PhD Scholarships in Kathleen Lonsdale Institute for Human Health Research

Publicado hace 1 mes
Research Field
Formal sciences
Natural sciences
Professions and applied sciences
Social sciences



The Kathleen Lonsdale Institute for Human Health Research draws on the unique expertise across a wide range of disciplines and over 40 research groups in Maynooth University to address health-related research challenges. The disciplines span from Biology to Psychology, Chemistry, Computer Science and Engineering. The training of PhD graduates is one of the key objectives of the Institute.

Applications are now invited for the 2024 intake of PhD Scholars into the Kathleen Lonsdale Institute for Human Health Research in September 2024

Applications will be considered for the following research projects: 

  • Project Title: Using novel long-term sleep monitoring to assess the longitudinal interaction between sleep and mental health in young adults with and without insomnia symptoms

Supervisor: Prof Andrew Coogan


  • Project Title: Rational Design of New Silver Antifungal Therapeutics to Combat Drug Resistance: A Proteomics Strategy

Supervisor: Prof Kevin Kavanagh

  • Project Title: Investigating the Therapeutic Opportunities in Targeting Fatty Acid Metabolism in the Emerging Esophageal Disease Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE)

Supervisor: Dr Joanne Masterson


What is funded

Stipend: € 18,500 per year plus fees.


4 year PhD programme


Graduates in the Life Sciences or related areas (1st or upper 2nd class honours degree).

Further details: Contact Dr Nezira Delagic (

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