France EFI’s recruits 01 Program Manager

Program Manager position is accountable for the development and follow up on implementation of EFI’s program’s strategy to improve and promote women’s rights and the value of gender equality. This position is expected to follow up and manage project “Enhancing women´s participation in decision making and peace building processes in Syria”, funded by the EU and oversee implementation of other projects  through strategic planning, coordination and program quality.

Overall Responsibility :

  • To ensure follow up of EFI programs
  • To ensure proper planning, implementation and reporting of programs
  • To implement and monitor risk analysis and policy of EFI programs

Specific responsibilities are :

 Program coordination and follow-up:

    • Have a responsibility to coordinate and follow-up on EFI’s project “Enhancing women´s participation in decision making and peace building processes in Syria” and support implementation of other projects.
    • Coordinate and facilitate periodic mid-term and end of program evaluations. Assist in developing appropriate M&E tools or program quality approaches.
  • In coordination with Senior Finance Officers overview and follow-up on implementation of activities and budget utilization, ensuring consistency to agreements.
  • With Executive Director and Head of International Cooperation actively participate in developing new programs, strengthening and expanding the current projects.
  • Contributing to development of EFI strategy under guidance from Executive Director.

Oversight of Programs:

    • Closely follow-up that regular plans and reports from implementing partners are received on time and with the expected quality. Ensure high quality project reporting as per EU standards and rules.
    • Ensure programs are on track, and results being delivered on time, within budget and to EFI’s standards.
    • Contribute to fundraising actions.
    • With Executive Director and Senior Finance Manager, use tools and mechanism to control the budget expenditure with periodical monitoring.
    • Review progress, assess constraints, ensure early notice of risks and take corrective actions.
  • With Senior Finance Officer in Paris, assure sufficient financial capability and oversight in payment to partners in order to avoid gap in activities and issues with partners.
  • Manage reporting process to ensure reporting requirements, deliverables and project milestones are met and communicated with donors in a timely manner, use and improve tracking system.

HQ Office participation

  • Represent EFI at seminars, conferences, meetings and other events
  • Compile the task report and highlight action points to be addressed to relevant colleague in Paris.
  • Performs other duties as necessary and assigned by Executive Director

Team Collaboration

This position reports directly to EFI’s Executive Director and with guidance from EFI’s Co-President.

Close collaboration with Head of international cooperation and development, communication and visibility manager, field project Managers and program coordinators

Experience / Qualifications

Job requirement

  • Masters degree in social sciences, gender or development studies or peace and conflict. Relevant courses related to gender studies, conflict management, advocacy, women’s economic empowerment, project cycle management are assets. Master degree is desirable.
  • Excellent written and oral communication in English and French. Arabic language is an asset.
  • Excellent Microsoft Office application.
  • A minimum of six years of relevant work experience at management level within development field, as well as field of gender equality, VAW, peace building, is required



  • Prior experience of setting up and/or expanding new program project
  • Solid understanding and command of M&E issues regarding improvements of women’s rights
  • Proven experience in project design, implementation and evaluation
  • Awareness of and sensitive to working in multiple socio-economic settings and with multi-cultural groups
  • Knowledge of women’s rights, international law, including human rights, humanitarian law, and regional and international human rights mechanisms.


  • A high impact relationship supported by strong interpersonal skills
  • Leadership excellence in monitoring and evaluation
  • Flexibility and team approach to programmatic work
  • Analytical and problem-solving approach
  • Ability to multi-task effectively, including having excellent planning, organizational skills, and the ability to work under pressure
  • Ability to communicate in a clear, precise and structured way, presents effectively

Contact person

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