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Joignez-vous à nous pour consolider les soins primaires dans les communautés nordiques, rurales et éloignées

Excellence en santé Canada (ESC) accepte d’ores et déjà les candidatures des équipes de partout au pays pour un nouveau programme qui vise à assurer un accès plus équitable à des soins primaires en équipe de qualité et sûrs dans les communautés nordiques, rurales et éloignées. Ce nouveau programme permettra d’améliorer l’expérience des patients et patientes ainsi que des prestataires en matière de soins, de rendre les soins plus sûrs, y compris culturellement, et de réduire le nombre de visites évitables aux services d’urgence.

Les personnes qui vivent dans ces communautés préfèrent généralement recevoir des soins proches de leur milieu de vie, ce qui leur permet d’éviter les transports et les transferts médicaux. Toutefois, elles ont souvent un accès plus restreint aux soins de santé primaires par rapport à leurs homologues des communautés urbaines. Parmi les défis rencontrés, citons notamment un éventail limité de services et de prestataires, ainsi que les coûts et les difficultés de transport. Les occasions et les défis des prestataires de soins de santé sont également uniques. Leurs défis peuvent comprendre un champ d’exercices plus large, des difficultés de déplacement ainsi que des responsabilités additionnelles pour aider les patients et patientes et les familles à trouver les services à distance appropriés et pour organiser les déplacements médicaux. Les prestataires de soins de santé travaillent également auprès de patients et patientes ayant des besoins en soins plus complexes, en moyenne, que dans les autres communautés.

En dépit de ces défis, les communautés nordiques, rurales et éloignées et les personnes qui y vivent, y travaillent et s’y divertissent ont fait preuve, et continuent de faire preuve, d’un engagement et d’une ingéniosité incroyables en tirant parti des forces communautaires et en répondant aux besoins en santé des populations desservies.

Le programme Consolider les soins primaires dans les communautés nordiques, rurales et éloignées vise à vous aider à surmonter ces défis, tout en apprenant d’autres personnes qui font face à des réalités semblables. Il aidera à diffuser les pratiques prometteuses qui permettent d’améliorer l’accès à des soins primaires dans des régions spécifiques du Canada.

En voici quelques exemples : assurer un meilleur accès à des options de soins virtuels, rapprocher les patients et patientes sans centre de soins primaires d’une équipe qui comprend les besoins de la communauté et y répond, et favoriser l’accès à un soutien collégial à distance pour les prestataires de soins de santé servant les communautés rurales et éloignées ainsi que celles des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis.

« Les personnes qui vivent et travaillent dans les communautés nordiques, rurales et éloignées désirent et méritent l’excellence des soins. En assurant un accès plus équitable à des soins en équipe sûrs, de qualité et proches du milieu de vie, ce programme aidera à réduire les disparités liées à la santé, à améliorer les résultats en matière de santé et à accroître la sécurité des usagers dans ces communautés », affirme Jennifer Zelmer, présidente-directrice générale d’Excellence en santé Canada.

Les équipes participantes recevront un accompagnement personnalisé pour mettre en œuvre ou renforcer une pratique prometteuse et bénéficieront des avantages suivants :

  • un financement de démarrage (pouvant aller jusqu’à 50 000 $ environ par équipe);
  • des activités de réseautage virtuelles et en personne, un accompagnement ainsi que des événements d’apprentissage destinés à promouvoir le partage et la collaboration à l’échelle du Canada, des régions et des communautés;
  • des ressources et des aides au développement des capacités;
  • un appui axé sur les processus de mesure et d’évaluation;
  • des occasions d’éclairer l’élaboration de nouvelles ressources afin de renforcer les soins primaires en équipe.

Le programme Consolider les soins primaires appuiera jusqu’à 20 équipes partout au Canada.

« Tout le monde, peu importe leur identité ou leur lieu de résidence, mérite un accès équitable à des soins de santé de qualité et respectueux de la culture. Le nouveau programme Consolider les soins primaires dans les communautés nordiques, rurales et éloignées contribuera à éliminer les obstacles qui empêchent plusieurs de ces communautés d’accéder aux soins de santé dont elles ont besoin et qu’elles méritent, afin d’améliorer leur état de santé », dit l’honorable Jean-Yves Duclos, ministre de la Santé.

Le programme Consolider les soins primaires fait partie intégrante des efforts d’ESC pour diffuser les innovations qui rapprochent les soins du milieu de vie en assurant la sécurité des transitions. Il est également aligné sur les efforts déployés par le gouvernement du Canada pour améliorer l'accès aux services de santé familiale, y compris dans les régions rurales et éloignées et les communautés mal desservies, afin que toutes et tous aient accès à des services de qualité au moment voulu.

Déposez votre candidature pour participer au programme Consolider les soins primaires

Rejoignez des personnes de tout le Canada déterminées à consolider les soins primaires dans les communautés nordiques, rurales et éloignées. Déposez votre candidature pour participer au programme Consolider les soins primaires.


Healthcare Excellence Canada is now accepting applications from teams across the country for a new program focused on improving equitable access to safe, high-quality team-based primary care in northern, rural and remote communities. This new program will help improve patient and provider experiences of care, make care safer, including more culturally safe, and reduce avoidable emergency department visits.

People who live in these communities often prefer care closer to home, avoiding medical transport and transfers, but they tend to have poorer access to primary care compared to their urban-dwelling counterparts. This includes fewer available services and providers, as well as transportation costs and obstacles.  Healthcare providers also experience unique opportunities and challenges, including broader scopes of practice, travel and helping patients and families navigate remote services and medical travel. They also work with patients with care requirements that are, on average, more complex than they are in other communities.

In the midst of these circumstances, northern, rural and remote communities and the people who live, work and play in them also have and continue to demonstrate incredible commitment and resourcefulness that build on community strengths and respond to the health needs of the communities they serve.

Strengthening Primary Care in Northern, Rural and Remote Communities is designed to help address these circumstances, while also learning from others facing similar realities. It will help spread promising practices that are improving access to primary care in specific parts of the country.

Example promising practices include increasing access to virtual care options, attaching patients who do not have a primary care home to a team that understands and responds to their community’s needs, and increasing access to virtual collegial support for healthcare providers serving rural, remote and First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities.

“People living and working in northern, rural and remote communities want and deserve excellence in care,” said Jennifer Zelmer, President and CEO of Healthcare Excellence Canada. “By improving equitable access to safe, high-quality team-based care closer to home, this program will help reduce health disparities, improve health outcomes and improve patient safety in these communities.”

Participants will receive tailored support to implement or bolster a promising practice aimed at strengthening access to primary care in their communities, including:

  • Seed funding (up to approximately $50,000 per team)
  • Virtual and in-person networking, coaching, and learning events to promote pan-Canadian, regional, and community-level sharing and collaborations
  • Resources and capability-building supports
  • Measurement and evaluation support
  • Opportunities to inform development of new team-based primary care resources

Strengthening Primary Care will support up to 20 teams across Canada.

"Everyone deserves equitable and culturally-safe access to high-quality health care no matter who they are or where they live,” said the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Health. “The new Strengthening Primary Care in Northern, Rural and Remote Communities program will help address the challenges that many of these communities continue to face in accessing the health care they need and deserve to improve their health outcomes."

Strengthening Primary Care is part of HEC’s work to spread innovations that bring care closer to home and community with safe transitions.  It also aligns with the Government of Canada’s work to improve access to family health services, so everyone has access to high-quality family health services when they need them, including in rural and remote areas, and for underserved communities.

Apply to Strengthening Primary Care

Join people across Canada committed to strengthening primary care in northern, rural and remote communities. Apply to join Strengthening Primary Care:


Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPrix, Concours et offres

Joignez-vous à nous pour consolider les soins primaires dans les communautés nordiques, rurales et éloignées Excellence en santé Canada (ESC) accepte d’ores et déjà les […]

The Transformational Grants programme is a highly specialised programme. It will make a small number of grants to create systemic change for Armed Forces communities. Grants of up to £300,000 are available.

Under this programme, we will fund a very small number of projects that will deliver permanent and significant changes or improvements for Armed Forces communities, where there are hidden needs not being met by current service provision.

Your project will need work with people from Armed Forces communities who have needs that are having a significant impact on their lives, but who cannot access specialist services because these services are not available or accessible to them.


Charities that were successful under this programme in 2022/23 will not be eligible to apply to this programme in 2023/24.

We invite applications from charities that have been registered in the UK for at least two years at the time of grant award, which can demonstrate relevant experience and engagement.

If your organisation has been registered for less than three years, you should provide clear evidence of your governance arrangements and why you are confident you have the expertise to take on a grant of this size.

Organisations that have been registered for less than three years may be subject to enhanced monitoring arrangements were a grant to be awarded.

We will expect clear evidence of existing work with the specific Armed Forces community that your application would support, including evidence of how people with lived experience will be able to strategically shape the project. We particularly welcome applications that are preventative in nature and can show effective partnership working between Armed Forces charities and specialist or dedicated organisations who will bring expertise and experience to the project.

Charities that are not Armed Forces specific can apply, but we will expect you to show that you will work in partnership with Armed Forces organisations. If working with this sector is new to you, then you will need to make a strong case for why you are now wishing to do so.

Organisations that are not eligible to apply directly, could play a highly effective role in delivering projects in collaboration with an eligible organisation. There is more information on working with others within the programme guidance found further down this page.

What’s available

Grants of up to £300,000 for projects delivered between three and five years.

Themes and priorities

Highly focused:  We are looking for projects that are highly specific and targeted to the needs of a particular and specific community of people within the wider Armed Forces community.

Evidence of need: We are also looking for applications that can be clear about the evidence of why their project is needed. Your application should explain why the needs that your project will address require resource and explain the difference that this will make to people’s lives.

Transformational impact: We are expecting to deliver systemic change, through funding projects that demonstrate an intent for long-term transformation, extending much further than the initial beneficiaries and the organisation receiving the grant. This may relate to how, what, where and by whom services are delivered in the future to this specific cohort, or instigate wholly new strategic solutions. Your application must describe how the impact of the project will continue after the grant has ended.

Consultation and collaboration: You should be able to show how the people who will benefit from this project will be able to shape it and that you will work collaboratively with other organisations over the life of your grant.

We expect this programme to be highly competitive, and that we will receive more good applications than we can support. We will only fund one project for each specific community within the wider Armed Forces community. There is more information in the programme guidance.

If there are a high number of good quality applications, the Trust may not prioritise themes that were supported last year.

Deadlines and dates to note

This is a two-stage application process. Find more information on how to apply in the programme guidance.

The deadline to submit a short expression of interest is 5pm, Monday 14 August 2023.

There is only one opportunity to submit this expression of interest.

If you apply by the deadline, we will review your expression of interest against the criteria in the programme guidance, and contact the strongest applicants before the end of September, inviting you to submit a full application by 11 December 2023. We will make final decisions in February 2024.

Guidance and resources

We encourage you to take a look at the application questions before beginning your online application to the Transformational Grants programme. Please note, this is for reference only. You can only make an application via our online application portal below. You can also view the terms and conditions to receiving an award, here.


Transformational Grants programme – application questions for your Expression of Interest (for reference only before using the application portal) DOWNLOAD 66.4 KB 

Ready to complete your Expression of Interest Form?

Once you have read the programme guidance and any other resources above, you can apply through our online Expression of Interest form, which you can access by clicking below. APPLY NOW

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPrix, Concours et offres

The Transformational Grants programme is a highly specialised programme. It will make a small number of grants to create systemic change for Armed Forces communities. Grants of […]

Publicado hace 2 años

CHEJ Small Grants Program

CHEJ Small Grants Program Guidelines

All Tiers - Round 2

CHEJ has a Small Grants Program for grassroots groups working on environmental health and justice issues. Grassroots communities of color, low wealth, rural and urban groups are encouraged to apply. If you are part of a coalition, each group in the coalition may apply as well as the coalition itself. This grant program will support projects that help groups move toward their goals by building leadership, increasing capacity, or providing training and education. A priority of CHEJ’s Small Grants Program is to help grassroots community groups to build their capacity. Our program is designed to reach people from low wealth communities and communities of color who are impacted by environmental harms. Please carefully read the guidelines and areas of interest before you apply. We recognize that we are operating in an unusual time because of the coronavirus and that this may impact your options for carrying out your work. We will take this into consideration when reviewing all applications. The closer your project is to the focus of the Center for Health, Environment & Justice’s (CHEJ) program, the better chance you have to succeed in securing funding. CHEJ supports a wide range of issues; however, we have a limited amount of funds provided to support a specific focus. That doesn’t mean that your work outside the focus is less critical– IT IS NOT. If you have questions about your project and if it will meet the guidelines, please call and ask before you invest your valuable time in filling out the forms. We’ll give you an honest answer. CHEJ prioritizes community-based organizations aiming to have local, state, and regional impact as the core of the health and environmental justice movement. CHEJ believes that no social change on behalf of the exploited comes without strong community-based organizations.

Grant activities can include:

  • Board Development
  • Membership outreach
  • Fundraising efforts
  • Meeting to develop organizing/strategic plans.
  • Events that are part of that plan.
  • Training leaders to go door-to-door
  • Equipment for communications, example; the purchase of Zoom software.
  • Educational activities directly connected to your strategic plan General events, done safely and honoring social distancing.

Projects we are not likely to fund:

  • Film production
  • Community gardens
  • Individuals
  • National organizations
  • Legal assistance
  • Market campaigns
  • Natural environmental protections
  • Food banks
  • Organization outside of the United States
  • National Campaigns, (except local/statewide group specific efforts may fit into a campaign)
  • We no longer can fund environmental testing
  • Groups with annual budget over one million dollars
  • Legislative lobbying

CHEJ’s Small Grants program focuses on addressing environmental threats and associated public health harms.

Proposals are due August 14, 2023. Your project must be complete, and your final report submitted by April 12, 2024.

  • The grant application is different for different sized organizations. Small organizations and all-volunteer groups with budgets under $50,000, FALL UNDER TIER 1  (Applications downloads at the top). Grants are available in this tier range from $1,000 to $5,000.
  • Organizations with budgets no greater than $250,000, FALL UNDER TIER 2  (Applications downloads at the top). Grants are available in this tier range from $5,000 to $10,000.
  • Larger organizations with budgets over $250,000, FALL UNDER TIER 3  (Applications downloads at the top). Grants are available in this tier range from $10,000 to $20,000.

If you are a grassroots group, but are not incorporated and do not have a bank account, you will need to find an organization that can accept the funds for your group. Consider such as a faith-based organization or another non-profit who will serve as your “fiscal sponsor.”

Although we believe that many efforts in the field are valuable in creating change, our resources are limitedProjects such as film production, community gardens, legal assistance, market campaigns, natural environment protection, and food banks are not likely to be supported. CHEJ’s program focus is on addressing environmental threats and associated public health harms.

The deadline for submitting your application is August 14, 2023. Applications must be submitted to CHEJ at grants@chej.org or you can send it by mail to CHEJ, P.O. Box 6806, Falls Church, VA 22046 (must be postmarked no later than August 14, 2023). Please check our application form carefully for more specifics on our guidelines.

If you have questions, feel free to give us a call at 614-539-1471 or send an email to Teresa Mills, tmills@chej.org.

Our small grants training call will be on July 21, 2023, from 12-1 Eastern Standard Time. Please watch for our notice to register.

 Thank you for your interest. 

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPrix, Concours et offres

CHEJ Small Grants Program Download applications: Tier 1 Application Tier 2 Application Tier 3 Application Guidelines CHEJ Small Grants Program Guidelines All Tiers – Round […]

Publicado hace 2 años

The Adult Health and Wellbeing Grant fund is now open for application. The grant fund will close on Friday, 15th September, or when all available funding has been allocated.

The Adult Health and Wellbeing Grant Fund aims to support residents by providing opportunity to access high quality, entry level, low-cost or free activity to improve health and wellbeing outcomes.

What we are looking to fund

- An 8 week activity programme designed to support adults into health and wellbeing promoting activity

- Free or very low-cost activity

- Targetting inactive adults, or adults who are experiencing financial barriers to accessing activity, or both.

- We encourage a holistic approach to defining health and wellbeing activity, and will consider less traditional approaches.

The purpose of this grant fund is to offer a broad range of activity across the borough to support adults into health and wellbeing supporting activity. There will be a preference for funding provision that provides sustainable routes into activity beyond the stipulated 8 week delivery window. The funding period is between 1st August and 30th November - applications will be considered as they are received, within the context of ensuring diverse provision in all areas of Chorley.

Who can apply?

- voluntary, community and faith sector groups, CICs, social enterprises and businesses operating within Chorley - groups with a bank account Individuals cannot apply

Applying for funding

A grant of up to a £650 maximum is available to apply for.

Before applying please read the grant fund specification: Adult Health and Wellbeing Activity Grant Fund 2023 (PDF) [112KB]

To apply please complete the application form and return to communities@chorley.gov.uk: Adult Health and Wellbeing Grant Fund Application Form (Word doc) [19KB]

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPrix, Concours et offres

The Adult Health and Wellbeing Grant fund is now open for application. The grant fund will close on Friday, 15th September, or when all available […]

Commonwealth Professional Fellowships are for mid-career professionals from low and middle income countries to spend a period of time at a UK host organisation working in their sector for a programme of professional development.

Purpose: To provide professionals with the opportunity to enhance knowledge and skills in their given sector, and to have catalytic effects on their workplaces.

Intended beneficiaries: Mid-career professionals (with five years’ relevant work experience) working organisations in low and middle income Commonwealth countries.

These fellowships are offered under six development themes:

  • Science and technology for development
  • Strengthening health systems and capacity
  • Promoting global prosperity
  • Strengthening global peace, security and governance
  • Strengthening resilience and response to crises
  • Access, inclusion and opportunity

The CSC aims to identify talented individuals who have the potential to make change. We are committed to a policy of equal opportunity and non-discrimination, and encourage applications from a diverse range of candidates. For further information on the support available to candidates with a disability, see the CSC disability support statement.

If you wish to apply for our Gender and Sexuality Fellowship programme then please see the Gender and Sexuality Fellowship webpage.

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoStage et Formation

Commonwealth Professional Fellowships are for mid-career professionals from low and middle income countries to spend a period of time at a UK host organisation working […]


Minority Rights Group accepte les demandes de subventions d’urgence pour les organisations de la société civile au Liban, en Palestine, au Maroc et en Tunisie. Ces subventions visent à aider les organisations de la société civile représentant les minorités et les groupes marginalisés à surmonter les menaces ou les risques urgents auxquels ils peuvent être confrontés en raison de leur travail en faveur des droits de l’homme pour promouvoir et protéger les droits de l’homme des groupes minoritaires marginalisés.

Comment postuler: Les organisations qui souhaitent postuler à ces subventions doivent soumettre un formulaire de demande en arabe, anglais ou français à l’adresse électronique suivante: mena@minorityrights.org.

Les demandes sont acceptées sur une base continue.


Les organisations non gouvernementales ou de la société civile basées au Liban, en Palestine, au Maroc et en Tunisie qui représentent ou travaillent en étroite collaboration avec les communautés minoritaires et d’autres groupes marginalisés (voir ci-dessous) qui ont récemment fait face à une menace ou à un risque élevé et qui ont besoin d’un soutien urgent.  medjouel.com vous informe que Le fonds de détresse est destiné aux organisations de la société civile. Cela peut également inclure les personnes travaillant dans des organisations de la société civile, touchées par leur travail en faveur des droits humains, et afin d’assurer la durabilité des organisations.

  • Les candidats doivent être un organisme sans but lucratif voué à la protection et/ou à la promotion des droits humains.
  • Avoir travaillé avec des minorités ethniques, religieuses ou culturelles défavorisées ou des groupes marginalisés tels que les migrants, les réfugiés, les LGBTI ou les personnes handicapées. S’engager à impliquer diverses minorités et autres communautés marginalisées dans leurs activités plus larges.
  • Doit avoir fait face à une menace récente ou à un risque élevé d’une menace et être en mesure de l’appuyer avec de la documentation.
  • Opérant dans un ou plusieurs des pays du projet: Liban, Palestine, Maroc, Tunisie.
  • Avoir la capacité de recevoir du financement, soit par l’entremise de leur propre organisation, soit par l’entremise d’une autre entente convenue.

Budget disponible et calendrier

Le montant disponible pour chaque projet est compris entre 1000 et 3000 euros et la durée de l’action peut durer jusqu’à un maximum de six mois.

 Il peut couvrir les frais de voyage, d’hébergement, de sécurité physique et numérique, les frais juridiques, les soins médicaux, la réinstallation, le soutien aux défenseurs des droits des minorités détenus arbitrairement et / ou à leurs familles.

Critères de sélection

  • L’urgence de la menace ou du risque qui doit être évité ou atténué.
  • L’organisme demandeur doit être en mesure de démontrer comment la subvention pourra contribuer à la protection et à la durabilité des activités de l’organisme.
  • Le demandeur doit démontrer que l’organisme sera en mesure de poursuivre ses travaux après la fin de l’intervention.
  • La demande ne doit pas avoir été entièrement appuyée par un autre donateur ou une organisation nationale ou internationale.

Processus de soumission

Veuillez soumettre les demandes dûment remplies en arabe, anglais ou français.  Veuillez envoyer les candidatures à mena@minorityrights.org. Toutes les demandes, qu’elles soient retenues ou non, recevront une réponse.

Veuillez fournir dans le formulaire de demande un moyen de communication sécurisé, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, des applications de messagerie cryptées (WhatsApp / signal) ou des e-mails cryptés (Tutanota / Proton-mail) pour faciliter la communication.

Traitement de l’information

 Les données seront traitées de manière confidentielle conformément aux politiques du RGPD. Seuls MRG et ses partenaires de mise en œuvre auront accès aux informations fournies afin de faciliter le processus de sélection. Il s’agit notamment de l’Institut du Forum Civique en Palestine et d’Attalaki en Tunisie. Pour toute question sur le processus de demande, veuillez écrire à mena@minorityrights.org.

Télécharger le formulaire de candidature ici


Minority Rights Group is accepting applications for Urgent Hardship Grants from civil society organizations in Lebanon, Palestine, Morocco and Tunisia. These grants aim to support civil society organizations representing minorities and marginalized groups to overcome urgent threats or risks that they may face as a result of their human rights work to promote and protect the human rights of marginalized minority groups.

How to apply: Organizations wishing to apply to these grants should submit an application form in Arabic, English or French to the following email: mena@minorityrights.org.

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.


Non-governmental or civil society organizations based in Lebanon, Palestine, Morocco, Tunisia that represent or work closely with minority communities and other marginalized groups (see below) who have faced a recent threat or elevated risk and require urgent support. The hardship fund is intended for the benefit of civil society organizations. This can also include the individuals working in civil society organizations, impacted as a result of their human rights work, and in order to ensure sustainability for the organizations.

  • Applicants must be a non-for-profit organization committed to the protection and/or promotion of human rights.
  • Have a track record of working with disadvantaged ethnic, religious or cultural minorities or marginalized groups such migrants, refugees, LGBTI or persons with disabilities. Be committed to involving various minorities and other marginalized communities in their broader activities.
  • Must have faced a recent threat or elevated risk of a threat and be able to support that with documentation.
  • Operating in one or more of the project countries: Lebanon, Palestine, Morocco, Tunisia.
  • Have the ability to receive funding, either through their own organization or an agreed upon alternative arrangement.

Budget available and timeframe

The amount available for each project is between 1,000 – 3000 Euros and duration of the action may last up to a maximum of six months.

 It may cover expenses including travel, accommodation, physical and digital security, legal fees, medical care, relocation, supporting minority rights defenders arbitrarily detained and/or their families.

Selection Criteria

  • The urgency of the threat or risk that needs to be prevented or mitigated.
  • The applicant organization should be able to show how the grant will be able to contribute to the protection and sustainability of the operations of the organization.
  • The applicant must show that the organization will be able to continue work after the intervention is over.
  • The request must not have been fully supported by another donor or national or international organization.

Submission Process

Please submit the completed applications in Arabic, English or French.  Please send the applications to mena@minorityrights.org. All applications, whether successful or not will receive a reply.

Please provide in the application form a secure means of communication including but not limited to, encrypted message apps (WhatsApp/signal) or encrypted emails (Tutanota/ Proton-mail) to facilitate communication.

Treatment of Information

 The data will be treated confidentially in line with GDPR policies. Only MRG and its implementing partners will have access to the information provided in order to facilitate the selection process. These include The Civic Forum Institute in Palestine and Attalaki in Tunisia. For any questions on the application process, please write to mena@minorityrights.org.

Download the application form here


Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPrix, Concours et offres

Minority Rights Group accepte les demandes de subventions d’urgence pour les organisations de la société civile au Liban, en Palestine, au Maroc et en Tunisie. […]

This year’s call is for human behaviour change research proposals that cover the topic: “Breeding for better welfare: enabling human behaviour that leads to animals experiencing a better life”.

In 2021 AWF launched its three-year theme ‘Breeding for Better Welfare’, a wide-spanning theme encompassing serious welfare issues across a range of species. As well as guiding AWF to fund meaningful research, the theme also contributes to AWF’s activities of discussion and debate. In our third and final year of this theme, this research call aims to fund innovative projects investigating how we can positively enable changes in human behaviour to improve the welfare of any managed species in the UK, with a particular focus on breeding issues. 

AWF welcomes social science and qualitative projects, as these may be particularly effective methods for research aiming to enable human behaviour change. The charity is encouraging researchers from diverse backgrounds and disciplines to apply, fostering a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to address the complexities of animal welfare challenges.


  • Projects must address animal welfare; projects focussing solely on physical health, disease or ethics, for example, will not be funded.  Please refer to our What is Animal Welfare guidance.
  • Projects that are able to deliver impact and have a strong knowledge exchange plan will score highly, as generating discussion and debate around key animal welfare topics is at the core of AWF’s work. We will expect you to share your research with the veterinary professions and the wider animal welfare community, as well as present an update at our flagship event, the Discussion Forum.
  • AWF will consider exceptional projects on welfare issues that do not fall within this call, providing they meet the robust scientific criteria.

Researchers are invited to submit a project overview and those of interest will be invited to submit a full application.

Type of research

We are interested in projects with a practical application or potential for practical application, and which could be used as a starting point for discussion and action by key decision makers

Grant amount

AWF will invest a combined total of £70,000 to fund several projects of up to 18 months' duration


Lead researchers must have at least 2 years research experience and be based in the UK or Republic of Ireland. Grants can be used to fund Masters students


The research should be appropriate for publishing in a peer-reviewed journal with open access


Projects should be designed to provide information that could have a practical impact and be of relevance to the veterinary professions

Knowledge exchange

Projects should be able to deliver impact and have a strong knowledge exchange plan

More information

Please send your overview application form, accompanied by a 2 page CV to enquiries@animalwelfarefoundation.org.uk


  • Application deadline for project overviews: 9am, Friday 4th August 2023
  • Applicants invited to submit full application will be notified on: Friday 25th August 2023
  • Deadline for full application submission: 9am, Friday 29th September 2023
  • Funding awarded: Friday 27th October 2023

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPrix, Concours et offres

This year’s call is for human behaviour change research proposals that cover the topic: “Breeding for better welfare: enabling human behaviour that leads to animals […]


Date de clôture : 11 août 2023

Le Fonds du patrimoine mondial africain (FPMA) a été créé en 2006 pour soutenir la conservation et la protection efficaces du patrimoine culturel et naturel d'une valeur universelle exceptionnelle en Afrique. L'objectif principal de l'AWHF est de relever les défis auxquels sont confrontés les États parties africains dans la mise en œuvre de la Convention de 1972, en particulier la sous-représentation des sites africains sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial et la conservation et la gestion insuffisantes de ces sites.

Dans le cadre de la contribution de l'AWHF pour améliorer la conservation et la gestion des biens du patrimoine mondial, une demande annuelle de subventions de conservation a été mise en place. En général, les subventions de conservation ont aidé les États parties africains à entreprendre des projets qui ont eu un impact positif sur l'état de conservation des sites inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial.

Candidatures en ligne :

Les demandes de subvention peuvent être remplies en ligne, avec toutes les pièces justificatives pertinentes.

Formulaire de demande en ligne - Subvention de conservation


Closing date: 11 August 2023

The African World Heritage Fund (AWHF) was created in 2006 to support the effective conservation and protection of cultural and natural heritage of outstanding universal value in Africa. The main objective of AWHF is to address the challenges faced by African State Parties in the implementation of the 1972 Convention, specifically, the underrepresentation of African sites on the World Heritage List and the insufficient conservation and management of these sites.

As part of the AWHF contribution to enhance conservation and management of World Heritage properties, an annual application for Conservation Grants has been set up. In general, the Conservation Grants have assisted African States Parties to undertake projects that have made a positive impact on the state of conservation of sites inscribed of World Heritage List.

Online Applications:

Applications for the grant may be completed online, with all the relevant supporting documents.

Online Application Form – Conservation Grant


Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPrix, Concours et offres

Date de clôture : 11 août 2023 Le Fonds du patrimoine mondial africain (FPMA) a été créé en 2006 pour soutenir la conservation et la […]


L'UNESCO, avec son mandat unique en sciences de la Terre, joue un rôle vital dans la promotion d'un monde durable, avec les géosciences au cœur de sa mission. Un atelier sur la gestion du géopatrimoine dans les sites désignés par l'UNESCO se tiendra du 19 au 22 octobre 2023 pour le personnel travaillant avec les sites naturels actuels ou potentiels désignés par l'UNESCO.

Un appel à candidatures est désormais ouvert jusqu'au 13 août 2023.

L'UNESCO célèbre et protège le patrimoine géologique des sites désignés - dont 93 biens inscrits au titre de la Convention du patrimoine mondial, 195 géoparcs mondiaux de l'UNESCO et 714 réserves de biosphère * - tout en promouvant le développement durable et en relevant les défis posés par le changement climatique et la perte de biodiversité. De nombreux sites ont reçu le label UNESCO pour leur patrimoine géologique, mais la gestion efficace de ce géopatrimoine reste un défi. La nature finie et irremplaçable du géopatrimoine appelle des mesures de conservation appropriées pour assurer sa préservation pour les générations futures.

Les gestionnaires de sites ne sont souvent pas familiarisés avec les méthodes scientifiques et les meilleures pratiques d'évaluation, de suivi et de gestion du géopatrimoine. De plus, l'augmentation des activités touristiques dans ces sites pose des risques pour le géopatrimoine, justifiant des conseils pour relever ces défis. De plus, les changements induits par le changement climatique dans les modèles météorologiques et l'élévation du niveau de la mer nécessitent de nouvelles stratégies pour atténuer les risques pour le géopatrimoine. Étant donné que la géodiversité sous-tend la biodiversité, il est crucial que les gestionnaires de sites désignés par l'UNESCO intègrent les développements à jour sur la géodiversité dans leurs plans de gestion.

Détails de l'atelier

Pour répondre à ces besoins pressants, le Secrétariat du Programme international de géosciences et géoparcs de l'UNESCO, en collaboration avec le Centre du patrimoine mondial et des experts de l'Union internationale pour la conservation de la nature (UICN), organise un atelier sur la gestion du géopatrimoine du 19 au 22 octobre 2023 , dans l'archipel des Açores, Portugal . L'atelier s'adresse au personnel et aux gestionnaires de biens du patrimoine mondial (désignés selon le critère viii) ainsi que d'autres types de zones désignées au niveau national ou international (réserve de biosphère, géoparc mondial UNESCO, parc national, etc.) pour aborder les sujets suivants :

  • Depuis 2010, l'UNESCO a reçu 35 candidatures au patrimoine mondial selon le critère (viii). Seuls 16 d'entre eux ont été inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial sur la base de ce critère et, malheureusement, un grand nombre de propositions d'inscription n'ont pas réussi à démontrer leur valeur universelle exceptionnelle (VUE) faute de pouvoir caractériser correctement la géodiversité et le géopatrimoine du site ;
  • L'utilisation touristique croissante des biens du patrimoine mondial et d'autres zones conservées met le géopatrimoine en danger et les gestionnaires de sites demandent des conseils pour faire face à ces risques ;
  • En raison du changement climatique, des changements climatiques et de l'élévation du niveau de la mer, les gestionnaires de sites demandent de nouvelles méthodes pour atténuer les risques pour la conservation et la protection du géopatrimoine ;
  • Étant donné que la géodiversité sous-tend la biodiversité, les gestionnaires de sites désignés par l'UNESCO visent à inclure dans leurs plans de gestion des mesures appropriées pour garantir que la géodiversité continue de fournir des services écosystémiques, mais ils ne sont pas familiarisés avec les nouveaux développements en matière de géodiversité.

Les candidats éligibles recevront un parrainage de l'UNESCO pour leur participation à l'atelier.

comment s'inscrire

Les représentants éligibles des sites désignés par l'UNESCO, ainsi que d'autres types d'aires conservées traitant de la gestion du géopatrimoine, doivent envoyer les documents suivants au Secrétariat international des géosciences et des géoparcs (IGGP) avant le 13 août 2023 :

  • Une brève description géologique de votre site (500-1000 mots)
  • Une lettre d'accompagnement expliquant vos attentes par rapport à l'atelier et comment il pourrait vous aider à mettre en place un nouveau plan de gestion du géopatrimoine et/ou à améliorer le plan de gestion du géopatrimoine existant pour votre site et à le livrer (500-1000 mots)
  • Votre CV

Le présent appel donne la priorité aux stagiaires des pays en développement et des États membres de l'UNESCO. Les femmes et les participants en début de carrière sont particulièrement encouragés à postuler.


Section Sciences de la Terre et Géoparcs
Division des sciences écologiques et de la Terre UNESCO 7 place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France

Liens connexes


UNESCO, with its unique mandate in Earth Sciences, plays a vital role in promoting a sustainable world, with geoscience at the core of its mission. A workshop on geoheritage management in UNESCO designated sites will be held on 19 - 22 October 2023 for personnel working with current or aspiring natural UNESCO designated sites.

A call for applications is now open until 13 August 2023.

UNESCO celebrates and protects the geological heritage of designated sites –including 93 properties inscribed under the World Heritage Convention, 195 UNESCO Global Geoparks, and 714 Biosphere reserves*– while promoting sustainable development and addressing the challenges posed by climate change and biodiversity loss. Numerous sites have received a UNESCO label for their geological heritage, however effective management of this geoheritage remains a challenge. The finite and irreplaceable nature of geoheritage calls for appropriate conservation measures to ensure its preservation for future generations.

Site managers are often not familiar with the scientific methods and best practices for evaluating, monitoring, and managing geoheritage. Additionally, the increasing tourism activities in these sites pose risks to geoheritage, warranting guidance to address such challenges. Moreover, climate change-induced shifts in weather patterns and sea level rise require new strategies for mitigating risks to geoheritage. As geodiversity underpins biodiversity, it is crucial for UNESCO designated site managers to incorporate up-to-date developments on geodiversity into their management plans.

Workshop details

To address these pressing needs, the UNESCO International Geoscience and Geoparks Programme Secretariat, in collaboration with the World Heritage Centre and experts  from the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), is holding a workshop on Geoheritage Management on 19 - 22 October 2023, in Azores Archipelago, Portugal. The workshop is for staff and managers of World Heritage properties (designated under criterion viii) as well as other type of nationally or internationally designated areas (biosphere reserve, UNESCO Global Geopark, national park, etc. ) to address the following topics:

  • Since 2010, UNESCO received 35 World Heritage nominations under criterion (viii). Only 16 of them were inscribed on the World Heritage List based on this criterion and unfortunately high number of nominations failed to demonstrate their Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) due to not being able to properly characterise the geodiversity and geoheritage of the site;
  • Increasing touristic use of World Heritage properties and other conserved areas is putting geoheritage at risk and site managers are asking guidance to address these risks;
  • Due to climate change, weather patterns change and sea level rise, site managers are asking new methods to mitigate risks for geoheritage conservation and protection;
  • As geodiversity underpins biodiversity, UNESCO designated site managers aim to include in their management plans appropriate measures to guarantee that geodiversity continues to provide ecosystem services but they are not familiar with new developments about geodiversity.

Eligible candidates will receive a sponsorship from UNESCO for their participation in the workshop.

How to apply

Eligible representatives of UNESCO designated sites, as well as other types of conserved areas dealing with geoheritage management, should send the following documents to the International Geoscience and Geoparks (IGGP) Secretariat before 13 August 2023:

  • A brief geological description of your site (500-1000 words)
  • A cover letter explaining your expectations from the workshop and how it might help you to set-up a new geoheritage management plan and/or improve existing geoheritage management plan for your site and deliver it (500-1000 words)
  • Your CV

The present call prioritizes trainees from developing countries and UNESCO Member States. Women and early career participants are especially encouraged to apply.


Earth Sciences and Geoparks Section
Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences UNESCO 7 place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France

Related links


Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPrix, Concours et offres

L’UNESCO, avec son mandat unique en sciences de la Terre, joue un rôle vital dans la promotion d’un monde durable, avec les géosciences au cœur […]


L'Innovateur du patrimoine religieux de l'année est un concours lancé par FRH en 2022 pour célébrer et promouvoir l'excellence dans le domaine du patrimoine religieux. Chaque édition de ce prix annuel récompense cinq projets qui ont contribué ou contribué de manière significative à la sauvegarde, à l'amélioration et/ou à la promotion des lieux de culte européens.

Les candidatures au concours sont évaluées par un jury d'experts de haut niveau selon les valeurs d'inclusion, de durabilité, de résilience, d'innovation et de coopération, conformément aux piliers du cadre d'action de la Commission européenne sur le patrimoine culturel .

L'édition 2023 est ouverte aux candidatures du 28 juin au 30 novembre . Le prix aura un gagnant général et quatre finalistes dont les projets seront largement promus par FRH en tant qu'exemples de meilleures pratiques et présentés lors de la Conférence FRH 2024.


Les organisations, administrations publiques, universités, professionnels du patrimoine culturel, universitaires et chercheurs, musées et représentants de la société civile européenne ayant un projet lié au patrimoine religieux sont invités à soumettre leur candidature.


Le gagnant et les finalistes seront sélectionnés par un jury d'experts en patrimoine culturel début décembre. La FRH annoncera le gagnant et les quatre finalistes du concours à la mi-décembre 2023 .


Les projets du lauréat et des quatre finalistes seront présentés lors de la Conférence FRH 2024 (lieu et date à confirmer). FRH prendra en charge les frais de participation à la conférence du gagnant jusqu'à un maximum de 1000€. Les projets du lauréat et des finalistes seront présentés dans une publication spéciale et promus dans toute l'Europe en tant qu'exemples de bonnes pratiques.


L'innovateur de l'année est une occasion unique de donner à votre projet une visibilité internationale et de vous connecter avec des acteurs pertinents du secteur du patrimoine culturel et religieux. Ce concours est également une excellente source d' inspiration, de bonnes pratiques et de collaborations potentielles pour sensibiliser à l'importance de préserver les lieux de culte historiques.


Soumettez votre projet !


The Religious Heritage Innovator of the Year is a competition launched by FRH in 2022 to celebrate and promote excellence in the field of religious heritage. Each edition of this annual award recognises five projects that have contributed or contribute significantly to the safeguarding, enhancement and/or promotion of Europe’s places of worship.

Entries to the competition are evaluated by a high-level jury of experts according to the values of inclusion, sustainability, resilience, innovation and cooperation, in line with the pillars of the European Commission’s Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage.

The 2023 edition is open for applications from 28 June to 30 November. The award will have an overall winner and four finalists whose projects will be widely promoted by FRH as examples of best practices and presented at the 2024 FRH Conference.


Organisations, public administrations, universities, cultural heritage professionals, academics and researchers, museums and representatives of European civil society with a project related to religious heritage are invited to submit their applications.


The winner and finalists will be selected by a jury of experts in cultural heritage at the beginning of December. FRH will announce the winner and four finalists of the competition in mid-December 2023.


The projects of the winner and the four finalists will be presented at the 2024 FRH Conference (location and date to be confirmed). FRH will cover the conference participation costs of the winner up to a maximum of 1000€. The projects of the winner and the finalists will be featured in a special publication and promoted across Europe as examples of best practices.


The Innovator of the Year is a unique opportunity to give your project international exposure and connect with relevant actors in the cultural and religious heritage sector. This competition is also an excellent source of inspiration, best practices and potential collaborations to raise awareness about the importance of preserving historic places of worship.


Submit your project!


Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPrix, Concours et offres

L’Innovateur du patrimoine religieux de l’année est un concours lancé par FRH en 2022 pour célébrer et promouvoir l’excellence dans le domaine du patrimoine religieux. Chaque ...View more


Avez-vous une solution innovante pour améliorer la vie des communautés dans les régions touchées par les conflits ?

L'Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international, le Bureau des affaires étrangères, du Commonwealth et du développement du Royaume-Uni, le ministère des Affaires étrangères des Pays-Bas, Affaires mondiales Canada et Grands Défis Canada s'associent pour créer de l'espoir dans les conflits : un grand défi humanitaire (CHIC) .

Nous recherchons des innovations audacieuses, salvatrices ou améliorant la vie qui répondent mieux aux besoins des personnes les plus vulnérables et les plus difficiles à atteindre touchées par les crises humanitaires causées par les conflits. 

Nous accorderons la priorité au financement des innovations locales qui sont les plus proches des personnes touchées par les conflits et qui peuvent démontrer les avantages de moyens plus localisés de répondre aux crises humanitaires. 

Dans le cadre de cette demande de propositions, nous attribuerons jusqu'à 20 innovations de semences d'une valeur de 250 000 USD chacune.

Les innovations proposées doivent être pertinentes pour l'un des trois domaines d'intervention :

1. Accès à l'énergie

2. Accès aux informations vitales

3. Accès aux fournitures et services de santé

Veuillez lire attentivement la demande de propositions suivante afin de vous assurer que votre innovation répond aux critères requis :

Téléchargez la demande de propositions :

(Anglais) Demande de propositions 2023

(English) Demandes de propositions 2023

(Swahili) 2023 Maombi Ya Mapendekezo Ya Ufadhili

(arabe) 2023 طلب تقديم العروض

Téléchargez le résumé d'une page pour un bref aperçu :

(Anglais) 2023 RFP One-Pager

(Français) 2023 RPF One-Pager

(swahili) 2023 RFP One-Pager

Téléchargez la Foire Aux Questions :

Foire aux questions (FAQ)

(English) Questions Fréquentes


Do you have an innovative solution to improve the lives of communities in conflict-affected regions?

The U.S. Agency for International Development, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Global Affairs Canada, and Grand Challenges Canada are partnering on Creating Hope in Conflict: A Humanitarian Grand Challenge (CHIC).

We seek bold, life-saving or life-improving innovations that better meet the needs of the most vulnerable and hardest-to-reach people impacted by humanitarian crises caused by conflict. 

We will prioritize funding locally-owned innovations that are closest to those affected by conflict, and which can demonstrate the benefits of more localized ways of responding to humanitarian crises. 

Through this Request for Proposals, we will award up to 20 seed innovations with CAD $250,000 each.

Proposed innovations must be relevant to one of three focus areas:

1. Access to energy

2. Access to Life-saving information

3. Access to health supplies and services

Please read the following request for proposals carefully to ensure that your innovation meets the required criteria:

Download the Request for Proposals:

(English) 2023 Request for Proposals

(Français) 2023 Demandes de Propositions

(Swahili) 2023 Maombi Ya Mapendekezo Ya Ufadhili

(Arabic) 2023 طلب تقديم العروض

Download the one-page summary for a brief overview:

(English) 2023 RFP One-Pager

(French) 2023 RPF One-Pager

(Swahili) 2023 RFP One-Pager

Download the Frequently Asked Questions:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

(Français) Questions Fréquentes


Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPrix, Concours et offres

Avez-vous une solution innovante pour améliorer la vie des communautés dans les régions touchées par les conflits ? L’Agence des États-Unis pour le développement international, […]

The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) are re-launching the £3m MOPAC Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Grassroots Fund for 2023 – 25. The MOPAC VAWG Grassroots Fund 2023-25 builds upon the success of the initial £3m fund which was awarded to 41 richly diverse organisations (2021 – 23). The fund will continue to focus on supporting the resilience of organisations working to end Violence Against Women and Girls in minoritised and marginalised communities. Two-year grants of up to £100,000 will be provided, as well as capacity building, networking opportunities and monitoring support.

What can the fund support?

Organisations interested in applying will need to ensure that they meet The London Community Foundation’s core eligibility criteria. It is worthwhile checking this before starting an application. For example, organisations with overdue monitoring with The London Community Foundation will not be eligible.

Eligible organisations are advised to read the Fund Prospectus which outlines the background, objectives and commitment requirements of the MOPAC VAWG Grassroots Fund Programme. The Prospectus is available to download (click on the button below or on the top right hand side of the screen).

The Fund will prioritise;

  • Black Minority Ethnic organisations focusing on ending VAWG
  • Women's community organisations where delivery services aimed at ending VAWG is the main focus
  • Specialist community organisations (e.g. disability rights groups, providing services aimed at ending VAWG)

Size of Grant:

For individual organisations, two-year grants between £30,000 (£15,000 per year) and £100,000 (£50,000 per year) are available. Partnerships of up to three organisations can apply for two-year grants of up to £120,000 (£60,000 per year) for the partnership.

Fund split

A minimum of 60% of funding will be prioritised for led by and for, Black Minority Ethnic specialist organisations. A maximum of 40% of funding is for specialist grassroots community organisations who provide services for marginalised and minoritised groups such as disabled women, LGBTQ+ women, women with no recourse to public funds (NRPF) and women involved in prostitution and exploitation.

Source of funding:

The fund receives funding from The Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC).

How to apply:

  • Check you meet The London Community Foundation’s core eligibility criteria (opens in a new window)
  • Read the Fund Prospectus
  • Complete an application form by clicking here. If you require a different format, please contact us.


This fund closes for applications at 12 noon on Wednesday 30th August.

Contact details:

If you have any questions, or experience any accessibility issues with any documents and need an alternative format, please email VAWGGrassrootsFund@londoncf.org.uk or call us on (0)20 7582 5117. Do also keep an eye out for updates on our Twitter or LinkedIn pages  (using the hashtag #VAWGGrassrootsFund).

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPrix, Concours et offres

The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) are re-launching the £3m MOPAC Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Grassroots Fund for 2023 – 25. […]

Publicado hace 2 años

To apply to the foundation, please use the guidance and online forms below. Our funding rounds this year are scheduled for February, May and October. You are welcome to apply at any time ahead of the deadlines for these rounds. Please note that applications across our grant programmes will be reviewed as to whether they align with our themes and they are for children aged 16 years or under.

Apply Online

Project funding for charities aligned to our funding priorities and age range. Please go here to learn of our grant criteria and to apply:

Shine Bright funding enables charities across the UK to purchase items and resources to protect and support the children they serve through the cost of living crisis. Charities are asked to provide details of how our funding can assist, and which items would be purchased through an award. Grants are available up to £1,500 per successful application. Please go here to learn of our grant criteria and to apply:

Direct funding requests on behalf of individual young people by outreach/social/care workers and legal professionals, please go here to learn of our grant criteria and to apply:


All successful applicants are required to submit a grant report six months post award. The grant report form is available online below.

Application Submission Deadlines

Please note that if successful, we will notify you mid-month of any funding decisions applicable to you. Unfortunately we do not offer repeat funding to our successful grant partners; this allows our funding resources to reach as many grantees as possible. Deadlines for 2023 are as follows:

  • 1st March – 30th April for June funding review
  • 1st July – 31st August for October funding review
  • 1st October – 1st November for December funding review

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPrix, Concours et offres

To apply to the foundation, please use the guidance and online forms below. Our funding rounds this year are scheduled for February, May and October. […]



Whitley Awards - How to Apply

Les Whitley Awards financent des leaders locaux de la conservation dans les pays du Sud et mettent en lumière le travail des lauréats à l'échelle internationale. Pour en savoir plus sur ces prix,  cliquez ici , ou lisez la suite pour découvrir comment postuler et qui est éligible.


medjouel.com vous informe que Les candidatures pour les Whitley Awards 2024 sont actuellement ouvertes et fermées à minuit GMT le 31 octobre 2023.

Les Whitley Awards sont nos prix phares, présentés par notre marraine SAR la princesse royale lors d'une cérémonie à Londres. La cérémonie de remise des prix Whitley aura lieu au printemps 2024, lorsque les gagnants seront annoncés lors d'un événement en direct, qui sera également diffusé en ligne.


Les Whitley Awards valent 40 000 GBP de financement de projet sur un an.


Vous n'avez pas besoin d'être invité ou nommé pour postuler à un prix Whitley.

  • Vérifiez votre éligibilité

Veuillez lire nos  critères d'éligibilité  pour savoir ce que WFN finance et ne finance pas.

Les prix Whitley sont destinés aux écologistes dynamiques à mi-carrière qui dirigent des projets de conservation de la faune dans les pays du Sud. Les gagnants sont des ressortissants du pays dans lequel ils travaillent qui cherchent à intensifier un travail éprouvé, intégré dans la communauté locale et qui bénéficieraient d'un financement supplémentaire, d'un renforcement de leur profil et d'un soutien international. Pour être éligibles, les projets doivent impliquer les communautés au niveau local et mener des actions concrètes fondées sur la science.

  • Inscrivez-vous à notre portail d'applications

Pour vous inscrire à notre portail d'applications,  cliquez ici . Une fois que vous aurez reçu vos informations de connexion uniques, vous pourrez remplir et soumettre votre candidature en ligne.

Veuillez  nous contacter  si vous avez des questions sur le portail d'applications.

  • Remplissez votre demande en ligne

Il est essentiel de suivre nos directives d'application .

Une fois inscrit au portail de candidature, vous pourrez vous connecter et remplir le formulaire en ligne à votre convenance. N'oubliez pas de sauvegarder au fur et à mesure ! Si vous fermez le portail sans enregistrer votre progression, vous perdrez vos informations. Veuillez consulter notre  FAQ  pour plus d'informations.

Dans le cadre du processus de candidature, vous devrez télécharger deux documents à partir du portail : un modèle Microsoft Word pour votre cadre logique/échéancier et un modèle Microsoft Excel pour votre budget. Une fois que vous les avez enregistrées sur votre ordinateur, vous pouvez y travailler à votre rythme, puis télécharger vos versions terminées sur le portail.

Veuillez noter que les directives de candidature, le formulaire de candidature, le cadre logique/calendrier et les modèles de budget ne sont disponibles que jusqu'à minuit GMT le 31 octobre 2023. Les candidatures présentées sur des formulaires obsolètes des années précédentes ne seront pas prises en compte.

  • Contacter trois arbitres

Vous devez demander à trois arbitres de soumettre des références à WFN à l'appui de votre candidature. Vérifiez qui est éligible pour être un arbitre dans notre  FAQ et lisez les directives de candidature  pour savoir ce qui est exigé d'eux.

Il vous sera demandé de soumettre les détails de vos arbitres sur le  portail de candidature , et ils recevront un e-mail automatisé demandant leurs soumissions de manière indépendante avant la date limite de minuit GMT le 31 octobre 2023.

Nous vous recommandons d'approcher vos arbitres suffisamment à l'avance. N'oubliez pas qu'il est de votre responsabilité de vous assurer que vos arbitres respectent la date limite de minuit GMT le 31 octobre 2023.


Veuillez consulter notre  FAQ  ou  contactez-nous .


Whitley Awards fund grassroots conservation leaders in the Global South and put an international spotlight on winners’ work. To find out more about these awards, click here, or read on to discover how to apply and who is eligible.


Applications for the 2024 Whitley Awards are currently open and close at midnight GMT on 31 October 2023.

The Whitley Awards are our flagship prizes, presented by our Patron HRH The Princess Royal at a ceremony in London. The Whitley Awards Ceremony will take place in Spring 2024, when winners will be announced during a live event, which will also be streamed online.


Whitley Awards are worth £40,000 GBP in project funding over one year.


You do not need to be invited or nominated to apply for a Whitley Award.

  •  Check your eligibility

Please read our eligibility criteria to find out what WFN do and do not fund.

Whitley Awards are for dynamic, mid-career conservationists who are leading wildlife conservation projects in the Global South. Winners are nationals of the country in which they are working who are seeking to scale up proven work, that is embedded in the local community and would benefit from further funding, a profile boost and international support. To be eligible, projects must involve communities at the grassroots level and deliver practical action that is founded on science.

  •  Register for our application portal

To register for our application portal, click here. Once you have received your unique login details you will be able to complete and submit your application online.

Please get in touch if you have any questions about the application portal.

  •  Complete your application online

It is essential to follow our application guidelines.

Once registered for the application portal, you will be able to login and complete the form online at your convenience. Remember to save as you go! If you close the portal without saving your progress, you will lose your information. Please refer to our FAQs for further information.

As part of the application process you will need to download two documents from the portal: a Microsoft Word template for your logical framework/timeline, and a Microsoft Excel template for your budget. Once you have saved these to your computer, you can work on them in your own time then upload your completed versions to the portal.

Please note that the application guidelines, application form, logical framework/timeline and budget templates are only available until midnight GMT on 31 October 2023. Applications made on out-of-date forms from previous years will not be considered.

  •  Contact three referees

You need to ask three referees to submit references to WFN in support of your application. Check who is eligible to be a referee in our FAQs, and read the application guidelines to find out what is required of them.

You will be asked to submit your referees’ details in the application portal, and they will receive an automated email requesting their submissions independently before the deadline of midnight GMT on 31 October 2023.

We recommend approaching your referees with plenty of time in advance. Please remember it is your responsibility to ensure your referees meet the deadline of midnight GMT on 31 October 2023.


Please refer to our FAQs or contact us.


Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPrix, Concours et offres

POSTULEZ DÈS MAINTENANT POUR LES PRIX WHITLEY 2024 Les Whitley Awards financent des leaders locaux de la conservation dans les pays du Sud et mettent […]

Pure Leaf believes “No Is Beautiful.” Nearly 2/3 of moms have questioned their value because they were overwhelmed with doing it all.  Household chores, childcare, and job stresses feel endless, and saying “no” to those responsibilities often comes at a real financial cost.

That’s why we started the “No” Grants: to give women a little extra financial support to help them say “no” to unrealistic expectations. Last year, as part of our $1 million commitment to dismantle the barriers women face when they say “no,” we partnered with SeekHer Foundation, an organization working to dismantle societal expectations that negatively impact women. We created the “No” Grants, a fund providing short-term support to women who want to say “no” more in the workplace.

Now, in year two, we also brought in maternal care advocate, author, and mother Elaine Welteroth. With $400,000 in grant funding, we hope to alleviate some of the real financial pressures of motherhood.

Whether it’s ordering take out, sending out laundry, or getting a sitter on date night, the “No” Grants are designed to give moms the extra help they need, so they can simplify their life. Want to say “no” to doing it all and “yes” to a little extra financial help? Share your story below.

About the Grants
  • Grants are $2,000 and include access to SeekHer’s “No is Beautiful” in Motherhood resources and support community (open to all applicants)
  • Grants are subject to applicable taxes
  • Open to all legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia, who are 18 years of age or older (19 years of age or older in Alabama and Nebraska) as of date of entry, who identifies as a mother.
  • There will be three application periods:
    1. May 9, 2023 - June 30, 2023
    2. July 1, 2023 - August 31, 2023
    3. September 1, 2023 - October 31, 2023
  • Applications will only be accepted in English
  • You may enter once per application period with a different, unique entry
  • An individual can only be a recipient of one grant

No purchase necessary. The “No” Grants Contest is sponsored by Pepsi-Cola Company. Open to all legal residents of the 50 United States and the District of Columbia, who are 18 years of age or older (19 years of age or older in Alabama and Nebraska) as of date of entry), who identify as a mother. Begins 7:00 a.m. ET on 5/9/23 and ends 11:59 p.m. ET on 10/31/23. 

For Official Rules, entry deadlines, grant description, how to enter, and complete details, click here.

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPrix, Concours et offres

Pure Leaf believes “No Is Beautiful.” Nearly 2/3 of moms have questioned their value because they were overwhelmed with doing it all.  Household chores, childcare, […]

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