POSTDOCTORAL Fellow — DEPARTMENT OF Surgery – BIDMC, Harvard Medical School

نشرت 4 أشهر منذ

The Division of Urologic Surgery in the Department of Surgery at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School invites applications for a position at the level of Postdoctoral Scholar/Fellow in the laboratories of Drs. Aria Olumi and Zongwei Wang. The primary focus of this position is the exploration of novel pathways and mechanisms associated with steroid 5α-reductase inhibitors (5ARI) resistance in the context of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) therapy, alongside the identification of clinically relevant epigenetic markers to enhance the efficacy of BPH management.

The candidate will spend the majority of their time performing research and is expected to present their work at laboratory meetings as well as departmental and scientific conferences in addition to publishing their findings.

The candidate is expected to perform essential experimental techniques including in vitro tissue culture, in vivo procedures involving rodent models, tissue harvesting and processing, molecular biology assays, and high-resolution confocal imaging.

Candidates with a background in cellular and molecular biology, urology research, and/or related disciplines are strongly encouraged to apply. Experience in the analysis of single cell RNA-sequencing and spatial transcriptomics data is advantageous, and proficiency in statistical analysis tools such as R or Python is desirable.

Interested candidates are invited to send CV accompanied by a paragraph on their background, training and research experience to Zongwei Wang (

Requirements: MD or PhD or MD/PhD. Prior research experience and a proven publication record are imperative.

خصائص الوظيفة

تصنيف الوظيفةPostdoctoral

التقدم الآن

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