Sapienza University of Rome has issued the 2017-18 call for PhD fellowships for foreign nationals

“Sapienza” University of Rome offers 29 three-year-full-time postgraduate PhD positions with fellowship for attaining the degree of “ Dottore di Ricerca” (PhD) in the Doctoral Schools listed in appendix.
Each fellowship amounts to € 19.800,00 per year; this amount includes national insurance contributions (INPS) that fellowship reci pients are required to pay.
The fellowship does not cover any possible annual entrance fee and does not increase for research periods spent abroad.
The PhD Programme lasts three years. At the end of the first and second years of attendance, students will be evaluated as proficien t according to the rules of the Schools.
Admission Requirements
Applications are open to candidates who:
•Are not Italian citizens;
•Have not resided in Italy or have carried out their main activity in Italy for more than 6 months (also non-consecutive) during the 3 years preceding the expiration date of this Call;
•Have obtained any academic qualification by a non-Italian institution.
Perspective students must hold a degree equivalent  to the Italian diploma dilaurea/laurea specialistica/laurea magistrale , or expect to obtain it before 31 July 2017
. The Academic Board of the Schools will check that each applicant’s qualifications are equivalent to the relevant Italian degree (for the
sole purpose of this competition)
Application deadline is May 2, 2017.
Also see:

Author: jeunes

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