Job Archives

Primary Duties and Responsibilities: The Belmont University Fellows Program provides a unique and valuable opportunity to increase diversity among future faculty. Fellows candidates will have received a terminal degree in their discipline and possess a desire to seek a position at a teaching-focused institution. The fellowship is focused toward members of under-represented groups that have recently completed their terminal degree. Belmont University is seeking post-graduate persons in multiple disciplines to complete a two year post-graduate program preparing them for career paths in academia.
  • Teach two to three courses per semester in the College assigned.
  • Perform all functions related to the management of coursework in higher education, including: creation of new curriculum, teaching in classroom or laboratory experiences, establishing assessment tools, and evaluation of coursework.
  • Conduct an original research project.
  • Provide sound input as a faculty member in the assigned program.
  • Abide by all relevant university and/or departmental procedures and policies.
  • The above statements describe the job’s essential responsibilities and requirements.  They are not an exhaustive list of the duties that may be assigned to job incumbents.
Required Qualifications: Belmont University seeks to attract and retain highly qualified faculty and staff who will support our mission and vision. As a Christ-centered and student-focused community, we aim to:
  • Form diverse leaders of character;
  • Equip people to solve the world’s complex problems through teaching, research and service;
  • And be radical champions for helping people and communities flourish.
  • Knowledge of principles, methods and current developments in the field of study.
  • Knowledge of subject matter and course content taught.
  • Ability to learn and apply instructional strategies and techniques.
  • Willingness to instruct, manage, motivate and evaluate students.
  • Skilled in the use of computers, Internet resources, and MS Office software.
  • Ability to learn and function within the learning management system and relevant sections of and BannerWeb, Belmont University’s online integrated database system for student grading.
  • Ability to integrate technology into the teaching and learning process.
  • Ability to successfully interact with students, other educators and educational institution representatives, and the general public in a professional manner.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing.
  • Knowledge of the programs and services offered by Belmont University. Interest and ability to work collaboratively in course design and to teach interdisciplinary and topical courses.
Required Education Doctoral or equivalent terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline.
Required Experience Teaching experience is preferred.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةStage et Formation

Primary Duties and Responsibilities: The Belmont University Fellows Program provides a unique and valuable opportunity to increase diversity among future faculty. Fellows candidates will have received...View more

نشرت 10 أشهر منذ
Primary Duties and Responsibilities: The Belmont University Faculty Fellows Program provides a unique and valuable opportunity to increase diversity among future faculty. The fellowship focuses on traditionally underrepresented professionals within the university or their field of study who recently completed their doctoral or equivalent terminal degree and desires to teach at a Christ-centered teaching-focused university. Belmont University seeks faculty fellows in multiple disciplines to complete a two-year postdoctoral program preparing them for career paths in academia.
  • Teach two to three courses per semester in the College assigned.
  • Perform all functions related to the management of coursework in higher education, including: creation of new curriculum, teaching in classroom or laboratory experiences, establishing assessment tools, and evaluation of coursework.
  • Conduct an original research project.
  • Provide sound input as a faculty member in the assigned program.
  • Abide by all relevant university and/or departmental procedures and policies.
  • The above statements describe the job’s essential responsibilities and requirements.  They are not an exhaustive list of the duties that may be assigned to job incumbents.
Required Qualifications: Belmont University seeks to attract and retain highly qualified faculty and staff who will support our mission and vision. As a Christ-centered and student-focused community, we aim to:
  • Form diverse leaders of character;
  • Equip people to solve the world’s complex problems through teaching, research and service;
  • And be radical champions for helping people and communities flourish.
  • Knowledge of principles, methods and current developments in the field of study.
  • Knowledge of subject matter and course content taught.
  • Ability to learn and apply instructional strategies and techniques.
  • Willingness to instruct, manage, motivate and evaluate students.
  • Skilled in the use of computers, Internet resources, and MS Office software.
  • Ability to learn and function within the learning management system and relevant sections of and BannerWeb, Belmont University’s online integrated database system for student grading.
  • Ability to integrate technology into the teaching and learning process.
  • Ability to successfully interact with students, other educators and educational institution representatives, and the general public in a professional manner.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing.
  • Knowledge of the programs and services offered by Belmont University. Interest and ability to work collaboratively in course design and to teach interdisciplinary and topical courses.
Required Education Doctoral degree or equivalent terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline is required.
Required Experience Teaching experience is preferred.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةStage et Formation

Primary Duties and Responsibilities: The Belmont University Faculty Fellows Program provides a unique and valuable opportunity to increase diversity among future faculty. The fellowship focuses on tra...View more

نشرت 10 أشهر منذ
Primary Duties and Responsibilities: The Belmont University Faculty Fellows Program provides a unique and valuable opportunity to increase diversity among future faculty. The fellowship focuses on traditionally underrepresented professionals within the university or their field of study who recently completed their doctoral or equivalent terminal degree and desires to teach at a Christ-centered teaching-focused university. Belmont University seeks faculty fellows in multiple disciplines to complete a two-year postdoctoral program preparing them for career paths in academia.
  • Teach two to three courses per semester in the College assigned.
  • Perform all functions related to the management of coursework in higher education, including: creation of new curriculum, teaching in classroom or laboratory experiences, establishing assessment tools, and evaluation of coursework.
  • Conduct an original research project.
  • Provide sound input as a faculty member in the assigned program.
  • Abide by all relevant university and/or departmental procedures and policies.
  • The above statements describe the job’s essential responsibilities and requirements.  They are not an exhaustive list of the duties that may be assigned to job incumbents.
Required Qualifications: Belmont University seeks to attract and retain highly qualified faculty and staff who will support our mission and vision. As a Christ-centered and student-focused community, we aim to:
  • Form diverse leaders of character;
  • Equip people to solve the world’s complex problems through teaching, research and service;
  • And be radical champions for helping people and communities flourish.
  • Knowledge of principles, methods and current developments in the field of study.
  • Knowledge of subject matter and course content taught.
  • Ability to learn and apply instructional strategies and techniques.
  • Willingness to instruct, manage, motivate and evaluate students.
  • Skilled in the use of computers, Internet resources, and MS Office software.
  • Ability to learn and function within the learning management system and relevant sections of and BannerWeb, Belmont University’s online integrated database system for student grading.
  • Ability to integrate technology into the teaching and learning process.
  • Ability to successfully interact with students, other educators and educational institution representatives, and the general public in a professional manner.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing.
  • Knowledge of the programs and services offered by Belmont University. Interest and ability to work collaboratively in course design and to teach interdisciplinary and topical courses.
Required Education Doctoral degree or equivalent terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline is required.
Required Experience Teaching experience is preferred.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةStage et Formation

Primary Duties and Responsibilities: The Belmont University Faculty Fellows Program provides a unique and valuable opportunity to increase diversity among future faculty. The fellowship focuses on tra...View more

نشرت 10 أشهر منذ
Primary Duties and Responsibilities: The Belmont University Faculty Fellows Program provides a unique and valuable opportunity to increase diversity among future faculty. The fellowship focuses on traditionally underrepresented professionals within the university or their field of study who recently completed their doctoral or equivalent terminal degree and desires to teach at a Christ-centered teaching-focused university. Belmont University seeks faculty fellows in multiple disciplines to complete a two-year postdoctoral program preparing them for career paths in academia.
  • Teach two to three courses per semester in the College assigned.
  • Perform all functions related to the management of coursework in higher education, including: creation of new curriculum, teaching in classroom or laboratory experiences, establishing assessment tools, and evaluation of coursework.
  • Conduct an original research project.
  • Provide sound input as a faculty member in the assigned program.
  • Abide by all relevant university and/or departmental procedures and policies.
  • The above statements describe the job’s essential responsibilities and requirements.  They are not an exhaustive list of the duties that may be assigned to job incumbents.
Required Qualifications: Belmont University seeks to attract and retain highly qualified faculty and staff who will support our mission and vision. As a Christ-centered and student-focused community, we aim to:
  • Form diverse leaders of character;
  • Equip people to solve the world’s complex problems through teaching, research and service;
  • And be radical champions for helping people and communities flourish.
  • Knowledge of principles, methods and current developments in the field of study.
  • Knowledge of subject matter and course content taught.
  • Ability to learn and apply instructional strategies and techniques.
  • Willingness to instruct, manage, motivate and evaluate students.
  • Skilled in the use of computers, Internet resources, and MS Office software.
  • Ability to learn and function within the learning management system and relevant sections of and BannerWeb, Belmont University’s online integrated database system for student grading.
  • Ability to integrate technology into the teaching and learning process.
  • Ability to successfully interact with students, other educators and educational institution representatives, and the general public in a professional manner.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing.
  • Knowledge of the programs and services offered by Belmont University. Interest and ability to work collaboratively in course design and to teach interdisciplinary and topical courses.
Required Education Doctoral degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline.
Required Experience Teaching experience is preferred.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةStage et Formation

Primary Duties and Responsibilities: The Belmont University Faculty Fellows Program provides a unique and valuable opportunity to increase diversity among future faculty. The fellowship focuses on tra...View more

The Belmont University Faculty Fellows Program provides a unique and valuable opportunity to increase diversity among future faculty. The fellowship focuses on traditionally underrepresented professionals within the university or their field of study who recently completed their doctoral or equivalent terminal degree and desires to teach at a Christ-centered teaching-focused university. Belmont University seeks faculty fellows in multiple disciplines to complete a two-year postdoctoral program preparing them for career paths in academia.
  • Teach two to three courses per semester in the College assigned.
  • Perform all functions related to the management of coursework in higher education, including: creation of new curriculum, teaching in classroom or laboratory experiences, establishing assessment tools, and evaluation of coursework.
  • Conduct an original research project.
  • Provide sound input as a faculty member in the assigned program.
  • Abide by all relevant university and/or departmental procedures and policies.
  • The above statements describe the job’s essential responsibilities and requirements.  They are not an exhaustive list of the duties that may be assigned to job incumbents.
Required Qualifications: Belmont University seeks to attract and retain highly qualified faculty and staff who will support our mission and vision. As a Christ-centered and student-focused community, we aim to:
  • Form diverse leaders of character;
  • Equip people to solve the world’s complex problems through teaching, research and service;
  • And be radical champions for helping people and communities flourish.
  • Knowledge of principles, methods and current developments in the field of study.
  • Knowledge of subject matter and course content taught.
  • Ability to learn and apply instructional strategies and techniques.
  • Willingness to instruct, manage, motivate and evaluate students.
  • Skilled in the use of computers, Internet resources, and MS Office software.
  • Ability to learn and function within the learning management system and relevant sections of and BannerWeb, Belmont University’s online integrated database system for student grading.
  • Ability to integrate technology into the teaching and learning process.
  • Ability to successfully interact with students, other educators and educational institution representatives, and the general public in a professional manner.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing.
  • Knowledge of the programs and services offered by Belmont University. Interest and ability to work collaboratively in course design and to teach interdisciplinary and topical courses.
Required Education Doctoral degree or equivalent terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline is required.
Required Experience Teaching experience is preferred.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةStage et Formation

The Belmont University Faculty Fellows Program provides a unique and valuable opportunity to increase diversity among future faculty. The fellowship focuses on traditionally underrepresented professi...View more

Que pourrait faire votre entreprise avec 2 millions de dollars ?

Le DataTribe Challenge est un concours annuel unique où les startups ont la chance de recevoir jusqu'à 2 millions de dollars en capital d'amorçage. Le Challenge rassemble les meilleurs entrepreneurs du monde cherchant à bouleverser la cybersécurité et la science des données. DataTribe sélectionne trois finalistes qui se partagent 20 000 $ de prix en argent et un gagnant qui pourrait recevoir jusqu'à 2 millions de dollars en capital d'amorçage.

Exigences de soumission Date limite des inscriptions : 23 septembre 2023 Événement de pitch du défi DT : 2 novembre 2023

À propos du défi

Alors que nous nous préparons pour le 6e DataTribe Challenge annuel, nous attendons avec impatience que toutes les grandes entreprises qui se soumettront concourront pour l'une des trois places finalistes. Les finalistes seront annoncés le 12 octobre 2023 et la compétition finale aura lieu dans le Maryland le 2 novembre 2023 . Nous espérons que cette année poursuivra la tradition consistant à rassembler un groupe incroyable de cyber-startups, de dirigeants, d'investisseurs et de sommités. Pour plus de détails sur le concours, consultez les liens vers la FAQ et les conditions générales au bas de la page.

Pourquoi nous relevons le défi DataTribe

DataTribe veut continuer à bâtir des entreprises de classe mondiale. Nous nous sommes bâtis une réputation unique en tant que partenaire d'équipes d'élite à la pointe de l'innovation, tirant généralement parti de l'expérience acquise au sein des agences de sécurité nationale ou des laboratoires gouvernementaux de R&D. La mission de DataTribe est de faire progresser l'état de l'art en matière de cybersécurité et de science des données.

Comment s'impliquer

Les entreprises intéressées doivent soumettre une proposition comprenant un dossier et des informations pertinentes. DataTribe examinera les soumissions en fonction de leur mérite technique, du potentiel commercial et de l'état de préparation de l'équipe.

Les entreprises intéressées à concourir doivent également être en pré-série A avec un financement maximum à ce jour ne dépassant pas 1,2 million de dollars. Vous devez avoir un produit, une version bêta, un MVP ou un concept d'entreprise, de Big Data ou de cybersécurité à présenter.

Veuillez consulter  les termes et conditions  pour plus d'informations.


What could your company do with $2 million?

The DataTribe Challenge is a unique annual competition where startups have a chance at receiving up to $2 million in seed capital. The Challenge brings together the best entrepreneurs in the world looking to disrupt cybersecurity and data science. DataTribe selects three finalists that split $20,000 in prize money and one winner that could receive up to $2 million in seed capital.

Submission Requirements Submissions Due: September 23rd, 2023 DT Challenge Pitch Event: November 2nd, 2023

About The Challenge

As we prepare for the 6th Annual DataTribe Challenge, we are looking forward to all the great companies that will submit to compete for one of the three finalist spots.  The finalists will be announced October 12th, 2023, and the final competition event will take place in Maryland on November 2nd, 2023.  We expect this year to continue the tradition of bringing together an amazing group of cyber startups, executives, investors and luminaries. For full competition details, check out the links to the FAQ and Terms & Conditions at the bottom of the page.

Why We Do the DataTribe Challenge

DataTribe wants to continue to build world-class companies. We have built a unique reputation as a partner with elite teams at the cutting edge of innovation, typically leveraging experience gained at national security agencies or government R&D labs. DataTribe’s mission is to advance the state-of-the-art in cybersecurity and data science.

How To Get Involved

Companies that are interested must submit a proposal that includes a deck and relevant  information. DataTribe will review submissions for technical merit, market potential, and readiness of the team. Companies that are interested in competing must also be pre-Series A with maximum funding to date not exceeding more than $1.2M. You must have an Enterprise, Big Data or Cyber Security product, beta, MVP or concept to present. Please visit terms and conditions for more information.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPrix, Concours et offres

Que pourrait faire votre entreprise avec 2 millions de dollars ? Le DataTribe Challenge est un concours annuel unique où les startups ont la chance de recevoir jusqu’à 2 millions de dollars e...View more

نشرت 10 أشهر منذ

University of Ottawa - Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2023-09-11
Advertised until: 2023-11-10

The Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics at the University of Ottawa invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Physical Geography, beginning July 1, 2024. We are interested in candidates who research the physical environment, with a preference for those who work in cold regions. The successful candidate is expected to develop an externally funded research program with strong connections to industry, government, and/or relevant end-users, stakeholders and rights holders, while contributing to undergraduate and graduate programs. Preference will be given to candidates who can teach courses related to climatology, climate change, geomorphology, hydrology and cold regions. Skills in applied geomatics and remote sensing are assets, but not required. The candidate is required to teach in French at the time of hiring. The successful candidate will receive start-up funding from the Faculty of Arts.

The successful candidate will join an innovative and collaborative department of fifteen full-time professors with expertise in a wide range of fields, including climate change, environmental and community impacts, cold regions (human and biophysical), urban environments, culture and sustainability, geomatics, spatial data science, and artificial intelligence (AI). Our department maintains close collaborations with researchers in other departments at uOttawa, and those at nearby universities and in government. We offer BA, BSc, MA, MSc and PhD programs. The Faculty of Arts maintains three computer teaching laboratories and several geomatics and physical geography laboratories.

Title of the Position: Assistant Professor, but higher ranks may be considered under exceptional circumstances.

Duties: The responsibilities include: 1) establishing and maintaining a robust, externally-funded research program; 2) recruiting and supervising graduate students; 3) teaching undergraduate and graduate courses that contribute to existing programs in the department; and 4) contributing to administrative and academic activities for the department and faculty.

Terms: Tenure-track position

Wage: Salary scale for an assistant professor rank starts at $89,622 (as of May 1, 2023).

Benefits Package: The University of Ottawa provides a complete benefits package which includes long-term disability, basic group life insurance, supplementary health insurance, University of Ottawa Pension Plan and optional life insurance, as well as relocation expenses.

Location of Work:  Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics, University of Ottawa, 60 University Private, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5

Contact Information (inquiries and questions):

Dr. Luke Copland, Professor, Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5. E-mail:

Required Qualifications: The successful candidate will be a scholar in Physical Geography, with the following:

  • A doctorate (Ph.D.) by July 1, 2024 in a relevant discipline;
  • A demonstrated track record of excellence in Physical Geography;
  • Evidence to support the establishment of an innovative research program, including a record of refereed publications and scholarly conferences;
  • A demonstrated ability or concrete plan to attract external funding;
  • Evidence of teaching experience or training at the university level;
  • A commitment to teaching and graduate training in our Department’s programs, including Physical Geography;
  • A demonstrated knowledge of and use of principles related to equity, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of the research and training programs;
  • Active bilingualism in French and English at the time of hiring;
  • The ability to teach in French at the time of hiring;
  • Postdoctoral experience will be considered an asset.

Application Deadline: Applications received by September 22, 2023 will receive full consideration but the position will remain open until filled.

Complete application must be submitted via the University of Ottawa Academic Careers application portal.

Please submit the following documents in PDF format: cover letter, curriculum vitae, copies of two recent peer reviewed publications, statement of research interests, statement of teaching philosophy, student evaluations (if available).

Under separate cover, three confidential letters of reference should be sent directly by the referees to:

Gita Kanags, Information Officer Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics University of Ottawa Email:

Short-listed candidates will be invited to present their research to professors and students.

For more detail on our unit, please visit:

The University of Ottawa is a dynamic community of students, researchers, professionals, and academics in pursuit of great things. Our vision for the university of tomorrow is one that reflects the diversity of its people, their ideas, and their identities. We believe in the power of representation, and that increasing the diversity of our faculty and staff supports this objective.

One way in which we are starting to affect change, is by promoting more inclusive practices for staff and faculty recruitment. This includes more diversified and cross-functional selection committees, the use of self-representation surveys and equity data, guarding against biases through education, policies and procedures, as well as broadening our candidate searches through agencies and community partners.

Our goal is to provide the best student experience, sustained by a campus community they can identify with. To achieve this, we are seeking academic candidates that can best represent a broad intersection of equity-deserving communities, as well as their lived experiences.

According to government policy, all qualified candidates are invited to apply; however, preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. The University of Ottawa is an equal opportunity employer. If you are invited to continue the selection process, please notify us of any particular adaptive measures you might require by contacting the Office of the Associate Vice-President, Faculty Affairs at Any information you send us will be handled respectfully and in complete confidence.

The University of Ottawa is proud of its more than 160-year tradition of bilingualism. Through its Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, the University provides training to staff members and to their spouses in their second official language.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

University of Ottawa – Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-09-11 Advertised until: 2023-11-10 The Department of Geography, Environment and Geom...View more

University of Ottawa - Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2023-09-11
Advertised until: 2023-11-10

The Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics at the University of Ottawa invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Environmental Change and Artificial Intelligence, beginning January 1, 2024. The ideal candidates will investigate the human and/or biophysical implications of environmental (climate) change using machine learning, with a specific focus on deep learning and big data. The successful candidate is expected to develop an externally funded research program with strong connections to industry, government, and relevant end-users, stakeholders and rights holders, while also contributing to undergraduate and graduate programs. Preference will be given to candidates who can teach courses related to applied spatial data science and within our Environmental Studies or Anthropocene programs. Generous start-up funding will be received from the Faculty of Arts.

The successful candidate will join an innovative and collaborative department of fifteen full-time professors with expertise in a wide range of fields, including climate change, environmental and community impacts, cold regions (human and biophysical), urban environments, culture and sustainability, geomatics, spatial data science, and AI. Our department maintains close collaborations with researchers in other departments at uOttawa, and those at nearby universities and in government. We offer BA, BSc, MA, MSc and PhD programs. The Faculty of Arts maintains three computer teaching laboratories and several geomatics and physical geography laboratories.

Title of the Position: Assistant Professor, but higher ranks may be considered under exceptional circumstances.

Duties: The responsibilities include: 1) establishing and maintaining a robust, externally- funded research program; 2) recruiting and supervising graduate students; 3) teaching undergraduate and graduate courses that contribute to existing programs in the department; and 4) contributing to administrative and academic activities for the department and faculty.

Terms: Tenure-track position

Wage: Salary scale for an assistant professor rank starts at $89,622 (as of May 1, 2023).

Benefits Package: The University of Ottawa provides a complete benefits package which includes long-term disability, basic group life insurance, supplementary health insurance, University of Ottawa Pension Plan and optional life insurance, as well as relocation expenses.

Location of Work:  Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics, University of Ottawa, 60 University Private, Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5

Contact Information (inquiries and questions):

Dr. Jackie Dawson, Professor, Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics, University of Ottawa, Ottawa ON, K1N 6N5. E-mail:

Required Qualifications: The successful candidate will be a scholar in Environmental Change and Artificial Intelligence, with the following:

  • A doctorate (Ph.D.) by January 1, 2024 in a relevant discipline;
  • A demonstrated track record of excellence in AI and deep learning with clear applications to environmental challenges and/or solutions;
  • Evidence to support the establishment of an innovative research program, including a record of refereed publications and scholarly conferences;
  • A demonstrated ability or reasonable plan to attract external funding;
  • Evidence of teaching experience or training at the university level;
  • A commitment to teaching and graduate training in our Department’s programs, including Environmental Studies and/or The Anthropocene;
  • A demonstrated knowledge of and use of principles related to equity, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of the research and training programs;
  • Proficiency in either English or French;
  • Active bilingualism in French and English at the time of hire will be considered an asset;
  • A minimum of passive bilingualism is required at the time of tenure; language courses and individual language tutoring are available for professors;
  • Postdoctoral experience will be considered an asset.

Application Deadline: Applications received by September 22, 2023 will receive full consideration but the position will remain open until filled.

Complete application must be submitted via the University of Ottawa Academic Careers application portal.

Please submit the following application materials as PDF document; cover letter, curriculum vitae, copies of two recent peer reviewed publications, statement of research interests, statement of teaching philosophy and students evaluations (if available).

Under separate cover, three confidential letters of reference should be sent directly by the referees to:

Gita Kanags, Information Officer Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics University of Ottawa Email:

Short-listed candidates will be invited to present their research to professors and students.

For more detail on our unit, please visit: Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics | Faculty of Arts (

The University of Ottawa is a dynamic community of students, researchers, professionals, and academics in pursuit of great things. Our vision for the university of tomorrow is one that reflects the diversity of its people, their ideas, and their identities. We believe in the power of representation, and that increasing the diversity of our faculty and staff supports this objective.

One way in which we are starting to affect change, is by promoting more inclusive practices for staff and faculty recruitment. This includes more diversified and cross-functional selection committees, the use of self-representation surveys and equity data, guarding against biases through education, policies and procedures, as well as broadening our candidate searches through agencies and community partners.

Our goal is to provide the best student experience, sustained by a campus community they can identify with. To achieve this, we are seeking academic candidates that can best represent a broad intersection of equity-deserving communities, as well as their lived experiences.

According to government policy, all qualified candidates are invited to apply; however, preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents. The University of Ottawa is an equal opportunity employer. If you are invited to continue the selection process, please notify us of any particular adaptive measures you might require by contacting the Office of the Associate Vice-President, Faculty Affairs at . Any information you send us will be handled respectfully and in complete confidence.

The University of Ottawa is proud of its more than 160-year tradition of bilingualism. Through its Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, the University provides training to staff members and to their spouses in their second official language.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

University of Ottawa – Department of Geography, Environment and Geomatics Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-09-11 Advertised until: 2023-11-10 The Department of Geography, Environment and Geom...View more

نشرت 10 أشهر منذ

University of Toronto (St. George Campus)

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2023-09-11
Advertised until: 2023-11-06

Closing Date: 11/06/2023, 11:59PM ET Req ID: 32721 Job Category: Faculty - Tenure Stream (continuing) Faculty/Division: Faculty of Arts & Science Department: David A. Dunlap Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics Campus: St. George (Downtown Toronto)

Description: The David A. Dunlap Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics in the Faculty of Arts and Science at the University of Toronto invites applications for a full-time tenure stream position in Astrophysics. The appointment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor, with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2024.

Candidates must have earned a PhD degree in Astronomy, Astrophysics, or a related area by the time of appointment, or shortly thereafter, with a demonstrated record of excellence in research and teaching. We seek candidates in any area of Astrophysics whose research and teaching interests complement and enhance our existing departmental strengths. The successful candidate will be expected to pursue innovative and independent research; establish and lead an outstanding, innovative, competitive, and externally funded research program; supervise research projects carried out by graduate and undergraduate students; teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses; and engage in university service activities.

Candidates must provide evidence of research excellence, which can be demonstrated by the applicant’s cover letter, a record of publications in top-ranked and field relevant journals or forthcoming publications meeting high international standards, the submitted research statement, presentations at significant conferences, awards and accolades, and strong endorsements from referees of high standing.

We seek candidates who perform innovative research that will advance our understanding of the Universe. In their application materials, the successful candidate must: •    Provide a demonstrated record of innovative research; •    Provide a strong research plan with a vision for how this can be achieved at the University of Toronto; •    Demonstrate their capacity to prepare the leaders of the future in astrophysics by recruiting, supervising, training and mentoring research students, early-career researchers, and/or technical staff from a diverse range of backgrounds and levels of ability. Evidence of excellence in teaching will be provided through teaching accomplishments, the teaching dossier (with required materials outlined below) submitted as part of the application, as well as strong letters of reference. Additionally, the successful candidate for this position must demonstrate experience in or capacity for teaching effectively and communicating clearly to a diverse student body, in a way that meaningfully advances equity, inclusion, and accessibility. Other teaching-related activities can include performance as a teaching assistant or course instructor, experience leading workshops or seminars, or student mentorship.

Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

The University of Toronto offers the opportunity to teach, conduct research, and live in one of the most diverse cities in the world. The successful candidate will benefit from proximity to two other astronomy units based at the University: (1) The Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, an endowed research institute dedicated to innovative technology, ground-breaking research, world-class training, and public engagement; and (2) The Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, a renowned National theory institute. University of Toronto astronomers have access to a wide range of observational facilities with guaranteed access to CFHT, Gemini, SDSS-V, LSST, JWST, ALMA, MWA and CHIME.

The Department is committed to an inclusive and flexible workplace. This search aligns with the University’s commitment to strategically and proactively promote diversity among our community members (Statement on Equity, Diversity & Excellence). Recognizing that Black, Indigenous, and other Racialized communities have experienced inequities that have developed historically and are ongoing, we strongly welcome and encourage candidates from those communities to apply.

Candidates are expected to show evidence of a commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and the promotion of a respectful and collegial learning working environment demonstrated through the application materials. The research and teaching statements must each address the applicant’s capacities to teach, train and support a diverse body of students/trainees and to meaningfully advance equity, inclusion and accessibility in the relevant contexts, as per the expectations listed above.

For information about the University’s approach to equity, diversity, and inclusion in research and innovation see

For additional information about the David A. Dunlap Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics please visit Potential applicants are encouraged to contact to ask questions about the position or to seek further information.

All qualified candidates are invited to apply online by clicking the link below. Applicants must submit: •    a cover letter; •    a current curriculum vitae including a full list of publications; •    a research statement outlining current and future research interests; •    a recent writing sample; and •    a teaching dossier that includes a teaching statement, sample course materials, and teaching evaluations or evidence of performance in other teaching-related activities as listed above.

We seek candidates who value diversity and whose research, teaching and service bear out our commitment to equity. Candidates are therefore also asked to submit a 1‐2 page statement of contributions to equity and diversity, which might cover topics such as (but not limited to): research or teaching that incorporates a focus on underrepresented communities, the development of inclusive pedagogies, or the mentoring of students from underrepresented groups.

Applicants must provide the name and contact information of three references. The University of Toronto’s recruiting tool will automatically solicit and collect letters of reference from each referee the day after an application is submitted. Applicants remain responsible for ensuring that references submit recent letters (on letterhead, dated and signed) by the closing date. More details on the automatic reference letter collection, including timelines, are available on the candidate FAQ.

Submission guidelines can be found at: Your CV and cover letter should be uploaded into the dedicated fields. Please combine additional application material into one or two files in PDF or Word format. If you have any questions about this position, please contact Professor Roberto Abraham at

All application materials, including recent reference letters, must be received by the closing date, November 6, 2023.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Diversity Statement The University of Toronto embraces Diversity and is building a culture of belonging that increases our capacity to effectively address and serve the interests of our global community. We strongly encourage applications from Indigenous Peoples, Black and racialized persons, women, persons with disabilities, and people of diverse sexual and gender identities. We value applicants who have demonstrated a commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion and recognize that diverse perspectives, experiences, and expertise are essential to strengthening our academic mission.

As part of your application, you will be asked to complete a brief Diversity Survey. This survey is voluntary. Any information directly related to you is confidential and cannot be accessed by search committees or human resources staff. Results will be aggregated for institutional planning purposes. For more information, please see

Accessibility Statement The University strives to be an equitable and inclusive community, and proactively seeks to increase diversity among its community members. Our values regarding equity and diversity are linked with our unwavering commitment to excellence in the pursuit of our academic mission.

The University is committed to the principles of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). As such, we strive to make our recruitment, assessment and selection processes as accessible as possible and provide accommodations as required for applicants with disabilities.If you require any accommodations at any point during the application and hiring process, please contact

Apply now:

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

University of Toronto (St. George Campus) Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-09-11 Advertised until: 2023-11-06 Closing Date: 11/06/2023, 11:59PM ET Req ID: 32721 Job Category: Faculty – Ten...View more

University of Alberta

Location: Alberta
Date posted: 2023-09-11
Advertised until: 2023-11-10

ART East Asian Studies Competition No. - A110251772 Closing Date - Will remain open until filled.

This position is a part of the Association of the Academic Staff of the University of Alberta (AASUA). Location - North Campus, Edmonton. This role is in-person

The Department of East Asian Studies of the University of Alberta is seeking to hire a full-time Teaching Professor at the rank of Assistant, Associate or Full Lecturer, to teach all levels of Mandarin Chinese. Anticipated start date is July 1, 2024.

This position has a Career Status appointment under the Academic Teaching Staff (ATS) agreement and comes with a comprehensive benefits package which can be viewed at: Faculty & Staff Benefits.

Rank and salary will be determined in accordance with Academic Teaching Staff (ATS) agreement at the University of Alberta.

While this position welcomes applications from individuals external to the University, current Academic Teaching Staff will receive first consideration in accordance with Article D1.06.2 of the Academic Collective Agreement prior to considering external candidates. Please indicate your internal status using the "Advertisement" drop down menu when applying.


  • Teach seven class sections of Chinese language per academic year, in person on our Edmonton campus. Normally, this will be taught as three sections each in Fall and Winter semesters, with one class section in our condensed Spring semester.
  • Manage all aspects of our summer study-abroad program in Mandarin, currently taught in Taipei. The successful candidate will not need to teach the summer program, but they will need to budget, make funding applications, recruit students, perform risk mitigation, and accompany students to Taipei during July and August.
  • Take primary responsibility for language screening and placement for new students entering the Chinese language program.
  • Coordinate with and take direction from the Director of the Chinese language program
  • Encourage and support all students, from a diverse array of backgrounds and identities

Required Qualifications:

  • Native or near-native proficiency in Mandarin Chinese and English
  • A Master's or Doctorate degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, or some other field related to the study of the Chinese language, or to Chinese-language pedagogy.
  • Minimum of three years' experience teaching Mandarin at the post-secondary level in Canada, or in the United States or another Anglophone nation. This experience must include teaching at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.
  • Minimum of one year experience managing a study-abroad program, or equivalent project-based management experience including delivery of all aspects of budgeting, fund raising, policy and legal compliance, and risk management.
  • A citizenship status that permits travel to both mainland China and Taiwan. It is not required to have work eligibility in mainland China or Taiwan.

In addition to the above requirements, the below are qualifications that will be considered an asset

  • Strong teamwork within a cohort of language instructors
  • Excellence in design and development of instructional materials
  • Record of welcoming a diverse student body into the Chinese language classroom, and of managing a classroom with students of different backgrounds and proficiency levels
  • Pedagogical innovation such as task-based learning, etc.
  • Experience with educational technology, especially course design within Learning Management Systems such as Canvas, Blackboard, or Moodle.
  • Familiarity with recent developments in the field of language pedagogy and a record of applying these advances
  • Experience in using standard language proficiency frameworks (ACTFL and/or CEFR) in performing language assessment and placement

The Department The Department of East Asian Studies was founded in 1982, and is one of the few departments of its kind in Canada that offers full four years in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages, along with courses in the histories, cultures, and societies of East Asia. Our diverse faculty includes scholars working in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Fine Arts, and we are the only area studies department at any university in the province of Alberta. Last year, our Chinese language program won the Faculty of Arts prize for Best Teaching Unit. The successful applicant will work closely with the director of the Chinese language program, Dr. Kuo-Chan Sun, one of Canada's leading experts in Mandarin-language education.

Working at the University Edmonton and the University of Alberta are situated on Treaty 6 territory, homeland of the Metis, and traditional meeting ground and home for many Indigenous Peoples, including Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Dene, and Nakota Sioux. Established in 1908 as a board-governed, public institution, the University of Alberta has earned the reputation of being one of the best universities in Canada based on strengths in teaching, research, and service. The University is home to a diverse and welcoming community of over 1,300 Indigenous students from various Nations and communities; 4.2% of undergraduates in the Faculty of Arts self-identify as Indigenous. In 2022, the University's Indigenous Strategic Plan was implemented, reflecting an important step in our institution's commitment to reconciliation in post-secondary education and research, addressing the historical legacy of the residential school system and Canada's colonial history in a meaningful and lasting way. The University's principles and actions and its EDI Strategic Plan are underpinned by respect for the dignity, rights, and full participation of all those who live, work, and learn within the university. This is underscored by the Faculty of Arts commitment to fostering a welcoming, equitable, and antiracist working through deliberate actions to address structural oppression and racism. The Academic Success Centre administers the University of Alberta's Duty to Accommodate procedure for students, and works with students, instructors, campus units, Faculties and departments, community and government agencies, and on and off-campus service providers to coordinate students' medical and non-medical accommodation needs for participation in University of Alberta academic programs.

Edmonton, a city of nearly 1.5 million people, is the sixth largest metropolitan area in Canada and has the second largest Indigenous population and the fourth largest Black population of any Canadian city. The Canadian prairies are the second most densely populated Black region in Canada. Moreover, Black people as a demographic are growing faster in Alberta than in any other region, apart from central Canada. Nearly 10% of Edmonton's population is of South Asian origin and 16% of East and Southeast Asian origin, with growing numbers of Edmontonians of Filipino, Latin American and Middle Eastern origins. The Edmonton public school system offers bilingual education for children in French, German, Hebrew, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), and American Sign Language. amiskwaciy Academy offers Cree as a high school credit and has started an Aboriginal study course in junior high school. At least two high schools, Amiskwaciy Academy and Victoria School of the Arts offer Cree and Blackfoot as a high school credit and has started an Indigenous Ways of Knowing program in junior high school.

How to Apply To have your application considered, please select the Apply Online icon below and submit the following:

  • cover letter that includes highlights of the candidate's profile (2 pages max);
  • curriculum vitae that includes the names of three referees (CV);
  • teaching dossier that includes evidence of or potential for teaching effectiveness. This dossier should include at minimum: a) a statement regarding the applicant's approach to, and experience in Chinese language teaching; and b) student evaluations of teaching, preferably from different levels, or else comparable evidence of teaching effectiveness.

Review of applications will start on October 1 and will continue until the position is filled, with a targeted start date of July 1, 2024.

Inquiries regarding the position can be addressed to the Chair of the Advisory Selection Committee, Dr. Tsuyoshi Ono, at, using \“Teaching Professor Position Query\” as the email's subject.

As part of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program requirements, the university must conduct recruitment efforts to hire Canadians and permanent residents before offering a job to a temporary foreign worker. To ensure we remain in compliance with these regulations, please include the appropriate statement in your application "I am a Canadian Citizen/Permanent Resident" or "I am not a Canadian Citizen/Permanent Resident".

How to Apply

Note: Online applications are accepted until midnight Mountain Standard Time of the closing date.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. If suitable Canadian citizens or permanent residents cannot be found, other individuals will be considered. The University of Alberta is committed to an equitable, diverse, and inclusive workforce. We welcome applications from all qualified persons. We encourage women; First Nations, Metis and Inuit persons; members of visible minority groups; persons with disabilities; persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity and expression; and all those who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas and the University to apply.

To apply, please visit:

The University of Alberta is committed to an equitable, diverse, and inclusive workforce. We welcome applications from all qualified persons. We encourage women; First Nations, Metis and Inuit persons; members of visible minority groups; persons with disabilities; persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity and expression; and all those who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas and the University to apply.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

University of Alberta Location: Alberta Date posted: 2023-09-11 Advertised until: 2023-11-10 ART East Asian Studies Competition No. – A110251772 Closing Date – Will remain open until fil...View more

نشرت 10 أشهر منذ

University of Victoria - School of Nursing

Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2023-09-11
Advertised until: 2023-10-22

We acknowledge and respect the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples on whose traditional territory the university stands and the Songhees, Esquimalt and WSÁNEĆ peoples whose historical relationships with the land continue to this day.

The School of Nursing invites applications from talented nursing scholars for two half-time (0.50 FTE) faculty positions, with eligibility for tenure at the rank of Assistant Teaching Professor in the Nurse Practitioner graduate program to commence January 1st, 2024, or as negotiated.

Contact Information

To be considered, please submit your application package via email to with the subject heading: 240-153_School of Nursing including:

  1. a cover letter that addresses the full scope of the job requirements,
  2. curriculum vitae,
  3. teaching skills (teaching statements, syllabi, evaluation data),
  4. statement of diversity knowledge, experience, and skills, and
  5. contact information for three references.

Electronic application packages must be received by October 22, 2023 by 11:59PM (PST).

Qualified candidates will have:

required education:

  • baccalaureate degree in Nursing; and
  • Masters degree, Nurse Practitioner designation.

preferred education:

  • an earned doctoral degree, preferred

required active registration:

  • active registration, as a Nurse Practitioner, and in good standing with the BC College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM)
  • or, if not currently registered, be eligible and commit to achieving Nurse Practitioner registration within three months of hire

demonstrated commitment to:

  • advancing nursing practice and education in the spirit of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action and the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples;
  • to anti-racist pedagogy and practice; decolonization of educational processes and cultural safety and humility as ways of being

required teaching experience and skills:

  • teaching experience relevant to advancing the profession and the discipline of Nursing and aimed at developing the body of knowledge required to support philosophical, theoretical, and practice advancements;
  • demonstrated ability or a willingness to teach theory and practice courses across programs at the graduate and undergraduate level both in the classroom and online in technology-enhanced and experiential learning environments;
  • demonstrated excellence, or the promise of excellence, in teaching focused on providing leadership for the advancement of undergraduate and graduate programs and curricula: practice model innovation and simulation, nursing practice and patient orientated research, health systems research and informatics, supporting teaching excellence, Indigenous nursing and health, and inter-professional education;
  • must be able to teach within the philosophy of the curriculum, be committed to strengthening their teaching, and have the ability to work collaboratively;
  • must be willing to periodically travel for student practice site visits that are situated throughout British Columbia, associated primarily with Nurse Practitioner program clinical courses if assigned.

Responsibilities of the successful candidate will also include membership on School committees and participation in governance and decision making within the School. Opportunities for interdisciplinary teaching and research may be available with other professional schools in the Faculty of Human and Social Development and the wider University.

Related Links

School of Nursing

Faculty of Human and Social Development

The School of Nursing, the Faculty of Human and Social Development (HSD), and the University of Victoria strive to provide a welcoming, supportive environment for Indigenous students and faculty. The First Peoples House (FPH) is a social, cultural, and academic centre for Indigenous students at UVic and serves as a safe and welcoming place that encourages community building. Housed within the First Peoples House, the Office of Indigenous Academic and Community Engagement (IACE) provides leadership and resources related to academic programs, community projects, the First Peoples House and the Elders-in-Residence program. In conjunction with academic leaders in the First People's House and in the faculties, the Indigenous Academic Advisory Council (IAAC) provides a forum for faculty and academic administrators to discuss existing, emerging and potential academic programs with Indigenous content and/or focus. The Centre for Indigenous Research and Community-Led Engagement (CIRCLE) is dedicated to expanding wellbeing through principled and ethical research with, and for, Indigenous peoples and communities, while the Indigenous Mentorship Network of the Pacific Northwest (IMN PN) provides resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities to support Indigenous students and new investigators to undertake research that is meaningful to Indigenous communities and collectives. Within HSD, the Indigenous Student Support Centre (ISSC) provides a culturally safe space for Indigenous students as well as cultural, emotional, and academic supports. Finally, funded by the CIHR Institute of Indigenous Peoples’ Health (IIPH), the BC Network Environment for Indigenous Health Research is one of nine Indigenous-led networks across Canada that support research leadership among Indigenous (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) communities, collectives, and organizations (ICCOs).

The School of Nursing is a leader in undergraduate and graduate nursing education and research. The School offers the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree (BSN) delivered through a collaborative partnership with colleges in British Columbia and the Northwest Territories.  The School of Nursing also offers two graduate degrees: a PhD in Nursing and the Master of Nursing Degree (Advanced Practice / Nurse Practitioner (NP)/ Double Degree in Nursing and Health Informatics). All graduate programs are offered through distance learning and distributed learning technologies. All undergraduate programming is offered on campus in classrooms incorporating online distributed learning experiences.

The School of Nursing is dedicated to excellence in accessible and innovative undergraduate and graduate nursing education, research initiatives, and professional practice and service to the community in British Columbia, in Canada, and beyond. The School is committed to:

  • generating knowledge, advancing the nursing profession and discipline, and enhancing nursing practice to improve health for individuals, families, communities, and society
  • responding to the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions Calls to Action and integrating Indigenous perspectives, world views and knowledge for health, healing and nursing practice and
  • promoting health and the conditions that support health and social changes in British Columbia, Canada, and around the world through collaborative partnerships among educators, students, health practitioners, communities, researchers, and policy developers.
  • mentoring new and experienced faculty in the development of their academic careers.

In the School of Nursing we honour all members of our community. We uphold an inclusive environment wherein diversity in beliefs and practices—as well as individual diversity—is lived, celebrated and respected.

The School is uniquely situated in the Faculty of Human and Social Development (HSD), a multi-professional faculty with a commitment to the student experience of dynamic learning in practice and community setting for vital impact on health and social development. Faculty participate with colleagues, students, and the public in socially engaging ways and strive to integrate teaching, scholarship, and research at all program levels. The Faculty of HSD provides support for research development through the HSD Research Support Centre as well connections with the Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation office to support its faculty with professional development and teaching enhancement.

Additional Information

Please note that reference checks will be done, and background checks, including credential and degree verification, may be undertaken as part of this recruitment process.

UVic is committed to upholding the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion in our living, learning and work environments. In pursuit of our values, we seek members who will work respectfully and constructively with differences and across levels of power. We actively encourage applications from members of groups experiencing barriers to equity. Read our full equity statement here:

The University acknowledges the potential impact that career interruptions can have on a candidate’s record of research achievement. We encourage applicants to explain in their application the impact that career interruptions have had on their record.

Persons with disabilities, who anticipate needing accommodation for any part of the application and hiring process, may contact Faculty Relations and Academic Administration in the Office of the VP Academic and Provost at Any personal information provided will be maintained in confidence.

Faculty and Librarians at the University of Victoria are governed by the provisions of the Collective Agreement.  Members are represented by the University of Victoria Faculty Association (

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; if you are neither a Canadian citizen or permanent resident, please indicate if you are authorized to work in Canada, and be prepared to provide a copy of your permit authorizing same.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

University of Victoria – School of Nursing Location: British Columbia Date posted: 2023-09-11 Advertised until: 2023-10-22 We acknowledge and respect the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples on whose tradi...View more

Location: Quebec
Date posted: 2023-09-11
Advertised until: 2023-11-10

Deeply rooted in Montreal and dedicated to its international mission, Université de Montréal is one of Canada's Top 100 Employers. Like the city whose name it bears, it is effervescent and multicultural. 

UdeM attracts over $500 million in research funding every year, making it one of the top three university research hubs in Canada. It also ranks among the top 100 universities wor1dwide and among the five best French language universities. 

Through the achievements of the members of its community, UdeM participates in building today's and tomorrow's world.

The Department of Veterinary Biomedicine at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FMV) is inviting applications for an Assistant or Associate Professor in Animal Husbandry/Animal Production for the new decentralized Doctor of Veterinary Medicine program in Rimouski, located on the campus of the Université du Québec à Rimouski (UQAR). The professor position is full-time and leads to tenure.

The position is located in Rimouski, a city of 50,000 inhabitants, the regional capital of Bas-Saint-Laurent, renowned for its dynamism and quality of life. It brings together numerous educational institutions and has a high concentration of researchers in fundamental and applied sciences, particularly in marine sciences. Thanks to the privileged partnership with the Université du Québec à Rimouski and the Maurice Lamontagne Institute, multiple collaborations and services exist.

FMV is ranked among the top 30 veterinary educational institutions in the world, according to the QS World University Rankings. A structured mentorship program is available for newly hired professors. To learn all about FMV and experience the excitement of its faculty life, visit our website.

This position is at the heart of the Faculty's mission to train the next generation of veterinarians and scientists to master new technologies in basic and applied research with an understanding of current challenges in animal and human health based on the "One Health" vision.

The successful candidate is expected to lead an innovative and independent research program, secure external research grants, use a current approach, including state-of-the-art techniques, and collaborate with members of the department and colleagues at FMV and UQAR. A research program related to the department's activities, the FMV and the UQAR would be an asset.

As a professor, you will have the opportunity to contribute to the excellence of the Faculté de médecine vétérinaire:

Through your teaching and your research activities, you will also ensure the visibility of your discipline in addition to actively participating in the operation of a renowned institution. As such, you will:

  • Participate in teaching animal husbandry and sustainable development of animal production to students enrolled in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program;
  • Develop an autonomous and independent research program aligned with the posting, the activities of the Department of Veterinary Biomedicine, the FMV, the Rimouski region or our partner UQAR;
  • Participate in the teaching and training of graduate students (2nd and 3rd cycles and postdoctoral levels);
  • Participate in outreach activities of your discipline (publications, conferences, others);
  • Contribute to the functioning of the FMV.

To succeed in this role, you will need:

  • D. degree in a relevant area;
  • Postdoctoral experience or equivalent is considered an asset;
  • Doctor in Veterinary Medicine (DVM) or equivalent would be considered an asset;
  • Strong track-record of publications demonstrating scientific and academic excellence;
  • Ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment, critical to establishing collaborative research within the Department of Veterinary Biomedicine, the FMV, or the UQAR;
  • An adequate knowledge of the French written and spoken language or a strong commitment to mastering the proficiency level required, in accordance to Université de Montréal's Language Policy. An institutional learning support program is offered to all professors wishing to learn French or improve their communication skills.

How to submit your application

All candidates are asked to submit a letter of intent detailing their research interests and career objectives, including a summary of their research program proposal and a short description of their teaching philosophy as well as their curriculum vitae, a copy of their diplomas, and the full name and contact information (phone numbers, email, address) of 3 referees. Applications should be sent to:

Dr Christopher Price Interim Director, Department of Veterinary Biomedicine Faculté de médecine vétérinaire, Université́ de Montréal 3200, rue Sicotte, Saint-Hyacinthe (QC) J2S 2M2 Phone: 450-773-8521, ext. 8383 Email : Website

Additional information about the position

Reference number - FMV 09-23/03 Application deadline - Until October 20, 2023 inclusively Salary - Université de Montréal offers competitive salaries and a full range of benefits Starting date - As of March 4, 2024


Université de Montréal is strongly committed to fostering diversity and inclusion. Through its Equal Access Employment Program (EAEP), UdeM invites applications from women, Aboriginal people, visible and ethnic minorities, as well as persons with disabilities. We will –confidentially – adapt our recruitment mechanisms to the specific needs of people with disabilities who request it.

UdeM embraces a broad and inclusive definition of diversity that goes beyond applicable laws, and therefore encourages all qualified individuals to apply, regardless of their characteristics. However, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadians and permanent residents.

In order to measure the impact of its equity, diversity and inclusion actions, UdeM is collecting data on applicants identifying themselves with one of the groups targeted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, namely women, Aboriginal people, visible minorities, ethnic minorities and people with limitations. To this end, we thank you for completing this self-identification questionnaire. The information you provide through this form is strictly confidential and will be shared only with those responsible for the UdeM EAEP. If you wish, you may also indicate that you belong to one of the targeted groups in your cover letter, which will be reviewed by the selection committee and the assembly of peers.

Université de Montréal’s application process allows all members of the Professor’s Assembly to review the application files submitted. If you wish to keep your application confidential until the shortlist is established, please mention it in your application.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: Quebec Date posted: 2023-09-11 Advertised until: 2023-11-10 Deeply rooted in Montreal and dedicated to its international mission, Université de Montréal is one of Canada’s Top 100 E...View more

Simon Fraser University

Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2023-09-11
Advertised until: 2023-10-11

Simon Fraser University (SFU) strives to act in accordance with political, legal, and moral mandates, such as: the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Report that calls on researchers in Canadian institutions to build new relationships with Indigenous peoples based on equitable collaboration and multiples ways of knowing; the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act that upholds the importance of self-determination of Indigenous peoples and the right to autonomy or self-governance, including in matters of health and wellbeing; and SFU’s Reconciliation Reports that upholds the importance of partnership with Indigenous communities and organizations to advance the work required to decolonize and Indigenize the university. Within this frame, the Academic Plan (2018-2023) of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) at SFU outlines the importance of hiring and mentoring Indigenous health scholars and invites applications for a Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Indigenous Health Governance with an anticipated start date of Fall 2024 or later.

The Faculty of Health Sciences FHS is located on the unceded traditional territories of the Coast Salish peoples, including the səl̓ilw̓ətaʔɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish) and xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) Nations at the SFU Burnaby campus. Created in 2005, the mission of the Faculty is to improve the health of individuals and populations and to reduce health inequities through excellence in interdisciplinary research and education, in partnership with local, national, and global communities. FHS is committed to social justice, respect for human dignity, and equity. The successful candidate will join a diverse and dynamic team of more than 50 multi-disciplinary faculty members and will have the opportunity to engage with and teach outstanding students in the PhD, MSc, MPH, and BA/BSc programs. The Faculty maintains collaborative agreements and partnerships with the BC government, regional health authorities, the First Nations Health Authority, research centres, and other health agencies.

The Position We seek a scholar whose program of research uses Indigenous methodologies to build Indigenous peoples’ right to self-determine their own health and wellness journeys. The successful applicant will be familiar with the provincial health system, as well as have established partnership/partnerships with Indigenous nations, communities, and/or organizations, in British Columbia (BC), Canada.

The successful applicant will be expected to engage in research on Indigenous health governance in collaboration with partners, including the BC First Nations Health Authority (FNHA). FNHA is the health and wellness partner to over 200 diverse First Nations communities and citizens across BC, and has a Research Affiliation Agreement with SFU. The candidate will help FHS support and enforce reciprocal recognition and respectful relationships with Indigenous communities. They will be expected to assume the leadership of the Centre for Collaborative Action on Indigenous Health Governance, which will have a shared governance model with the FNHA. A reduced teaching load (1.5 courses per year) will be provided during the term of the Tier 2 Chair, and the successful applicant will be expected to actively contribute to teaching in Indigenous health, as well as supervising graduate students.

CRC appointments use a two-step application process where candidates must first apply to an open job posting to the university and then submit an application for external peer review. This tenure-track CRC appointment opportunity is intended for emerging scholars in a related health or social science field, at the rank of assistant or associate professor (or those who possess the necessary qualifications to be appointed to these levels). The applicant’s research area should primarily align with the mandate of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) or the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), as outlined in the Guidelines for Selecting the Appropriate Federal Granting Agency.

Tier 2 Chairs are intended for exceptional emerging scholars (i.e., candidate must have been an active researcher in their field for fewer than 10 years at the time of nomination). Applicants who are more than 10 years from their highest degree (and where career breaks exist, such as parental leave, extended sick leave, clinical training etc.) may have their eligibility for a Tier 2 CRC assessed through the program’s Tier 2 justification process; please see the CRC website for eligibility details.

Candidate Requirements: The search committee acknowledges that no single applicant is likely to meet all of the following criteria in equal measure and interested candidates of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will be expected to demonstrate:


  • Strong, respectful, reciprocal relationships, and engagement with Indigenous communities;
  • A network of colleagues and organizations engaged in collaborative efforts related to Indigenous knowledges;
  • Capacity to build sustainable partnerships and secure external research grant funding;
  • Success in working collaboratively with colleagues, students, and staff in academic, research, professional, and community contexts;
  • Commitment to supporting research interests driven by Indigenous communities in BC, in addition to their own individual professional achievements;
  • Use of Indigenous methodologies;
  • Contributions to knowledge exchange, integration, and mobilization with Indigenous communities related to Indigenous people’s right to self-determine their own health and wellness journeys; and
  • Competence in Indigenous-based governance structures in BC.

Interpersonal Skills:

  • Ability to foster respectful and reciprocal relationships across disciplinary, cultural, and community differences, within academia, with external partners and in the province;
  • Ability to cultivate a sense of respect, trust, and leadership among elders, knowledge keepers, research collaborators, community partners, faculty, staff, students, and trainees;
  • Ability to communicate Indigenous and academic approaches to complex and sensitive issues in ways that promote dialogue, understanding, and the building of consensus within the academy, with Indigenous communities, and among wider audiences; and
  • Ability to foster collaborative work environments that promote equity and diversity, including accessibility, in process, procedures and outputs.

Research & Collaborative Values:

  • The highest standards of ethics and integrity, according to both academic and Indigenous traditions of right action and ethical relationality;
  • A respectful and open approach informed by Indigenous values and traditions, and a commitment to the building and sharing of advanced knowledge in academic and public institutions honouring relational accountability;
  • A willingness to think creatively and ability to innovate, including ongoing engagement with a diversity of approaches to knowledge creation; and
  • The ideal candidate also values diverse perspectives and continuous learning.

Teaching and mentorship:

  • Knowledge and experience with Indigenous pedagogies;
  • Incorporation of Indigenous ways of knowing, teaching, and learning into instructional and mentorship practice; and
  • Commitment to decolonizing approaches to education and creating inclusive learning environments.

Pursuant to Section 42 of the BC Human Rights Code, preference will be given to candidates who self-identify as Indigenous or have Indigenous ancestry and will bring to this role knowledge that comes from the lived experiences of those underrepresented in higher education, particularly the experiences of Indigenous persons. Such candidates who wish to qualify for preferential consideration are requested to self-identify in their application.

Education The CRC program has been structured to support candidates who work in academia. Therefore, candidates with a PhD in a relevant social science or health field are most likely to be successful. Candidates who are currently close to completing their doctorates are encouraged to apply if their area of scholarship aligns with the position. Candidates who do not have a PhD, but who have commensurate experience and whose scholarship aligns with the position will also be considered.

How To Apply Applicants are asked to provide the following documents (Word or PDF):

  1. A signed application letter that addresses how the applicant meets the position requirements regarding experience, interpersonal skills, research and collaborative values, teaching and mentorship, and education set out above;
  2. An up-to-date, full curriculum vitae (include details of research and teaching, scholarly record, funding, and list of collaborations/partnerships);
  3. A proposed program of research (3-5 pages, single spaced) that:
    • Defines how program of research falls in the domain of Indigenous health governances and builds Indigenous people’s right to self-determine their own health and wellness journeys;
    • Explains how the proposed research is grounded in a particular understanding of Indigenous knowledges and methodologies;
    • Responds to demonstrated interests expressed by Indigenous community(ies) and/or Indigenous nations or organizations in BC;
    • Describes how the scholar has built relationships with Indigenous communities that are central to the success of the research;
    • Addresses how research contributes to knowledge exchange, integration, and mobilization with Indigenous communities related to Indigenous people’s right to self-determine their own health and wellness journeys; and
    • Defines the role of collaboration with FNHA in the proposed research program;
  4. Two examples of excellent scholarly work. This can include non-traditional or unconventional outputs, such as those based in Indigenous ways of knowing;
  5. A teaching portfolio including a two-page statement of teaching philosophy and experience, including experience with and understanding of inclusive teaching and diverse student needs, as well as other evidence of teaching strengths; and
  6. The names and contact information for a BC Indigenous partner community, nation, or organization and three professional referees and that will write support letters on behalf of the applicant. References will only be contacted for shortlisted candidates.

SFU recognizes that alternative career paths and/or career interruptions (e.g., parental leave, leave due to illness) can impact research achievements and commits to ensuring that leaves are taken into careful consideration. Candidates are encouraged to highlight in their application how alternative paths and/or interruptions have had an impact on their career.

All applications should be submitted to:

Nicole S. Berry, Search Chair Faculty of Health Sciences Simon Fraser University 8888 University Drive Burnaby, BC, Canada, V5A 1S6 Email:

Applications should be received by September 12, 2023. Screening of applications will commence on September 19th, 2023. The competition will remain open until the position is filled. Any general inquiries regarding this posting may be directed to Nicole S. Berry, Associate Professor and Chair of Search Committee at

This position is contingent upon the applicant receiving a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair prior to being appointed to a tenure-track or tenured faculty position at SFU. This means that the successful candidate in this search will work with Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences to prepare a nomination package for a Canada Research Chair (please see the Canada Research Chairs website for further details regarding application). After review and approval by the Vice Presidents, Research Office at SFU, the nomination will be submitted to the CRC program, ideally in April 2024. The nomination package will then be evaluated by the CRC program’s external reviewers. Should the applicant be successful at this step, we estimate the earliest start date possible to be October 2024.

Please, also note that the position is subject to the availability of funding and to final approval by the University Board of Governors and the Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat (TIPS). The Canada Research Chair is tenable for five years and may be renewed once, subject to the Chairholder demonstrating that they have achieved their objectives from their first term. Interested applicants are invited to review the initial appointment and chair renewal details of the CRC Program [link].

SFU is an equity employer and encourages applications from all qualified individuals, including women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, Indigenous Peoples, people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of the University. SFU is committed to ensuring that no individual is denied access to employment opportunities for reasons unrelated to ability or qualifications. Consistent with this principle, SFU will advance the interests of underrepresented members of the workforce, ensure that equal opportunity is afforded to all who seek employment at the University, and treat all employees equitably. Candidates who belong to equity-deserving groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

SFU offers several benefits and services aimed at creating a more inclusive and accessible campus community for faculty; please see the Faculty Relations, Benefits and Service page for more details. SFU is also committed to ensuring that the application and interview process is accessible to all applicants; if you require accommodations or have questions about SFU benefits, services, accommodations policies, or equity considerations please contact the Specialist, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Faculty Relations.

Under the authority of the University Act, personal information that is required by the University for academic appointment competitions will be collected. For further details see the Collection Notice:

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Simon Fraser University Location: British Columbia Date posted: 2023-09-11 Advertised until: 2023-10-11 Simon Fraser University (SFU) strives to act in accordance with political, legal, and moral man...View more

(réf. BAP-2023-605)

Le projet de doctorat pour lequel un chercheur sera recruté fait partie du Réseau de Formation Doctorale en Ethique et Intégrité du Sport (DAiSI). DAiSI est un réseau conjoint de formation doctorale en éthique et intégrité du sport financé par l'UE (, pour lequel un total de 17 doctorants seront recrutés. Le candidat retenu pour ce projet de doctorat spécifique poursuivra un doctorat conjoint à l'Institut de criminologie de Louvain de la KU Leuven (KU Leuven) et à l'Institut des sciences du sport de l'Université Johannes Gutenberg de Mayence (JGU) et sera supervisé par le Prof. Letizia Paoli (KU Leuven) et le professeur Holger Preuß (JGU). Le lieu de travail principal sera à Louvain à la KUL mais les voyages réguliers à l'étranger font partie intégrante du parcours doctoral. La KU Leuven (fondée en 1425) est une université à part entière traditionnelle et un environnement international intellectuellement stimulant pour plus de 60 000 étudiants, dont près de 7 000 doctorants. Elle se classe parmi les principales universités au monde (par exemple, au 42e rang du classement mondial des universités du Times Higher Education 2023 et au 61e rang du classement mondial des universités QS 2024). De plus, la KU Leuven est constamment sélectionnée comme l'université la plus innovante d'Europe dans le classement annuel de Thompson Reuters depuis 2016. L'université est membre de plusieurs réseaux internationaux, tels que LERU, la Ligue des universités européennes de recherche, CELSA, la Central Europe Leuven Strategic Alliance et le Groupe Coimbra. L'Université Johannes Gutenberg de Mayence (JGU) est l'une des plus grandes universités d'Allemagne. Grâce à sa situation dans la région scientifique Rhin-Main, l'université peut déployer tout son potentiel et mettre en valeur sa force d'innovation et son dynamisme. Son statut d'université polyvalente permet un apprentissage et un enseignement multidisciplinaires et présente un grand potentiel pour une recherche interdisciplinaire de renommée internationale. Presque tous ses instituts sont situés sur un campus unique à proximité du centre-ville de Mayence, créant ainsi une culture académique vivante pour les chercheurs, le personnel enseignant et les étudiants de tous les continents.
DAiSI est un réseau interdisciplinaire d'institutions de recherche et d'organisations non gouvernementales dans le domaine de l'éthique et de l'intégrité du sport. Il produira une cohorte de doctorants (DC) capables de comprendre, de développer et de critiquer les défis éthico-légaux complexes dans les contextes sportifs du monde entier. Le réseau de formation doctorale DAiSI (DTN) formera une nouvelle génération d'experts et d'officiels sportifs dotés des compétences théoriques et méthodologiques nécessaires pour identifier, prévenir et gérer les menaces actuelles et futures à l'intégrité du sport au sein des instances dirigeantes du sport et des instances gouvernementales liées au sport. . 
Chacun des 17 projets de recherche est une combinaison interdisciplinaire de dimensions éthiques, juridiques et sociales. Des doctorats conjoints seront décernés aux candidats retenus par deux des partenaires du consortium. De plus, chaque projet se caractérise par une co-tutelle reflétant cette philosophie et est soutenu par une ou plusieurs institutions sportives ou liées au sport prestigieuses telles que l'Athletics Integrity Unit ; Unité d'intégrité du biathlon, Fédération des associations internationales de football, Comité international olympique, Union des associations européennes de football, Office des Nations Unies contre la drogue et le crime et Agence mondiale antidopage.
Dans le cadre du DAiSI, les objectifs de cette thèse spécifique sont triples : 
(1) identifier les schémas et les acteurs des matchs truqués et d’autres formes de corruption dans le sport, en mettant particulièrement l’accent sur le crime organisé ; 
(2) analyser spécifiquement les modèles et les acteurs des matchs truqués et d'autres formes de corruption dans le sport dans deux pays européens sélectionnés, sur la base de procédures pénales et d'entretiens avec la police et les procureurs ; 
(3) évaluer les processus, les résultats et les défis des politiques gouvernementales visant à contrôler les matchs truqués dans un certain nombre de pays (par le biais d'entretiens avec des experts). 
  • Vous mènerez des recherches (principalement la collecte et l'analyse de données qualitatives en plus d'une revue de la littérature) dans le domaine de recherche décrit. Vous serez impliqué dans la conception, la mise en place et l'exécution de la recherche et vous rendrez compte des résultats dans des publications scientifiques. Cette recherche vise à conduire à un doctorat (PhD). 
  • Vous travaillerez avec d’autres doctorants et collègues au sein de l’équipe et du réseau de recherche. 
  • Vous superviserez des étudiants de maîtrise qui rédigent leur mémoire de maîtrise. 
  • Vous contribuerez aux activités collectives du groupe de recherche (telles que les services pédagogiques, les rencontres, les propositions de recherche, le soutien d'autres chercheurs, etc.).
  • Vous êtes titulaire d'un Master en criminologie, droit, gestion (du sport), économie (du sport), sciences sociales, sciences du sport, intégrité du sport ou un autre diplôme (niveau master) dans un domaine connexe avec un intérêt prononcé pour le domaine de recherche mentionné. 
  • Vous êtes enthousiaste, ambitieux, dynamique, flexible et ouvert aux défis et aux évolutions. 
  • Vous disposez d'un bon sens de l'organisation et savez travailler de manière autonome. 
  • Vous possédez d'excellentes compétences en communication sociale et écrite en anglais. Une bonne connaissance pratique du néerlandais peut être un avantage mais n’est pas du tout une exigence. 
  • Vous pouvez travailler dans une équipe multidisciplinaire internationale. 
  • Vous possédez une vaste expérience des méthodes de sciences sociales, principalement des méthodes de recherche quantitative. 
  • En raison de la règle de mobilité du bailleur de fonds (Union européenne), vous n'avez pas résidé ou exercé votre activité principale (par exemple travail, études) en Belgique pendant plus de 12 mois au cours des 3 années précédant immédiatement le début de la mission. .
Un poste de doctorat pendant trois ans dans une équipe internationale et multidisciplinaire avec une expérience et une expertise pertinentes. La recherche sera menée à la KU Leuven sous la supervision du Prof. Dr. Letizia Paoli et la co-direction du Prof. Dr. Holger Preuß (JGU), les séjours à l'étranger font partie intégrante du parcours de doctorat. Une fois les exigences satisfaites, un doctorat conjoint sera décerné au candidat par la KU Leuven et la JGU. 
Le candidat peut commencer à partir du 1er janvier 2024. La date de début sera déterminée en concertation avec le candidat. 
Les entretiens avec les candidats présélectionnés seront programmés en ligne en octobre 2023. 
Si vous n'avez pas été contacté avant fin octobre, vous ne serez pas présélectionné. 
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter Prof. Dr. Letizia Paoli, tél. : +32 16 32 52 74, email : 
La KU Leuven cherche à favoriser un environnement dans lequel tous les talents peuvent s'épanouir, quels que soient leur sexe, leur âge, leur origine culturelle, leur nationalité ou leur handicap. Si vous avez des questions concernant l'accessibilité ou l'assistance, veuillez nous contacter à
Vous pouvez postuler à ce poste jusqu'au 22/09/2023 via notre candidature en ligne
La KU Leuven souhaite créer un environnement dans lequel tous les talents peuvent développer leur potentiel maximum, quels que soient leur sexe, leur âge, leur origine culturelle, leur nationalité ou leur handicap. Si vous avez des questions concernant l'accessibilité ou les options d'assistance, vous pouvez nous contacter via diversité

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

(réf. BAP-2023-605) Le projet de doctorat pour lequel un chercheur sera recruté fait partie du Réseau de Formation Doctorale en Ethique et Intégrité du Sport (DAiSI). DAiSI est un réseau conjoin...View more

Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship

Brown University: DOF


Providence, RI

Open Date

Aug 04, 2023


Brown University invites applications for its 2024-26 Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, a two-year program designed to support the development of early career scholars from diverse backgrounds  who show promise as innovative scholars. The fellows’ research interests must align with an existing academic program or institute at Brown University. Successful candidates will teach one course per year as part of the appointment and will participate in activities related to the Presidential Postdoctoral Fellows Program. This postdoctoral fellowship is not renewable beyond year two. Brown encourages all interested applicants to apply, regardless of race, national origin or gender.


Scholars with a Ph.D. in the physical sciences, engineering, life sciences, humanities, or social sciences will be considered.  Candidates  will be considered if their dissertation is completed by July 1, 2024. We are interested in scholars who demonstrate a commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion.

Application Instructions

Please submit a cover letter, CV, and three confidential letters of recommendation.   The cover letter should include a description of your research and teaching interests, your work and interest in diversity and inclusion. You should also identify the academic department(s) and/or institute(s) in which you would like to work. Priority review will be given to applicants who apply by October 15, 2023.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

As an EEO/AA employer, Brown University provides equal opportunity and prohibits discrimination, harassment and retaliation based upon a person’s race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or any other characteristic protected under applicable law, and caste, which is protected by our University policies.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةStage et Formation

Presidential Postdoctoral Fellowship Brown University: DOF Location Providence, RI Open Date Aug 04, 2023 Description Brown University invites applications for its 2024-26 Presidential Postdoctoral Fe...View more