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AIER’s Harwood Visiting Research Fellowship is a 10-12 week residential fellowship for researchers and academics working in fields that advance AIER’s mission: to affirm free enterprise, economic liberty, property rights, sound money, and legal institutions that shore up the rights of individuals to be free to the extent that their actions do not impinge on the rights of others.

These fellowships provide opportunities for researchers to collaborate, write, and work on a project of their choice. AIER has worked closely with scholars working in economics, political science, philosophy, history, law, and other areas.

Each Visiting Fellow is expected to present their research to AIER staff and visitors, and to the general public through written pieces for AIER’s website.

Visiting Research Fellows should expect a collegial environment where Visitors and AIER faculty collaborate, provide feedback, and engage with each other’s research and ideas. Each Visiting Fellow should leave AIER having made substantive progress on their project as well as having built longer-term relationships with other visitors and AIER Faculty.

Our Partners

Visiting Research Fellowships are possible thanks to the generous support of of AIER’s loyal philanthropic partners, including:
  • Wesley G. McCain through the Wesley G. McCain Scholarship in Honor of Murray Rothbard
  • The Foulke Family through the Foulke Family Trust
Caroline Breashears

“AIER's research fellowship offered the ideal circumstances in which to write my book. Lunchtime lectures, stimulating conversations over dinner, generous feedback from the fellows: these are only a few of the reasons my visit was as enjoyable as it was productive."

Fellowship Details

Visiting Fellowships are reviewed quarterly: Jan 15, Apr 1, July 1, and Sept 1. Fellowships are awarded through a competitive application process.


Research Fellows receive a $350 per week living stipend.

Accommodations, Meals, and Travel

Housing is provided in the AIER manor or cottages right on campus, close to the beautiful town of Great Barrington. Lunch is provided for AIER staff, fellows, and interns every workday. AIER covers travel costs to and from campus for fellowships lasting more than 10 weeks.

Apply now for a Harwood Visiting Fellowship:

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

AIER’s Harwood Visiting Research Fellowship is a 10-12 week residential fellowship for researchers and academics working in fields that advance AIER’s mission: to affirm free enterprise, economic ...View more

Fellowship Details

  • Award: $40,000 stipend for the fellowship year, plus up to $8,000 for project-related research, training, development, and travel costs. The award also includes a $2,000 stipend for external mentorship.
  • Tenure: one year beginning between July 1 and September 1, 2024.
  • Completed applications must be submitted through the ACLS online fellowship administration system ( no later than 9 PM Eastern Daylight Time, October 25, 2023.
  • Notifications will be sent via email by early April 2024.
  • For information on how to request reviewer feedback, see FAQ.


ACLS invites applications for Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowships, which provide a year of support for doctoral students preparing to embark on innovative dissertation research projects. This program is made possible by a grant from the Mellon Foundation. Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowships support graduate students in the humanities and social sciences who show promise of leading their fields in important new directions. The fellowships are designed to intervene at the formative stage of dissertation development, before research and writing are advanced. The program seeks to expand the range of research methodologies, formats, and areas of inquiry traditionally considered suitable for the dissertation, with a particular focus on supporting scholars who can build a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable academy.

ACLS believes that humanistic scholarship benefits from inclusivity of voices, narratives, and subjects that have historically been underrepresented or under-studied in academe. We especially welcome applications from PhD candidates whose perspectives and/or research projects cultivate greater openness to new sources of knowledge, innovation in scholarly communication, and, above all, responsiveness to the interests and histories of people of color and other historically marginalized communities, including (but not limited to) Black/African American, Hispanic/Latinx, and Indigenous communities from around the world; people with disabilities; queer, trans, and gender nonconforming people; and people of diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. We also believe that institutional diversity enhances the scholarly enterprise, and we encourage applications from doctoral students from all accredited institutions of higher education in the United States.

The program supports projects that push the traditional approaches and forms of dissertation research in new directions. The strongest applications will show evidence of thoughtful plans for engaging the sources, resources, scholars, and communities – on campus and/or off – necessary to advance their projects. Fellows might design a fellowship year that includes:

  • directed interdisciplinary research and methodological training that pushes beyond the scope of their field’s norms with faculty within and/or outside their home institutions;
  • exploration of new modes of scholarly communication and dissertation design;
  • intensive digital methods training and research;
  • collaboration with community partners;
  • a short-term practicum with a non-academic organization (such as a think-tank or social justice organization) to develop experience with applied methods, site-based research involving community-engaged or collaborative approaches.

The list above is by no means exhaustive. Innovation might take a variety of forms, and with this program, ACLS seeks to support a range of innovation in doctoral research — trans- or interdisciplinary, digital, collaborative, critical, methodological, etc. — as well as innovative forms and modes of publication.

ACLS has long supported interdisciplinary work and collaboration with partners outside of the academy through our various fellowship programs, and the program would welcome proposals from graduate students, in consultation with advisors and/or departmental directors of graduate study, that engage with scholars from other institutions, disciplines, or from sectors outside of the academy.

These fellowships also support the expansion of an applicant’s advisory network through external mentorship. The external mentor, who might come from another division of the university, another academic institution, or from beyond the academy, should be selected for the mentor’s capacity to offer critical perspective and expertise on the fellow’s project. ACLS will award up to 45 fellowships in this competition for a one-year term beginning between July and September 2024 for nine to twelve months, covering the 2024-25 academic year. The fellowship may be carried out in residence at the fellow’s home institution or at any other appropriate site for the research. These fellowships may not be held concurrently with any other fellowship or grant. The total award includes a $40,000 stipend for the fellowship year, as well as up to $3,000 for research and travel, and up to $5,000 in professional development funds to support skills acquisition or additional research to support innovative/expansive directions. An additional $2,000 is available as a stipend for the external mentor.


The basic eligibility criteria for applicants are outlined below. As opposed to fellowship programs that support dissertations where writing and research is well underway, advanced, or nearing completion, this program intends to intervene at the formative stages of project development. Given the variation in graduate student trajectories, and the variation of curricular requirements across departments and schools, this program’s eligibility window covers a varying a flexible period in the middle of doctoral study. Some applicants may be applying in the year immediately before achieving candidacy/ABD status, or the year they achieve candidacy, to support the first stretch of work as a PhD candidate; others may seek to expand their field/methodological horizons at a relatively earlier stage of their graduate studies. As described in the criteria below, the program requires applicants to have completed all required coursework in their doctoral curriculum by the time the fellowship commences. Individuals must be enrolled full-time and may not accept teaching or research assistantships, other major fellowships, internships, or similar internal or external awards during fellowship tenure.

Applicants must:

  • Be a PhD student in a humanities or social science department in the United States.1
  • Be able to take up a full year (9-12 months) of sustained specialized research and training, released from normal coursework, assistantships, and teaching responsibilities.
  • Have completed at least two years and all required coursework in the PhD programs in which they are currently enrolled by the start of the fellowship term.
  • Have not advanced to PhD candidacy/ABD status prior to January 1, 2023.
  • have not previously applied for this fellowship more than once.

(1) The Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowship program does not accept applications from students receiving professional or applied PhDs, terminal degrees that are not a PhD (such as an EdD or MFA), or PhDs outside of humanities and social science departments, including the following disciplines: business, clinical or counseling psychology, creative or performing arts, education, engineering, filmmaking, law, library and information sciences, life/physical sciences, public administration, public health or medicine, public policy, social work, or social welfare. If you are unsure whether your department or interdisciplinary program qualifies you for this fellowship program, please email with a brief summary of your affiliation.

Note that transcripts are not required.

Evaluation Criteria

Reviewers in this program are asked to evaluate all eligible proposals on the following criteria:

  • The potential of the project to advance the field(s) of study in which it is proposed and make an original and significant contribution to knowledge.
  • The potential of the project to challenge scholarly convention and/or expand the prevailing norms of what constitutes important scholarship through its innovative format or formats, its novel methodology, subject matter, or theoretical framework, or its meaningful engagement with an interdisciplinary and/or community partner. ACLS seeks applicants who have a strong grasp of the existing norms and trends in their primary discipline of study, and who have taken advantage of the opportunities available in their department and campus to advance their training and scholarly projects.
  • The feasibility of the proposed project and the likelihood that the applicant will execute the work within the proposed time frame (during and after the fellowship term).
  • Fulfillment of one or more of the following factors:
    • Applicant’s membership in one or more groups that have been historically underrepresented in the professoriate, including but not limited to Black/African Americans, Latinx/Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Pacific Islanders.
    • The project’s thoughtful engagement with communities that are historically underrepresented in higher education and the potential for this experience to shape research.
    • Scholarship and scholarly practice that is responsive to the interests and histories of people of color and other historically marginalized communities.

Application Guidelines

Applications must be submitted online and must include:

  • Completed application form.
  • Proposal (no more than seven pages, double spaced, in Arial or Helvetica 11-point font, including any footnotes or endnotes).
    • The applicant should describe the aims of their research and clearly explain how they will advance those aims during the fellowship period.
    • The proposal should also include a description of the training, workshops, travel, research permissions, or anything else the applicant feels will be necessary to advance the project during the fellowship term. For any of these items, but especially in the case of research permissions, how will you go about securing them? (See our FAQ on research permissions.)
    • If the applicant has already identified an external mentor, please note the mentor in the proposal and describe how that individual was selected. If the mentor is yet to be determined, please provide a brief description of what qualities and capacities you will seek within a mentor. What kinds of perspectives would this mentor bring to your project?
    • The most effective proposal will clearly describe the applicant’s innovative approach to their dissertation project and make a compelling argument for why the timing of the fellowship would be ideal for their proposed research and training and within the context of the full timeline of their doctoral studies. Applicants should also detail how they will measure their own success in the fellowship year.
  • Optional: Up to two additional pages of images, musical scores, or other similar supporting non-text materials, without annotation
  • A one-page timeline, in Arial or Helvetica 11-point font, outlining fellowship year activity with provisional sketch of post-fellowship trajectory, outlining the time leading up to the completion of the dissertation. All applicants must use the timeline template provided by ACLS.
  • Bibliography (without annotation, single-spaced, in Arial or Helvetica 11-point font, no more than two pages)
  • Short personal statement (no more than two pages, double spaced, in Arial or Helvetica 11-point font) describing your journey as a scholar and how your work comes together at the nexus of personal experience, research interests, and desire to shift the forms and formats of academic research.
  • A brief work sample (no more than fifteen pages total, double spaced, including any images and footnotes or endnotes, in Arial or Helvetica 11-point font), including a brief description of context and the sample’s relation to the proposed project.
  • One letter of recommendation. The letter must come from the applicant’s dissertation advisor, or a faculty member eligible to be the advisor.
  • A statement from the applicant’s institution (preferably from the applicant’s department chair, director of graduate studies, or dean). The provided form will ask the institutional representative to attest that (1) if the applicant holds a multi-year financial award from the institution and a fellowship is awarded, this support would be paused for the duration of the fellowship and the applicant would be allowed to retain and resume the remainder of that support in subsequent years; (2) the institution will allow the fellow to remain enrolled during the fellowship year and will waive tuition and fees; and (3) the intention of the fellowship is to promote non-traditional direction setting for the sake of valuing innovations in scholarly methods and subject, and the institution believes that its graduate curriculum and progress-charting for students can respect and accommodate this exploration of non-traditional approaches to scholarship.

Please note: ACLS requires all applicants to have an ORCID iD. Learn more.

Supporting Documents

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

Fellowship Details Award: $40,000 stipend for the fellowship year, plus up to $8,000 for project-related research, training, development, and travel costs. The award also includes a $2,000 stipend for...View more

Posted 11 Monaten ago

Established in 2003 by the Secretary of State, the Jefferson Science Fellowships serve as an innovative model for engaging the American science, engineering, and medical communities in the U.S. foreign policy and international development process through a one-year immersive experience at the U.S. Department of State or the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Jefferson Science Fellowships are a mutually beneficial partnership between government and participating U.S. academic institutions. These fellowships are open to tenured, or similarly ranked, faculty from U.S. institutions of higher learning who are U.S. citizens. After successfully obtaining a security clearance, Fellows are embedded in an office at the U.S. Department of State or USAID where they can expect to learn the foreign policy and international development process while contributing their technical expertise to policy formulation and implementation. Fellows can expect to become conversant in the operations and processes of the U.S. Department of State or USAID and will complement and enhance existing staff while being provided the opportunity to contribute their expertise on teams managing rapidly evolving foreign policy and international development issues. Fellow placements vary each year and are designed in consultation with host offices within the U.S. Department of State or USAID. After completing the fellowship, faculty return to an academic career with a deeper understanding of the impact of science and technology in foreign policy, diplomacy, and international development to augment their research and teaching. Upon mutual agreement, Fellows may remain consultants for their host office, further strengthening the partnership between government and the U.S. academic community. Recruiting Fellows who reflect the diversity of the American people is a high priority. America’s diversity is a source of strength that few countries can match. The more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible the diplomatic and international development communities, the stronger, smarter, and more creative the response will be to the challenges of the 21st Century. As we celebrate 20 years of the Jefferson Science Fellowships, we again extend the call to serve to the academic scientific community. Additional information on the Jefferson Science Fellowships activities can be found here.

Visit the application page for host agency offices, eligibility criteria, application instructions and FAQs.

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

Established in 2003 by the Secretary of State, the Jefferson Science Fellowships serve as an innovative model for engaging the American science, engineering, and medical communities in the U.S. foreig...View more

Conceived with the needs of humanists in mind, the National Humanities Center provides scholars with an environment and resources conducive to generating new knowledge and furthering understanding of the human experience.

Here, they enjoy the freedom to focus on their work in the beautiful Archie K. Davis building, take breaks to wander paths through the surrounding pine forest, and share ideas with colleagues working on a fascinating array of projects from across humanities disciplines. Scholars also take advantage of the Center’s exceptional support services, including the Center’s outstanding librarians and attentive dining staff.

Scholars can apply for year- or semester-long fellowships or, if they work at one of the Center’s sponsoring institutions, may be eligible to participate in our month-long summer residency program.

Ready to apply? Here’s what you need to know:

Fellowship Application Process

The Center will begin accepting applications for the 2024–25 academic year on July 1, 2023 with a deadline of October 5, 2023. Fellowship applicants are asked to complete the online application form and to upload the following documents:
  • 1,000-word project proposal
  • short bibliography (up to 750 words)
  • curriculum vitae (up to 1000 words)
  • one-page tentative outline of the structure of the project (if the project is a book, provide an outline of chapters; otherwise, give an outline of the components of the project and their progress to date)
Applicants will also be asked to provide names and contact information for three references. References will receive an email prompt inviting them to upload a letter of recommendation on behalf of the applicant. All letters are also due by October 5, 2023. Please read our Frequently Asked Questions and watch our informational video for more details. APPLY NOW

Fellowship Eligibility and Support

Applicants must have a doctorate or equivalent scholarly credentials. Mid-career and senior scholars are encouraged to apply. Emerging scholars with a strong record of peer-reviewed work may also apply. The Center does not support the revision of doctoral dissertations. In addition to all fields of the humanities, the Center accepts applications from scholars in the natural and social sciences, the arts, the professions, and public life who are engaged in humanistic projects.

The stipend amounts for Fellows are individually determined, according to the needs of the scholars and the Center’s ability to meet them. See our Frequently Asked Questions for more details. NHC residential fellowships are supported by the Center’s own endowment, private foundation grants, contributions from alumni and friends, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

Conceived with the needs of humanists in mind, the National Humanities Center provides scholars with an environment and resources conducive to generating new knowledge and furthering understanding of ...View more

Location: Saskatchewan
Date posted: 2023-08-19
Advertised until: 2023-09-18

The University of Saskatchewan's main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. We pay our respect to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another.

Applications are invited from qualified individuals for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the College of Kinesiology at the University of Saskatchewan. The successful candidate will be a community engaged scholar with research expertise in physical activity, movement or sport that are aligned with the College's research themes of Indigenous Wellness and/or Child and Youth Health and Development.

The successful candidate will maintain an externally funded research program, supervise graduate students and collaborate with research partners across the College, University and beyond. The College has a history of interdisciplinary research as evidenced by inter-college, inter-university and international collaborations, and multidisciplinary tri-council funding success.

The College of Kinesiology is committed to the scholarship of discovering, preserving, teaching, and applying knowledge as it pertains to human movement, active living, and healthy lifestyles. The College is a research- intensive unit in both the physical and psychological domains, including being renowned for longitudinal growth and development studies and as an emerging leader in Indigenous wellness research. The College has many successful ongoing collaborations including with Indigenous communities, school divisions, local and provincial sport organizations, and the Saskatchewan Health Authority. The successful candidate will have access to the College’s world-class research facilities including the Ron and Jane Graham Sport Science and Health Centre, as well as places for ceremony and extensive recreation and high-performance sport facilities. Resources such as these provide an environment for faculty that is conducive to the development of high-quality research programs and delivery of excellent graduate and undergraduate student instruction.

The successful candidate will teach and develop curriculum in one or more areas within the core curriculum of the College’s undergraduate and graduate programs and undertake relevant administrative and collegial activities. The College offers a four-year Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology (B.Sc. Kin. and B.Sc. Kin. - Hon.), a combined degree B.Sc. Kin/B.Ed, (with the College of Education), and thriving graduate programs at the M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels. There is significant demand for admission into our programs, which attract high quality students from across the province and beyond. This new faculty position provides an opportunity to grow our faculty complement and contribute to strategic priorities such as equity, diversity and inclusion and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

The College has a history of exceptional teaching, exemplary research, building collegial and community partnerships, and contributing to the research and sustainability goals of the University of Saskatchewan. The College is an active and valuable member of the University’s Health Science Colleges. As one of the only direct entry opportunities for undergraduate students interested in the health sciences, the College plays a valuable role in offering many students their first experience in this field.

In the College of Kinesiology’s Strategic Plan to 2025, the College made a commitment to foster reconciliation and focus on a wholistic approach to expand the understanding and practice of Indigenous Ways of Knowing and concepts of innovation. Indigenous and non-Indigenous faculty members collaborate with community as part of this commitment.

The University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. Located on the banks of the kisiskāciwani-sīpiy (also known as the South Saskatchewan River), the University of Saskatchewan is part of a millennia-long tradition of people gathering on these banks to teach, to learn, and to build community. The city of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan has a diverse and thriving economic base, a vibrant arts community, and a full range of leisure opportunities. The University has a reputation for excellence in teaching, research, and scholarly activities and offers a full range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs to a student population of over 25,000.

Qualifications Candidates must have:

  • A Ph.D. (or nearing completion) in Kinesiology or related field
  • Demonstrated excellence in community engaged research with a record of and/or strong potential for obtaining external funding
  • Evidence of effective post-secondary teaching skills and student/trainee mentorship
  • Dedication to the teacher-scholar model
  • A demonstrated commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Proven ability to collaborate and be a team player
  • A commitment to collegial service

Salary and Benefits Salary bands for the 2022-2023 academic year are as follows: Assistant Professor: $99,946 to $120,099; Associate Professor: $120,099 to $140,253; and Professor: $140,253 to $163,766.

Appointment is expected at the Assistant level.

This position includes a comprehensive benefits package, which includes a dental, health, and extended vision care plan; pension plan, life insurance (compulsory and voluntary), academic long-term disability, sick leave, travel insurance, death benefits, an employee assistance program, a professional expense allowance, and a flexible health and wellness spending program.

Applications Applications must include:

  • a cover letter outlining your research and scholarship interests as they relate to the focus of the position as described above;
  • a detailed curriculum vitae;
  • a teaching dossier (including evidence of teaching);
  • an equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) statement (including evidence of contributions to this area);
  • a statement addressing your commitment to sustainability in research and teaching;
  • the names (addresses, phone and email addresses) of three academic referees Interested candidates must submit their applications, via email to:

Joel Lanovaz, PhD, Interim Dean 87 Campus Drive University of Saskatchewan Saskatoon, SK S7N 5B2 Telephone: (306) 966-1061 Email:

Due to federal immigration requirements, we also ask candidates to indicate whether they are Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or are otherwise already authorized to work at this position for the duration of the appointment, with an explanation if this last category is indicated.

Review of applications will begin September 1, 2023; however, applications will be accepted and evaluated until the position is filled. The anticipated start date is January 1, 2024.

Status: Tenure Track Employment Group: USFA Full Time Equivalent (FTE): 1.0 Posted Date: 6/16/2023 Closing Date: Until Filled

Please review the University of Saskatchewan's health and safety requirements for faculty, staff and students in consideration of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The University is committed to employment equity, diversity, and inclusion, and are proud to support career opportunities for Indigenous peoples to reflect the community we serve. We are dedicated to recruiting individuals who will enrich our work and learning environments. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. We are committed to providing accommodations to those with a disability or medical necessity. If you require an accommodation in order to participate in the recruitment process, please notify us and we will work together on the accommodation request.

We continue to grow our partnerships with Indigenous communities across the province, nationally, and internationally and value the unique perspective that Indigenous employees provide to strengthening these relationships. Verification of Indigenous Membership/Citizenship at the University of Saskatchewan is led and determined by the deybwewin | taapwaywin | tapewin: Indigenous Truth policy and Standing Committee in accordance with the processes developed to enact the policy. Applicants that assert Indigenous membership/citizenship will be asked to complete the verification process of Indigenous membership/citizenship with documentation. The University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. We pay our respects to the First Nations and Métis ancestors of this place and reaffirm our relationship with one another. Together, we are uplifting Indigenization to a place of prominence at the University of Saskatchewan.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: Saskatchewan Date posted: 2023-08-19 Advertised until: 2023-09-18 The University of Saskatchewan’s main campus is situated on Treaty 6 Territory and the Homeland of the Métis. We pay ...View more

This funding scheme is open and the application deadline is 16:00 Wednesday 13 September 2023.


The Medical Research Foundation is delighted to be co-funding with the Medical Research Council (MRC) a Clinician Scientist Fellowship (CSF) and a Clinical Research Training Fellowship (CRTF) in Child and Adolescent Cancer Pain .

We are inviting applications from clinicians who have the potential to be the research leaders of the future, to support research that will increase understanding of the disease mechanisms underlying Cancer Pain. Researchers whose work may lead to better understanding of prevention, treatment or management of cancer pain are welcome to apply.

Who can apply


The CSF supports registered health professionals including (but not limited to) nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, healthcare scientists, pharmacists, clinical psychologists, doctors, dentists, general practitioners and veterinarians. Applicants must have completed a PhD, have the skills and experience to transition to independence and show evidence of career progression.

The scheme supports clinically active healthcare professionals who have gained a higher research degree to lead their own research plans, establish their own research team and make the transition to independence.


The pre-doctoral CRTF supports clinicians, including (but not limited to) medics, surgeons, dentists, clinical psychologists, public health specialty trainees, allied health professionals, nurses, midwives and veterinarians, to undertake a PhD or other higher research degree.

The post-doctoral CRTF provides a route for post-doctoral applicants who achieved their PhD some time ago but who have not been research active since due to clinical training commitments to reacquire research skills.

You may like to watch the MRC’s video on the CRTF for an introduction to the scheme.

Full eligibility and remit details are available on the MRC’s webpages above. Please visit these pages for information on remit, suitability, funding provided and deadlines.

Funding available


The Medical Research Foundation and the MRC will make the below costs available, for up to five years.

The CSF award will cover the full cost of your salary as well as:

  • research staff costs
  • consumable expenses
  • travel costs
  • appropriate capital equipment


The Medical Research Foundation and the MRC will make the below costs available, for up to three years.

  • Salary costs commensurate with your stage of training, up to but not including NHS consultant level
  • Up to £20,000 per year. This may cover consumables, equipment, conference travel, PhD and other course fees.


The next CSF and CRTF round closes at 16:00 Wednesday 13th September 2023.

Shortlisting Decision: January 2024

Funding Decision: March 2024

How to Apply

Please visit the MRC’s dedicated CSF page or pre-doctoral CRTF page or post doctoral CRTF page for further details on how to apply.

All applications will be submitted through the UKRI Funding Service.

Please identify that you would like to apply for this joint funding opportunity with the Medical Research Foundation when asked in the application.

Support for our Fellows

We offer our funded Fellows support to promote their career development and aid their transition to independence. For more information, please contact the Research Team at


Any queries on the competition, the application process, or eligibility should be sent to or directly to the MRC.

Please contact the relevant MRC Programme Manager via email address to confirm your suitability for any MRC fellowship scheme.

Terms and Conditions of Award

Awards funded through this competition will follow standard Medical Research Council and Medical Research Foundation terms and conditions. The terms and conditions spell out the responsibilities of the Principal Investigator and the Lead Research Organisation. The Principal Investigator and the Lead Research Organisation are required to indicate their formal acceptance of the proposal, their acceptance of the terms and conditions of an award, and the approval of the salaries and resources sought in the application.

The Medical Research Foundation may add additional conditions to a grant award to reflect the particular circumstances and requirements of the funding, or the nature of a particular award. Acceptance of an award constitutes acceptance of both the core conditions and any additional conditions. The Medical Research Foundation reserves the right to vary these terms and conditions.

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

This funding scheme is open and the application deadline is 16:00 Wednesday 13 September 2023.   The Medical Research Foundation is delighted to be co-funding with the Medical Research Council (M...View more

The Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship in Chemical Sciences or Chemical Instrumentation Award Program supports advanced research by postdoctoral scholars within the core areas of fundamental chemistry or the development and build of chemical instrumentation.

Fellowship Tracks

Research must be innovative in method, speed or process, or represent new instrument technology. This fellowship will be a catalyst from "mentored yet independent" postdocs to outstanding, independent researchers in academic or industry/governmental labs.

The Fellowships will be in two tracks (applicants will choose one):

  • Postdoctoral Fellowship in Chemical Sciences will allow chemists to pursue advanced research within the core areas of fundamental chemistry, such as chemical physics, chemical engineering, and chemistry of materials research. The fellowship is not intended to fund proposals that are supported by traditional NIH mechanisms in the fields of chemistry, chemical biology, biochemistry.
  • Postdoctoral Fellowship in Chemical Instrumentation will allow researchers in chemistry to conceptualize, develop and build instrumentation suitable to advanced research in chemistry, chemical physics, chemical engineering, and chemistry of materials science. Instrumentation projects must be suitable to the two-year fellowship timeframe, be driven by a need in the chemical sciences listed above, be innovative in method speed or process or represent a wholly new instrument for technical advancement in chemistry, and may potentially be used for future research in the broader scientific community.


Criteria for Applicants at time of application:

  • At a U.S. college, university or institution which offers postdoctoral fellowships and holds a 501(c)(3), or similarly qualifying, IRS designation; and
  • U.S. citizen or permanent resident of the United States; and
    • Current graduate student anticipated to complete a PhD in the chemical sciences by May 1, 2024; or
    • Current postdoctoral researcher with a granted/conferred PhD in the chemical sciences with no more than 18 months cumulative postdoctoral research experience (at time of application due date); and
  • Must pursue postdoctoral training in an area of chemical sciences. While bio related applications will be considered, the fellowship is not intended to fund proposals that are supported by traditional biochemical or biological science mechanisms (e.g., NIH mechanisms); and
  • Must have identified a mentor in the chemical sciences at a qualified U.S. nonprofit college, university or institution with appropriate laboratory facilities to support their postdoctoral research proposal.

**If you have exceeded the 18-month eligibility window but you experienced extended restricted access during COVID, please email to discuss your eligibility status**

Criteria for Sponsoring Mentor at time of application:

  • PhD, or MD/PhD; and
  • Full-time tenured or tenure track with at least a 25% appointment in chemistry, chemical physics, chemical engineering, or materials chemistry department at their institution; and
  • Active investigator in the applicant’s area of research; and
  • Mentors may only sponsor one applicant per program year for consideration

Any of the following conditions will render an applicant ineligible:

  • At the time of application due date, applicants with more than 18 months of cumulative postdoctoral experience in a research lab, or who are more than 3 years from their PhD, are not eligible to apply.
  • Applicants may not submit applications to both the "Chemical Sciences" and "Chemical Instrumentation" fellowships in a single program year.
  • Visa holders are not eligible to apply.
  • Government laboratories, such as NIH or federally funded national laboratories are not eligible institutions.
  • Applicant has not successfully completed their PhD by May 1, 2024.
  • Applicants may not have faculty appointments.

Any of the following conditions will render a Sponsoring Mentor, and subsequently the Applicant(s) ineligible:

  • Sponsoring mentor supports two or more applicants for LOI submittal

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy

At the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation, we acknowledge, appreciate and support the fundamental roles that diversity, equity and inclusion have in scientific progress and innovation. We seek applicants from all backgrounds in our programs and strive to ensure a fair and equitable process for selection of awardees, recognizing that excellent science is not the exclusive endeavor of one group of people, but of all. In an effort to avoid implicit and explicit bias in our review process, the Foundation will blind all information pertaining to applicants’ name, gender, ethnicity, citizenship status and institutional information from reviewers during the preliminary reviews.

Read our full statement here.

Program Guidelines and Application Guidance

Fellows will be appointed for two years, with possibility for third year by renewal.

  • Fellows will begin in July of program year.
  • The award amount is $224,000 over 2 years for salary, fringe benefits and research expenditures; instrumentation fellowships will receive an additional one-time amount of up to $200,000. Fellows receiving year 3 renewal award will receive additional $118,000.
  • The Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellows Award is a merit based program.
  • This program is an Open Call; institutions are not limited to the number of candidates which may apply.

For proposal writing tips and more information, download the Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship Additional Guidance Document here.

Application Procedure

Click on the "Apply Now" button on the right hand side of this page to access. Once you’ve created an account, proceed to the Arnold O. Beckman Postdoc Application.

The Foundation will use a 2-step application process:

  • Step 1: Letter of Intent (LOI) will be a blinded review of the research proposal - be sure to follow the instructions for blinding your research proposal and references
  • Step 2: Full Application for those invited to apply, based on reviews of the LOIs

The application portal will generally be open for submissions June – September. Please check the online portal for exact deadlines each year.

Incomplete applications and/or materials received after the deadline will be eliminated from the competition.

Award notifications generally are released in mid-March.

National Postdoctoral Association Member

Did you know? The Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation is a sustaining member of the National Postdoctoral Association. Visit the NPA Career Center, or follow on your favorite social media platforms:

  • Twitter & Instagram: @nationalpostdoc
  • LinkedIn: /company/national-postdoctoral-association

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

The Arnold O. Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship in Chemical Sciences or Chemical Instrumentation Award Program supports advanced research by postdoctoral scholars within the core areas of fundamental ch...View more

Entry requirements

  • Applicants should usually be after Foundation year two, but before award of a CCT.
    • Click here to listen to podcasts organised by the British Junior Cardiologists' Association (BJCA) to gain insights from various clinical fellows on their research journey.
    • Get to know some of BHF-funded researchers here to read more about their lives, career inspirations and research interests.
  • Residency requirements do not apply

Grant duration

  • Usually three years to complete a PhD, although applications for two years to complete an MD or equivalent will be considered.

Award may include

  • Salary of applicant
  • Research consumables directly attributable to the project, usually less than £14,000 per year, but larger amounts will be considered if fully justified
  • Tuition fees at standard home student rate (set by the research institution)
  • Travel funding of up to £500 per year to present research at or attend scientific meetings relevant to the grant

How to apply

Who can apply?

  • The online application form must be completed by an established investigator who will be the supervisor and may be for a named student only.
  • The primary supervisor must devote a minimum of 10% of their time to supervising the student and a second supervisor should also be included.
  • Applicants who have started a PhD (or equivalent) may be eligible to apply for a Clinical Research Training Fellowship, but may only apply within 6 months of having registered for their PhD. In these circumstances, the proposed start date for the Clinical Research Training Fellowship should also be no more than 12 months (or full-time equivalent) from the date of registration for the degree.

Case for Support

You will be asked to attach a single PDF document to your online application form containing the following information:

  1. For resubmissions, include an unedited copy of the original feedback followed by a detailed response, limited to 3 sides of A4, explaining how the revised application has changed from the original submission.
  2. Title of the proposed research
  3. Abstract of the proposed investigation in 200 words or less
  4. Background to the project and pilot data
  5. Original hypothesis
  6. Experimental details and design of proposed investigation
  7. If requesting funding for a clinical study, include all information listed in the Clinical Study Guidelines (Interventional Study) or in the Clinical Study Guidelines (Observational Study). If you do not provide the information outlined in the guidelines, your application may be returned without formal consideration.
  8. Power calculations
  9. Expected value of results
  10. List of references relevant to the proposed project
  11. List of recent relevant publications from supervisor
  12. Appendices should be a maximum of 3 sides of A4 containing only tables or figures essential to the understanding of the application. Research papers whether published, in press or in preparation may not be attached (although hyperlinks can be provided).
  13. Statement detailing the scientific techniques in which the candidate will be trained
  14. Candidate’s training programme listing skills to be acquired during the grant

Sections 2-9 must not exceed 6 A4 sides. The PDF file size must not exceed 20MB.

Please ensure Arial font size 12 is used. If this font size is not used, the application will be rejected prior to formal consideration.

Additional document uploads required on Case for Support page of the application form:

  • Full CV of the candidate including list of publications and academic email address

Additional document uploads that will be requested within pages on the application form:

  • Supporting letters from collaborators
  • Intellectual property agreements where relevant
  • Valid copy of ethical approval if relevant

The BHF is prepared to consider funding or part-funding Clinical Research Training Fellowships that include research experience with an industry partner (for example, experience of experimental medicine). Please contact our office for advice if you are considering applying for a co-funded Clinical Research Training Fellowship.

Decision process

There are no closing dates. Please submit the application when it is ready and allow up to 6 months from submission to decision.

Receipt will be acknowledged within 24 hours and we will advise you when you can expect the result. A decision will be reached by the Fellowships Committee (four meetings a year) after it has considered external peer review reports.

The flowchart below shows the application journey

Independent expert review

To help applicants better understand how their proposals are assessed, please see BHF independent review guidelines and blank review form.

Apply for research grants

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

Entry requirements Applicants should usually be after Foundation year two, but before award of a CCT. Click here to listen to podcasts organised by the British Junior Cardiologists‘ Associatio...View more

Grant Amount$100,000 USD
Grant Term1 Year
Application DeadlineAugust 31, 2023 5:00 PM
Additional InformationThis grant program pertains to the following fellowships:
  • AACR-AstraZeneca Clinical Hematology/Oncology Research Training Fellowships
  • AACR-Johnson & Johnson Clinical Oncology Research Training Fellowships to Further Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The AACR Clinical Oncology Research (CORE) Training Fellowships Program is designed to provide an industry-academic clinical practicum with a unique opportunity for academic clinicians to train in drug development. Each fellowship provides $100,000 over one year for the fellow to work on site at the facility of one of the AACR’s pharmaceutical industry partners. Please see the following for an account of inaugural grantee Siddharth (Sid) Sheth’s rewarding experience with the AACR CORE Training Fellowship program: Program Overview Purpose: This fellowship is designed for early-career clinical scientists who hold a medical degree (MD, DO, or MD/PhD) and are interested in acquiring the knowledge and skills related to drug development from the perspective of the pharmaceutical industry. The fellow will gain real-world experience in drug development, including clinical research, clinical trial design, and data analysis. Activities: It is expected that the fellow will be accountable for executing clinical activities and research projects to be completed during the one-year program. Depending on the background of the fellow, additional focus areas may also be provided (e.g., preclinical research, biomarker discovery). Opportunities for publication and presentation of completed work will be provided. The industry partners for this program and their areas of interest include the following:
  • AstraZeneca (facility located in Gaithersburg, MD):
    • Late-stage clinical development within medical affairs in hematology/oncology
  • Johnson & Johnson (facility location to be agreed to, but possible locations include the greater Boston or Philadelphia areas):
    • Early-stage clinical development in interventional immuno-oncology therapies for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
    • Early-stage clinical development program aiming to intercept lung cancers in a high-risk population
Duration: 12 months. Note that the continuous duration of time spent on site at the industry site may be flexible and will be determined on a case-by-case basis between the fellow, the fellow’s academic institution, and the industry partner (e.g., if a fellow must return to their academic institution during parts of the 12-month term to complete clinic duties). Application Process Overview 1. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis via submission to 2. Submitted applications will be reviewed quarterly by an AACR Scientific Review Committee. 3. Selected fellows will be notified following this review. 4. The start of the grant term is flexible and will be determined upon mutual agreement between the selected fellow, the fellow’s institution, and the industry partner. Please note that applications will be accepted after the above application deadline but may be reviewed during a later quarterly review period.
Program Guidelines
Program Guidelines and Application Instructions are available for download. For frequently asked questions and additional information, please review frequently asked questions (FAQ) here.  
Eligibility Criteria
At the start of the grant term, applicants must:
  • Have a medical degree (including MD, DO, or MD/PhD) in a related field, and not currently be a candidate for a further doctoral degree.
  • Have enrolled in an accredited hematology/oncology fellowship program at an academic, medical, or research institution within the United States
  • Not be employees or subcontractors of a U.S. government entity or for-profit private industry or be clinical fellows applying from a U.S. government laboratory (e.g., NIH, CDC, FDA, etc.).
  • For the Johnson & Johnson grant only, applicants must be female or belong to one of the following underrepresented groups as per NIH guidelines (Notice of NIH's Interest in Diversity)
    • Individuals from racial and ethnic groups that have been shown by the National Science Foundation to be underrepresented in health-related sciences on a national basis
    • Individuals with disabilities, who are defined as those with a physical impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities
    • Individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds
Citizenship Requirements
There are no citizenship requirements. However, by submitting an application for this grant, the applicant who is not a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident assures that their visa status will provide sufficient time to complete the project and grant term. The applicant should ensure that their visa status will allow them to complete the fellowship onsite with the industry partner while maintaining their employment with the host institution.
AACR Membership Requirements
Applicants must be AACR members. Annual dues are not required for early-career researchers interested in Associate membership. Nonmembers interested in this grant opportunity must submit a satisfactory application for AACR membership by the application deadline. Nonmembers can apply for membership online or by submitting the Official Membership Application Form to the AACR with the required documents. Please review the Membership Categories for the category that best fits your qualifications. Members can renew their membership through myAACR to bring their membership current. You will need your login (email address) and password to access the member portal. If you require assistance logging in, please contact myaacr@aacr.orgLapsed members must be members in good standing by the application deadline and should contact the Membership Department at for assistance.
Application Instructions

Program Guidelines and Application Instructions are available here.

Applicants should send all application materials as email attachments to under the subject line “Applicant name - AACR CORE Training Fellowship Application Submission”, including:

A. Completed Application Form with all necessary signatures obtained

B. Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae

C. Academic Mentor's Biographical Sketch

Applicants should contact AACR’s SRGA to provide the e-mail address of the academic mentor submitting a letter of reference and the e-mail address of the endorser (if applicable) at least two weeks before the application deadlines. AACR’s SRGA will reach out to them for letter(s) of reference with instructions, and the letter(s) should be sent directly from the academic mentor and endorser (if applicable) to

D. Letter(s) of Reference

a. Academic Mentor's Letter of Reference

b. Endorser's Letter of Reference (if applicable)

E.  Applicant Checklist with all necessary signatures obtained

Please review section 3.3. of the Program Guidelines and Application Instructions for detailed instructions. An application is only considered complete when all required documents are received and are in compliance with the Program Guidelines.

For frequently asked questions and additional information, please review frequently asked questions (FAQ) here.

Applicants with questions about this grant may contact AACR's Scientific Review and Grants Administration (AACR’s SRGA) at before submitting an application.

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

Grant Amount$100,000 USD Grant Term1 Year Application DeadlineAugust 31, 2023 5:00 PM Additional InformationThis grant program pertains to the following fellowships: AACR-AstraZeneca Clinical Hematolo...View more

The Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (MSPRF) funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) support the postdoctoral training of American researchers in mathematics. Applicants must have completed their doctoral degree in a relevant field within the past 2 years. Applicants must be citizens, nationals, or permanent residents of the USA. The fellowship provides a total of 190,000 USD for up to 48 months (stipend support is limited to 24 months). Applications close annually on the third Wednesday of October.

The next applications close on October 18, 2023.

More info at funder's site

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

The Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (MSPRF) funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) support the postdoctoral training of American researchers in mathematics. Applic...View more

The University of British Columbia - The Outer Space Institute

Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2023-08-16
Advertised until: 2023-09-15

The Outer Space Institute (OSI) is inviting applications for two post-doctoral research fellowships in the field of space security, broadly defined.

The OSI is a network of world-leading space experts united by their commitment to highly innovative, transdisciplinary research that addresses grand challenges facing the continued use and exploration of space. Comprised of physical scientists, social scientists, lawyers, engineers, industry leaders, and policy makers, the OSI seeks to identify problems and solutions that have been overlooked by other groups.

The two post-doc fellowships provide the same degree of support as top Canadian post-doctoral fellowships: CAD$70,000 per year (taxable). They are for 2 years, with the possibility of a short extension. Additional funds will be available for travel and research.

The positions will be based in the Department of Political Science at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, but the research will be transdisciplinary and candidates from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply, including but not limited to engineering and physical sciences, law, and social sciences. A PhD or equivalent postgraduate degree is generally required, though candidates with relevant professional experience will also be considered.

The post-doctoral fellows will work with Professors Michael Byers (Department of Political Science) and Aaron Boley (Department of Physics and Astronomy) on research in the field of space security, broadly defined to include safety and sustainability. They will also have time to pursue their own research interests. Our intent is to help launch promising young scholars into highly successful careers.

How to Apply Interested applicants should send the following to Andrew Falle (he/him), Research Coordinator, Outer Space Institute, at:

  • Short cover letter
  • Curriculum vitae
  • List of publications
  • The Names of three referees

Deadline to Apply Consideration of candidates will begin on September 15, 2023, but applications are welcome after that date. Successful candidates will be able to take up their fellowships as early as January 2024, or as late as April 2024.

Equity and Diversity Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. If two candidates are of equal merit, Canadian law requires that Canadians and permanent residents of Canada be given priority.

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

The University of British Columbia – The Outer Space Institute Location: British Columbia Date posted: 2023-08-16 Advertised until: 2023-09-15 The Outer Space Institute (OSI) is inviting applic...View more

Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2023-08-15
Advertised until: 2023-10-14

Location: Vancouver Reports To: Department Chair

University Canada West has opened a new campus at Vancouver House and is experiencing significant growth. We are seeking a passionate learner-centered sessional faculty with specializations to teach:

GEOGRAPHY: GEOG 101: Physical Geography

About University Canada West UCW is a business and technology oriented, teaching intensive university and has the fastest growing MBA program in Canada. Balanced with a BCOM degree, a BA in Business Communications and an AA degree, UCW offers students a solid grounding in academic knowledge and skills, interactive, experiential education in business and digital literacy skills. Faculty are responsible for interactive engaging teaching, staying active in their field through scholarly activities, and serving their Departments and the UCW university community through committee work. Responsibilities include working with colleagues to develop or modify the curriculum, preparing and updating course materials, teaching, working with students to improve their knowledge and career readiness skills, assessing student progress through grading assignments, papers, exams and other work, and maintaining currency about changes and innovations in your field and related teaching implications (examples, activities, approaches).

Specific Responsibilities

Faculty will:

  • Create a positive classroom and learning environment through effective student engagement
  • Provide constructive feedback to facilitate student learning and achievement
  • Employ a variety of appropriate teaching/learning strategies and activities to actively engage students and to apply their learning
  • Guide class discussions while encouraging debate, critical thinking and constructive feedback by students
  • Employ and further develop skills in academic technologies and tools to enhance and support student learning
  • Ensure teaching design and methods comply with pedagogical and UCW standards
  • Assess student achievement of learning outcomes using a variety of assessments and learning activities
  • Develop, revise and adapt appropriate learning resources for students
  • Provide academic support to students inside and outside of the classroom (regularly scheduled office hours, email, group study sessions, etc.)
  • Make appropriate student referrals to academic and personal university support programs as and when needed
  • Contribute to high quality curriculum development and revision
  • Maintain contacts with relevant industry and professional associations
  • Attend and participate in department and university faculty meetings pertinent to faculty responsibilities
  • Contribute to professional conferences, seminars, and workshops in your field of expertise and in teaching and learning
  • Remain current in technical knowledge and instructional delivery approaches and techniques
  • Participate in professional development workshops, seminars and training and maintain your own continuing professional development
  • Conduct further research into their specific field of knowledge and/or scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Depending on expertise, instruct in a range of programs such as in the ACBSP accredited BCom & MBA programs, or in the BA Business Communications or Associate of Arts degrees.

General Requirements and Competencies for All Faculty


  • Master’s degree in a relevant discipline
  • Demonstrated experience in effective teaching at the post-secondary level
  • Willing to use or learn to use, academic technology and tools to enhance and support student learning
  • Ability to teach in face-to-face, blended and online environments
  • Ability to employ active learning, experiential learning and learner centered approaches to teaching
  • Demonstrated ability and commitment to cultivating equitable and inclusive learning environments
  • Demonstrated ability to teach students with diverse social identities and backgrounds
  • Effective time management skills
  • Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills


  • Terminal degree in a relevant discipline PhD/DBA
  • 5+ years experience post-secondary teaching in face-to-face, blended and online environments
  • Experience in teaching students with diverse social identities and backgrounds
  • Demonstrated experience employing active learning, experiential learning and learner centered approaches
  • Professional experience in industry or business
  • Knowledge and experience in course design and development
  • Track record of scholarly activity in the field and/or scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Evidence of excellence in teaching, assessing student work and providing constructive feedback

Specific Requirements and Competencies for [GEOG 101: Geography] Faculty

The specifics below may exceed or take precedence over general requirements and competencies

  • An advanced degree in a relevant area (e.g., Geography, Ecology); Ph.D. is preferred
  • A successful record of teaching geography or environmental science is required along with an appreciation of Indigenous perspectives, equity, diversity, and inclusion
  • Five years or more current and related teaching experience in a post-secondary setting
  • Superior record of scholarly contribution in the candidate’s field of research or demonstrated research and publication potential
  • Demonstrated ability to combine hands on learning in both physical and human geography with an emphasis on the urban/city environment and climate change
  • BC Instructor Diploma or BC Teaching Certificate is highly desirable

Please note: UCW has limited online teaching vacancies and has immediate need for faculty to teach in-person at our downtown Vancouver campuses.

Application Process Interested applicants should submit the following materials (preferably as a single PDF file): cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV) (please include your current physical address, email, and contact phone number) including evidence of teaching experience and scholarly accomplishments, cover letter clearly indicating the program and/or course(s), a sample syllabi, and teaching portfolio (if applicable) as well as the names of three referees to:

Diversity and Inclusivity Statement University Canada West is strongly committed to equity, diversity, and inclusivity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of color, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2S+ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

The University recognizes that applicants may have had obligations outside of work that have negatively impacted their record of achievements (e.g., parental, elder care, and/or medical). You are not required to disclose these obligations in the hiring process. If you choose to do so, the University will ensure that these obligations do not negatively impact the assessment of your qualifications for the position.

If you require any accommodations at any point during the application and hiring process, please contact

Land Acknowledgement The University acknowledges that the territories on which UCW and its campuses are situated are the traditional, ancestral and unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and Səl̓ílwətaʔ (Selilwitulh) Nations. We thank them for having cared for this land since time immemorial, honor their graciousness to the students who seek knowledge here and iterate our dedication to valuing the ongoing contributions of Indigenous peoples and communities.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: British Columbia Date posted: 2023-08-15 Advertised until: 2023-10-14 Location: Vancouver Reports To: Department Chair University Canada West has opened a new campus at Vancouver House and i...View more

Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2023-08-15
Advertised until: 2023-10-14

Location: Vancouver Reports To: Department Chair

University Canada West has opened a new campus at Vancouver House and is experiencing significant growth. We are seeking a passionate learner-centered sessional faculty with specializations to teach:


ESPT 360: Esports Community Development

About University Canada West UCW is a business and technology oriented, teaching intensive university and has the fastest growing MBA program in Canada. Balanced with a BCOM degree, a BA in Business Communications and an AA degree, UCW offers students a solid grounding in academic knowledge and skills, interactive, experiential education in business and digital literacy skills. Faculty are responsible for interactive engaging teaching, staying active in their field through scholarly activities, and serving their Departments and the UCW university community through committee work. Responsibilities include working with colleagues to develop or modify the curriculum, preparing and updating course materials, teaching, working with students to improve their knowledge and career readiness skills, assessing student progress through grading assignments, papers, exams and other work, and maintaining currency about changes and innovations in your field and related teaching implications (examples, activities, approaches).

Specific Responsibilities

Faculty will:

  • Create a positive classroom and learning environment through effective student engagement
  • Provide constructive feedback to facilitate student learning and achievement
  • Employ a variety of appropriate teaching/learning strategies and activities to actively engage students and to apply their learning
  • Guide class discussions while encouraging debate, critical thinking and constructive feedback by students
  • Employ and further develop skills in academic technologies and tools to enhance and support student learning
  • Ensure teaching design and methods comply with pedagogical and UCW standards
  • Assess student achievement of learning outcomes using a variety of assessments and learning activities
  • Develop, revise and adapt appropriate learning resources for students
  • Provide academic support to students inside and outside of the classroom (regularly scheduled office hours, email, group study sessions, etc.)
  • Make appropriate student referrals to academic and personal university support programs as and when needed
  • Contribute to high quality curriculum development and revision
  • Maintain contacts with relevant industry and professional associations
  • Attend and participate in department and university faculty meetings pertinent to faculty responsibilities
  • Contribute to professional conferences, seminars, and workshops in your field of expertise and in teaching and learning
  • Remain current in technical knowledge and instructional delivery approaches and techniques
  • Participate in professional development workshops, seminars and training and maintain your own continuing professional development
  • Conduct further research into their specific field of knowledge and/or scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Depending on expertise, instruct in a range of programs such as in the ACBSP accredited BCom & MBA programs, or in the BA Business Communications or Associate of Arts degrees.

General Requirements and Competencies for All Faculty


  • Master’s degree in a relevant discipline
  • Demonstrated experience in effective teaching at the post-secondary level
  • Willing to use or learn to use, academic technology and tools to enhance and support student learning
  • Ability to teach in face-to-face, blended and online environments
  • Ability to employ active learning, experiential learning and learner centered approaches to teaching
  • Demonstrated ability and commitment to cultivating equitable and inclusive learning environments
  • Demonstrated ability to teach students with diverse social identities and backgrounds
  • Effective time management skills
  • Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills


  • Terminal degree in a relevant discipline PhD/DBA
  • 5+ years experience post-secondary teaching in face-to-face, blended and online environments
  • Experience in teaching students with diverse social identities and backgrounds
  • Demonstrated experience employing active learning, experiential learning and learner centered approaches
  • Professional experience in industry or business
  • Knowledge and experience in course design and development
  • Track record of scholarly activity in the field and/or scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Evidence of excellence in teaching, assessing student work and providing constructive feedback

Specific Requirements and Competencies for [ESPT 360: Esports Community Development] Faculty

The specifics below may exceed or take precedence over general requirements and competencies

  • Must have a master’s degree in business completed by several years of industry experience in the Esports/ EGaming field, preferably at the executive level
  • Ph.D., DBA, or professional designation preferred

Please note: UCW has limited online teaching vacancies and has immediate need for faculty to teach in-person at our downtown Vancouver campuses.

Application Process Interested applicants should submit the following materials (preferably as a single PDF file): cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV) (please include your current physical address, email, and contact phone number) including evidence of teaching experience and scholarly accomplishments, cover letter clearly indicating the program and/or course(s), a sample syllabi, and teaching portfolio (if applicable) as well as the names of three referees to:

Diversity and Inclusivity Statement University Canada West is strongly committed to equity, diversity, and inclusivity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of color, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2S+ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

The University recognizes that applicants may have had obligations outside of work that have negatively impacted their record of achievements (e.g., parental, elder care, and/or medical). You are not required to disclose these obligations in the hiring process. If you choose to do so, the University will ensure that these obligations do not negatively impact the assessment of your qualifications for the position.

If you require any accommodations at any point during the application and hiring process, please contact

Land AcknowledgementThe University acknowledges that the territories on which UCW and its campuses are situated are the traditional, ancestral and unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and Səl̓ílwətaʔ (Selilwitulh) Nations. We thank them for having cared for this land since time immemorial, honor their graciousness to the students who seek knowledge here and iterate our dedication to valuing the ongoing contributions of Indigenous peoples and communities.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: British Columbia Date posted: 2023-08-15 Advertised until: 2023-10-14 Location: Vancouver Reports To: Department Chair University Canada West has opened a new campus at Vancouver House and i...View more

Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2023-08-15
Advertised until: 2023-10-14

Location: Vancouver Reports To: Department Chair

University Canada West has opened a new campus at Vancouver House and is experiencing significant growth. We are seeking a passionate learner-centered sessional faculty with specializations to teach:

MBA FOUNDATION: MBAF 501: Introducing Business & Business Communications.

About University Canada West UCW is a business and technology oriented, teaching intensive university and has the fastest growing MBA program in Canada. Balanced with a BCOM degree, a BA in Business Communications and an AA degree, UCW offers students a solid grounding in academic knowledge and skills, interactive, experiential education in business and digital literacy skills. Faculty are responsible for interactive engaging teaching, staying active in their field through scholarly activities, and serving their Departments and the UCW university community through committee work. Responsibilities include working with colleagues to develop or modify the curriculum, preparing and updating course materials, teaching, working with students to improve their knowledge and career readiness skills, assessing student progress through grading assignments, papers, exams and other work, and maintaining currency about changes and innovations in your field and related teaching implications (examples, activities, approaches).

Specific Responsibilities

Faculty will:

  • Create a positive classroom and learning environment through effective student engagement
  • Provide constructive feedback to facilitate student learning and achievement
  • Employ a variety of appropriate teaching/learning strategies and activities to actively engage students and to apply their learning
  • Guide class discussions while encouraging debate, critical thinking and constructive feedback by students
  • Employ and further develop skills in academic technologies and tools to enhance and support student learning
  • Ensure teaching design and methods comply with pedagogical and UCW standards
  • Assess student achievement of learning outcomes using a variety of assessments and learning activities
  • Develop, revise and adapt appropriate learning resources for students
  • Provide academic support to students inside and outside of the classroom (regularly scheduled office hours, email, group study sessions, etc.)
  • Make appropriate student referrals to academic and personal university support programs as and when needed
  • Contribute to high quality curriculum development and revision
  • Maintain contacts with relevant industry and professional associations
  • Attend and participate in department and university faculty meetings pertinent to faculty responsibilities
  • Contribute to professional conferences, seminars, and workshops in your field of expertise and in teaching and learning
  • Remain currency in technical knowledge and instructional delivery approaches and techniques
  • Participate in professional development workshops, seminars and training and maintain your own continuing professional development
  • Conduct further research into their specific field of knowledge and/or scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Depending on expertise, instruct in a range of programs such as in the ACBSP accredited BCom & MBA programs, or in the BA Business Communications or Associate of Arts degrees.

General Requirements and Competencies for All Faculty


  • Master’s degree in a relevant discipline
  • Demonstrated experience in effective teaching at the post-secondary level
  • Willing to use or learn to use, academic technology and tools to enhance and support student learning
  • Ability to teach in face-to-face, blended and online environments
  • Ability to employ active learning, experiential learning and learner centered approaches to teaching
  • Demonstrated ability and commitment to cultivating equitable and inclusive learning environments
  • Demonstrated ability to teach students with diverse social identities and backgrounds
  • Effective time management skills
  • Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills


  • Terminal degree in a relevant discipline
  • 5+ years experience post-secondary teaching in face-to-face, blended and online environments
  • Experience in teaching students with diverse social identities and backgrounds
  • Demonstrated experience employing active learning, experiential learning and learner centered approaches
  • Professional experience in industry or business
  • Knowledge and experience in course design and development
  • Track record of scholarly activity in the field and/or scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Evidence of excellence in teaching, assessing student work and providing constructive feedback

Note: This position includes requests for service (such as committee work and student coaching) within the university.

Specific Requirements and Competencies for [MBAF 501: Introducing Business & Business Communications] Faculty

The specifics below may exceed or take precedence over aforementioned general requirements and competencies

  • Industry background as director, managers or CEO with an excellent English proficiency

Application Process

Vid Recruiter:

Interested applicants should submit the following materials (preferably as a single PDF file): cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV) (please include your current physical address, email, and contact phone number) including evidence of teaching experience and scholarly accomplishments, cover letter clearly indicating the program and/or course(s), a sample syllabi, and teaching portfolio (if applicable) as well as the names of three referees to:

Diversity and Inclusivity Statement University Canada West is strongly committed to equity, diversity, and inclusivity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of color, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2S+ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

The University recognizes that applicants may have had obligations outside of work that have negatively impacted their record of achievements (e.g., parental, elder care, and/or medical). You are not required to disclose these obligations in the hiring process. If you choose to do so, the University will ensure that these obligations do not negatively impact the assessment of your qualifications for the position.

If you require any accommodations at any point during the application and hiring process, please contact

Land Acknowledgement The University acknowledges that the territories on which UCW and its campuses are situated are the traditional, ancestral and unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and Səl̓ílwətaʔ (Selilwitulh) Nations. We thank them for having cared for this land since time immemorial, honor their graciousness to the students who seek knowledge here and iterate our dedication to valuing the ongoing contributions of Indigenous peoples and communities.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: British Columbia Date posted: 2023-08-15 Advertised until: 2023-10-14 Location: Vancouver Reports To: Department Chair University Canada West has opened a new campus at Vancouver House and i...View more

Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2023-08-15
Advertised until: 2023-10-14

Location: Vancouver Reports To: Department Chair

University Canada West has opened a new campus at Vancouver House and is experiencing significant growth. We are seeking a passionate learner-centered sessional faculty with specializations to teach:


COMM 306: Creative Non-Fiction COMM 310: Technical Writing and Business Communications COMM 312: Professional Communications COMM 405: Advanced Media & Communications Writing COMM 410: Communications Strategy COMM 497: Communications Capstone 1 COMM 498: Communications Capstone 2

About University Canada West UCW is a business and technology oriented, teaching intensive university and has the fastest growing MBA program in Canada. Balanced with a BCOM degree, a BA in Business Communications and an AA degree, UCW offers students a solid grounding in academic knowledge and skills, interactive, experiential education in business and digital literacy skills. Faculty are responsible for interactive engaging teaching, staying active in their field through scholarly activities, and serving their Departments and the UCW university community through committee work. Responsibilities include working with colleagues to develop or modify the curriculum, preparing and updating course materials, teaching, working with students to improve their knowledge and career readiness skills, assessing student progress through grading assignments, papers, exams and other work, and maintaining currency about changes and innovations in your field and related teaching implications (examples, activities, approaches).

Specific Responsibilities

Faculty will:

  • Create a positive classroom and learning environment through effective student engagement
  • Provide constructive feedback to facilitate student learning and achievement
  • Employ a variety of appropriate teaching/learning strategies and activities to actively engage students and to apply their learning
  • Guide class discussions while encouraging debate, critical thinking and constructive feedback by students
  • Employ and further develop skills in academic technologies and tools to enhance and support student learning
  • Ensure teaching design and methods comply with pedagogical and UCW standards
  • Assess student achievement of learning outcomes using a variety of assessments and learning activities
  • Develop, revise and adapt appropriate learning resources for students
  • Provide academic support to students inside and outside of the classroom (regularly scheduled office hours, email, group study sessions, etc.)
  • Make appropriate student referrals to academic and personal university support programs as and when needed
  • Contribute to high quality curriculum development and revision
  • Maintain contacts with relevant industry and professional associations
  • Attend and participate in department and university faculty meetings pertinent to faculty responsibilities
  • Contribute to professional conferences, seminars, and workshops in your field of expertise and in teaching and learning
  • Remain current in technical knowledge and instructional delivery approaches and techniques
  • Participate in professional development workshops, seminars and training and maintain your own continuing professional development
  • Conduct further research into their specific field of knowledge and/or scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Depending on expertise, instruct in a range of programs such as in the ACBSP accredited BCom & MBA programs, or in the BA Business Communications or Associate of Arts degrees.

General Requirements and Competencies for All Faculty


  • Master’s degree in a relevant discipline
  • Demonstrated experience in effective teaching at the post-secondary level
  • Willing to use or learn to use, academic technology and tools to enhance and support student learning
  • Ability to teach in face-to-face, blended and online environments
  • Ability to employ active learning, experiential learning and learner centered approaches to teaching
  • Demonstrated ability and commitment to cultivating equitable and inclusive learning environments
  • Demonstrated ability to teach students with diverse social identities and backgrounds
  • Effective time management skills
  • Excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills


  • Terminal degree in a relevant discipline PhD/DBA
  • 5+ years experience post-secondary teaching in face-to-face, blended and online environments
  • Experience in teaching students with diverse social identities and backgrounds
  • Demonstrated experience employing active learning, experiential learning and learner centered approaches
  • Professional experience in industry or business
  • Knowledge and experience in course design and development
  • Track record of scholarly activity in the field and/or scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Evidence of excellence in teaching, assessing student work and providing constructive feedback

Specific Requirements and Competencies for [COMM 306 – 498: Communications] Faculty

The specifics below may exceed or take precedence over general requirements and competencies

  • Ph.D. in English or Communications
  • Masters level degree in Business Communications or related fields, preferably with a specialization in business and professional communications
  • Ability to work collaboratively and productively with other instructors and staff
  • Successful candidates will introduce to students the principles and application of speaking effectively to diverse audiences in a variety of settings and the fundamentals of mass communications

Please note: UCW has limited online teaching vacancies and has immediate need for faculty to teach in-person at our downtown Vancouver campuses.

Application Process Interested applicants should submit the following materials (preferably as a single PDF file): cover letter, curriculum vitae (CV) (please include your current physical address, email, and contact phone number) including evidence of teaching experience and scholarly accomplishments, cover letter clearly indicating the program and/or course(s), a sample syllabi, and teaching portfolio (if applicable) as well as the names of three referees to:

Diversity and Inclusivity Statement University Canada West is strongly committed to equity, diversity, and inclusivity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of color, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2S+ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

The University recognizes that applicants may have had obligations outside of work that have negatively impacted their record of achievements (e.g., parental, elder care, and/or medical). You are not required to disclose these obligations in the hiring process. If you choose to do so, the University will ensure that these obligations do not negatively impact the assessment of your qualifications for the position.

If you require any accommodations at any point during the application and hiring process, please contact

Land AcknowledgementThe University acknowledges that the territories on which UCW and its campuses are situated are the traditional, ancestral and unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish) and Səl̓ílwətaʔ (Selilwitulh) Nations. We thank them for having cared for this land since time immemorial, honor their graciousness to the students who seek knowledge here and iterate our dedication to valuing the ongoing contributions of Indigenous peoples and communities.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: British Columbia Date posted: 2023-08-15 Advertised until: 2023-10-14 Location: Vancouver Reports To: Department Chair University Canada West has opened a new campus at Vancouver House and i...View more