Job Archives

The University of Oulu is one of the biggest and most multidisciplinary universities in Finland. We create new knowledge and innovations that help to solve global challenges. We offer you an international and inspiring working environment where you are given responsibility and can use your skills, develop yourself and do work that matters. Our flexible and family-friendly workplace makes it easy for you to balance work and leisure. The University of Oulu is ranked in the top 3% of the world´s universities. 

We are now looking for

two (2) Postdoctoral Researchers

to join us in the Research Unit of Clinical Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine. One of the two Postdoctoral Researchers should be more experienced.

The Research Unit of Clinical Medicine unit conducts versatile basic research and clinical research in its specialties. The aim of the research is to promote lifelong health. The high level of research can be seen, for example, in the considerable amount of external funding, especially in the research of diabetes, prematurity, infectious diseases, paediatric neurological diseases, skin diseases and psychiatry. In the field of psychiatry research has focused on psychiatric epidemiology and clinical neuroscience of psychiatric disorders.

About the job

As a postdoctoral researcher in the Youth-GEMS study, you will join an international research team that studies how mental health trajectories develop from childhood into adulthood. The Youth-GEMS study is a Horizon Europe funded study running in Finland, Ireland, Spain, Netherlands, Serbia, Croatia, Estonia, and the UK and involves some of the most in-depth research ever conducted on teenagers attending mental health services.

You will play a central role in coordinating and running the Finnish site of the study. Your responsibilities will include liaising with mental health services, recruiting patients, carrying out digital assessments, entering and analysing data, and disseminating the findings to relevant stakeholders. You will have close communication with the network of researchers and clinicians based at the other study sites.

What we offer?

  • The support of an experienced and enthusiastic team of interdisciplinary researchers where you can share your expertise and grow as an expert.
  • Wellness benefit ePassi covering sport, culture, and well-being. Read more about other staff benefits.
  • Development and career options of the big organization.
  • Work that matters and a workplace that promotes flexibility and work-life balance. Read more about working with us.

Who are you?

We expect from you:

  • Bachelor’s degree and doctoral degree in relevant discipline, such as medicine, psychology, or related fields [essential]
  • Experience in the field of mental health [essential]
  • Motivated and capable of working alone and with a team [essential]
  • History of working with patient groups [desirable]
  • Experience of helping to coordinate large scientific studies [desirable]
  • Experience in writing and publishing scientific papers [desirable]

To succeed and enjoy the position, we expect from you:

  • Doctoral degree in a relevant discipline, such as medicine or psychology
  • Fluent in written and spoken Finnish and English
  • Experience in quantitative data analysis, including use of statistical software such as STATA, R, SAS etc.
  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team
  • Excellent general IT skills, including Microsoft Word and Excel


The positions are fixed term for 3 years 6 months as of 01.10.2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The salary will be based on the level 5 – 6 of the demand level chart for teaching and research staff of Finnish universities. The demand level depends on the experience of the Postdoctoral Researcher. In addition, a salary component based on personal work performance will be paid (maximum of 50 % of the job-specific component). Starting gross salary will be approx. 3 400 € per month (before taxes), and 4 000 € per month (before taxes) for the more experienced Postdoctoral Researcher.

A trial period of 6 months is applied in the positions.

How to apply?

Interested? If yes, please apply by 15.09.2023 (23:59 Finnish local time) through our recruitment system.

The application should be written in English and include the following:

  1. Application
  2. CV according to the guidelines of the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity
  3. List of publications according to the guidelines of the Academy of Finland

The eligible applicants fitting best in the profile expected for the position will be invited to an on-site or remote interview. All applicants will be notified during the selection process.

We welcome applicants from different backgrounds, such as people of different ages, different genders and members of different language, cultural or minority groups.

Contact Information

If you have any further questions, please contact

Professor Ian Kelleher, Faculty of Medicine, Adjunct professor


or Professor Juha Veijola, Faculty of Medicine, Professor,


Type of employment: Temporary position Contract type: Full time First day of employment: 01.10.2023 Number of positions: 2 Full-time equivalent: 100% City: Oulu County: Pohjois-Pohjanmaa Country: Finland Reference number: 2023/385 Published: 2023-09-04 Last application date: 2023-09-15

The University of Oulu is one of the biggest and most multidisciplinary universities in Finland. We create new knowledge and innovations that help to solve global challenges. We offer you an internat...View more

PhD Students in Quantum Computing with Superconducting Circuits

The ETH Zurich - PSI Quantum Computing Hub is looking for highly motivated PhD students in fault-tolerant quantum computing with superconducting circuits.

Project background

ETH Zurich and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) have founded a Quantum Computing Hub to jointly develop large-scale quantum computers and foster collaboration between academic and industrial partners in the emerging ecosystem of quantum technologies. A growing team led by Andreas Wallraff from the Quantum Device Lab, at the Department of Physics of ETH Zurich is operating a new superconducting circuits lab on the PSI campus at Villigen in the canton of Aargau. At this site, we plan to scale up the systems developed at the Quantum Device Lab to 50 qubits and beyond. We will develop automated testing and characterization techniques suitable for such large-scale devices and for systematic optimization of the fabrication processes. In particular, we aim to advance the state-of-the-art in fault-tolerant quantum computation by realizing two-qubit gates between error-corrected logical qubits. To ensure this project's success and fast progress, we are looking for highly motivated PhD students in Quantum Computing with superconducting circuits.

Job description

You will become part of our young team setting up large-scale quantum computing systems in a brand-new lab. Like the rest of the team, you will be working closely with the Quantum Device Lab – a well-established research group – and be able to both benefit from the expertise developed there and contribute to its progress. You will perform collaborative research towards the realization of quantum computing technologies. You will get to contribute to diverse aspects of the experimental effort, both technical (design of electronics and mechanical components, building of microwave setups) and conceptual (design of experiments, planning of future research strategies). In the lab, you will pursue the development of fault-tolerant quantum computation by implementing error correction on modular logical qubits.

Your profile

  • You have a strong interest in experimental realizations of quantum information processing systems.
  • You are dedicated to pursuing a successful career in research, development, or education, either in academia or industry.
You have experience and a proven record in one or more of the following:
  • quantum information processing and its implementations (e.g. with superconducting circuits, quantum dots, ion traps, NMR)
  • experimental quantum optics and atomic physics (cavity quantum electrodynamics)
  • micro and nano-electronic devices and their fabrication (lithography and deposition techniques)
  • mesoscopic solid state physics
  • low temperature physics
  • transport measurements at dilution refrigerator temperatures
  • microwave electronics
  • digital electronics
  • FPGAs
  • Instrumentation, drivers, and software development

We offer

Your project is embedded into the Swiss Quantum Science and Technology network, the Quantum Center at ETH Zurich, and into the broader context of a diverse set of international research projects. You will have the unique opportunity to contribute to a strong research program conducted at two of the leading European research institutions. ETH Zurich, together with the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), provide a stimulating interdisciplinary research environment in quantum information science. This is combined with some of the world's best infrastructure for performing top-level research, such as our centers for micro- and nanoscience ( and The Quantum Device Lab is located in Zurich, an international city with high quality of life, situated in the heart of Europe. The new lab at the Quantum Computing Hub is located on the PSI campus near Villigen, surrounded by Swiss countryside, reachable in about 40 minutes from the center of Zurich by public transport. ETH Zurich is a family-friendly employer with excellent working conditions. You can look forward to an exciting working environment, cultural diversity and attractive offers and benefits.

Working, teaching and research at ETH Zurich

We value diversity

In line with our values, ETH Zurich encourages an inclusive culture. We promote equality of opportunity, value diversity and nurture a working and learning environment in which the rights and dignity of all our staff and students are respected. Visit our Equal Opportunities and Diversity website to find out how we ensure a fair and open environment that allows everyone to grow and flourish.

Curious? So are we.

We look forward to receiving your online application including:
  • a detailed curriculum vitae
  • a list of publications
  • a statement of research interests, containing a short description of your background, motivation, and skills
  • pdf copies of theses and transcripts/certificates from undergraduate studies (both Bachelor and Master’s) as available
  • names of three contacts for references (Please arrange for one or more of the reference letters to be sent directly by email to
Please note that we exclusively accept applications submitted through our online application portal. Applications via email or postal services will not be considered. Consideration of applications will begin immediately and will continue until we have filled the positions. Further information about the Quantum Device Lab can be found on our website. Questions regarding the position should be directed to (no applications).

About ETH Zürich

ETH Zurich is one of the world’s leading universities specialising in science and technology. We are renowned for our excellent education, cutting-edge fundamental research and direct transfer of new knowledge into society. Over 30,000 people from more than 120 countries find our university to be a place that promotes independent thinking and an environment that inspires excellence. Located in the heart of Europe, yet forging connections all over the world, we work together to develop solutions for the global challenges of today and tomorrow.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

PhD Students in Quantum Computing with Superconducting Circuits The ETH Zurich – PSI Quantum Computing Hub is looking for highly motivated PhD students in fault-tolerant quantum computing with s...View more


Le programme Serra Húnter (SHP) propose 47 postes de professeur titulaire et 1 poste de professeur associé dans les universités publiques de Catalogne (Espagne). Des postes sont disponibles dans différents domaines d'études dans les domaines des sciences de la vie, des sciences, de l'ingénierie, des sciences sociales et humaines. Les candidats retenus seront embauchés par l'université offrant le poste et devront coopérer avec des groupes existants et/ou développer de nouvelles lignes de recherche, complémentaires à celles déjà en place. Veuillez noter que ces postes comportent également des obligations d'enseignement. 


Pour participer, les candidats doivent être titulaires d'un doctorat et doivent avoir un excellent dossier de publications dans de bons lieux dans leur domaine, avoir eu une exposition internationale et avoir participé à des projets de recherche compétitifs. Ils doivent également avoir une expérience en enseignement. Pour les postes de professeur agrégé, les candidats doivent avoir au moins trois ans d'expérience postdoctorale.

Avant de soumettre une candidature, veuillez vérifier  ici les exigences académiques que les candidats doivent remplir.


Pour les chargés de cours éligibles à la titularisation, un contrat à durée déterminée à temps plein est proposé pour une période pouvant aller jusqu'à six ans. À la fin du contrat, l'université entreprend une démarche pour ouvrir un poste permanent de professeur associé à condition que le candidat réussisse une évaluation positive. Pour les professeurs associés, un CDI à temps plein est proposé. Le salaire annuel de départ est actuellement de 36 283,50 euros pour un maître de conférences et de 40 037,32 euros pour un professeur associé, avant impôts. À la fin de leur carrière universitaire, les professeurs associés peuvent avoir doublé leur salaire de départ s'ils reçoivent des évaluations positives dans les évaluations du mérite en enseignement et en recherche. Les chargés de cours peuvent également recevoir des suppléments de salaire pour leurs mérites en matière d'enseignement et de recherche. En plus du salaire, les contrats comprennent des allocations de santé, de retraite et de chômage.

Processus de sélection

Le processus de sélection comporte deux étapes. La  première étape, appel international , permet aux candidats de postuler à l'accréditation nécessaire pour participer à la deuxième étape. La  deuxième étape, le concours à l'université , est le processus de recrutement proprement dit, géré par l'université conformément à ses propres règles. Veuillez trouver plus de détails sur le processus  ici .

Postes disponibles

Conférencier éligible à la titularisation :

  • Histoire américaine (S. XIX-XX)
  • Physiologie animale
  • Économie appliquée
  • Physique appliquée
  • Archéologie
  • Biochimie et biologie moléculaire
  • langue catalane
  • Théorie des communications et du signal
  • Criminologie
  • Cristallographie et minéralogie
  • Didactique et organisation éducative (3)
  • Didactique des langues et des littératures
  • Didactique de l'expression visuelle et plastique
  • Écologie
  • Sociologie de l'environnement
  • Physique expérimentale des hautes énergies
  • La sécurité alimentaire
  • Technologie alimentaire
  • Fondements de l'analyse économique
  • La génétique
  • Histoire et institutions économiques
  • Histoire de la médecine
  • Géographie humaine
  • Chimie inorganique
  • philologie italienne
  • Langues et systèmes informatiques (2)
  • Science des matériaux et génie métallurgique
  • Mathématiques
  • Nutrition moléculaire
  • Nutrition et bromatologie
  • Nutrition et métabolisme
  • Personnalité, évaluation et traitements psychologiques
  • Chimie physique (2)
  • Physiologie
  • Méthodes quantitatives pour l'économie et les affaires
  • Analyse géographique régionale
  • Méthodes de recherche et de diagnostic en éducation
  • Stratification sociale
  • Théorie sociologique
  • Sociologie du travail (2)
  • Théorie et histoire de l'éducation
  • Toxicologie

Professeur agrégé:

  • Politique numérique

L'appel à candidatures sera ouvert du 18 septembre au 13 octobre 2023 pour les postes de professeurs titulaires et du 16 octobre au 2 novembre 2023 pour les postes de professeurs associés.

Veuillez consulter notre site Web pour plus d'informations sur  la manière de soumettre une candidature et une liste détaillée des postes disponibles (section Deuxième appel à candidatures 2023) :

Pour toute question, veuillez nous contacter à


The Serra Húnter Programme (SHP) is offering 47 positions as tenure-eligible lecturer and 1 as associate professor at the public universities of Catalonia (Spain). Positions are available in different fields of study within life sciences, science, engineering, social sciences and humanities. Successful candidates will be hired by the university offering the position and are expected to cooperate with existing groups and/or develop new lines of research, complementary to those already in place. Please note that these positions also entail teaching obligations. 


In order to participate, candidates must hold a PhD and are expected to have an excellent record of publications in good venues in their fields, have had international exposure and have participated in competitive research projects.They should also have teaching experience. For associate professor positions, candidates must have at least three years of post-doctoral experience.

Before submitting an application, please check here the academic requirements that candidates need to meet.


For tenure-eligible lecturers, a fixed-term full-time contract is offered for a period of up to six years. At the end of the contract, the university undertakes a process to open a permanent position as associate professor provided that the candidate passes a positive evaluation. For associate professors, a full-time permanent contract is offered. The annual starting salary is currently 36283,50 euros for a lecturer and 40037,32 euros for an associate professor, before taxes. At the end of their academic career, associate professors can have doubled their starting salary if they receive positive assessments in teaching and research merit evaluations. Lecturers may also receive salary supplements for teaching and research merits. In addition to salary, contracts include health, retirement and unemployment benefits.

Selection process

The selection process has two steps. The first step, international call, enables candidates to apply for the accreditation required to participate in the second step. The second step, competition at the university, is the actual recruitment competition process, handled by the university in accordance with its own rules. Please find further details about the process here.

Available positions

Tenure-eligible lecturer:

  • American history (S. XIX-XX)
  • Animal physiology
  • Applied economics
  • Applied physics
  • Archeology
  • Biochemistry and molecular biology
  • Catalan language
  • Communications and signal theory
  • Criminology
  • Crystallography and mineralogy
  • Didactics and educational organization (3)
  • Didactics of language and literature
  • Didactics of visual and plastic expression
  • Ecology
  • Environmental sociology
  • Experimental high energy physics
  • Food safety
  • Food technology
  • Foundations of economic analysis
  • Genetics
  • History and economic institutions
  • History of medicine
  • Human geography
  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Italian philology
  • Languages and computer systems (2)
  • Materials science and metallurgical engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Molecular nutrition
  • Nutrition and bromatology
  • Nutrition and metabolism
  • Personality, assessment and psychological treatments
  • Physical chemistry (2)
  • Physiology
  • Quantitative methods for economics and business
  • Regional geographic analysis
  • Research and diagnosis methods in education
  • Social stratification
  • Sociological theory
  • Sociology of work (2)
  • Theory and history of education
  • Toxicology

Associate professor:

  • Digital politics

The call for applications will be open from September 18th until October 13th 2023 for tenure-eligible lecturer positions and from October 16th until November 2nd 2023 for associate professor positions.

Please check our website for further information on how to submit an application and a detailed list of available positions (section Second call for applications 2023):

For any questions, please contact us at


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Le programme Serra Húnter (SHP) propose 47 postes de professeur titulaire et 1 poste de professeur associé dans les universités publiques de Catalogne (Espagne). Des postes sont disponibles dans d...View more

How do smart technologies influence us in online settings, and should we worry about this? In this project you will analyse persuasion and manipulation in digital contexts as part of an interdisciplinary research team.

Smart technologies influence and 'nudge' human behaviour in ways that users are unaware of, for example when they use ChatGPT without knowing what sources the information is based on, or when they are not aware of the algorithms that underlie recommender systems used by, for example, YouTube or Amazon. In most cases, smart technologies are developed to make users' life easier, by doing much of the information searching and filtering for the user. The potential downside of the ease of use of these technologies is, however, that citizens increasingly use information without reflecting on its accuracy or representativeness, because they are no longer required to think. This could represent a danger for information ecosystems and modern democracy, for example by making citizens vulnerable to filter bubbles, micro-targeting and fake news about societally relevant themes, and by making them lose sight of, and interest in, the distinction between what is real and what is not. They might assume, for example, that if nobody can discern the difference between verified and unverified information, this difference is trivial. In this project you will join forces with iHub, Radboud's interdisciplinary hub for research on digitalisation and society and the Centre for Language Studies (CLS) to explore these, and related, questions. You will be part of an interdisciplinary team that seeks to better understand current information ecosystems and conceive of interventions to counter pernicious persuasion and manipulation in digital contexts.

In your postdoctoral project, you will be offered the opportunity to further develop and test your own line of research on manipulation and algorithmic persuasion. You will present the research outcomes at national and international conferences, and you will write articles for international journals.


  • You have a PhD in Linguistics and/or Communication Science, Computational Communication Science, or Computer Science.
  • You have proven expertise in a relevant research domain, such as algorithmic persuasion, misinformation, online influence, recommender systems or filter bubbles, as evidenced by publications and conference presentations.
  • You have an excellent research track record, as evidenced by publications, conference presentations and academic service.
  • You have good writing skills in English and preferably also in Dutch.
  • You have affinity with interdisciplinary research and you are able to communicate with experts from different disciplines.

Wij zijn

You will be a member of an interdisciplinary working group on persuasion and manipulation in digital contexts, a collaboration between the Centre for Language Studies (CLS) and iHub, which includes junior and senior researchers from both institutes. You will have a workplace at both institutes, to foster collaboration from the bottom up.

iHub's mission is to better understand the effects of digitalisation on our society and to help steer digital transformations in ways where public values are central. We seek to do this by 1) bringing the Humanities, Computer Science and Social Sciences together to address challenges raised by digitalisation, 2) by focusing on the core values that are destabilised and need protection in digitalisation processes and 3) by adopting a critical and constructive approach. The Centre for Language Studies aims to achieve a deeper understanding of the cognitive and social processes underlying language systems, language processing, and language use. We aspire to optimise human communicative interaction. Our approach is to investigate language from single sounds to discourse, including modalities from speech and text to gestures, signs and images.

Both institutes aim to contribute to a sustainable and inclusive society. We therefore specifically seek candidates with diverse backgrounds, perspectives and skills, to bring added value to our study programmes and research profiles.

Radboud University

We are keen to meet critical thinkers who want to look closer at what really matters. People who, from their expertise, wish to contribute to a healthy, free world with equal opportunities for all. This ambition unites more than 24,000 students and 5,600 employees at Radboud University and requires even more talent, collaboration and lifelong learning. You have a part to play!

Wij bieden

  • It concerns an employment for 0.8 - 1.0 FTE.
  • The gross monthly salary amounts to a minimum of €4,332 and a maximum of €5,929 based on a 38-hour working week, depending on previous education and number of years of relevant work experience (salary scale 11).
  • You will receive 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus.
  • It concerns a temporary employment for 2 years.
  • You will be able to use our Dual Career and Family Care Services. Our Dual Career and Family Care Officer can assist you with family-related support, help your partner or spouse prepare for the local labour market, provide customized support in their search for employment and help your family settle in Nijmegen.
  • Working for us means getting extra days off. In case of full-time employment, you can choose between 30 or 41 days of annual leave instead of the legally allotted 20.

Aanvullende arbeidsvoorwaarden

Work and science require good employment practices. This is reflected in Radboud University's primary and secondary employment conditions. You can make arrangements for the best possible work-life balance with flexible working hours, various leave arrangements and working from home. You are also able to compose part of your employment conditions yourself, for example, exchange income for extra leave days and receive a reimbursement for your sports subscription. And of course, we offer a good pension plan. You are given plenty of room and responsibility to develop your talents and realise your ambitions. Therefore, we provide various training and development schemes.

Meer weten?

For questions about the position, please contact Tamar Sharon, co-director iHub, at Alternatively, you can contact Enny Das, research director CLS, at

Praktische informatie en solliciteren

You can apply until 4 October 2023, exclusively using the button below. Kindly address your application to Tamar Sharon. Please fill in the application form and attach the following documents:

  • Your CV, including the contact details of two academic references.
  • A brief research proposal in which you describe your ideas for this PhD. The proposal should be structured as follows: theoretical background, proposed methods and references (max. 500 words excluding references). Please make sure that your proposal is relevant to both CLS and iHub. You do not need to contact potential supervisors at this stage.

The first round of interviews will take place on Thursday 19 October. The second round of interviews will take place on Thursday 26 October. You would preferably begin employment on 1 January 2024. We can imagine you're curious about our application procedure. It offers a rough outline of what you can expect during the application process, how we handle your personal data and how we deal with internal and external candidates.

Solliciteer direct

Reageer uiterlijk op 04 oktober 2023

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

How do smart technologies influence us in online settings, and should we worry about this? In this project you will analyse persuasion and manipulation in digital contexts as part of an interdisciplin...View more

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) invites applications for the position of


in » Architecture of Urban Density «

W2 Tenure Track Assistant Professor (with tenure track to W3) or W3 Associate/Full Professor; to begin in summer semester 2024.

Scientific environment

The professorship will be assigned to the Department of Architecture within the TUM School of Engineering and Design. We design systems, structures, and spaces. Our vision is to successfully combine design practice with research. The department is well-connected with the engineering disciplines.


The responsibilities include research and teaching as well as the promotion of early-career scientists. Supervision of media-based PhDs is mandatory. We seek to appoint an expert in the research area of Architecture with a focus on the transformation of the built environment in high-density living spaces with sustainable, circular and social approaches. We expect specific approaches to practice-based research and methodology teaching in architecture. Teaching responsibilities include courses in the university’s bachelor and master programs, especially in architecture.


We are looking for candidates who have demonstrated excellent achievements in research, teaching and creative practice in an internationally recognized scientific environment, relative to the relevant career level. We also expect a visible professional practice in the architecture and construction industry (please see recruiting-faq/ for further information).

A university degree and an outstanding doctoral degree or equivalent scientific qualification, as well as pedagogical aptitude, are prerequisites. Substantial research experience abroad as well as full commitment to do interdisciplinary research is expected. Furthermore, the proven ability to gain and to lead cooperative research projects and experience in the creative industries is also required.

Our Offer

Based on the best international standards and transparent performance criteria, TUM offers a merit-based academic career path for tenure track faculty from Assistant Professor through a permanent position as Associate Professor, and on to Full Professor. The regulations of the TUM Faculty Recruitment and Career System apply. TUM provides excellent working conditions in a lively scientific community, embedded in the vibrant research environment of the Greater Munich Area. The TUM environment is multicultural, with English serving as a common interface for scientific interaction.

TUM offers attractive and performance-based salary conditions and social benefits. The TUM Munich Dual Career Office (MDCO) provides tailored career consulting to the partners of newly appointed professors. The MDCO assists the relocation and integration of new professors, their partners and accompanying family members.

Your Application

TUM is an equal opportunity employer and explicitly encourages applications from women. The position is suitable for disabled persons. Disabled candidates with essentially the same qualifications and scientific performance as other candidates will be given preference. Application documents should be submitted in accordance with TUM’s application guidelines for professors. These guidelines and detailed information about the TUM Faculty Recruitment and Career System are available at Here you will also find TUM’s information on collecting and processing personal data as part of the application process.

Please send your application no later than 31 October 2023 to the Dean of Engineering and Design, Prof. Christoph Gehlen via our recruitment portal:

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) invites applications for the position of Professor in » Architecture of Urban Density « W2 Tenure Track Assistant Professor (with tenure track to W3) or W3...View more

Doctoral Researcher in Digital Transmedia Storytelling and History

(Valid from 04/09/2023 to 16/10/2023)

Language: English (UK)

Location Belval

Country: Luxembourg

Organisation data: Luxembourg Center for Contemporary and Digital History

Job Number: UOL05972

Contract Type: Fixed Term Contract

Duration 36 Month

Schedule Type: Full Time

Work Hours 40.0 Hours per Week

Expected Start Date: 01/01/2024

Job (internal): Doctoral Researcher

Functions: PhD Candidates

The University | About us...

The University of Luxembourg is an international research university with a distinctly multilingual and interdisciplinary character. The University was founded in 2003 and counts more than 6,700 students and more than 2,000 employees from around the world. The University’s faculties and interdisciplinary centres focus on research in the areas of Computer Science and ICT Security, Materials Science, European and International Law, Finance and Financial Innovation, Education, Contemporary and Digital History. In addition, the University focuses on cross-disciplinary research in the areas of Data Modelling and Simulation as well as Health and System Biomedicine. Times Higher Education ranks the University of Luxembourg #3 worldwide for its “international outlook,” #20 in the Young University Ranking 2021 and among the top 250 universities worldwide.

The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) is a research centre for the study, analysis and public dissemination of contemporary history of Luxembourg and Europe with a particular focus on digital methods and tools for doing innovative historical research. It serves as a catalyst for innovative and creative scholarship and new forms of public dissemination and societal engagement with history.

The Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (University of Luxembourg) has a job opening for a doctoral position on project on the collecting, preserving, analysing and disclosing of testimonies of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

Your Role...

  • Participate in the realisation of the research project ‘Researching the Collecting, Preserving, Analysing and Disclosing of Ukrainian Testimonies of the War’ (U-CORE)
  • Complete a PhD thesis on participatory digital transmedia storytelling through the production of an animation documentary including testimonies gathered within the research project

What we expect from you…

  • M.A. within the Humanities or Social Sciences, or in Arts and Culture (or equivalent)
  • Participation in collaborative and interdisciplinary research or art projects
  • Interest in digital tools and methods and in transmedia storytelling
  • Active knowledge of English, Ukrainian and Russian. Notions of French or German constitute an advantage
  • Professional experience in digital storytelling constitutes an advantage

We offer...

  • An interesting position within an international research centre
  • Dynamic and multicultural research environment with partners in Ukraine and Poland

  In Short...

  • Contract Type: Fixed Term Contract 36 Month (extendable up to 48 months if required)
  • Work Hours: Full Time 40.0 Hours per Week
  • Employee and student status
  • Earliest starting date: January 2024
  • Location: Belval
  • Job Reference: UOL05972

The yearly gross salary for every PhD at the UL is EUR 39953 (full time)

  How to apply...

Applications should be submitted online and include:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Cover letter
  • List of outputs (publications, (digital) art, documentaries, storyboards ...)

We ensure a full consideration for applications received by 15/10/2023. Please apply formally through the HR system. Applications by email will not be considered.

The University of Luxembourg embraces inclusion and diversity as key values. We are fully committed to removing any discriminatory barrier related to gender, and not only, in recruitment and career progression of our staff.

  In return you will get…

  • Multilingual and international character. Modern institution with a personal atmosphere. Staff coming from 90 countries. Member of the “University of the Greater Region” (UniGR).
  • A modern and dynamic university. High-quality equipment. Close ties to the business world and to the Luxembourg labour market. A unique urban site with excellent infrastructure.
  • A partner for society and industry. Cooperation with European institutions, innovative companies, the Financial Centre and with numerous non-academic partners such as ministries, local governments, associations, NGOs …
  • Find out more about the University
  • Addresses, maps & routes to the various sites of the University

  Further information...

For further information, please contact: Machteld Venken (

For more information about C2DH, please visit:

 Apply here

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

Doctoral Researcher in Digital Transmedia Storytelling and History (Valid from 04/09/2023 to 16/10/2023) Language: English (UK) Location Belval Country: Luxembourg Organisation data: Luxembourg...View more

Last application date Sep 30, 2023 00:00

Department GE31 - Department of Biomolecular Medicine

Contract Limited duration

Degree Master’s degree in Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Biotechnology, Bioengineering, Pharmaceutical sciences, or equivalent

Occupancy rate 100%

Vacancy type Research staff

Job description

Within the framework of an FWO funded project, the PhD student will investigate the possible use of gene editing in the mouse and human germline to correct abnormal DNA sequences during fertilization. After application of classical CRISPR/Cas9 in mouse and human embryos, the chromosomal constitution is sometimes severely affected, leading to loss of heterozygosity, which is the (partial) loss of the chromosomal contribution of both parents to the cell. The origin of this loss of heterozygosity is however still under investigation, but it has already been hypothesized that DNA breaks generated by the CRISPR/Cas9 technology catalyze this phenomenon. For these reasons, alternative CRISPR/Cas9 methods for DNA mutational repair that function without the generation of DNA breaks (base and prime editing), which are currently almost unexplored in embryos, are of interest. In this research, both the classical and alternative CRISPR/Cas9 methods will be directly compared in terms of efficiency and safety in mouse and human embryos and/or stem cells, aiming for the correction of mutations leading to genetic diseases. The PhD position is available in the research group of prof. Björn Menten at the Center for Medical Genetics Ghent, in collaboration with the Ghent-Fertility And Stem cell Team coordinated by prof. Björn Heindryckx. Tasks:

  • Biomedical research (coordinating and performing) in preparation of a PhD thesis.
  • Write, present and publish scientific research work in English to obtain the requirements for a PhD thesis.
  • Contribute to the daily activities of the research group.

Our lab offers the opportunity to work in a dynamic and multidisciplinary academic research environment with close interaction between clinicians and basic scientists and with (inter)national collaborations. Research stays abroad and attendances at international conferences are encouraged. The candidate will follow a PhD trajectory at Ghent University, which offers ample opportunities for education and training through the doctoral schools program.

Job profile

  • You have a strong interest in genetics and molecular biology and are prepared to acquire new techniques.
  • Prior experience with (stem) cell culture, PCR, cloning, next generation sequencing and data-analysis is considered an advantage.
  • You take initiative, have a critical mindset and you strive to work independently.
  • You are highly motivated and are flexible team player.
  • You have excellent oral and written communication skills and have a good knowledge of English.
  • You work in an organized manner with good reporting skills.
  • You have (or are willing to obtain) a FELASA C certificate to work with laboratory animals.
  • Candidates who are eligible to submit a PhD research project to other funding agencies is considered as an advantage.

We offer a position for a duration of 4 years (1 + 3)

How to apply

Send a motivation letter and curriculum vitae with detailed study results (per year) to Prof. dr. ir. Björn Menten (Email: Please also include extracurricular activities and the contact information of two references.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

Last application date Sep 30, 2023 00:00 Department GE31 – Department of Biomolecular Medicine Contract Limited duration Degree Master’s degree in Medicine, Biomedical Sciences, Biotechnol...View more

Last application date Sep 15, 2023 00:00

Department TW08 - Department of Electromechanical, Systems and Metal Engineering

Contract Limited duration

Degree Recently graduated as a master in (Electro-)Mechanical engineering (< 5 years)

Occupancy rate 100%

Vacancy type Research staff

Job description

Our research team is looking for a PhD candidate performing experimental research on two-phase flow. The application is on a multi-port evaporator tube of a heat pump. The aim is to describe with high accuracy the heat transfer, flow distribution and pressure drop under relevant conditions and this for the natural refrigerants R290 and CO2. These natural refrigerants are the future in heat pump development due to their low environmental impact. This doctorate thus contributes by gaining crucial insights needed for the design of next generation heat pump technology. Your profile

  • Recently graduated as a master in (Electro-)Mechanical engineering (< 5 years)
  • Top student, interested in fundamental research
  • Experience in experimental research and/or refrigerant knowledge is a benefit
  • Fluent in English
  • A team player with strong communication skills

We offer :

  • A PhD scholarship for 4 years (1+3)
  • Regular supervision and feedback
  • A young and enthusiastic team

Job profile

Your profile

  • Recently graduated as a master in (Electro-)Mechanical engineering (< 5 years)
  • Top student, interested in fundamental research
  • Experience in experimental research and/or refrigerant knowledge is a benefit
  • Fluent in English
  • A team player with strong communication skills

How to apply

Interested people can send an e-mail with motivation letter and CV to or

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat

Last application date Sep 15, 2023 00:00 Department TW08 – Department of Electromechanical, Systems and Metal Engineering Contract Limited duration Degree Recently graduated as a master in (...View more

Energy demand is growing worldwide, and global warming and climate change are challenges of our time. Therefore, we must urgently replace fossil fuels with renewable resources. Storing vast amounts of renewable energy can only be done in chemical bonds. Thus, we need efficient methods to generate reversible carriers of renewable energy. Electro- and photocatalysis for generating green H₂, chemicals, and fuels must be developed further. The rare metals currently required for green technologies are expensive, show low efficiency and stability, and can even be toxic. Tackling these challenges requires a dedicated, joint research effort – the Austrian government has therefore funded a Cluster of Excellence spanning four top universities in Austria. We aim at an atomic-level understanding of the involved processes and breakthroughs in energy materials design (abundant, non-toxic, environmentally friendly, stable). In that way, fundamental research enables sustainable technologies.

Additional information is available on the homepage of the MECS – Cluster of Excellence:

We invite interested PhD and Post-Doctoral candidates to become part of an active community of scientists at the forefront of research around new electrocatalytic strategies, photocatalysis, and computational modelling & materials simulations. You will also participate in networking events, international conferences, transferable skills and career development training.

Details of the application process and more information about the current call are available on our recruiting website:

We offer fully funded positions at TU Wien, the University of Vienna, IST Austria, and the University of Innsbruck.

Application deadline: Immediate applications are welcome. The faculty will start reviewing the first applications on the 25th of September 2023. Later applications will be reviewed periodically until all positions are filled.

Initial hearings: Autumn 2023 (Online)

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةDoctorat, Postdoctoral

Energy demand is growing worldwide, and global warming and climate change are challenges of our time. Therefore, we must urgently replace fossil fuels with renewable resources. Storing vast amounts...View more

We seek applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. MCB is a tight-knit, supportive and collaborative research community with interests in a broad range of topics, including developmental biology, cell biology, computational biology, systems biology, neurobiology, genetics, biochemistry, biophysics, and structural biology. Junior faculty are assigned a mentoring committee that advises them on all aspects of setting up a successful research group. They also receive grant writing and submission support, and they can recruit from a diverse pool of PhD students from various programs across the University.

The appointment provides access to state-of-the-art animal facilities and core facilities for imaging, proteomics, genomics, and bioinformatics. The Department is also closely associated with science initiatives at Harvard such as the Center for Brain Science, the Harvard Stem Cell Institute, the Broad Institute, the Kempner Institute, and the Center for Nanoscale Systems, and provides opportunities for interactions with the broader Harvard community. The tenure-track professor will be responsible for teaching at least one course per year at the undergraduate and/or graduate levels, in subject(s) to be decided based on the professor’s expertise and the department’s curricular needs. The appointment is expected to begin in the Summer of 2024 (later is possible if circumstances warrant).

MCB celebrates the multiple dimensions of diversity that each member of our community offers, including diversity of background, perspective, and lived experience. We strongly welcome applications from persons from underrepresented groups.

Basic Qualifications: Doctorate or terminal degree in relevant field or related discipline required by the time the appointment begins.

Additional Qualifications: Demonstrated strong commitment to teaching and advising is desired.

We anticipate conducting in-person interviews in January-February of 2024.

Please submit the following materials through the ARIeS portal:

Complete applications, including letters of recommendation, should be received no later than November 1, 2023.

1. Cover Letter

2. Curriculum Vitae

3. Teaching/advising statement describing teaching approach and philosophy (1-2 pages)

4. Research Statement describing present and future research plans (1-3 pages)

5. A statement describing efforts to encourage diversity, inclusion, and belonging, including past, current, and anticipated future contributions in these areas (1 page)

6. Names and contact information of 3-5 references (three letters of recommendation are required, and the application is complete only when all three letters have been submitted). At least one letter must come from someone who has not served as the candidate’s undergraduate, graduate, or postdoctoral advisor

7. Reprints of publications

Harvard is an equal opportunity employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national origin, ancestry, age, protected veteran status, disability, genetic information, military service, pregnancy and pregnancy-related conditions, or other protected status. The health of our workforce is a priority for Harvard University. With that in mind, we strongly encourage all employees to be up-to-date on CDC-recommended vaccines.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

We seek applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. MCB is a tight-knit, supportive and collaborative research community with interests in a ...View more

Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC), Osaka University in Japan offers Advanced Postdoc Positions for Immunology, Cell Biology, Bioinformatics and Bioimaging

[Advanced Postdoc Program of IFReC, Osaka University]

The Osaka University Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC) is recruiting post-doctoral researchers for its Advanced Postdoc Program. This program offers three-year employment and funding (3 million yen per year) for original research to promising young researchers. Selected applicants have access to continually upgraded state-of-the-art facilities at IFReC for their research, including equipment for single-cell analysis. Furthermore, selected applicants can expect their research careers to develop immensely through invaluable guidance from their supervisor among IFReC's many distinguished Principal Investigators as well as through collaborative research with them. We look forward to receiving applications from ambitious young researchers.

1. Position: Postdoctoral Research Fellow as Specially Appointed Researcher (full-time)

2. Affiliation: Immunology Frontier Research Center, Osaka University (Japan)

3. Number of positions: Postdoctoral Researcher x3

4. Research field: Immunology, Cell Biology, Bioinformatics and Bioimaging

5. Qualifications

- Doctorate degree obtained within the last 8 years

- International experience preferred

6. Work location: Suita Campus, Osaka University in Osaka, Japan

7. Research grant: JPY 3M per year

8. Start date: After September 1, 2023 (Start date of work is negotiable.)

9. Period of employment: Up to 3 years from the date of hire (Single year contract, renewable upon annual evaluation.)

10. Insurances: Enrollment in Healthcare Insurance, Employment Insurance, Worker’s Accident Compensation Insurance

[Application and Selection]

1. Application period: Until the posts are filled

2. Application submission: Submit the required documents listed below as email attachments to the IFReC Research Planning & Management Office:, Email subject line: Application for advanced postdoc position

3. Selection process: Document screening, and interview for successful applicants of the document screening

[Required documents]

All documents should be A4 or letter size and written in English.

1. Application form (downloadable from the Advanced Postdoc Program website)

* Write the names (maximum 3) of the Principal Investigators whom you would like to work with at IFReC

2. Curriculum vitae (education and work experience)

3. List of publication

4. Summary of previous research

5. Research plan and statement of ambitions for your future research at IFReC

6. Names, affiliations, and contact information of two references (You will be asked to submit two reference letters if you are selected as a finalist.)

For more information, please visit the following URL

Advanced Postdoc Program website:

IFReC website:

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC), Osaka University in Japan offers Advanced Postdoc Positions for Immunology, Cell Biology, Bioinformatics and Bioimaging [Advanced Postdoc Program of IFReC,...View more

"The Kurata Grants" is a research fund for the advancement of science and technology in Japan proposed by and established with a donation from the second President of Hitachi, Ltd., the late Chikara Kurata, in 1967. By 2022, we had presented a total of 2.5 billion JPY in grants to 1,570 researchers. Many of the recipients have made great achievements and are active at the forefront of their fields as researchers and educators. While upholding the ideals of the late Chikara Kurata, we currently offer grants to research in the natural sciences, engineering, humanities, and the social sciences related to highly technological societies carried out by the next generation of researchers working to solve global social problems. We are contributing to the realization of a future sustainable society.


  1. Researchers who belong to universities and their affiliated research facilities, research institutions, and technical colleges in Japan (excluding researchers affiliated with corporations). Graduate students are eligible to apply.
  2. A letter of recommendation from the head of the institution of affiliation (Chancellor, President, Dean of graduate school, Dean of faculty, Director, Research Institute Head, immediate superior, etc.) is required. There is no limitation on the number of recommendations.
  3. There are no restrictions regarding nationality. However, grants are limited to researchers who reside in Japan and are expected to have a research base in Japan continuously until the end of the research period.
  4. Natural Sciences and Engineering: must be 45 or younger as of April 1 in the application year. Humanities and Social Sciences: no age restrictions.

Grant Categories

Category Natural Sciences and Engineering Humanities and Social Sciences
Research Area Creative and pioneering research by young researchers (age of 45 or under) which contributes to the solution of social challenges from an international perspective. Applications can be made in the three areas below and specific examples can be found in the separate Application Guidelines. An interdisciplinary research from a natural sciences and engineering perspective in these fields is also eligible.
Energy and the Environment
Urban Development and Transportation
The following types of research are eligible that analyzing societal transformations brought about by advances in science and technology and the background of the complex and interconnected issues from the perspective of humanities and social sciences (society, literature, history, philosophy, ethics, law, economy, psychology, culture/art, and etc.) and exploring the meaning and value of the development of science and technology. The Application Guidelines provide examples of eligible research. (Research utilizing science and technology as a method is not eligible.)
Grant Amount (One Year Grants) Maximum of 1,000,000 JPY per grant (Two Year Grants) Maximum of 3,000,000 JPY per grant 800,000 to 1,000,000 JPY per grant
Number of Grants (One Year Grants) around 30 per year (Two Year Grants) around 5 per year around 10 per year
Research Period One or two years (selected during application) One year

Expenses Covered

Direct expenses for achieving a research objective. However, the following expenses are excluded.

  1. Indirect expenses for maintaining the general research environment of the affiliated institution
  2. Personnel costs corresponding to the wages of the principal and collaborating researchers


A selection committee of outside experts will conduct a review based on the submitted documents.



Application Method

Applications can be made online via an open call. Please download the application guidelines and application documents from the relevant web page and make your application using the dedicated application form. Applications sent via post will not be accepted.

[Documents Required for Application] (1) Application form (research plan) (2) Recommendation letter (3) Published articles by the applicant as a reference for the review process(maximum three)

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPrix, Concours et offres

“The Kurata Grants” is a research fund for the advancement of science and technology in Japan proposed by and established with a donation from the second President of Hitachi, Ltd., the la...View more



Date limite de soumission des propositions 30 septembre 2023

La Fondation Women for Africa (FMxA), conformément à sa mission de contribuer au développement de l'Afrique à travers l'impulsion de ses femmes, lance la 9ème édition du programme SCIENCE BY WOMEN, dans le but de promouvoir le leadership des femmes africaines dans la recherche scientifique. et le transfert de technologie et de renforcer la capacité des centres de recherche dans leurs pays d'origine. L’objectif principal est de permettre aux chercheuses et scientifiques africaines de relever les grands défis auxquels l’Afrique est confrontée grâce à la recherche dans les domaines de la santé et de la biomédecine, de l’agriculture durable et de la sécurité alimentaire, de l’eau, de l’énergie et du changement climatique.

La vie des femmes est considérablement affectée par les répercussions d'un développement incontrôlé ; cependant, des barrières sociales, structurelles et économiques limitent leur capacité à relever les grands défis auxquels le continent est confronté. Les disparités entre les sexes dans la science et la technologie, tant dans les sphères publiques que privées, affectent la population africaine dans son ensemble. Réduire cet écart, qui a de graves conséquences sur le développement équilibré et durable des pays africains, est essentiel pour réaliser des progrès à long terme et une croissance égale.

L'objectif ultime du programme est de permettre aux chercheuses africaines de jouer un rôle de premier plan dans la transition de l'Afrique vers une économie basée sur la connaissance et axée sur l'innovation grâce à des recherches pouvant être transférées en produits, processus, services et technologies ayant un impact sur les personnes. la vie.

Pour atteindre cet objectif ambitieux, FMxA collabore avec les Centres d'excellence espagnols, dont le prestige est unanimement reconnu dans toute l'Espagne et à l'international, garantissant ainsi l'excellence de la recherche scientifique dans divers domaines. Dans cette 9ème édition nos centres de recherche associés sont :

Chacun de ces centres accueillera 1 chercheuse senior pour une bourse de six mois. vous informe que Le chercheur doit être titulaire d'un doctorat. Une expérience postdoctorale est préférable.

ISCIII et BC3 accueilleront 2 boursiers.

Les candidatures seront soumises à un processus de sélection rigoureux, évaluant les mérites académiques et le leadership des candidats ainsi que la qualité scientifique et l'impact attendu de leurs projets de recherche. Les candidats sélectionnés bénéficieront d'une formation et d'une intégration dans une équipe de travail dynamique, multidisciplinaire et hautement compétitive, où ils pourront développer leurs projets de recherche et acquérir des compétences complémentaires, leur permettant de transférer les résultats de leurs recherches en avantages économiques et sociaux tangibles.

Pour plus d'informations


9th Edition – Science by Women


Deadline for proposals submission September 30, 2023

The Women for Africa Foundation (FMxA), in line with its mission of contributing to the development of Africa through the drive of its women, is launching the 9th Edition of SCIENCE BY WOMEN programme, with the aim to promote African women’s leadership in scientific research and technology transfer and to foster the capacity of the research centres in their home countries. The main goal is to enable African women researchers and scientists to tackle the great challenges faced by Africa through research in health and biomedicine, sustainable agriculture and food security, water, energy and climate change.

Women’s lives are significantly affected by the repercussions of uncontrolled development; however, social, structural and economic barriers limit their capacity to tackle the great challenges faced by the continent. The gender disparities in science and technology in both the public and private spheres affect Africa’s population as a whole. Narrowing this gap, which has severe consequences on the balanced and sustainable development of African countries, is vital to achieve long-term progress and equal growing.

The programme´s ultimate goal is to enable African women researchers to play a leading role in the transition of Africa to a knowledge-based and innovation-led economy through research that can be transferred into products, processes, services and technologies having impact on people´s lives.

To achieve this ambitious goal, FMxA collaborates with the Spanish Centres of Excellence, whose prestige is unanimously recognized throughout Spain and internationally, thereby ensuring excellence in scientific research in various fields. In this 9th edition our associated research centres are:

Each of these centres will host 1 senior woman researcher for a six-month fellowship. The researcher must hold a PhD. Post-doctoral experience is preferred.

ISCIII and BC3 will host 2 fellows.

Applications will be subjected to a rigorous selection process, evaluating the academic merits and leadership of the applicants as well as the scientific quality and expected impact of their research projects. Selected candidates will receive training and integration in a dynamic, multidisciplinary and highly competitive working team, where they will be able to develop their research projects and acquire complementary skills, empowering them to transfer their research results into tangible economic and social benefits.

For more informations


خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةStage et Formation, Postdoctoral


Université de Montréal

Location: Quebec
Date posted: 2023-09-01
Advertised until: 2023-10-31

Deeply rooted in Montreal and dedicated to its international mission, Université de Montréal is one of Canada's Top 100 Employers. Like the city whose name it bears, it is effervescent and multicultural. 

UdeM attracts over $500 million in research funding every year, making it one of the top three university research hubs in Canada. It also ranks among the top 100 universities wor1dwide and among the five best French language universities. 

Through the achievements of the members of its community, UdeM participates in building today's and tomorrow's world.

Job description The Department of Mathematics and Statistics invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in Geometric Analysis or Analysis.

Responsibilities The appointed candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, supervise graduate students, be active in research, publishing, and the transmission of knowledge, and contribute to the activities of the University.


  • D in Mathematics. Preference will be given to candidates with an expertise in Geometric Analysis or Analysis;
  • Strong research and publication record;
  • Demonstrated ability to provide high quality university teaching;
  • An adequate knowledge of the written and spoken French language or a strong commitment to mastering the proficiency level required, in accordance to Université de Montréal’s Language Policy.

An institutional learning support program is offered to all professors wishing to learn French or improve their communication skills.

How to submit your application

The application file must contain the following documents:

  • A cover letter: Applicants must include in the cover letter one of the following statements: “I am a citizen/ permanent resident of Canada.” or “I am not a citizen or permanent resident of Canada.”;
  • A curriculum vitæ;
  • A presentation of your research program (suggested maximum two pages);
  • A statement of teaching philosophy (suggested maximum one page);
  • Copies of up to three recent publications or research papers;
  • At least three letters of recommendation to be sent directly by the referees.

The complete application package and letters of recommendation must be submitted to  or emailed by November  5th, 2023  to:

Marlène Frigon, Chair, Département de mathématiques et de statistique, Faculté des arts et des sciences Email : Website :

Additional information about the position Reference number - FAS 09-23 / 2 Application deadline - November 5th, 2023 inclusively Salary - Université de Montréal offers competitive salaries and a full range of benefits Starting date - As of June 1st, 2024


Université de Montréal is strongly committed to fostering diversity and inclusion. Through its Equal Access Employment Program (EAEP), UdeM invites applications from women, Aboriginal people, visible and ethnic minorities, as well as persons with disabilities. We will –confidentially – adapt our recruitment mechanisms to the specific needs of people with disabilities who request it.

UdeM embraces a broad and inclusive definition of diversity that goes beyond applicable laws, and therefore encourages all qualified individuals to apply, regardless of their characteristics. However, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadians and permanent residents.

In order to measure the impact of its equity, diversity and inclusion actions, UdeM is collecting data on applicants identifying themselves with one of the groups targeted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act, namely women, Aboriginal people, visible minorities, ethnic minorities and people with limitations. To this end, we thank you for completing this self-identification questionnaire. The information you provide through this form is strictly confidential and will be shared only with those responsible for the UdeM EAEP. If you wish, you may also indicate that you belong to one of the targeted groups in your cover letter, which will be reviewed by the selection committee and the assembly of peers.

Université de Montréal’s application process allows all members of the Professor’s Assembly to review the application files submitted. If you wish to keep your application confidential until the shortlist is established, please mention it in your application.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Université de Montréal Location: Quebec Date posted: 2023-09-01 Advertised until: 2023-10-31 Deeply rooted in Montreal and dedicated to its international mission, Université de Montréal is one of...View more

McGill University

Location: Quebec
Date posted: 2023-09-01
Advertised until: 2023-10-31

The Information Systems (IS) Area of the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University invites applications for a one-year Contractual Academic Staff (CAS) appointment; the contract is renewable. Candidates must have at least a Master's degree in Information Systems or a related field with at least 2 years of teaching experience. The candidate must possess strong organizational skills and expert knowledge in technical and non-technical aspects of IS and Business Analytics. The start date for the appointment will be August 1, 2024.

This CAS appointment will assume their main responsibility in teaching courses in the areas of Information Systems (core IS courses, database management, and analytics) initially to an audience of undergraduate students. This position requires teaching up to eight (8) course sections per academic year. Preference will be given to the candidates who have experience in teaching courses related to data literacy.

The successful candidate will also be expected to make substantive contributions through service to the Faculty, the University, and/or the broader community through extra­ curricular activities delivered throughout the year.

The Desautels Faculty of Management has more than 80 full-time professors and offers B.Com., MBA, and Ph.D. degrees. The Faculty offers IS and Business Analytics programs at both the undergraduate (Major in IS, Concentration in IS, Concentration in Business Analytics) and graduate levels (MBA Concentration in Analytics, Master of Management in Analytics).

McGill University is an English-language university where most teaching and research activities are conducted in the English language, thereby requiring English communication both verbally and in writing. However, knowledge of French or a willingness to learn French is desirable.

McGill University McGill is a leading research-intensive university located in the heart of Montreal. With more than 80 current tenured/tenure-track professors, the Desautels Faculty of Management is committed to continued growth. The Faculty has 2300 B.Com. students, 250 MBA/ EMBA/ MM students, 76 Ph.D. students, as well as a wide range of executive education offerings.

The IS area counts 14 professors who have diverse research interests at the cutting-edge of the discipline and have published in the highest-level outlets. The IS area offers a great diversity of courses and programs to help management students navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital world. Professors have diverse disciplinary backgrounds and enjoy a high level of independence in their research and teaching endeavors. McGill's emphasis is on research quality, innovation, and impact. Faculty members have an opportunity to contribute to the activities of several Research Institutes and Centres, including Business and Management Research Centre.

McGill is located in Montreal, a UNESCO City of Design since 2006. Montreal offers a true ioie de vivre, boasting an experience between North America and Europe. It is a bilingual city with a vibrant restaurant scene, diverse and dynamic cultural offerings, numerous leisure and recreational activities, and country getaways within a short driving distance. Housing costs, government-funded health care, subsidized day care and free public primary and secondary education help make living in Montreal more affordable. It is also family-friendly and deemed the 4th best city in North America for quality of life in the 2018 Mercer survey. More information about the Desautels Faculty of Management and the Information Systems Area can be found at:

Compensation levels, teaching load, research funding, and travel support are competitive and commensurate with experience.

Application process and deadline

All materials must be submitted should be submitted electronically.

Cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of current and prospective research interests, and a sample research paper (all in the same section as you submit your CV)

*How to Apply for a Job (for Internal Candidates)

*How to Apply for a Job (for External Candidates)

We are not requesting reference letters at this point; reference check is a secondary step which may follow.

The application deadline is December 1, 2023. Applicants should submit their cover letter, a CV, evidence of teaching effectiveness.

Questions about the position should be directed to Dr. Animesh Animesh (isac@mcgil

McGill University is committed to equity and diversity within its community and values academic rigour and excellence. We welcome and encourage applications from racialized persons/visible minorities, women, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, and persons of minority sexual orientations and gender identities, as well as from all qualified candidates with the skills and knowledge to engage productively with diverse communities.

At McGill, research that reflects diverse intellectual traditions, methodologies, and modes of dissemination and translation is valued and encouraged. Candidates are invited to demonstrate their research impact both within and across academic disciplines and in other sectors, such as government, communities, or industry.

McGill further recognizes and fairly considers the impact of leaves (e.g., family care or health­ related) that may contribute to career interruptions or slowdowns. Candidates are encouraged to signal any leave that affected productivity, or that may have had an effect on their career path. This information will be considered to ensure the equitable assessment of the candidate's record.

McGill implements an employment equity program and encourages members of designated equity groups to self-identify. It further seeks to ensure the equitable treatment and full inclusion of persons with disabilities by striving for the implementation of universal design principles transversally, across all facets of the University community, and through accommodation policies and procedures. Persons with disabilities who anticipate needing accommodations for any part of the application process may contact, in confidence,

All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةEnseignement et recherche scientifique

McGill University Location: Quebec Date posted: 2023-09-01 Advertised until: 2023-10-31 The Information Systems (IS) Area of the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University invites applicatio...View more