Job Archives

Le laboratoire INSERM U1253 recrute un chercheur associé (avec 0 à 3 ans d'expérience post-doctorale) pour mener un projet de recherche financé par l'ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) visant à développer des traceurs TEP pour l'α-synucléine. La protéine α-synucléine s'accumule et s'agrège dans le cerveau des patients atteints de la maladie de Parkinson, provoquant la mort des neurones dopaminergiques des voies striatonigrales. Être capable de surveiller la charge en α-synucléine chez les patients parkinsoniens permettrait un diagnostic et une stratification plus fins des patients pour i) mieux comprendre la progression de la maladie et la relation entre la charge en α-synucléine et les symptômes et ii)surveiller l’efficacité des nouvelles thérapies. Cependant, jusqu’à présent, il n’existe aucun radiotraceur TEP présentant une spécificité élevée pour l’α-synucléine, et la liaison à d’autres agrégats tels que la β-amyloïde est courante. L'objectif de ce projet est de cribler de nouvelles molécules in vitro pour établir leurs propriétés pharmacologiques à l'aide d'expériences de liaison sur des préparations de cultures cellulaires et des coupes de cerveau et, une fois qu'un candidat approprié aura été identifié, procéder à sa caractérisation et validation in vivo par PET- CT dans des modèles animaux. Le candidat idéal aurait des connaissances en pharmacologie, neurosciences et maladies neurodégénératives (idéalement maladie de Parkinson) et une expérience antérieure (doctorat ou post-doctorat) en i) culture cellulaire, ii)expériences de liaison in vitro et iii) imagerie in vivo (de préférence, mais non obligatoire, TEP et développement de traceurs).


  • Cultures cellulaires.
  • Préparation et coupe des tissus.
  • Réalisation d'expériences de liaison (compétition, saturation) in vitro sur des préparations de cultures cellulaires et du cerveau (coupe et/ou homogénats) avec de nouveaux ligands.
  • Interprétation des données in vitro pour sélectionner les meilleurs composés pour le radiomarquage.
  • Réalisation de scans PET-CT chez de petits animaux avec les composés sélectionnés.
  • Analyse des images et des données TEP.
  • Interprétation et préparation des données pour publication, préparation du manuscrit.


  • Manipulation des animaux.
  • Préparation des animaux pour les PET scans.
  • Expériences in vitro : immunohistochimie, histologie, Western blot.

UNITÉ INSERM U1253 DIRECTEUR : Dr Catherine Belzung

Equipe 3 : Imagerie moléculaire et US & analyse d'images


Domaine de recherche
Sciences Biologiques
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
Sciences pharmacologiques
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
Domaine de recherche
niveau d'éducation
Doctorat ou équivalent
  • Excellente compréhension de la pharmacologie
  • Expérience antérieure dans la réalisation d'expériences de liaison.
  • Expérience en neuroimagerie (de préférence TEP, mais autres modalités acceptées)
Exigences particulières
Détenir une licence d'expérimentation animale et une expérience préalable en expérimentation animale serait un plus.

Informations Complémentaires

Processus de sélection

Les candidats doivent envoyer un CV et une lettre de motivation à : Dr Hervé Boutin ( ) ou Dr Sylvie Chalon ( )

Contact pour tout renseignement complémentaire (nom, téléphone/mail) : Dr Hervé Boutin ( ) ou Dr Sylvie Chalon ( )

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Le laboratoire INSERM U1253 recrute un chercheur associé (avec 0 à 3 ans d’expérience post-doctorale) pour mener un projet de recherche financé par l’ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recher...View more

Thinking of doing your PhD in the Life Sciences? The International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz is offering talented students the chance to work at the cutting edge of research. As an IPP PhD student, you will join a community of exceptional scientists working on diverse topics ranging from how organisms age or how our DNA is repaired, to how epigenetics regulates cellular identity or neural memory.

Activities and responsibilities:

In the field of “Ageing & Disease”, the research group of Björn Clausen offers the following PhD project:

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a leading cause of cancer-related deaths among men and women worldwide, with increasing incidence rates, in particular in young people. CRC can arise sporadically or due to chronic inflammation, and both genetic disposition as well as environmental factors contribute to the development of CRC. Risk factors include age and lifestyle such as poor dietary habits, alcohol consumption, smoking, obesity, and lack of physical activity, and possibly viral infections. Patients with long-standing inflammatory bowel diseases exhibit a higher risk to develop colitis-associated colorectal cancer (CAC).

B cells are an important part of the immune cell infiltrate of tumors, and their contribution to tumor initiation, development, and immunosurveillance is complex with both pro- and anti-tumorigenic effects. Recent studies implicate a fundamental role of B cells in shaping anti-tumor responses through several mechanisms. While IgA+ plasma cells regulate bacterial populations in the gut lumen in steady state, plasma cell-derived tumor-specific IgG1 antibodies mediate cell cytotoxicity and phagocytosis of tumor cells. In addition, B cells present tumor-specific antigens via MHCI and MHCII to T cells inducing their anti-tumor effector function. B cells also regulate the immune response within the tumor microenvironment through the release of cytokines, such as IFN-g, IL-12, or IL-10. CRC patients show substantial alterations in their B cell compartment, with increasing numbers of IL-10 producing B cells in advanced tumors and metastases. CRC patients with tumors highly infiltrated by CD20+ B cells display significantly improved survival, which suggests an anti-tumor role of B cells. In line, B cells are closely associated with CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, which are important in antigen-specific immunity against tumors. Antibody-independent mechanisms such as antigen presentation, cytokine production, direct cytotoxicity, and indirect effects through modulation of other immune cells have been demonstrated to be of great importance. Thus, whether B cells promote or inhibit tumor growth depends on different variables, such as temporal and spatial settings, as well as on the composition of B cell subsets. Therefore, a phenotypical and functional characterization of B cells in CRC tumor initiation and progression is of great interest with a possible therapeutic benefit.

PhD project: The role of B cells in Colorectal Cancer Development and Progression

The molecular and cellular mechanisms underpinning inflammatory processes that promote epithelial transition to carcinogenesis are still only insufficiently characterized, and especially how B cells contribute to these processes. We started investigating the role of B cells in the inflammatory phase, and at later time points of tumor development/progression in the well-established animal model of inflammation-induced CRC (AOM/DSS). We could show that B cells exert an important role by using B cell-deficient mice (JHT mice), which were completely resistant to AOM/DSS-induced inflammation as well as CRC development. Further, we could show that B cell-specific secretion of the immunosuppressive cytokine IL-10 drives CAC development, whereas it does not affect the inflammatory phase of CAC development.

In this proposed project, we will further elucidate the role of B cells in CAC using the AOM/DSS model. We will perform a detailed in vivo and in vitro analysis of different transgenic animals, manipulating, for example, antibody secretion using mice that are not able to secrete antibodies (IgMi mice). We will further use mice that allow us to delete B cells at any desired time point of CRC development to investigate the temporal/spatial role of B cells in colon carcinogenesis (iDTRCD19-cre mice).

In addition, we will employ a non-inflammatory model of sporadic CRC since preliminary data also show a significant role of B cells in this tumor entity. Besides these animal models, we will perform different molecular methods, flow cytometric analysis, immunohistochemistry as well as single cell and bulk RNA sequencing from tumors as well as the tumor microenvironment. We will create organoids, if possible, also from human tissue samples.

Finally, we will translate our experimental findings to the clinic by using human CRC samples from patients with inflammation-induced CRC in comparison to patients suffering from sporadic CRC and investigate the contribution of B cells.

Of note, this project is jointly conducted by the Hövelmeyer and Clausen laboratories at the Institute for Molecular Medicine in Mainz, as funded by the established DFG CRC 1292.

If you are interested in this project, please select Clausen (Canc) as your group preference in the IPP application platform.

What we offer:

  • Exciting, interdisciplinary projects in a fully international environment, with English as our working language
  • Advanced training in scientific techniques and professional skills
  • Access to our state-of-the-art Core Facilities and their technical expertise
  • Fully funded positions with financing until the completion of your thesis
  • A lively community of more than 190 PhD students from 44 different countries


Are you an ambitious, young scientist looking to push the boundaries of science while interacting with colleagues from multiple disciplines and cultures? Then the IPP is your opportunity to give your scientific career a flying start!

All you need is:

  • Master or equivalent
  • Interactive personality & good command of English
  • 2 letters of reference

For more details on the projects offered and how to apply via our online form, please visit

The deadline for applications is 8 November 2023. Interviews will take place at IMB in Mainz on 22-24 January 2024.

Starting date: 1 March 2024 – 1 August 2024

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Thinking of doing your PhD in the Life Sciences? The International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz is offering talented students the chance to work at the cutting edge of research. As an IPP PhD student, ...View more

Thinking of doing your PhD in the Life Sciences? The International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz is offering talented students the chance to work at the cutting edge of research. As an IPP PhD student, you will join a community of exceptional scientists working on diverse topics ranging from how organisms age or how our DNA is repaired, to how epigenetics regulates cellular identity or neural memory.

Activities and responsibilities:

In the field of “Ageing & Disease”, the research group of Björn Clausen offers the following PhD project:

The oral mucosa represents a barrier tissue to the environment where the balance of immunity and tolerance is vital, as it is constantly exposed to pathogens and harmless foreign antigens, including commensals. A breakdown of this balance leads to dysbiosis resulting in periodontitis, an infection-induced inflammatory disease characterized by irreversible destruction of the tooth-supporting tissues including loss of the underlying bone. Moreover, it is considered a risk factor for life-threatening conditions such as cardiovascular disease. Dendritic cells (DC), including Langerhans cells (LC), have the unique capacity to promote both tolerogenic and inflammatory immune responses. Hence, in order to design effective therapeutic strategies to treat periodontitis and reduce the risk of developing comorbidities, it is essential to understand how DC in the oral mucosa maintain immune homeostasis.

PhD project: E-cadherin and β-catenin signaling in dendritic cells for the maintenance of immune homeostasis in the oral mucosa

One pathway that plays a crucial role in DC homeostasis and tolerance induction is E-cadherin/β-catenin signaling. The cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin is only expressed by LC and we recently showed that it is involved in the 2-step process of their differentiation in the oral mucosa. Notably, to what extent E-cadherin/β-catenin signaling regulates LC/DC homeostasis and function in the oral mucosa is not known. In pilot experiments, we analyzed the oral mucosa of transgenic mice lacking E-cadherin in CD11c+ cells (CD11c-EcadDEL) and observed an altered LC subset distribution and a dramatically changed morphology with more rounded cell bodies and fewer dendrites compared to controls. In the proposed project a detailed in vivo and in vitro analysis of CD11c-EcadDEL and β-catenin deficient (CD11c-βcatDEL) mice will be performed. First, we will assess LC and DC homeostasis, activation and migration in the different oral tissues by high-dimensional flow cytometry as well as the impact of CD11c-specific E-cadherin or β-catenin deletion on other immune cell populations. Moreover, we detected oral dysbiosis in our CD11c-EcadDEL mice and therefore, a detailed taxonomic microbiota analysis will be performed in this project. Since persistent microbial dysbiosis results in inflammation and subsequently alveolar bone loss, we will analyze the oral tissues of CD11c-EcadDEL and CD11c-βcatDEL mice for T cell infiltration and inflammatory cytokines. Bone loss will be monitored by micro computed tomography (µCT) scans. Finally, in different mouse models of periodontitis (P. gingivalis- and ligature-induced periodontal disease) we will interrogate the impact of E-cadherin/β-catenin signaling on LC/DC during infection and inflammation. Applying single-cell RNA sequencing the molecular pathways affected by E-cadherin/ β-catenin signals in oral mucosal LC/DC will be deciphered. Our expected findings may thus have important implications for designing improved LC/DC-based strategies for the treatment of periodontal disease.

If you are interested in this project, please select Clausen (DC) as your group preference in the IPP application platform.

What we offer:

  • Exciting, interdisciplinary projects in a fully international environment, with English as our working language
  • Advanced training in scientific techniques and professional skills
  • Access to our state-of-the-art Core Facilities and their technical expertise
  • Fully funded positions with financing until the completion of your thesis
  • A lively community of more than 190 PhD students from 44 different countries


Are you an ambitious, young scientist looking to push the boundaries of science while interacting with colleagues from multiple disciplines and cultures? Then the IPP is your opportunity to give your scientific career a flying start!

All you need is:

  • Master or equivalent
  • Interactive personality & good command of English
  • 2 letters of reference

For more details on the projects offered and how to apply via our online form, please visit

The deadline for applications is 8 November 2023. Interviews will take place at IMB in Mainz on 22-24 January 2024.

Starting date: 1 March 2024 – 1 August 2024

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Thinking of doing your PhD in the Life Sciences? The International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz is offering talented students the chance to work at the cutting edge of research. As an IPP PhD student, ...View more

You will work with a team of researchers and developers from UPF. Martí Sánchez Fibla will be the scientific person in charge. You will have the opportunity to directly interact with the innovation line of the company but from the university and with a research focus.

You will be working in the project Matching Learning ( BMAT-UPF) in close collaboration with the company BMAT ( BMAT is a music company that uses artificial intelligence to index, monitor and report music usage and ownership data across TVs, radios, venues and digital platforms worldwide.

This offer gives the opportunity to work on a highly new and innovative field: the application of state of the art Natural Language Processing tools based on Deep Learning and Large Language Models (GPTx and open source versions of ChatGPT) to process (semi and unstructured) data.. The challenges that you will be addressing will be realistic and relevant for industry as they will be provided directly from BMAT.

These tasks are related to completion of the project by 30/05/2024. The concrete tasks to be accomplished are:

  • T1. Intelligent meta-data matching. Develop python software based on Deep Learning techniques (through Deep Neural Networks, DNNs as transformers networks, through the use of the so-called Embeddings) to resolve the matching problems of metadata that the company has identified. Datasets will be provided and different techniques will be implemented, tested and benchmarked.
  • T2. Develop specific methods for a specific use-case. Do specific training of DNNs to solve the metadata matching problems in a specific domain: for example the Music Production domain. Compare how a specific fine tuning of DNNs can solve the tasks better. Evaluate and benchmark results.

Dedication and working hours: Part time (30h/week)

Planned remuneration approx: 27.280,86 € gross / year

Main research field: Artificial Intelligence / Natural Language Processing

Project: Motor de reconciliación de entidades impulsado por IA para la industria de la música (Matching Learning)

Financing fund: CN08722 - BMAT LICENSING, S.L.U.-Martí Sánchez Fibla- Realización del proyecto consistente en aplicar los recientes resultados en investigación en Inteligencia Artificial del procesado del lenguaje aportados por UPF, a la gran cantidad y diversidad de datos en el dominio de producción musical de BMAT, the project ends on 30/05/2024.


Research Field
Computer science
Education Level
Bachelor Degree or equivalent
We will value:
  • Experience in Natural Language Processing (NLP) programming techniques.
  • Knowledge of specific NLP libraries like Hugging Face transformers API.
  • The position has a research focus so we will value the ability to read, understand and be able to use code from research papers of the field. Example of papers that can be relevant: “Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space”, Mikolov et al., 2013; “Attention is all you need”, Vaswani et al., 2017.
Specific Requirements
  • Engineer with an undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in Computer Science or related disciplines, with a Final Project related to the field.
  • Previous contact with the academic world either: having done a Master Thesis in a related topic or an internship in a research group or an internship in a company.
  • Proficiency in Python programming will be required and proven experience with deep learning in any of the libraries tensorflow / keras / pytorch.
  • Good English Level, reading and writing.
The expected start date is 10 Novembre 2023, the job is in Barcelona, and Nie and a work permit is required and in case of not having it, demonstrate being in a process of renewal of visa and having a residency in Barcelona one week previous to the start.

Additional Information

Eligibility criteria
The selection of the candidates will be made through evaluation of the curriculum and, where appropriate, with the carrying out a test and/or interview. Valuation will be as follows:
  • Academic background: 30 points.
  • Relevant research and/or professional experience: 50 points - Experience in Natural Language Processing. (NLP) programming technique.
  • Other merits: 20 points - Knowledge of specific NLP libraries like Hugging Face transformers API., The position has a research focus so we will value the ability to read, understand and be able to use code from research papers of the field. Example of papers that can be relevant: “Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space”, Mikolov et al., 2013; “Attention is all you need”, Vaswani et al., 2017.
The minimum score to pass the selection process is 80 points. The candidate with the highest score in the selection process will be offered the job and in case of resignation, the position will be awarded to the next person in order of score obtained, as long as the established minimum score has been passed.
Additional comments

For more information about the call, how to apply, the list of those admitted and excluded, as well as the hiring proposal, check the website:

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

You will work with a team of researchers and developers from UPF. Martí Sánchez Fibla will be the scientific person in charge. You will have the opportunity to directly interact with the innovation ...View more

Thinking of doing your PhD in the Life Sciences? The International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz is offering talented students the chance to work at the cutting edge of research. As an IPP PhD student, you will join a community of exceptional scientists working on diverse topics ranging from how organisms age or how our DNA is repaired, to how epigenetics regulates cellular identity or neural memory.

Activities and responsibilities:

In the field of “Ageing & Disease”, the research group of Wolfram Ruf offers the following PhD project:

Bone marrow-resident hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC) are the source of all mature blood cells and replenish the body needs continuously in homeostasis and challenges throughout the life of the host. Although hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are mainly quiescent, they reversibly switch to proliferation upon challenges, such as infection, bleeding, or circadian rhythm. HSCs become dysfunctional in aging by incompletely understood cues from the bone marrow environment. This results in imbalances in the differentiation of HSPC that results in more inflammation (myeloid skewing) and age-related pathologies. Interactions of HSPC with various cellular and soluble (growth factors, extracellular vesicles) components of the bone marrow microenvironment crucially regulate the developmental fate of HSPC and proteases of the coagulation system have been shown to contribute to both matrix remodeling and regulation of homeostasis or mobilization of HSPC (extravascular coagulation signaling). Mutation or deficiencies of components of the coagulation system have been implicated in the regulation of HSPC in aging mouse models.

PhD project: Coagulation receptors in aging

The aim of the project is to determine the contribution of extravascular coagulation and immune signaling mechanisms to unbalanced hematopoiesis in aging with a long-term goal to possibly identify rejuvenation strategies. The work of the PhD candidate(s) will include the analysis of recently identified different mouse models with accelerated aging phenotypes and apply state of the art single cell technologies to characterize HSPC phenotypes and function. Characterization of the bone marrow environment by proteomics (e.g. of extracellular vesicles) may also be required to identify underlying molecular mechanisms for altered HSPC output in aging. Theoretical and practical knowledge in molecular and cell biology and/or protein chemistry are expected for successful candidates. The candidate should have an interest in systems biology approaches and develop skills to apply bioinformatics on newly generated and available omics data sets.

If you are interested in this project, please select Ruf as your group preference in the IPP application platform.

What we offer:

  • Exciting, interdisciplinary projects in a fully international environment, with English as our working language
  • Advanced training in scientific techniques and professional skills
  • Access to our state-of-the-art Core Facilities and their technical expertise
  • Fully funded positions with financing until the completion of your thesis
  • A lively community of more than 190 PhD students from 44 different countries


Are you an ambitious, young scientist looking to push the boundaries of science while interacting with colleagues from multiple disciplines and cultures? Then the IPP is your opportunity to give your scientific career a flying start!

All you need is:

  • Master or equivalent
  • Interactive personality & good command of English
  • 2 letters of reference

For more details on the projects offered and how to apply via our online form, please visit

The deadline for applications is 8 November 2023. Interviews will take place at IMB in Mainz on 22-24 January 2024.

Starting date: 1 March 2024 – 1 August 2024

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Thinking of doing your PhD in the Life Sciences? The International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz is offering talented students the chance to work at the cutting edge of research. As an IPP PhD student, ...View more

The OPVStability Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network (MSCA-DN) is an interdisciplinary research training network of 10 beneficiary universities from 7 countries. It is funded under the “Excellent Science” cluster of the Horizon Europe program. OPVStability aims to develop the Doctoral Candidate’s scientific expertise to produce excellent research, and interdisciplinary collaboration with scientists from different fields ranging from Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Data Science.  The OPVStability Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network (MSCA-DN) is an interdisciplinary research training network of 10 beneficiary universities from 7 countries. It is funded under the “Excellent Science” cluster of the Horizon Europe program. OPVStability aims to develop the Doctoral Candidate’s scientific expertise to produce excellent research, and interdisciplinary collaboration with scientists from different fields ranging from Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science and Data Science.

Topic:  High-throughput screening of organic materials This PhD research will focus on: i) Developing high-throughput screening methods for organic photovoltaics. ii) Screening for power conversion efficiency and stability. iii) Evaluation of novel systems and processing parameter space. iv) Study of large datasets that will be employed to feed statistical tools and artificial intelligence models.

Roles and Responsibilities

The main part of your work will be carried out at Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) in Barcelona, Spain, in the group of Prof. Mariano Campoy Quiles, and secondment placements are planned to take place at University of Bayreuth (Germany, 2 months), the company InfinityPV (Denmark, 1 month), and Karlstad University (Sweden, 2 months).

The OPVStability project will fund the PhD salary for three years (typically length of a PhD in Spain) and would start as soon as possible, no later than 1st of March 2024.

Your PhD degree will be awarded by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) on the basis of successful completion of the research work and PhD studies. You will also be required to participate in the training activities and workshops organized by the OPVStability MSCA-DN at different partner institutions in Europe. As a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions fellow, you are also expected to contribute to the dissemination of your project’s result through public engagement and other scientific platforms.


Research Field
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
Research Field
Education Level
Master Degree or equivalent
The ideal candidate  
  • The applicant should have completed at least four- or five-years education with a Master’s degree or Diploma from a recognized university in Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science or in a related field and should be eligible as graduate student at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, see for further info).
  • The applicant should show interest in conducting a research project independently and should enjoy working in an international, interdisciplinary environment.
  • At the time of recruitment, the applicant must not have resided (or carried out his/her main activity e.g. work, studies, etc.) in Spain, for more than 12 months in the last 3 years immediately prior to the recruitment date.
  • The applicant should demonstrate an excellent command of the English language at a proficient level (spoken and written).
  • Experience in solution processed semiconductors and their applications will be valuable. In addition to the experimental skills, experience on device simulation would be also favorably reviewed.  International experience during Master’s or research stage/visits will also be positively considered.

Additional Information

We offer an annual gross salary of at least € 33k for a fulltime position. The Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) aims to increase the proportion of women and therefore qualified female applicants are explicitly encouraged to apply. ICMAB-CSIC actively promotes diversity and equal opportunities. Applicants are not to be discriminated against in personnel selection procedures on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, religion or ideology, age, sexual orientation (anti-discrimination).  People with disabilities and who have the relevant qualifications are expressly invited to apply.
Selection process
To apply for the position, kindly provide: (i) a letter of motivation including a 1-page statement of your research interests, relevant skills and experience; (ii) a CV including publication list, and copies of relevant certificates and (iii) names and contact details of three referees willing to write confidential letters of recommendation.  All materials should be attached as a single PDF file (max. size 5MB). For interested applicants, please submit your application to our job portal using this link:   The closing date for all applications is 2 weeks after the publishing date.
Additional comments
For further information about OPVStability and the Doctoral Candidate positions, you may contact our Project Manager, Dr. Julirose Kourist at For questions related to the project, you may contact Prof. Mariano Campoy Quiles at
Website for additional job details

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

The OPVStability Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network (MSCA-DN) is an interdisciplinary research training network of 10 beneficiary universities from 7 countries. It is funded under the ...View more

Thinking of doing your PhD in the Life Sciences? The International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz is offering talented students the chance to work at the cutting edge of research. As an IPP PhD student, you will join a community of exceptional scientists working on diverse topics ranging from how organisms age or how our DNA is repaired, to how epigenetics regulates cellular identity or neural memory.

Activities and responsibilities:

In the field of “Epigenetics & Nuclear Dynamics”, the research group of Sandra Schick offers the following PhD project:

Genomic DNA is highly compacted into chromatin in order to fit into the nucleus of a cell. The packaging further provides a regulatory layer for DNA accessibility and therefore all DNA-dependent processes, such as transcription, DNA repair or replication. ATP-dependent chromatin remodellers can modulate the accessibility by moving or evicting nucleosomes. One class of these remodellers are the BAF complexes, very large multi-protein complexes existing in many different configurations in human cells. Their importance is highlighted by the fact that mutations in genes coding for these complexes are found in more than 20% of all human cancers and frequently causative for developmental diseases, especially several neurodevelopmental disorders. The molecular consequences of these mutations are hardly known so far. Therefore, understanding the cell type-specific composition and function of these complexes in the development of different organs as well as the cellular changes caused by the mutation of a subunit is of great importance for the development of therapeutics against these common BAF-mutated diseases.

PhD Project: Gene regulation by chromatin remodellers during development and disease

BAF complexes control the accessibility of cell type-specific genomic gene regulatory regions and are therefore of great importance for developmental processes, cell fate transitions during differentiation and cell maintenance. To understand their physiological role during human developmental processes and unravel disease-associated molecular alterations caused by mutations in genes encoding subunits of these complexes, we will implement stem cell differentiation into organoids combined with molecular perturbation tools such as CRISPR/Cas9 and chemically induced protein degradation. This will allow us to model developmental diseases and unravel the physiological role of the subunits/ BAF complexes in human developmental processes. With the help of bulk and single-cell genomics, proteomics, molecular biology, screening and imaging approaches, we will then dissect the cellular and molecular consequences upon loss of selected BAF subunits. This will provide novel insights into these diseases as well as the function of the BAF complexes and their subunits in developmental processes.

We are therefore looking for a highly motivated PhD student who is experienced in the lab, enthusiastic about science especially with regard to developmental processes, gene regulation and epigenomics and has a strong interest in tackling scientific questions in an interdisciplinary way. Computational skills are an asset but not compulsory.

If you are interested in this project, please select Schick as your group preference in the IPP application platform.

What we offer:

  • Exciting, interdisciplinary projects in a fully international environment, with English as our working language
  • Advanced training in scientific techniques and professional skills
  • Access to our state-of-the-art Core Facilities and their technical expertise
  • Fully funded positions with financing until the completion of your thesis
  • A lively community of more than 190 PhD students from 44 different countries


Are you an ambitious, young scientist looking to push the boundaries of science while interacting with colleagues from multiple disciplines and cultures? Then the IPP is your opportunity to give your scientific career a flying start!

All you need is:

  • Master or equivalent
  • Interactive personality & good command of English
  • 2 letters of reference

For more details on the projects offered and how to apply via our online form, please visit

The deadline for applications is 8 November 2023. Interviews will take place at IMB in Mainz on 22-24 January 2024.

Starting date: 1 March 2024 – 1 August 2024

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Thinking of doing your PhD in the Life Sciences? The International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz is offering talented students the chance to work at the cutting edge of research. As an IPP PhD student, ...View more

Thinking of doing your PhD in the Life Sciences? The International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz is offering talented students the chance to work at the cutting edge of research. As an IPP PhD student, you will join a community of exceptional scientists working on diverse topics ranging from how organisms age or how our DNA is repaired, to how epigenetics regulates cellular identity or neural memory.

Activities and responsibilities:

In the field of “RNA Biology”, the research group of Marie-Luise Winz offers the following PhD project:

Proteins are central to any living organism. To protect cells from dysfunctional and toxic, disease-causing proteins formed by aberrant translation, eukaryotic translation quality control pathways detect translation defects and remove aberrant protein products, together with associated faulty mRNA blueprints and sometimes faulty ribosomal components. Many of those pathways rely on the recognition of ribosome collisions. Much is still unknown about the molecular mechanisms underlying translation quality control, and how these interact with other cellular machineries and with organismal health and life cycle. These are research objects in my group. Besides reporter systems and polysome profiling techniques, we use sequencing-based methods, most prominently UV crosslinking and analysis of cDNA (CRAC), to study RNA-protein interactions, translation and RNA modification in the context of translation quality control. These techniques provide a unique toolbox to approach our key questions:

1:           Which molecular interactions underlie translation quality control triggering and how are different targets distinguished?

2:           How does translation quality control interact with cellular stress responsestranslation regulation and RNA modification?

3:           How does co-translational quality control work in neurons and does it change with ageing and disease?

4:           What is the role of translation quality control for RNA-based and RNA-targeted therapies?

With our RNA-centred research, we want to make fundamental contributions to the understanding of translation quality control and its links to age-related neurodegenerative diseases, to ultimately inform efforts to cure, prevent or delay the onset of such diseases.

PhD project: Option 1: New players in eukaryotic translation quality control

Our group has recently discovered a number of potential new players in translation quality control by collating published information from a range of different databases and studies. We are currently investigating the potential functions of several such players in budding yeast, to define in which processes these proteins are involved and what is their molecular mechanism, using, e.g., CRAC, as well as reporter-based analyses (Müller, Tollervey, and Winz, unpublished; Iyer and Winz, unpublished).

Our current efforts so far only cover a small number of potential candidates. In this project, further candidates will be identified from published data and will be screened by reporter systems, equally in budding yeast. Positively evaluated candidates will be further studied to reveal their role in translation quality control. In addition to evaluating candidates from published screens and databases, to reveal additional candidates, new, targeted screens will be explored, followed by similar screens and evaluations.

PhD project: Option 2: Translation quality control in gene-specific translation inhibition

General inhibitors of bacterial translation play an important role as antibiotics. On the other hand, in human translation, a handful of small molecules have recently been discovered that target biosynthesis of a specific protein by targeting either the mRNA or the nascent peptide. It is now well accepted that many unspecific translation inhibitors can cause ribosome collisions and thereby trigger translation quality control pathways.

In this project, we will investigate which role translation quality control plays in specific translation inhibition in mammalian cells.

If you are interested in one of these projects, please select Winz as your group preference in the IPP application platform.

What we offer:

  • Exciting, interdisciplinary projects in a fully international environment, with English as our working language
  • Advanced training in scientific techniques and professional skills
  • Access to our state-of-the-art Core Facilities and their technical expertise
  • Fully funded positions with financing until the completion of your thesis
  • A lively community of more than 190 PhD students from 44 different countries


Are you an ambitious, young scientist looking to push the boundaries of science while interacting with colleagues from multiple disciplines and cultures? Then the IPP is your opportunity to give your scientific career a flying start!

All you need is:

  • Master or equivalent
  • Interactive personality & good command of English
  • 2 letters of reference

For more details on the projects offered and how to apply via our online form, please visit

The deadline for applications is 8 November 2023. Interviews will take place at IMB in Mainz on 22-24 January 2024.

Starting date: 1 March 2024 – 1 August 2024

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Thinking of doing your PhD in the Life Sciences? The International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz is offering talented students the chance to work at the cutting edge of research. As an IPP PhD student, ...View more

Thinking of doing your PhD in the Life Sciences? The International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz is offering talented students the chance to work at the cutting edge of research. As an IPP PhD student, you will join a community of exceptional scientists working on diverse topics ranging from how organisms age or how our DNA is repaired, to how epigenetics regulates cellular identity or neural memory.

Activities and responsibilities:

In the field of “Epigenetics & Nuclear Dynamics”, the research group of Stamatis Papathanasiou offers the following PhD project:

Proper division of the genomic material is fundamental for cell homeostasis. Although cells have developed a plethora of mechanisms to ensure error-free division, mistakes during mitosis are common in normal physiology and a hallmark in disease. Such mistakes give birth to dysbalanced, aneuploid genomes. A prominent manifestation of mitotic errors is the generation of abnormal nuclear structures, such as micronuclei and chromosome bridges, common features of nuclear atypia in cancer with major physiological significance. Micronuclei are miniature, additional nuclei that form when a chromosome lags during mitosis and then recruits its own nuclear envelope. These structures accumulate massive DNA damage and can lead to severe rearrangements by mechanisms that are now starting to be understood. Yet, we do not fully understand the effects of dysbalanced genomes on cellular function and how these abnormalities contribute to disease initiation and progression.

We recently discovered a new phenomenon of heritable chromatin and transcriptional defects mediated by micronuclei. These alterations are inherited after the micronuclei reincorporate into the normal nuclear environment of daughter cells and are strongly associated with long-lived DNA damage. This work showed that chromosomal instability is inherently coupled to variation in gene expression, which may impact tumor evolution and provided significant insight into the elusive mechanisms leading to non-genetic, cell-to-cell epigenetic variability observed in pathophysiology.

PhD project: Chromatin state dysregulation due to abnormal mitosis

Under what exact circumstances cell division errors can give birth to massive DNA lesions and other chromatin alterations, their inheritance in the progeny and their functional significance remain a mystery. The potential involvement of additional mitosis-mediated mechanisms – other than micronucleation – that initiate cascades of non-genetic alterations is also a black box.

We are excited to welcome a PhD candidate to attack these questions. We will combine cutting edge techniques, such as targeted chromosome manipulation and gene engineering, with the development of advanced systems to track mis-segregated chromosomes by live-cell imaging over multiple generations. We will identify additional sources of inherited abnormal nuclear structures, investigate their DNA damage/repair dynamics and determine the immediate and long-term effects on these nuclear bodies’ epigenome.

If you are interested in this project, please select Papathanasiou (CSD) as your group preference in the IPP application platform.

What we offer:

  • Exciting, interdisciplinary projects in a fully international environment, with English as our working language
  • Advanced training in scientific techniques and professional skills
  • Access to our state-of-the-art Core Facilities and their technical expertise
  • Fully funded positions with financing until the completion of your thesis
  • A lively community of more than 190 PhD students from 44 different countries


Are you an ambitious, young scientist looking to push the boundaries of science while interacting with colleagues from multiple disciplines and cultures? Then the IPP is your opportunity to give your scientific career a flying start!

All you need is:

  • Master or equivalent
  • Interactive personality & good command of English
  • 2 letters of reference

For more details on the projects offered and how to apply via our online form, please visit

The deadline for applications is 8 November 2023. Interviews will take place at IMB in Mainz on 22-24 January 2024.

Starting date: 1 March 2024 – 1 August 2024

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Thinking of doing your PhD in the Life Sciences? The International PhD Programme (IPP) Mainz is offering talented students the chance to work at the cutting edge of research. As an IPP PhD student, ...View more

University of Cologne Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Science

Assistant Professorship in Investments (W1), no tenure track (f/m/d) (endowed by the Centre for Financial Research (CFR), Cologne)

The University of Cologne is one of the oldest and largest universities in Germany. With its six Faculties covering a broad spectrum of disciplines and its internationally outstanding research profile areas, it enjoys an excellent reputation for its academic achievements and high standards of undergraduate and graduate education. The position is based in the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, which is consistently ranked among the top schools in research and teaching.

YOUR TASKS The successful candidate is expected to contribute to research and teaching in the Department of Finance with a strong focus on Investments, Asset Management, or related areas. Research should be targeted at top ranked international journals. The tasks of the professorship include training of students at all levels. The candidate should contribute to one of the faculty’s key research initiatives (

YOUR PROFILE We are seeking academics at an early career stage who have demonstrated their academic aptitude through outstanding research in their doctoral studies. Candidates for this position should have very good skills in empirical methods common in finance and should apply them to questions in Investments, Asset Management, or related areas. Publications in high-quality academic journals as well as teaching experience are desirable.

OUR OFFER The University of Cologne provides a stimulating academic environment with a wide range of career development opportunities as well as support services for dual career couples and family-friendly working conditions.

The professorship is endowed by the Centre for Financial Research, Cologne, and located in the Department of Finance. The successful candidate can draw on outstanding research facilities including a broad set of databases ( and the international research network of the Centre for Financial Research ( The professorship is endowed with an attractive research budget and a part time research and teaching assistant (0.75 E 13 TV-L). Administrative support is provided by the Office Manager of the Department of Finance.

The position (of a Juniorprofessorin / Juniorprofessor) is available as of 01. June 2024 (based on mutual agreement). Formal requirements are detailed in Section 36 of the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Hochschulgesetz – HG NRW).

In the third year after entering into office, an interim evaluation is held. This serves as the basis for the decision as to whether an extension for a further three years will be granted to the candidate. W1 professorships comprise a teaching load of four hours per week (i.e., two hours per week is one 90-minute course per semester) in the first qualification phase and five hours per week in the second qualification phase.

The University of Cologne is committed to equal opportunities and diversity. Women are especially encouraged to apply and will be considered preferentially in accordance with the Equal Opportunities Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Landesgleichstellungsgesetz – LGG NRW). We also expressly welcome applications from people with disabilities / special needs or of equal status.

Please submit your application (without a photo) via the University of Cologne’s Academic Job Portal ( by 04.10.2023. Your application should be addressed to the Dean of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Science. It should consist of the following documents (in English language): cover letter, curriculum vitae including a list of publications and current research projects. If available, the most important publications or working papers, and teaching evaluations should be added as well. For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Alexander Kempf (

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

University of Cologne Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Science Assistant Professorship in Investments (W1), no tenure track (f/m/d) (endowed by the Centre for Financial Research (CFR), Colo...View more

he International Max Planck Research School for Elementary Processes in Physical Chemistry (IMPRS-EPPC) at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society offers

5 PhD Positions in Physical Chemistry

The Fritz Haber Institute (FHI) in Berlin-Dahlem is one of the oldest and renowned research institutes within the Max Planck Society (MPG), Germany's most successful scientific organization for fundamental research. At the FHI, researchers from all over the world are engaged in basic research in the field of chemical physics at interfaces and surfaces, catalysis research and molecular physics.

The graduate school IMPRS-EPPC in Berlin is offering 5 PhD positions for research projects to be carried out with any of the participating research groups at the FHI, the Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and Universität Potsdam. The positions are linked to membership in the IMPRS-EPPC, and will be co-funded between the IMPRS-EPPC and the respective research groups. The IMPRS-EPPC is a graduate school funded by the MPG and hosted at the FHI in Berlin. The research within the School focuses on understanding the elementary process steps in physical chemistry problems, ultimately leading to functionality, ranging from single molecules chemistry on surfaces or in the gas phase to ultrafast surface dynamics and complex catalyst performance. All departments of the FHI as well as expert groups from physics and chemistry of all Berlin and Potsdam universities channel their respective efforts under the roof of the IMPRS-EPPC. For details see:

Research Projects:

Candidates should propose a specific research project in Physical Chemistry and related fields, to be carried out with any of the participating research groups, see:

Your application:

Applications will be accepted only through the Online Application form. The application deadline is Oct 31 2023. Highly motivated applicants should hold an excellent Master’s degree or equivalent in physics, chemistry, material science or related fields. For details of the application requirements please see: We thank all applicants for their interest; however, only those individuals selected for an interview will be contacted.


The position is initially limited to three years (extension possible) with a starting salary corresponding to a 66,67% TVöD/E13, Level 1, position. The positions will be co-funded between the IMPRS-EPPC (1st year) and the respective research group (remainder of the contract).

For more information please visit our website at https:// or contact us: IMPRS-EPPC, Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Faradayweg 4-6, 14195 Berlin, Germany e-mail: Phone: +49-30-8413-5102

The Max Planck Society is committed to increasing the number of individuals with disabilities in its workforce and therefore encourages applications from such qualified individuals. Furthermore, the Max Planck Society seeks to increase gender diversity in research and therefore explicitly encourages women and non-binary people to apply.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

he International Max Planck Research School for Elementary Processes in Physical Chemistry (IMPRS-EPPC) at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society offers 5 PhD Positions in Physical Chemis...View more

D-Prize soutient les nouveaux entrepreneurs qui peuvent distribuer des interventions de lutte contre la pauvreté éprouvées.

Des produits et des services ont été inventés dans le monde pour mettre fin à la pauvreté. Pourtant, des millions de personnes n’y ont toujours pas accès. Pouvez-vous créer une entreprise ou une ONG qui résout un des Challenges de distribution ci-dessous ?

Nous décernerons un prix allant jusqu’à 20 000 USD aux équipes les plus prometteuses pour qu’elles puissent lancer une version pilote de leur nouvelle organisation partout où l’extrême pauvreté est présente.

Toutes les candidatures, y compris les notes conceptuelles et les curriculum vitæ, doivent être rédigées en anglais.

Challenges du D-Prize

Sélectionnez un challenge ci-dessous pour en savoir plus.



Pouvez-vous distribuer un contraceptif auto-injectable, Sayana® Press, aux femmes mal desservies par le biais d'un réseau de santé privé ? Télécharger le challenge de la contraceptif auto-injectable


Pouvez-vous mettre en place une équipe de techniciens pour entretenir et réparer les concentrateurs d'oxygène existants afin d'améliorer l'accès à l'oxygène médical ? Télécharger le challenge d'oxygène


Pouvez-vous développer un moyen d'identifier les patients ayant besoin d'un traitement pour une fistule obstétrique, un cancer du col de l'utérus, un pied bot ou une cataracte, puis les mettre en relation avec les services de traitement existants dans votre région ? Télécharger le challenge de l'identification des patients


Pouvez-vous former les accoucheuses à l'administration du misoprostol afin de prévenir les décès maternels dus aux hémorragies post-partum ? Télécharger le challenge de la santé maternelle


Pouvez-vous identifier les candidats à la circoncision masculine médicale volontaire (CMMV) et connecter ceux qui choisissent de le faire aux établissements de santé existants afin de réduire le risque d'acquisition du VIH ? Télécharger le challenge de la circoncision médicale volontaire


Pouvez-vous conseiller et motiver les femmes enceintes séropositives à respecter leur traitement antirétroviral, et ainsi prévenir la transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant ? Télécharger le challenge de la prévention de la transmission mère-enfant


Pouvez-vous inciter les soignants à amener leurs enfants dans des établissements de santé pour des vaccinations de routine qui n'auraient pas lieu autrement ? Télécharger le challenge de la vaccination des enfants


Pouvez-vous enseigner la "sensibilisation aux sugar daddies" à des classes de 8e année afin de réduire les grossesses non désirées chez les adolescentes et les infections au VIH ? Télécharger le challenge de la sensibilisation aux sugar daddies



Pouvez-vous vendre des filtres à eau en céramique à des personnes dans des zones sans accès à de l'eau potable ? Télécharger le challenge de la accès propre à l'eau



Pouvez-vous fournir aux petits exploitants agricoles des intrants de haute qualité et une formation dont il est prouvé qu'ils augmentent leurs récoltes ? Télécharger le challenge des intrants de qualité


Pouvez-vous fournir aux petits exploitants agricoles des prêts post-récolte et des technologies de stockage dont il a été démontré qu'ils augmentent leurs revenus ? Télécharger le challenge du soutien post-récolte


D-Prize est particulièrement intéressé par la distribution d'interventions agricoles prouvées aux petits exploitants. Si vous connaissez une intervention très efficace, appuyée par des preuves crédibles, nous voulons savoir de quoi il s'agit et voir votre plan pour augmenter sa distribution. Télécharger le challenge de l'agriculture sur mesure


D-Prize est intéressé par la distribution d'interventions prouvées en matière d'élevage aux petits exploitants agricoles. Si vous connaissez une intervention très efficace, appuyée par des preuves crédibles, nous voulons savoir de quoi il s'agit et voir votre plan pour augmenter sa distribution. Télécharger le challenge en matière d'élevage



Pouvez-vous fournir un accompagnement professionnel, des capitaux et un soutien social pour sortir les gens de l'ultra-pauvreté ? Télécharger le challenge de sortie de la pauvreté


D-Prize est particulièrement intéressé par la distribution d'interventions d'inclusion financière prouvées à ceux qui en ont besoin. Si vous connaissez une intervention très efficace, soutenue par des preuves crédibles, nous voulons l'entendre et voir votre plan pour augmenter sa distribution. Télécharger le challenge d'inclusion financière



Pouvez-vous vendre des lampes solaires pico à des ménages vivant en milieu rural ou dans des bidonvilles et n'ayant pas d'accès régulier à l'électricité ? Télécharger le challenge des lampes solaires



Pouvez-vous surveiller et communiquer des données pour réduire la corruption et améliorer le service public ? Télécharger le challenge de la transparence gouvernementale


Pouvez-vous réduire le nombre de décès sur les routes en mobilisant le public grâce à une campagne de sécurité qui a fait ses preuves dans les transports publics ? Télécharger le challenge de la sécurité routière



D-Prize est particulièrement intéressé par la distribution d'interventions prouvées contre la pauvreté à ceux qui en ont besoin. Si vous connaissez une intervention très efficace qui s'appuie sur des preuves crédibles, nous voulons savoir de quoi il s'agit et voir votre plan pour accroître sa distribution. Télécharger le challenge sur mesure

Processus de Candidature


Sélectionnez un défi ci-dessus et préparez-vous pour les délais suivants :

  • Date limite de soumission anticipée : 16 octobre 2023 à minuit HNP (heure normale du Pacifique)

  • Date limite de soumission normale : 5 novembre 2023 à minuit HNP

  • Date limite étendue (réservée aux personnes inscrites) : 26 novembre 2023 à minuit HNP

Inscrivez-vous pour une extension de délai sur :



Soumettez votre note de synthèse et vos curriculum vitæ. Nous recevons en général 1 700 soumissions par concours.


Nous inviterons 5 % des entrepreneurs les plus performants à soumettre une proposition complète. Vous aurez environ 2 semaines pour rédiger et soumettre cette proposition.


Les meilleurs entrepreneurs passeront un entretien par téléphone et par e-mail. Et 1 % d’entre eux recevront jusqu’à 20 000 USD pour lancer leur initiative.


Vous consacrerez les trois mois suivants à mettre votre talent au service d’une initiative amenée à grandir et aider des millions de personnes.


D-Prize s’adresse aux aspirants entrepreneurs où qu’ils soient dans le monde, quels que soient leur âge et leur parcours. La majorité de nos lauréats n’ont jamais lancé de projet ni levé de fonds.

Cependant, toutes les candidatures, y compris les notes succinctes de présentation et les curriculum vitæ, doivent être rédigées en anglais.

Nous sommes désolés, mais pour le moment, nous ne pouvons évaluer que les candidatures soumises en anglais. Cependant, il n'est pas nécessaire que votre anglais soit parfait pour postuler. Nous voulons seulement cerner votre idée, donc les erreurs de grammaire et de vocabulaire ne seront pas pénalisées.

Nous étudierons le financement d’organisations existantes uniquement si vous testez une nouvelle initiative axée sur la distribution et que vous avez besoin de capital à haut risque qui ne peut pas être financé par vos recettes ou vos donateurs actuels.

Les organisations existantes qui posent leur candidature à D-Prize doivent exister depuis 18 mois maximum et avoir levé moins de 30 000 USD de financement externe.

Job Features

Job CategoryPrix, Concours et offres

D-Prize soutient les nouveaux entrepreneurs qui peuvent distribuer des interventions de lutte contre la pauvreté éprouvées. Des produits et des services ont été inventés dans le monde pour mettr...View more


Processus et critères de sélection de la cohorte 46 (sur place)

La sélection pour la participation à la cohorte 46 (sur site) du Centre régional de leadership YALI en Afrique de l'Ouest, à Accra, se déroulera sous la forme d'un concours ouvert basé sur le mérite. Toutes les candidatures éligibles seront examinées par un jury de sélection et présélectionnées. Les candidats présélectionnés seront ensuite interviewés avant qu'une sélection finale ne soit faite et qu'une invitation à rejoindre le programme soit émise.

Les jurys de sélection utiliseront les critères suivants pour évaluer les candidatures :

  • Leadership démontré dans la fonction publique, les affaires et l’entrepreneuriat, ou l’engagement civique.
  • Engagement actif dans le service public ou communautaire, le bénévolat ou le mentorat.
  • La capacité de travailler en coopération dans divers groupes et de respecter les opinions des autres.
  • Solides compétences sociales et de communication.
  • Une attitude énergique et positive.
  • Une connaissance, un intérêt et une expérience professionnelle démontrés dans le secteur/piste sélectionné, et
  • Un engagement à appliquer les compétences et la formation en leadership au profit de votre pays et/ou de votre communauté après le programme.

Les candidats ne seront pas victimes de discrimination fondée sur la race, l'origine ethnique, la couleur, le sexe, la religion, le statut socio-économique, le handicap, l'orientation sexuelle ou l'identité de genre.

Candidature pour la cohorte 46 (sur place)

Appliquer maintenant

Raisons de postuler au YALI Accra RLC

  • À la fin du programme, les participants recevront des certificats et deviendront membres du YALI Alumni.
  • Les participants suivront diverses formes de formation en leadership pour les préparer à des rôles de leadership dans leurs diverses activités.

Les candidats ne seront pas victimes de discrimination fondée sur la race, l'origine ethnique, la couleur, le sexe, la religion, le statut socio-économique, le handicap, l'orientation sexuelle ou l'identité de genre. La direction du YALI Regional Leadership Center, Afrique de l’Ouest – Accra se réserve le droit de vérifier toutes les informations fournies dans la candidature.

Appliquer maintenant

Ce que nous offrons


Affaires et entrepreneuriat

Cette filière s'adresse à un large éventail d'entrepreneurs émergents ou en herbe qui envisagent d'assumer des rôles de leadership au sein du secteur privé ou de créer leur propre entreprise sur le continent.

Gestion de la société civile

Cette filière s'adresse à ceux qui sont ou aspirent à s'engager civiquement et à servir le public par le biais d'organisations non gouvernementales, d'organisations communautaires ou de volontariat.

Politique publique et gestion

Cette filière est adaptée à ceux qui travaillent ou aspirent à travailler à n'importe quel niveau de gouvernement (y compris à des postes élus), des organisations régionales telles que l'Union africaine ou la Communauté de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, des organisations internationales telles que les Nations Unies ou d'autres organisations ou organisations à vocation publique. Groupes de réflexion


Selection for participation in Cohort 46 (Onsite) of the YALI Regional Leadership Center West Africa, Accra will be conducted as a merit-based, open competition. All eligible applications will be reviewed by a selection panel and shortlisted. Shortlisted applicants  will then be interviewed before a final selection is made and an invitation to join the program issued.

Selection panels will use the following criteria to evaluate applications:

  • Demonstrated leadership in public service, business and entrepreneurship, or civic engagement.
  • Active engagement in public or community service, volunteerism, or mentorship.
  • The ability to work cooperatively in diverse groups and respect the opinions of others.
  • Strong social and communication skills.
  • An energetic, positive attitude.
  • A demonstrated knowledge, interest, and professional experience in the sector/track selected, and
  • A commitment to apply leadership skills and training to benefit your country and/or community after the program.

Applicants will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, gender, religion, socio-economic status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Cohort 46 (Onsite) Application

Apply Now

Reasons to Apply to the YALI Accra RLC

  • At the end of the program participants will be awarded with certificates and become members of the YALI Alumni
  • Participants will be taken through various forms of leadership training to prepare them for leadership roles in their various endeavors.

Applicants will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, gender, religion, socio-economic status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity. The management of the YALI Regional Leadership Center, West Africa – Accra reserves the right to verify all information provided in the application.

Apply Now

What We Offer


Business and Entrepreneurship

This track caters to the range of emerging or aspiring entrepreneurs who expect to take on leadership roles within the private sector or build their own business ventures on the continent.

Civil Society Management

This track is oriented to those who are or aspire to be civically engaged and serve the public through non-governmental organizations, community based organizations, or volunteerism.

Public Policy and Management

This track is tailored to those who work or aspire to work in any level of government (including elected positions), regional organizations such as the African Union or the West Africa Community, international organizations such as the United Nations, or other publicly minded organizations or think tanks


Job Features

Job CategoryPrix, Concours et offres

Processus et critères de sélection de la cohorte 46 (sur place) La sélection pour la participation à la cohorte 46 (sur site) du Centre régional de leadership YALI en Afrique de l’Ouest, à...View more

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2023-09-16
Advertised until: 2023-10-01

The School of Information Technology in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies at York University invites highly qualified applicants for an Assistant, Associate or Full Professor position in Financial Cryptography. This is a tenure-track appointment to the Professorial Stream to commence January 1, 2024.

The successful applicant will join the first cohort of faculty members based at York’s new Markham Campus. Until the opening of the campus, the appointee will carry some teaching responsibilities at York’s Keele campus while contributing to the development of academic and research programming planned Markham.

The BSc in Financial Technologies for the Markham campus, one of its kind in Canada, is the latest curricular initiative of the School of Information Technology, aimed at offering highly technical training on the application of computational technologies in the finance area. The program is aimed at preparing students to assume critical tech positions in the Canadian and international financial industry and building the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs in the broad financial technologies area.

The School of Information Technology at York University is unique in its interdisciplinary and applied approach to Information Technology research and education. Situated among some of the top Liberal Arts, Business and Engineering programs in the country, the School offers an ideal environment for developing research and educational initiatives that cross disciplinary boundaries. Home to some of the best reputed scholars in their field, the School features a strong tradition of externally funded research and industrial collaborations.

York University’s Markham Campus offers state-of-the-art facilities to provide innovative job-ready academic programming and research focusing on core themes of technology and entrepreneurship as applied in different contexts, disciplines and professional fields. Building on York University’s academic presence in the City of Markham, the new campus will help fulfil future labour market and civic leadership needs by providing transferable 21st century skills that are at the core of future economic competitiveness and community development in Markham, York Region and across Ontario. Collaboration with York University’s existing research strengths in the core areas of the new campus and dynamic engagement with the area’s businesses, industries, and communities will create an innovative, cross-disciplinary, and social justice-oriented research culture for solving complex problems that transcend traditional disciplines.

Candidate Qualifications:

Degree: PhD in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Applied Mathematics, or a closely related field is required.


  • A coherent and well-articulated program of research and specialization in Financial Cryptography. The ideal candidate has a strong grasp of applied cryptographic, data, and information security techniques as they applied to the financial domain, ideally combined with a broad understanding and awareness of the current cryptographic trends in digital payments/protocols, digital currencies, and decentralized finance. While knowledge and record in applied cryptography is very strongly desired, exceptional candidates with a strong record in other technical aspects of digital payments, blockchain, and decentralized finance are welcome to apply .
  • A record or evident promise of generating innovative, substantive, rigorous, and as appropriate, externally funded at the highest level.
  • A record or evident promise of making influential contributions and demonstrating excellence in the field (e.g., publications (or forthcoming publications) with significant journals and major conferences; awards, grants and accolades; the research statement; and strong recommendations from referees of high standing).


  • A record or evident promise of excellence in teaching and dedication to students (e.g., teaching and supervision record; teaching statement; teaching accomplishments and pedagogical innovations (e.g., in high priority areas such as experiential education and technology enhanced learning).
  • Suitability for prompt appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, given that the position willl involve graduate teaching and supervision.

Hiring Policies:

  • Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
  • All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval.
  • York is an Affirmative Action (AA) employer and strongly values diversity, including gender and sexual diversity, in its community. Details of the AA Program, which applies to women, members of racialized groups, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and those who identify as 2SLGBTQ+, can be found here or by contacting Christal Chapman, EDI Program Manager (; 416-736-5713).
  • York welcomes and employs scholars from all over the world. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens, permanent residents and Indigenous peoples of Canada will be given priority.
  • York has a policy on Accommodation in Employment for Persons with Disabilities and is committed to working towards a barrier-free workplace and expanding the accessibility of the workplace to persons with disabilities. Applicants who require accommodation are invited to contact Prof. Sotirios Liaskos, Search Committee Chair, at

Application Process:

  • Due date for completed applications: extended to October 1, 2023
  • Required materials: 1) current CV; 2) cover letter; 3) statement of research; 4) a statement of teaching (optionally including teaching evaluations or a teaching dossier); 5) up to three representative publications; 6) the names and contact information of three referees who can comment on research record, ability, and promise.
  • Provide required information regarding your Canadian work status and optional self-identification for Affirmative Action purposes as part of the online application.
  • Direct questions about the position to Prof. Sotirios Liaskos, Search Committee Chair, at

Submit materials: at

Learn More About York:

York University acknowledges its presence on the traditional territory of many Indigenous Nations. The area known as Tkaronto has been care taken by the Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Huron-Wendat. It is now home to many First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities. We acknowledge the current treaty holders, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This territory is subject of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement to peaceably share and care for the Great Lakes region.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-09-16 Advertised until: 2023-10-01 The School of Information Technology in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies at York University invites highly ...View more

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2023-09-16
Advertised until: 2023-10-01

The School of Information Technology in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies at York University invites highly qualified applicants for an Assistant Professor position in Software Engineering. This is a tenure-track appointment to the Professorial Stream to commence January 1, 2024.

The successful applicant will join the first cohort of faculty members based at York’s new Markham Campus. Until the opening of the campus, the appointee will carry some teaching responsibilities at York’s Keele campus while contributing to the development of academic and research programming planned Markham.

The BSc in Financial Technologies for the Markham campus, one of its kind in Canada, is the latest curricular initiative of the School of Information Technology, aimed at offering highly technical training on the application of computational technologies in the finance area. The program is aimed at preparing students to assume critical tech positions in the Canadian and international financial industry and building the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs in the broad financial technologies area.

The School of Information Technology at York University is unique in its interdisciplinary and applied approach to Information Technology research and education. Situated among some of the top Liberal Arts, Business and Engineering programs in the country, the School offers an ideal environment for developing research and educational initiatives that cross disciplinary boundaries. Home to some of the best reputed scholars in their field, the School features a strong tradition of externally funded research and industrial collaborations.

York University’s Markham Campus offers state-of-the-art facilities to provide innovative job-ready academic programming and research focusing on core themes of technology and entrepreneurship as applied in different contexts, disciplines and professional fields. Building on York University’s academic presence in the City of Markham, the new campus will help fulfil future labour market and civic leadership needs by providing transferable 21st century skills that are at the core of future economic competitiveness and community development in Markham, York Region and across Ontario. Collaboration with York University’s existing research strengths in the core areas of the new campus and dynamic engagement with the area’s businesses, industries, and communities will create an innovative, cross-disciplinary, and social justice-oriented research culture for solving complex problems that transcend traditional disciplines.

Candidate Qualifications:

Degree: PhD in Computer Science, Information Technology, Software Engineering, or a closely related field is required.


  • A coherent and well-articulated program of research and specialization in Software Engineering with an emphasis in software quality. Specific areas include but are not limited to: testing, formal methods, design for quality, software security and reliability, software analytics for quality, AI safety. Exceptional candidates in other areas of software engineering are also welcome to apply. The ideal candidate has applied their research in programs within the financial domain or has otherwise exposure to software engineering problems within the financial domain through research or other professional engagements.
  • A record or evident promise of generating innovative, substantive, rigorous, and as appropriate, externally funded at the highest level.
  • A record or evident promise of making influential contributions and demonstrating excellence in the field (e.g., publications (or forthcoming publications) with significant journals and major conferences; awards, grants and accolades; the research statement; and strong recommendations from referees of high standing).


  • A record or evident promise of excellence in teaching and dedication to students (e.g., teaching and supervision record; teaching statement; teaching accomplishments and pedagogical innovations (e.g., in high priority areas such as experiential education and technology enhanced learning)).
  • Suitability for prompt appointment to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, given that the position will involve graduate teaching and supervision.

Hiring Policies:

  • Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
  • All York University positions are subject to budgetary approval.
  • York is an Affirmative Action (AA) employer and strongly values diversity, including gender and sexual diversity, in its community. Details of the AA Program, which applies to women, members of racialized groups, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and those who identify as 2SLGBTQ+, can be found here or by contacting Christal Chapman, EDI Program Manager (; 416-736-5713).
  • York welcomes and employs scholars from all over the world. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens, permanent residents and Indigenous peoples of Canada will be given priority.
  • York has a policy on Accommodation in Employment for Persons with Disabilities and is committed to working towards a barrier-free workplace and expanding the accessibility of the workplace to persons with disabilities. Applicants who require accommodation are invited to contact Prof. Sotirios Liaskos, Search Committee Chair, at

Application Process:

  • Due date for completed applications: extended to October 1, 2023
  • Required materials: 1) current CV; 2) cover letter; 3) statement of research; 4) a statement of teaching (optionally including teaching evaluations or a teaching dossier); 5) up to three representative publications; 6) the names and contact information of three referees who can comment on research record, ability, and promise.
  • Provide required information regarding your Canadian work status and optional self-identification for Affirmative Action purposes as part of the online application.
  • Direct questions about the position to Sotirios Liaskos, Search Committee Chair, at

Submit materials: at

Learn More About York:

York University acknowledges its presence on the traditional territory of many Indigenous Nations. The area known as Tkaronto has been care taken by the Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Huron-Wendat. It is now home to many First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities. We acknowledge the current treaty holders, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This territory is subject of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement to peaceably share and care for the Great Lakes region.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Location: Ontario Date posted: 2023-09-16 Advertised until: 2023-10-01 The School of Information Technology in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies at York University invites highly ...View more