What are the most important things to check when buying a second hand car in Bangalore?

«However, purchasing a second-hand car is a complicated process that requires a lot of things to be checked.
First Thing First – Verification of the car and its documentation.
Before you purchase a car, ensure that you get it thoroughly checked by an able mechanic. In case any of the parts are malfunctioning, you can ask the owner of the vehicle to get it fixed. Paperwork speaks a lot about what the car has gone through.
The RC book, tax invoice, registration, PUC should be in place. Lastly, glance through the insurance papers to see if the vehicle has been claimed for accident damage in the past.
Then Check for any form of bodily damage and ask for a test drive. If you’re looking for good quality Second-hand cars from a trusted one, then you can check at Giga cars to select a wide range of 2nd hand cars and their condition via test drive.
Once you are convinced about the condition of the car, you can start negotiating its price. Follow the link to get expert guidance from Gigacars.com.

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