (SRO) or prohibited investment fund financial interest in any amount, or a relationship with an SRO, except for spousal employment with an SRO, and the individual will not voluntarily divest the financial interest or terminate the relationship, then the individual is not placed at FDA. For additional requirements, see FDA Ethics for Nonemployee Scientists .
FDA requires ORISE participants to read and sign their FDA Education and Training Agreement within 30 days of his/her start date, setting forth the conditions and expectations for his/her educational appointment at the agency. This agreement covers such topics as the following:
- Non-employee nature of the ORISE appointment;
- Prohibition on ORISE Fellows performing inherently governmental functions;
- Obligation of ORISE Fellows to convey all necessary rights to the FDA regarding intellectual property conceived or first reduced to practice during their fellowship;
- The fact that research materials and laboratory notebooks are the property of the FDA;
- ORISE fellow’s obligation to protect and not to further disclose or use non-public information.
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Stage et Formation |
*Applications will be reviewed on a rolling-basis. FDA Office and Location: A research opportunity is available within the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in The Center for Drug Evaluation and R...View more
- Organisation/Company
- Université de Lorraine, Metz
- Research Field
- PhysicsChemistry
- Researcher Profile
- Recognised Researcher (R2)Leading Researcher (R4)First Stage Researcher (R1)Established Researcher (R3)
- Country
- France
- Application Deadline
- Type of Contract
- Temporary
- Job Status
- Full-time
- Offer Starting Date
- Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
- Not funded by an EU programme
- Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?
- No
Offer Description
Additional Information
Características del Puesto
Categoría de Puesto | Doctorat |
Organisation/Company Université de Lorraine, Metz Research Field Physics Chemistry Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Leading Researcher (R4) First Stage Researcher (R1) Established Resear...View more