Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Dim Light project)

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Postdoctoral Research Fellow (Dim Light project)

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Faculty of Social Sciences at Tampere University invites applications for a fixed-term post-doctoral researcher position, starting as of 1 October 2023 (or as mutually agreed) until 31 August 2025.

The Faculty of Social Sciences hosts the project “A Dim Light of Dawn? Finnish Post-Cold War Experiences between east and West, 1989–1995” funded by the Research Council of Finland.

The project is part of the internationally renowned Research Council of Finland’s Centre of Excellence in the History of Experiences (HEX), which studies the history of experience: how human experiences are created, how they are interpreted and how they affect the individual’s relationship with his or her community and society. The Dim Light project is part of HEX’s Lived Nation research group that researches the history of experiences and emotions of nations and nationalism. For more information on HEX, see the webpage of the unit.

The Dim Light project offers a stimulating and inspiring working environment and excellent opportunities to develop skills and advance your research career in an international environment.

The Dim Light project explores the history of experiences in Finnish society in the early 1990s. One of the defining factors of social change is uncertainty about the future, which can be called a liminal experience. The idea of a liminal space is perhaps a more apt description of the post-Cold War experiences than the transition from one era or political reality to the next. The project analyses how post-Cold War uncertainties manifested themselves in the lives of citizens, how they tried to adapt to them and how citizens shared their experiences. The project approaches the topic through three themes: the Depression, neo-patriotism and European integration. The project combines the study of the history of experiences with research on the post-Cold War period. The project understands ‘experience’ as a social process in which individual and small group experiences linked to time and place are transformed into a shared narrative and understanding of events in society. For more information on the project, see the project presentation. For more information, see the description of the project.

Job description

The researcher’s task is to investigate how European integration and the transformation of Finnish society are reflected in citizens’ experiences, identities, and interpretations of the possible futures of the early 1990s. The post-Cold War period was marked by the debate on membership of the European Union and both public and private reflection on the changing «Finnishness» in the unfolding world. Finland’s mental geography changed as the Baltic states and Russian part of Karelia opened to wider tourism. Alongside political debate and media discussions, the entertainment and other cultural products of the time contributed to the construction of the experience of the period.

The researcher’s tasks include the collection and analysis of data and contributing to the theoretical perspectives of the project. Some of the data has already been collected. In addition, the candidate will be expected to contribute to the brainstorming on the other themes of the project, i.e. research on the 1990s’ recession and neo-patriotism, as these areas are expected to be in close dialogue with each other. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to influence the focus of their own research within the objectives of the Dim Light project.

The successful candidate will be expected to actively promote his/her research and publish the results of their research. They will also be expected to participate in the project’s research team and activities at HEX and to present their research results at seminars and academic conferences in their field.


To be eligible for the post of post-doctoral researcher, candidates must have a PhD in history or an appropriate field by the closing date for applications. The successful candidate will be expected to be able to carry out high-quality, independent scientific research. The candidate must have excellent analytical and methodological skills and be able to work both independently and collaboratively as part of a research team.

We require a background in qualitative research in history or an appropriate field. Knowledge of digital humanities would be an advantage. In addition to Finnish, applicants are expected to have excellent written and oral English language skills. Please be prepared to provide evidence of your qualifications on request.

We offer

The position is a fixed-term contract for the period 1 October 2023–31 August 2025 in accordance with the university pay scale for teaching and research staff.

The post of post-doctoral researcher will be at levels 5–6. The typical starting salary is between 3500e and 3800e/month. The employment relationship is governed by the Employment Contracts Act six-month probationary period.

We offer a wide range of staff benefits, such as occupational health care, flexible working hours, excellent sports facilities on campus and several restaurants and cafés on campus with staff discounts. Please read more about working at Tampere University.

How to apply

Applications should be written in Finnish or in English and submitted electronically via the Tampere University’s electronic recruitment system (link below). The closing date for applications is 31/08/2023 (at 23:59 EET/UTC +3). The interviews of the top candidates will be held in September.

The following documents should accompany your application:

(1) Curriculum Vitae according to TENK guidelines.

(2) List of publications according to Academy of Finland guidelines.

(3) Preliminary research proposal (max. 3 pages) consisting of

i. a description of previous research experience (such as PhD thesis);

ii. a research idea/vision where you tell why the project’s themes or approach interest you and how you would like to focus your own research in this context;

iii. motivation for the task with a statement on working as part of a research team.

Additional information

For further information on the position please contact the Dim Light PI, senior research fellow Tuomas Tepora, tuomas.tepora(at)

Características del Puesto

Categoría de PuestoPostdoctoral

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