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Université de Calgary - École d'éducation Werklund

Lieu : Alberta
Date de publication : 2024-02-09
Annoncé jusqu'au : 2024-03-15

La  Werklund School of Education  de l'  Université de Calgary  lance un appel à candidatures pour un poste transdisciplinaire menant à la permanence, axé sur l'enfant numérique, au rang de professeur adjoint (enseignement et recherche). Le candidat retenu bénéficiera d'un mandat de cinq ans à forte intensité de recherche avec des engagements d'enseignement réduits et un financement de recherche initial.

Dans le cadre du programme de recrutement transdisciplinaire plus vaste de l'Université de Calgary, 20 postes universitaires ont été créés pour renforcer les capacités et assurer le leadership à l'appui du plan stratégique Ahead of Tomorrow . Ces chercheurs voient les défis comme des opportunités qui suscitent notre mission unique : oser imaginer l’avenir.

L’importance de l’exposition numérique sur les enfants et les jeunes peut non seulement affecter le développement neurologique du cerveau, mais soulève également des questions importantes sur la connectivité sociale et l’appartenance des enfants. Cette recherche proposée s'intéresse aux complexités évolutives du développement des enfants. Les enseignements tirés de la récente pandémie et de l’explosion de l’intelligence artificielle suggèrent la nécessité de réfléchir à la manière dont les jeunes enfants se développent sur les plans cognitif, psychologique, social et émotionnel dans des périodes aussi perturbées.

Le programme de recherche proposé rassemblerait des chercheurs de premier plan pour catalyser la recherche et la création de connaissances qui envisagent des conceptions évolutives de l'enfance et des environnements d'apprentissage futurs. La nature transdisciplinaire de ce travail chercherait à examiner les impacts du numérique sur le développement cognitif et social des enfants et comment relier et étendre les apprentissages à des contextes éducatifs plus larges.

Les nominations débuteront le 1er juillet 2024 ou à une date mutuellement convenue.

La préférence sera accordée aux candidats dont les recherches portent sur la manière dont l'éducation s'inscrit dans des salles de classe complexes et y répond, compte tenu des mondes multiformes dans lesquels nous vivons, apprenons et jouons. Les candidats doivent avoir de solides connaissances disciplinaires et une compréhension des pédagogies adaptées au développement et adaptées à divers parcours d'apprentissage.

En plus de maintenir un programme de recherche actif et financé, le candidat retenu devra superviser des étudiants des cycles supérieurs et/ou du premier cycle, enseigner des cours de premier cycle et/ou des cycles supérieurs dans leurs domaines de spécialisation et faire preuve de leadership en matière de service, de collaboration et de mentorat au sein de l'Université. et la communauté. 

Le candidat retenu au  niveau de professeur adjoint (enseignement et recherche)  doit démontrer des antécédents de publications dans des revues de haute qualité, l'obtention d'un financement de recherche externe et une efficacité dans l'enseignement au niveau universitaire.

Le poste offre l'opportunité d'établir une recherche vigoureuse, durable et financée par des fonds externes, de contribuer à l'enseignement et à la supervision des étudiants, et de participer à la direction de la recherche, de l'éducation et des services connexes. Il s'agit d'une excellente opportunité de construire et de développer un programme de recherche innovant dans un environnement dynamique et collaboratif. Un salaire compétitif et un package de démarrage attractif seront offerts. 

Qualifications Le candidat retenu aura :

  • Un doctorat en éducation (ou discipline connexe);
  • Un solide dossier de recherche et de mobilisation des connaissances (proportionnel au rang);
  • Capacité à obtenir un financement de recherche proportionné au rang ;
  • Capacité démontrée en enseignement
  • Engagement avec les communautés professionnelles et autres locales, nationales et internationales (en fonction du rang).

Comment postuler Les personnes intéressées sont encouragées à soumettre une candidature en ligne via le lien « Postuler maintenant » : éducation

Veuillez inclure dans un PDF combiné :

  • Lettre de motivation avec une brève description des contributions actuelles et potentielles à la recherche transdisciplinaire
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Réimpressions de deux (2) publications académiques représentatives
  • Noms et coordonnées de trois arbitres.

Des informations sur les programmes et la recherche de la Werklund School of Education sont disponibles sur notre site Web .

Date de clôture : 15 mars 2024

Les candidatures doivent être adressées à : Dianne Gereluk, doyenne de la Werklund School of Education Université de Calgary

Les questions concernant cette opportunité doivent être adressées à Dre Dianne Gereluk, doyenne par courriel ( ).

Notre programme complet d'avantages sociaux et de retraite est conçu pour promouvoir un niveau productif de santé et de bien-être pour les membres du personnel grâce à une couverture pour les soins de santé, les soins dentaires, une assurance-vie, une protection du revenu en cas d'invalidité et une planification du revenu de retraite. Pour en savoir plus sur notre ensemble complet d'avantages sociaux, veuillez visiter ce lien .

L'Université de Calgary a lancé une stratégie autochtone à l'échelle de l'établissement, conforme aux objectifs fondamentaux d' Eyes High , s'engageant à créer un campus riche, dynamique et culturellement compétent qui accueille et soutient les peuples autochtones, encourage les partenariats communautaires autochtones et inclut les peuples autochtones. perspectives dans tout ce que nous faisons.

En tant qu'employeur équitable et inclusif, l'Université de Calgary reconnaît qu'un personnel et un corps professoral diversifiés profitent et enrichissent les expériences de travail, d'apprentissage et de recherche de l'ensemble du campus et de la communauté dans son ensemble. Nous nous engageons à éliminer les obstacles historiquement rencontrés par certaines personnes dans notre société. Nous nous efforçons de recruter des personnes qui amélioreront davantage notre diversité et soutiendront leur réussite académique et professionnelle pendant leur séjour ici. En particulier, nous encourageons les membres des groupes désignés (femmes, peuples autochtones, personnes handicapées, membres de minorités visibles/racisées et personnes d'orientation sexuelle et d'identité de genre diverses) à postuler. Pour garantir une évaluation juste et équitable, nous proposons des aménagements à tout moment du processus de recrutement aux candidats handicapés. Les questions concernant l'EDI [diversité] à l'UCalgary peuvent être envoyées au Bureau de l'équité, de la diversité et de l'inclusion ) et les demandes d'aménagement peuvent être envoyées aux ressources humaines ( ).

Tous les candidats qualifiés sont encouragés à postuler ; cependant, les Canadiens et les résidents permanents auront la priorité. À cet égard, au moment de votre demande, veuillez répondre à la question suivante : Êtes-vous citoyen canadien ou résident permanent du Canada ? (Oui Non)

Informations supplémentaires Pour en savoir plus sur les opportunités académiques à l'Université de Calgary et tout ce que nous avons à offrir, consultez notre site Web Carrières académiques . Pour plus d'informations, visitez Carrières à la Faculté de l'École d'éducation de Werklund.

À propos de l'Université de Calgary  UCalgary est l'université entrepreneuriale du Canada, située dans la ville la plus entreprenante du Canada. C'est une université de recherche de premier plan et l'une des universités les mieux classées de son époque. Fondée en 1966, ses 36 000 étudiants bénéficient d'un environnement d'apprentissage innovant, enrichi par la recherche, les expériences pratiques et la pensée entrepreneuriale. C'est le leader canadien en matière de création de start-up . Commencez quelque chose aujourd’hui à l’Université de Calgary. Pour plus d’informations, visitez . À propos de Calgary, Alberta Calgary est l'une des villes les plus propres au monde et est désignée depuis des années comme l'une des villes les plus agréables à vivre au monde. Calgary est une ville de leaders dans les domaines des affaires, de la communauté, de la philanthropie et du bénévolat. Les Calgariens bénéficient d'un nombre croissant de restaurants et d'événements culturels de classe mondiale et profitent de plus de jours de soleil par an que toute autre grande ville canadienne. Calgary se trouve à moins d'une heure de route des majestueuses montagnes Rocheuses et possède le réseau de sentiers urbains et de pistes cyclables le plus étendu d'Amérique du Nord. 

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Université de Calgary – École d’éducation Werklund Lieu : Alberta Date de publication : 2024-02-09 Annoncé jusqu’au : 2024-03-15 La  Werklund School of Education  de l‘...View more

Université Carleton

Lieu : Ontario
Date de publication : 2024-02-09
Annoncé jusqu'au : 2024-04-09

67 500 $ par an 
2 ans, 0,8 équivalent temps plein

Postulez avant le 17 mars 2024 pour une évaluation complète.
 Contactez Sheryl-Ann Simpson ( )

À propos du poste : Une bourse postdoctorale est disponible, soutenue par le projet de recherche Planifier l'abolition  financé par le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH), basé au Département de géographie et d'études environnementales de l'Université Carleton , à Ottawa.

Cette bourse est une opportunité à la fois d'acquérir et d'appliquer des compétences et des connaissances, et est ouverte aux chercheurs de toutes disciplines dont les recherches portent sur des questions liées à toute combinaison de planification urbaine et régionale, de recherche translationnelle ou appliquée, d'abolition (y compris les études carcérales et décarcérales, les prisons). et études policières, études sur l'immigration, études sur la décolonisation, impacts sociaux et spatiaux du maintien de l'ordre, justice réparatrice ou transformatrice).

Le boursier travaillera avec l'équipe de recherche pour développer, mener et rendre compte de la recherche translationnelle participative afin de transférer les résultats généraux de la recherche dans des pratiques de planification qui soutiennent une sécurité communautaire accrue et la prospérité grâce à l'abolition des prisons et du maintien de l'ordre.

Qualifications partielles requises :

  • Doctorat dans des domaines pertinents ou autre diplôme terminal pertinent avec une expérience de recherche appropriée ;
  • Le diplôme doit être terminé avant la date de début (flexible entre le 1er juillet et le 1er septembre 2024) ;

  • La date d'obtention du diplôme ne doit pas être antérieure de plus de cinq ans à la date de début ;

  • Solides compétences en conception de recherche, y compris l’éthique et l’intégrité de la recherche ;
  • Compétences en communication nécessaires pour traduire des idées complexes pour de nombreux types de publics différents et produire des résultats de recherche créatifs ;
  • Compétences en communication et en négociation nécessaires pour travailler en collaboration et au-delà des différences ; Compétences d'auto-motivation nécessaires pour travailler de manière indépendante.

À propos du projet : Planning for Abolition  est un projet de recherche hébergé à l'Université Carleton avec des collaborateurs au Canada et aux États-Unis. Le projet demande quelles sont les définitions actuelles et les thèmes clés de l'abolition (penser à l'abolition liée au maintien de l'ordre, aux prisons et à d'autres formes de surveillance et d'institutionnalisation) ; que savent les urbanistes et urbanistes professionnels des liens entre l’urbanisme, le maintien de l’ordre et les prisons ; et comment la planification peut-elle soutenir les présents et les futurs abolitionnistes.

 Traduction ASL  Enregistrement audio  Appel d'offres complet + informations sur la candidature

Job Features

Job CategoryPostdoctoral

Université Carleton Lieu : Ontario Date de publication : 2024-02-09 Annoncé jusqu’au : 2024-04-09 67 500 $ par an 
2 ans, 0,8 équivalent temps plein Postulez avant le 17 mars 2024 pour une ...View more

Université de Toronto (Campus St. George)

Lieu : Ontario
Date de publication : 2024-02-09
Annoncé jusqu'au : 2024-03-14

Date de clôture : 14/03/2024, 23 h 59 HE Numéro de demande : 34202 Catégorie d'emploi : Faculté – Nomination contractuelle à durée limitée Faculté/Division : Faculté des arts et des sciences Département : Département de géographie Campus :  St. George (centre-ville de Toronto) Description : Le Département de géographie et d'urbanisme de la Faculté des arts et des sciences de l'Université de Toronto (campus St. George) lance un appel à candidatures pour un poste à temps plein de 3 ans à durée limitée par contrat (CLTA) au rang de professeur adjoint en Science des données géographiques avec une date de début prévue le 1er juillet 2024. Les candidats doivent avoir obtenu un doctorat en géographie (ou dans un domaine connexe) avec une spécialisation en recherche en science des données géographiques au moment de leur nomination, ou peu de temps après, et avoir fait preuve d'excellence en recherche et en enseignement. Nous accueillons les candidatures de candidats intéressés par les applications de la science des données géographiques dans des domaines tels que le transport, la planification ou la durabilité. Nous encourageons les candidats qui adoptent une approche fondée sur l’équité ou la justice à postuler. Nous recherchons des candidats dont les intérêts en matière de recherche et d'enseignement complètent et améliorent les atouts existants de notre département . Le candidat retenu devra poursuivre des recherches innovantes et indépendantes et établir un programme de recherche exceptionnel, compétitif et financé par des fonds externes. Le candidat retenu devra également fournir des services au sein de l’Université et auprès des communautés universitaires et professionnelles plus larges. Les candidats doivent fournir des preuves d'excellence en recherche qui peuvent être démontrées par un dossier de publications dans des revues de premier plan et pertinentes dans le domaine ou par des publications à venir répondant à des normes internationales élevées, la déclaration de recherche soumise, des présentations à des conférences importantes, des prix et distinctions, et de fortes approbations de la part de arbitres. La preuve de l'excellence en enseignement sera fournie par les réalisations pédagogiques, le dossier pédagogique (avec le matériel requis décrit ci-dessous) soumis dans le cadre de la candidature, ainsi que de solides lettres de référence. Le salaire sera proportionné aux qualifications et à l'expérience. L'Université de Toronto est une institution sur trois campus à forte intensité de recherche. Ce rendez-vous a lieu sur le campus St. George, situé au cœur de Toronto et offre la possibilité de mener des recherches, d'enseigner et de vivre dans l'une des villes les plus diversifiées au monde. L'Université offre également des opportunités de travailler dans un large éventail de programmes collaboratifs et de centres de recherche, tels que l' École des villes , le Data Science Institute et l' École de l'environnement . Pour plus d'informations sur le Département de géographie et d'urbanisme, veuillez visiter notre page d'accueil : . Tous les candidats qualifiés sont invités à postuler en ligne en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous. Les candidats doivent soumettre :
  • une lettre de motivation (1 page maximum) soulignant brièvement votre aptitude au poste, y compris l'expérience et les réalisations pertinentes, les objectifs de recherche et la manière dont ils contribueraient aux objectifs et à la mission du Département ;
  • un curriculum vitae à jour ;
  • un dossier de recherche (comprenant une déclaration décrivant les intérêts de recherche actuels et futurs et la manière dont votre bourse contribuerait à un environnement universitaire qui donne la priorité à l'équité ; et jusqu'à deux exemples de publications évaluées par des pairs) ;
  • un dossier d'enseignement (comprenant une déclaration décrivant votre philosophie d'enseignement et vos réalisations pédagogiques ; des exemples de programmes de cours liés à l'enseignement des SIG, de l'analyse spatiale et/ou de votre domaine de recherche ; et des évaluations pédagogiques.
Nous recherchons des candidats qui valorisent la diversité et dont la recherche, l'enseignement et le service témoignent de notre engagement envers l'équité. Les candidats sont donc également invités à soumettre une déclaration d'une à deux pages de contributions à l'équité et à la diversité, qui pourrait couvrir des sujets tels que (mais sans s'y limiter) : la recherche ou l'enseignement qui met l'accent sur les communautés sous-représentées, le développement de pédagogies inclusives, ou le mentorat d’étudiants issus de groupes sous-représentés. Les candidats doivent fournir le nom et les coordonnées de trois références. L'outil de recrutement de l'Université de Toronto sollicitera et collectera automatiquement des lettres de référence de chaque répondant le lendemain de la soumission d'une candidature. Les candidats restent responsables de s’assurer que les répondants soumettent des lettres récentes (sur papier à en-tête, datées et signées) avant la date de clôture. Plus de détails sur la collecte automatique des lettres de référence, y compris les délais, sont disponibles dans la FAQ des candidats . Les directives de soumission peuvent être trouvées sur . Votre CV et votre lettre de motivation doivent être téléchargés dans les champs dédiés. Veuillez combiner les documents de candidature supplémentaires en un ou deux fichiers au format PDF/MS Word. Si vous avez des questions sur ce poste, veuillez contacter le directeur du département, le professeur Michael Widener, à . Tous les documents de candidature, y compris les lettres de référence récentes, doivent être reçus avant le 14 mars 2024 . Tous les candidats qualifiés sont encouragés à postuler ; cependant, les Canadiens et les résidents permanents auront la priorité. Déclaration sur la diversité L'Université de Toronto adhère à la diversité et construit une culture d'appartenance qui augmente notre capacité à aborder et à servir efficacement les intérêts de notre communauté mondiale. Nous encourageons fortement les candidatures des peuples autochtones, des personnes noires et racialisées, des femmes, des personnes handicapées et des personnes d'identités sexuelles et de genre diverses. Nous apprécions les candidats qui ont démontré un engagement envers l'équité, la diversité et l'inclusion et reconnaissons que la diversité des perspectives, des expériences et des expertises sont essentielles au renforcement de notre mission académique. Dans le cadre de votre candidature, il vous sera demandé de répondre à une brève enquête sur la diversité. Cette enquête est volontaire. Toute information directement relative à vous est confidentielle et ne peut être consultée par les comités de recherche ou le personnel des ressources humaines. Les résultats seront regroupés à des fins de planification institutionnelle. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter . Déclaration d'accessibilité L'Université s'efforce d'être une communauté équitable et inclusive et cherche de manière proactive à accroître la diversité parmi les membres de sa communauté. Nos valeurs en matière d'équité et de diversité sont liées à notre engagement inébranlable envers l'excellence dans la poursuite de notre mission académique. L'Université s'engage à respecter les principes de la Loi sur l'accessibilité pour les personnes handicapées de l'Ontario (LAPHO). À ce titre, nous nous efforçons de rendre nos processus de recrutement, d’évaluation et de sélection aussi accessibles que possible et de fournir les aménagements nécessaires aux candidats handicapés. Si vous avez besoin d'aménagements à tout moment pendant le processus de candidature et d'embauche, veuillez contacter . Appliquer maintenant "

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Université de Toronto (Campus St. George) Lieu : Ontario Date de publication : 2024-02-09 Annoncé jusqu’au : 2024-03-14 Date de clôture : 14/03/2024, 23 h 59 HE Numéro de demande : 34202 C...View more

Université de Régina

Lieu : Saskatchewan
Date de publication : 2024-02-09
Annoncé jusqu'au : 2024-03-17

Le Département de musique de la Faculté des médias, des arts et de la performance (MAP) de l' Université de Regina lance un appel à candidatures pour un poste menant à la permanence en interprétation vocale, qui débutera le 1er juillet 2024. Le candidat retenu sera titulaire d'un doctorat dans un domaine pertinent, de préférence un DMA en interprétation vocale et/ou en pédagogie, ou une maîtrise complétée avec une expérience professionnelle correspondante. Une preuve d’enseignement réussi au premier cycle dans un établissement postsecondaire accrédité est requise.

Le Département de musique est une équipe flexible, réactive et dynamique d'interprètes et d'universitaires, hébergée au sein de la Faculté des médias, des arts et de la performance. Les membres du corps professoral s'engagent à favoriser l'engagement communautaire et la collaboration avec la variété d'organisations professionnelles et communautaires qui composent la scène musicale active et l'environnement culturel dynamique de la ville de Regina et de la province de la Saskatchewan.

Le candidat retenu aura démontré son excellence dans l'enseignement du chant appliqué à divers niveaux, y compris dans des cours liés à la voix tels que des ateliers de diction, de pédagogie, de techniques, de répertoire et d'interprétation. De plus, l'intégration de stratégies d'enseignement efficaces auprès d'étudiants diversifiés et la création d'un studio inclusif sont considérées comme des atouts, tout comme un profil national important en tant que chanteur avec un palmarès impressionnant de performances, en direct et enregistrées, qui détaillent son expérience et sa maîtrise dans un large éventail de domaines. modes.

Les responsabilités du poste comprennent l'enseignement du chant appliqué ainsi que des cours liés au chant aux niveaux du premier cycle et des cycles supérieurs au département de musique et à la faculté du MAP. Des enseignements supplémentaires peuvent également être dispensés en fonction des besoins du département et/ou de la faculté, et en tenant compte des antécédents et des capacités du candidat.

En plus d'être un excellent enseignant et communicateur, le candidat retenu aura un programme de recherche solide et sera activement engagé dans des recherches universitaires et des travaux artistiques en cours. Un engagement ferme à assurer un leadership dans le domaine du chant appliqué, une force en matière de recrutement et une volonté d'entreprendre des activités administratives et des responsabilités correspondant au grade sont également essentiels pour ce poste.

À cette fin, le candidat retenu devra : aider à recruter, conseiller et retenir les étudiants en général ; superviser le travail des étudiants des cycles supérieurs et du premier cycle ; siéger à des comités de département, de faculté et d'université ; participer à la vie universitaire, universitaire et communautaire; et établir et maintenir une réputation et un réseau local, provincial et national en tant que professionnel du chant.

Enfin, le candidat retenu collaborera avec des partenaires et des intervenants communautaires, y compris des professeurs de studio de chant locaux et provinciaux. La connaissance et l'expérience de la communauté vocale de Regina et du sud de la Saskatchewan constituent un atout certain. 

DATE LIMITE DE CANDIDATURE : dimanche 17 mars 2024

TOUTES les candidatures doivent être soumises via notre système électronique.

Les exigences complètes du poste et les instructions sur la façon de postuler sont disponibles à l'adresse : .

Pour plus d'informations sur la Faculté des médias, des arts et de la performance, visitez :

L'Université de Regina s'engage à créer un lieu de travail inclusif qui reflète la richesse de la communauté que nous servons. L'Université accueille les candidatures de toutes les personnes qualifiées, y compris les personnes appartenant aux catégories d'équité en matière d'emploi de l'Université, à savoir les femmes, les personnes handicapées, les membres des minorités visibles, les Autochtones, les personnes de divers genres et orientations sexuelles et tous les groupes protégés par le Code des droits de la personne.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Université de Régina Lieu : Saskatchewan Date de publication : 2024-02-09 Annoncé jusqu’au : 2024-03-17 Le Département de musique de la Faculté des médias, des arts et de la performance ...View more

Université McMaster

Lieu : Ontario
Date de publication : 2024-02-09
Annoncé jusqu'au : 2024-03-10

L'Université McMaster est située sur les territoires traditionnels des nations Haudenosaunee et Mississauga et sur les terres protégées par l'accord Dish with One Spoon wampum.

Description du poste La Faculté de génie de l'Université McMaster lance un appel à candidatures pour deux postes de professeur adjoint menant à la permanence au Département de science et de génie des matériaux, situé sur le campus universitaire principal à Hamilton, en Ontario. Des candidats exceptionnels au rang de professeur agrégé ou titulaire peuvent également être pris en considération. Les candidats travaillant dans tous les domaines de l'ingénierie des sciences des matériaux sont encouragés à postuler, par exemple la métallurgie des procédés, la métallurgie mécanique, la caractérisation avancée, les biomatériaux et les matériaux nucléaires. La date de début est flexible, la date la plus rapprochée étant le 1er janvier 2024.

Les candidats doivent avoir complété un doctorat. en science et/ou en génie des matériaux, ou dans une discipline d'ingénierie étroitement liée au moment de la nomination. L'inscription à titre d'ingénieur professionnel de l'Ontario ou l'admissibilité à l'inscription au Canada est une qualification essentielle.

Le candidat retenu enseignera des cours de premier cycle et de cycles supérieurs. Les candidats doivent démontrer une volonté et une capacité à contribuer à la communauté intellectuelle collégiale et collaborative du Département ainsi qu'aux objectifs et priorités d'excellence inclusive à l'échelle de l'Université. Conformément à la position de McMaster en tant qu'université à forte intensité de recherche, le candidat retenu devra développer un programme de recherche dynamique financé par des fonds externes, superviser des étudiants diplômés et favoriser les collaborations existantes ou nouvelles avec d'autres départements et facultés. Une fois que le candidat retenu aura pris ses fonctions à l'Université McMaster, l'excellence en recherche se reflétera dans le mentorat réussi des étudiants diplômés, l'obtention de subventions extra-muros et la publication dans des revues à comité de lecture de haute qualité.

Engagement envers l'excellence inclusive La diversité de notre main-d'œuvre est au cœur de notre innovation et de notre créativité et renforce notre excellence en recherche et en enseignement. Conformément à sa Déclaration sur la création d'une communauté inclusive avec un objectif commun, l'Université McMaster s'efforce d'incarner les valeurs de respect, de collaboration et de diversité et est fermement engagée envers l'équité en matière d'emploi.

L'Université recherche des candidats qualifiés qui partagent notre engagement envers l'équité et l'inclusion, qui contribueront à la diversification des idées et des perspectives, et accueille particulièrement les candidatures des Premières Nations, des Métis et des Inuits, des membres des communautés racialisées (« minorités visibles »), des personnes les personnes handicapées, les femmes et les personnes s’identifiant comme 2SLGBTQ+.

Nous invitons tous les candidats à répondre à une brève enquête sur la diversité dans le cadre du processus de candidature. Cela prend environ deux minutes. Toutes les questions sont volontaires, avec la possibilité de refuser de répondre. Toutes les informations recueillies sont confidentielles et seront utilisées pour soutenir les efforts visant à élargir la diversité du bassin de candidats et à promouvoir un processus d'acquisition de talents juste, équitable et inclusif. Les demandes de renseignements concernant l'enquête sur la diversité peuvent être adressées à . 

Les candidats ayant besoin de mesures d'adaptation pour participer au processus d'embauche doivent contacter le Bureau du doyen de l'ingénierie au 905-525-9140, poste 20. 24900 pour communiquer les besoins en matière d'hébergement.

Contexte institutionnel Fondée en 1887, l'Université McMaster est l'une des quatre universités canadiennes classées parmi les 80 meilleures au monde selon le classement mondial des universités du Times Higher Education pour 2022 et abrite plus de 70 centres et instituts de recherche. Nommée l'université la plus intensive en recherche au Canada en 2017, 2018, 2019 et 2020 par Research Infosource, McMaster se consacre à l'enseignement, à l'apprentissage et au service. Avec une population étudiante de plus de 36 000 personnes, McMaster accueille des étudiants de 120 pays ainsi que du Canada.

McMaster Engineering est réputé pour ses programmes innovants, ses recherches de pointe, ses professeurs de premier plan et ses étudiants en herbe. Avec 200 professeurs, environ 7 500 étudiants de premier cycle et 1 250 étudiants des cycles supérieurs, nous sommes un centre de classe mondiale pour l’excellence académique et l’innovation.

Le Département de science et de génie des matériaux de l'Université McMaster jouit d'une réputation exceptionnelle en matière de recherche et d'enseignement et est l'une des meilleures écoles de génie des matériaux au Canada. Les membres du corps professoral du Département ont accès à une infrastructure de recherche de pointe à l'Institut des biointerfaces, au Centre canadien de microscopie électronique, au Centre des matériaux et de la corrosion automobiles et au McMaster Steel Research Centre. De plus, l'accès à des installations métallurgiques à l'échelle pilote et à une expertise industrielle est possible grâce aux collaborations de longue date du Ministère avec CanmetMATÉRIAUX au Parc d'innovation McMaster.

L'Université McMaster offre des salaires compétitifs et l'un des meilleurs avantages sociaux parmi les universités canadiennes, qui comprend une couverture médicale et dentaire supplémentaire, un régime de retraite à prestations déterminées, des frais de scolarité externes, une assurance invalidité de longue durée et des soutiens familiaux tels qu'une allocation de garde d'enfants, et des congés de maternité/parentaux financés. Les politiques universitaires incluent des dispositions prévoyant de tels congés dans le processus de titularisation et dans les évaluations annuelles du mérite. La Faculté de génie dispose de soutiens supplémentaires, tels que le financement du Engineering Life Event Fund, pour aider à maintenir la continuité des bourses d'études pendant les congés de grossesse/parentaux, médicaux ou familiaux.

Découvrez davantage ce que McMaster Engineering et la région de Hamilton ont à offrir aux professionnels universitaires et à leurs familles en consultant notre guide d'information mettant en valeur notre excellence en recherche, nos ressources adaptées aux familles et notre riche culture locale. Des opportunités de croissance personnelle et professionnelle continue sont également offertes par l'intermédiaire de la Fireball Academy de notre faculté et de l' Institut MacPherson .

Comment postuler : Veuillez soumettre les documents suivants via le portail électronique de l'Université : ( Offre d'emploi 56642 ) à :

Hatem Zurob Président du comité de recherche Département de science et de génie des matériaux Université McMaster, JHE-357 Hamilton, ON L8S 4L7 Canada

et soumettez les documents suivants :

  • lettre de candidature démontrant en quoi vous répondez aux critères de sélection décrits ci-dessus et décrivant, le cas échéant, l'impact que les interruptions de carrière peuvent avoir eu sur la productivité de la recherche (1-2 pages)
  • curriculum vitae
  • un énoncé de recherche qui énonce votre vision et vos objectifs pour votre programme de recherche. Incluez également une sélection de publications de recherche (pas plus de quatre exemples)
  • déclaration sur les intérêts et la philosophie de l'enseignement (y compris des preuves de l'efficacité de l'enseignement)
  • déclaration sur les contributions apportées à l'excellence inclusive dans l'enseignement, la recherche ou le service dans des contextes universitaires, professionnels ou communautaires, y compris une description de la façon dont vous ferez progresser l'engagement de l'Université à bâtir une communauté inclusive et à favoriser une culture qui embrasse et promeut la riche diversité de la communauté du campus (2 pages)
  • les noms et coordonnées d’au moins trois références, y compris leurs adresses postale et électronique. Les arbitres ne doivent pas être en conflit d'intérêts et au moins l'un d'entre eux doit être reconnu comme une autorité internationale dans votre domaine et ne pas résider dans le pays dans lequel vous travaillez actuellement. Dans les cas où le candidat est un chercheur autochtone canadien (Premières Nations, Inuit ou Métis) basé au Canada, le nom et les coordonnées d’un répondant international ne sont pas requis.

L'Université McMaster reconnaît l'impact potentiel que les interruptions de carrière et les circonstances personnelles (p. ex. grossesse, garde d'enfants en bas âge, soins aux personnes âgées, maladie, etc.) peuvent avoir sur les résultats en recherche d'un candidat. Nous encourageons les candidats à expliquer dans leur candidature l'impact que les interruptions de carrière ou d'autres problèmes ont pu avoir.

L'examen des candidatures débutera le 1er novembre 2023 . Les candidatures continueront d’être acceptées jusqu’à ce que le poste soit pourvu. La date d'entrée en vigueur de la nomination est négociable, mais la date du 1er juillet 2024 est préférée. Tous les candidats recevront une confirmation en ligne de la réception de leur candidature ; cependant, seuls les candidats présélectionnés seront contactés pour des entretiens. Les candidats ayant des questions concernant ce recrutement doivent contacter Samantha Kandilas,

Tous les candidats qualifiés sont encouragés à postuler ; cependant, les citoyens canadiens et les résidents permanents auront la priorité. Pour se conformer aux exigences de déclaration du gouvernement du Canada, l'Université recueille des informations sur le statut des candidats en tant que résident permanent du Canada ou citoyen canadien. Les candidats n'ont pas besoin d'identifier leur pays d'origine ou leur citoyenneté actuelle ; cependant, toutes les candidatures doivent inclure l’une des déclarations suivantes :

Oui, je suis citoyen ou résident permanent du Canada Non, je ne suis pas citoyen ou résident permanent du Canada

De plus amples informations sont disponibles au lien suivant : . De plus amples informations sur le cadre de santé et de sécurité de l'Université sont disponibles en ligne à . 

Les questions concernant les exigences ci-dessus ou toute demande d'accommodement dans le cadre du processus de recrutement peuvent être adressées à . 

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Université McMaster Lieu : Ontario Date de publication : 2024-02-09 Annoncé jusqu’au : 2024-03-10 L’Université McMaster est située sur les territoires traditionnels des nations Haudeno...View more

L' Audi Environmental Foundation soutient activement la recherche de nouvelles technologies et méthodes scientifiques pour un avenir vivable. Son objectif déclaré est de contribuer à la protection de l'environnement et de créer et promouvoir des comportements durables.

La Fondation se concentre en particulier sur la promotion et le développement de technologies respectueuses de l'environnement, de mesures d'éducation environnementale et de protection des nécessités naturelles de la vie des humains, des animaux et des plantes. Elle a été créée en 2009 par AUDI AG en tant que filiale à 100 % et s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'engagement social et environnemental de l'entreprise.

La rareté des ressources, la destruction de l’environnement, le changement climatique et la croissance démographique ne sont que quelques-uns des aspects qui influencent la société, la politique et les affaires. Avec l’évolution progressive des valeurs sociales, pour de plus en plus de personnes, la durabilité devient une partie de leur vision de la vie. Les défis auxquels nous sommes confrontés sont de plus en plus complexes. Ce n'est qu'en travaillant avec des partenaires que nous pourrons développer de bons concepts et des solutions solides pour relever avec succès ces défis.

L'Audi Environmental Foundation collabore donc avec One Young World pour offrir des bourses à 15 jeunes leaders inspirants pour assister au Sommet One Young World 2024 de cette année à Montréal (Tiohtià:ke), Canada.

Cette bourse est destinée aux jeunes leaders qui conduisent le changement et s'attaquent à la crise climatique grâce à de nouvelles technologies innovantes, à l'avancement de l'éducation climatique ou à la préservation des écosystèmes en arrêtant ou en inversant la dégradation des terres.

Les boursiers recevront :

  • Accès au One Young World Summit 2024 à Montréal, Canada.
  • Hébergement à l'hôtel à Montréal entre le 16 et le 21 (inclus) septembre 2024.
  • Participation à l'événement préalable d'Audi AG et de l'Audi Environmental Foundation le 17 septembre 2024.
    • Veuillez noter que la capacité de participer au pré-événement est un critère d'acceptation de la place de bourse.
  • Les frais de déplacement à destination et en provenance de Montréal (vols en classe économique).
  • Restauration qui comprend le petit-déjeuner, le déjeuner et le dîner.
  • Transport entre l'hébergement du Sommet et le lieu du Sommet.


  • Âgé de 18 à 30 ans.
  • Les ressortissants de tous les pays seront éligibles pour postuler à cette bourse.
  • Engagement avéré à apporter des changements positifs.
  • Capacité démontrée de leadership.
  • Compréhension des principaux problèmes locaux et/ou mondiaux.
  • Expérience dans la génération de solutions percutantes et innovantes.
  • Impact et innovation démontrés dans la lutte contre les défis environnementaux.

Date limite d'inscription17 mars 2024

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

L‘ Audi Environmental Foundation soutient activement la recherche de nouvelles technologies et méthodes scientifiques pour un avenir vivable. Son objectif déclaré est de contribuer à la p...View more

Wilfrid Laurier University

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2024-01-29
Advertised until: 2024-03-30

Wilfrid Laurier University - The Department of Geography and Environmental Studies (GES) invites applications from qualified candidates for a 1-year Limited Term Appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor, effective July 1, 2024, subject to budgetary approval.

The successful candidate will demonstrate primary expertise in Climate Change Management.

The appointee will be expected to contribute to undergraduate teaching and will have experience developing and teaching classes on topics that include Fundamentals of Planning for Climate Change, Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change, Project Management and Greenhouse Gas Accounting.

Appointment will be at a rank and salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applicants are expected to possess a PhD in geography, environmental studies, planning or a closely related discipline, at the time of appointment. Candidates must be committed to working across sub-disciplinary boundaries and creating a culture of inclusion, as well as a dedication to community service and professional development.

Applications must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a teaching dossier that includes evidence of teaching innovation and excellence, links to up to three selected publications, and the names and e-mail addresses of three referees.

Full application packages may be submitted to: Attention: Dr. Mary-Louise Byrne, Chair, Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, N2L 3C5

Electronic submission of applications is preferred. Applications will be accepted until March 30, 2024.  Applicants can learn more about the Department, affiliated university research centres, and current faculty interests at Geography and Environmental Studies.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, as per Canadian immigration laws, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. To comply with the Government of Canada’s reporting requirements, the University is obligated to gather information about applicants’ status as either Permanent Residents of Canada or Canadian citizens. Applicants need not identify their country of origin or current citizenships; however, all applicants must include one of the following statements in their cover letter:

Yes, I am a current citizen or permanent resident of Canada. or No, I am not a current citizen or permanent resident of Canada.

Members of designated groups must self-identify to be considered for employment equity. Candidates may self-identify, in confidence, to Ruth MacNeil  (, Senior Administrative Officer, Faculty of Science.  Further information on the equity policy can be found at WLU equity policy.

Applicants are encouraged to address any career interruptions or special circumstances that may have affected their record of research and teaching, in accordance with SSHRC and NSERC definitions and guidelines. To obtain a copy of this job description in an accessible format, please contact Ruth MacNeil, Faculty of Science Office at

The Faculty of Science wishes to thank all applicants for their interest. All applications shall be reviewed and considered under a set of criteria established by the Department Appointments and Promotion Committee and a short list of candidates shall be interviewed. Only those applicants selected for the short list will be contacted.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Wilfrid Laurier University Location: Ontario Date posted: 2024-01-29 Advertised until: 2024-03-30 Wilfrid Laurier University – The Department of Geography and Environmental Studies (GES) invi...View more

University of Toronto Mississauga

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2024-01-29
Advertised until: 2024-03-11

Closing Date: 03/11/2024, 11:59PM ET Req ID: 32995 Job Category: Faculty - Tenure Stream (continuing) Faculty/Division: University of Toronto Mississauga Department: UTM: Department of Historical Studies Campus: University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) Description: The Department of Historical Studies at the University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) invites applications for a full-time tenure stream position in Jain Studies. The appointment will be at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor and the successful candidate will also hold the position of Gyan and Kanchan Jain Chair in Jain Studies for a five-year term, renewable following a favourable review. This appointment will have an anticipated start date of July 1, 2024, or shortly thereafter. Candidates must have earned a PhD in Religious Studies or a closely related area, with a clearly demonstrated record of excellence in research and teaching. The successful candidate must be recognized internationally as an outstanding and innovative world-class researcher whose accomplishments have made a major impact in the field of Jain studies, as commensurate with career stage. The Chairholder is expected to attract, develop and retain excellent trainees, students and future researchers; and have established a research program of the highest quality. The successful candidate’s research should complement the expertise already present in the History of Religions Program in the Department of Historical Studies ( Their research must focus on the study of Jainism and demonstrate engagement with the cultural, historical, and social contexts of the religious tradition, reflecting the breadth of Jain history and culture. We invite candidates to articulate how they incorporate and interpret recent methodologies in their research and teaching statements, as outlined below. The successful candidate must provide evidence of excellence in both research and teaching. Evidence of excellence in research will be demonstrated by a record of sustained high-impact contributions and publications in top-ranked and field-relevant journals, presentations at significant conferences, and other noteworthy activities that contribute to the visibility and prominence of the discipline, as well awards, accolades and strong endorsements by renowned referees in the field. The successful candidate must demonstrate linguistic mastery in relevant languages of research. Evidence of excellence in teaching will be demonstrated through teaching accomplishments, the teaching dossier submitted as part of the application, including a statement describing pedagogic strategies, sample course materials, and teaching evaluations. The successful applicant must have the ability to teach a broad range of existing and new courses from the introductory to the advanced level as part of the undergraduate curriculum in the History of Religions Program at the University of Toronto Mississauga. The successful candidate will also teach graduate courses in the tri-campus graduate Department for the Study of Religion. Further information about the departments is available at and As the inaugural holder of the Gyan and Kanchan Jain Chair in Jain Studies, the successful candidate will be expected to further a deeper understanding of Jainism at the University of Toronto Mississauga, in the community within the university, the Peel Region, and Canada more broadly, through teaching, outreach, and research activities. Support for outreach activities will be provided enabling the successful candidate to host events as well as research and teaching activities. Salary and rank will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. At UTM we are committed to fostering an environment of diversity and inclusion. With an enviable diverse student body, we especially welcome applications from candidates who identify as Indigenous, Black, or racially visible (persons of colour), and who have experience working with, teaching or mentoring diverse groups or students. Candidates must demonstrate, in their application materials, an ability to foster diversity on campus and within the curriculum or discipline, and must show evidence of a commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, and the promotion of a respectful and collegial environment. Candidates must submit a statement describing their contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion, which might cover topics such as (but not limited to): teaching that incorporates a focus on underrepresented communities; efforts undertaken to develop inclusive pedagogies, collaboration, and engagement with underrepresented communities; and mentoring of students from underrepresented groups. If you have questions about this statement, please contact the Department of Historical Studies Chair at The successful applicant will join a vibrant intellectual community of world-class scholars at Canada’s largest university. The Greater Toronto Area (GTA) is one of the most fascinating, diverse and “livable” places in the world. All qualified candidates are invited to apply online by clicking the link below. Applications must be submitted online by March 11, 2024, and include 1) a cover letter, 2) a current CV, 3) two article-length samples of academic writing, 4) a statement of research interests, 5) a statement of contribution to equity and diversity (see above), 6) a teaching dossier to include the items listed above. Applicants must provide the name and contact information of three references. The University of Toronto’s recruiting tool will automatically solicit and collect letters of reference from each referee the day after an application is submitted. Applicants remain responsible for ensuring that references submit letters (on letterhead, dated and signed) by the closing date. More details on the automatic reference letter collection, including timelines, are available in the candidate FAQ. Submission guidelines can be found at Your CV and cover letter should be uploaded into the dedicated fields. Please combine additional application materials into one or two files in PDF/MS Word format. If you have any questions about this position, please contact the Department of Historical Studies Chair at . All application materials, including recent reference letters, must be received by March 11, 2024.     The University of Toronto has adopted the AAU Principles on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Academia, including the requirement that applicants release personnel information from prior employers regarding sexual misconduct. Full details and requirements can be found here. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Diversity Statement The University of Toronto embraces Diversity and is building a culture of belonging that increases our capacity to effectively address and serve the interests of our global community. We strongly encourage applications from Indigenous Peoples, Black and racialized persons, women, persons with disabilities, and people of diverse sexual and gender identities. We value applicants who have demonstrated a commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion and recognize that diverse perspectives, experiences, and expertise are essential to strengthening our academic mission. As part of your application, you will be asked to complete a brief Diversity Survey. This survey is voluntary. Any information directly related to you is confidential and cannot be accessed by search committees or human resources staff. Results will be aggregated for institutional planning purposes. For more information, please see Accessibility Statement The University strives to be an equitable and inclusive community, and proactively seeks to increase diversity among its community members. Our values regarding equity and diversity are linked with our unwavering commitment to excellence in the pursuit of our academic mission. The University is committed to the principles of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). As such, we strive to make our recruitment, assessment and selection processes as accessible as possible and provide accommodations as required for applicants with disabilities. If you require any accommodations at any point during the application and hiring process, please contact Apply now »

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

University of Toronto Mississauga Location: Ontario Date posted: 2024-01-29 Advertised until: 2024-03-11 Closing Date: 03/11/2024, 11:59PM ET Req ID: 32995 Job Category: Faculty – Tenure Stre...View more

University of Calgary

Location: Alberta
Date posted: 2024-01-29
Advertised until: 2024-03-04

The Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Calgary invites applications for a Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier I in Gender Equity and Physical Activity. Herein, the term physical activity refers to all forms of physical activity. The successful candidate will be appointed at the rank of Professor (with Tenure) and will be nominated as a CRC Tier I with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2024. Further information about the Canada Research Chairs Program can be found on the Government of Canada’s CRC website, including eligibility criteria. Applicants must have a PhD in Kinesiology (or a related area) and a current appointment at the rank of Professor. The successful candidate will have an outstanding, novel, and transformational program of research, supported by extensive external funding, that examines women’s and girls’ physical activity experiences. Additionally, research that includes collaboration with Indigenous Peoples and/or with individuals from other equity-deserving groups is an asset. Demonstrated leadership and examples of impacting policy and/or practice in advancing gender equity in sport and physical activity at local, national, and international levels is required. The candidate will bring an exceptional record of Tri-Council (or equivalent) funding and demonstrated success in developing research partnerships with external organizations to support original and innovative research. Using community-based collaborative research methodologies, the successful candidate’s research will have impacted the physical activity experiences of targeted populations. Such a community focus will be consistent with the University of Calgary’s strategic plan (Ahead of Tomorrow) and the Faculty of Kinesiology’s strategic plan (Together, Stronger: A Framework for Excellence Through Collaboration).

The proven ability to impact policy and practice is required. The CRC will help place the Faculty of Kinesiology and University of Calgary at the forefront of national and international conversations about physical activity among women and girls. Overall, when combined with the remarkable $30M gift that created the Joan Snyder Fund for Excellence in Kinesiology Research, this CRC will enhance UCalgary’s and Faculty of Kinesiology’s profile as a centre of excellence for kinesiology research for women and girls.

The successful candidate’s research will also strengthen UCalgary’s strategic research priorities, including “One Child Every Child” and “Human Dynamics in a Changing World.” Moreover, applicants must align with the UCalgary ii' taa'poh'to'p strategy and contribute towards the University’s path of transformation, commitment, and responsibility for truth and reconciliation. Finally, the CRC will play an important role in providing expert advice and leadership to the community-facing units in the Faculty of Kinesiology (i.e., Dinos Athletics, Olympic Oval, Active Living, Sport Medicine Centre), and in the development of policies and practices to ensure gender equity across a range of physical activity settings, thus placing UCalgary us at the forefront of positive change in Canadian universities. Qualifications and Experience

  • PhD in Kinesiology (or related area).
  • Research specialization examining the women’s and girls’ physical activity experience. Research that includes collaboration with Indigenous Peoples and/or with individuals from other equity-deserving groups is an asset.
  • Current appointment at the Professor level.
  • An exemplary record of research achievements, with demonstrated outcomes that align with the full range of principles articulated in the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).
  • Alignment with the Joan Snyder Fund for Excellence in Kinesiology Research.
  • An exceptional record of external research funding, with extensive and continuous Tri-Council funding (or equivalent) as a Principal/co-Principal investigator and collaborative success in securing funding for transdisciplinary and/or multidisciplinary research projects.
  • Expertise in community-based research methodologies.
  • Demonstrated success in developing research partnerships with local, national, and international external organizations.
  • Evidence of leadership and examples of impacting policy and/or practice in advancing gender equity in sport and physical activity at local, national, and international levels.
  • A superior track record in attracting and supervising outstanding graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
  • Proven teaching excellence at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • Outstanding accomplishments related to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in current/previous institutional environment(s), in research, curriculum, supporting diverse students, and service to the institution.

The University of Calgary adheres to the principles of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and strives to evaluate research impact responsibly and inclusively by explicitly considering discipline-appropriate methods for demonstrating the quality, significance, and societal impact of a broad range of research contributions. For more information and to apply:

Interested individuals are encouraged to submit an application online via the UCalgary Careers site. Please be aware that the application process allows for only four attachments. Your four application attachments should be organized to contain the following (which may require you to merge documents):

  • Cover letter, including the name and contact information of three referees, and curriculum vitae
  • Statement of research interests, accomplishments, and vision (up to 2 pages)
  • Statement of teaching philosophy (up to 2 pages).
  • Statement of EDIA experience, contribution, and leadership plan (up to 2 pages)

Posting Closed: March 4, 2024

The University of Calgary recognizes that candidates have varying career paths and that career interruptions can be part of an excellent academic record. Candidates are encouraged but not required to provide any relevant information about their experience and/or career interruptions to allow for a fair assessment of their application. Selection committees have been instructed to give careful consideration to, and be sensitive to the impact of career interruptions, when assessing the candidate’s research productivity.

The University of Calgary has launched an institution-wide Indigenous Strategy committing to creating a rich, vibrant, and culturally competent campus that welcomes and supports Indigenous Peoples, encourages Indigenous community partnerships, is inclusive of Indigenous perspectives in all that we do.

As an equitable and inclusive employer, the University of Calgary recognizes that a diverse staff/faculty benefits and enriches the work, learning and research experiences of the entire campus and greater community. We are committed to removing barriers that have been historically encountered by some people in our society. We strive to recruit individuals who will further enhance our diversity and will support their academic and professional success while they are here. In particular, we encourage members of the designated groups (women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible/racialized minorities, and diverse sexual orientation and gender identities) to apply. To ensure a fair and equitable assessment, we offer accommodation at any stage during the recruitment process to applicants with disabilities. Questions regarding [diversity] EDI at UCalgary can be sent to the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion ( and requests for accommodations can be sent to Human Resources (

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. In this connection, at the time of your application, please answer the following question: Are you a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada? (Yes/No)

Additional Information For a listing of all academic opportunities at the University of Calgary, view our Academic Careers website. For more information about the Faculty of Kinesiology, click here.

About the University of Calgary UCalgary is Canada’s entrepreneurial university, located in Canada’s most enterprising city. It is a top research university and one of the highest-ranked universities of its age. Founded in 1966, its 36,000 students experience an innovative learning environment, made rich by research, hands-on experiences and entrepreneurial thinking. It is Canada’s leader in the creation of start-upsStart something today at the University of Calgary. For more information, visit About Calgary, Alberta Calgary is one of the world's cleanest cities and has been named one of the world's most livable cities for years. Calgary is a city of leaders - in business, community, philanthropy and volunteerism. Calgarians benefit from a growing number of world-class dining and cultural events and enjoy more days of sunshine per year than any other major Canadian city. Calgary is less than an hour's drive from the majestic Rocky Mountains and boasts the most extensive urban pathway and bikeway network in North America

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

University of Calgary Location: Alberta Date posted: 2024-01-29 Advertised until: 2024-03-04 The Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Calgary invites applications for a Canada Research Cha...View more

University of Victoria

Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2024-01-29
Advertised until: 2024-03-06

Deadline to apply: March 6, 2024

The Department of Geography in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Victoria invites external applications from outstanding emerging scholars for a Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Extreme Climate Event Impacts on Communities. The successful applicant will be nominated by the University for a Tier 2 CRC and, upon approval by the CRC Secretariat, will be offered a position at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor, with rank and tenure status determined after an assessment of accomplishments and experience. The anticipated start date is January 1, 2025.

Job Description: The successful candidate for this NSERC CRC in ‘Extreme Climate Event Impacts on Communities’ will apply their expertise as a solutions-focused, action-oriented, community-engaged researcher who employs and develops methods to examine climate and weather extremes in the context of community impacts and outcomes. This can take different forms, ranging from large-scale statistical/dynamical analysis of severe climate and weather event impacts down to high-resolution microscale measurement of individual building responses. The types of analyses this could encompass include:

  1. Analysis of synoptic/weather drivers of heat dome, pollution, wildfire, or atmospheric river flooding events and the magnitude/duration thresholds that result in different adverse impacts on community infrastructure and/or human health;
  2. Direct monitoring (instrumenting) of buildings to determine structured responses to weather-related stressors;
  3. Integrated analyses for the emergency management of complex systems, for example: impacts of extreme weather events on the capacity of cities to provide essential urban services, or the structure and function of community contexts in shaping and driving risk and resilience to extreme events, e.g. morbidity and mortality trends, hospital infrastructure surge capacity and networking.

The University seeks an emerging world-class researcher to investigate issues associated with climate change impacts on communities. The successful candidate is expected to undertake the following:

  • lead a high-quality, original research program with the potential to achieve international recognition;
  • produce high calibre scholarly outputs;
  • create a mentoring environment that attracts and supports highly qualified and diverse graduate students and other mentees;
  • and address and build local, regional, national, and ultimately, international capacity around climate change, adaptation and resilience-building priorities.

Their research will be grounded in extensive analytical projects tailored to specific applications that can inform knowledge mobilization, decision-making and policy. Where appropriate, projects will be co-developed with stakeholders or communities or community-led.

Applicants must demonstrate their support for equity, diversity and inclusion in university and other settings; and show understanding and, if possible, experience in working respectfully and effectively with Indigenous and rural and remote communities.

The Chair is also expected to be an effective and engaged teacher, as demonstrated via external class assessments and indicators of investment in pedagogical training, with experience in fostering inclusive class environments and with the ability to teach core courses in geography. In particular, this CRC will contribute to teaching capacity in our new, first of its kind, BSc Climate Science program.

Preferential Hire: The University encourages applicants who identify as: Indigenous, women and those with gender diverse identities, persons with disabilities, and members of visible minorities. This is a “preferential hire”, which means in accordance with the University’s Equity Plan and pursuant to Section 42 of the BC Human Rights Code, preference will be given to members of the following groups: Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, people of Black, African, and Caribbean-descent, people of colour, people of diverse gender identities or expression and/or diverse sexual orientations. Candidates who wish to qualify for preferential consideration must clearly self-identify in their cover letter. The committee will review other applications if it does not find a suitable candidate in the initial pool.

Qualifications: The successful candidate will possess the following qualifications:

  • An earned PhD in Geography or related discipline (at least one degree must be from Geography)
  • Must have updated or developed and taught at least one undergraduate university course
  • Must have secured external grant funding as a PI or co-PI
  • Must be able to demonstrate contributions to your university, profession, and the public.
  • Must be able to articulate how you have contributed to integrating equity, diversity and inclusion into your research and teaching.
  • Must qualify for the Canada Research Chair program

For additional information about the position and how to apply, please visit the full posting:

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

University of Victoria Location: British Columbia Date posted: 2024-01-29 Advertised until: 2024-03-06 Deadline to apply: March 6, 2024 The Department of Geography in the Faculty of Social Sciences at...View more

Posted 6 Monaten ago

Thompson Rivers University

Location: British Columbia
Date posted: 2024-01-29
Advertised until: 2024-03-29

Open to both Internal and external

Job Type: Faculty (Tenure, Tenure Track, LTC) Closing Application Date: 15/3/2024

Applications will be reviewed commencing the closing application date and may continue until the position is filled.

Instructional Type: Academic/Career(max 24 credits) Faculty Type: Tenure Track Anticipated Start Date: 1/7/2024

About the Position The Department of Human Enterprise and Innovation (HEI), Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics (TRU Gaglardi) invites applicants for a tenure-track appointment (Assistant / Associate / Full Professor) in Business Ethics, with a preferred starting date of July 1st, 2024. In this research position, candidates will maintain an active research agenda while teaching five sections per academic year. We focus on developing a good relationship with our students and to this end our sections are generally less than 40 students. In the first year, the teaching load is reduced by one course. The candidate will teach Business Ethics courses from within the undergraduate and graduate courses offered on-campus in Kamloops, BC. The candidate will also make a strong ongoing service contribution to the department, school, university and/or the broader community.

What TRU Offers TRU offers competitive salary, benefits and a defined benefit pension plan, personal development funds and sabbaticals outlined by the TRUFA collective agreement. Relocation assistance is also available. TRU Gaglardi and TRU provide researchers the opportunity to apply to a variety of research funding sources available. TRU’s classes and offices are located on a spectacular campus with panoramic views of the Thompson Rivers and surrounding mountains. Nestled between hiking trails of Kenna Cartwright Park and within walking distance of downtown, TRU offers a country in the city feeling that is unlike any other university.

About the Department of Human Enterprise and Innovation The Department of Human Enterprise and Innovation (HEI) is growing, building on the core foundations of Human Resource Management, Organizational Behaviour, and Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and to focus on human centered activities – where creativity, collaboration, innovation, and entrepreneurial thinking, are key integrated themes in the design and management of dynamic organizations. The Innovation for Social Good research cluster operates in association with the HEI department, conducting research on topics such as social enterprise creation and scaling, social impact measurement, social innovation for disadvantaged groups, and the impact of work integration social enterprises.

The Department of Human Enterprise and Innovation is one of five departments in TRU Gaglardi encompassing a diverse group of faculty. It is a highly supportive and collegial team, with ten active full-time faculty members who are innovative teachers and successful researchers publishing in high-ranked journals. The Department manages Major, Minor and post baccalaureate programs in Human Resource Management and Entrepreneurship and Innovation, a Minor in Leadership, and is a major contributor to the MBA program. As a group we are also heavily involved with our local indigenous communities through the delivery of academic programs, courses (Graduate and Undergraduate), and practitioner focused workshops.

About the Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics (TRU Gaglardi) With over 4000 on-campus students the School of Business and Economics is the largest business school in the interior of British Columbia, offering undergraduate, post baccalaureate and graduate programs in business and economics including Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master in Environmental Economics and Management (MEEM), Master of Science in Environmental Economics and Management (MScEEM). SoBE is also Thompson Rivers University’s largest faculty. What makes SoBE special is that even with its size it maintains a collaborative environment, with support provided to assist professors with both research and teaching.

About Thompson Rivers University With over 25,000 on-campus and online students and more than 100 undergraduate and graduate programs in eight diverse faculties, TRU celebrates academic excellence and excels at providing exceptional experiential learning opportunities. TRU delivers graduate and undergraduate programs in Business, Law, Nursing, Education, Computer Science and Arts and Science. Our students and faculty reflect the local, national, and global community. TRU provides a rich and engaging student-centred environment where students and faculty know each other by name. TRU strives to create inclusive and rewarding student experiences, both on and off campus.

TRU Gaglardi, Thompson Rivers University, is located on the traditional lands of the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc (Kamloops campus) and the T’exelc (Williams Lake campus) within Secwépemc'ulucw, the traditional and unceded territory of the Secwépemc. Our region also extends into the territories of the St’át’imc, Nlaka’pamux, Nuxalk, Tsilhqot'in, Dakelh, and Syilx peoples.

QUALIFICATIONS TRU Gaglardi seeks applicants with a strong commitment to excellence in scholarly research and teaching in the field of Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility. A Ph.D. in Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility or a related field is required. The position entails developing and sustaining quality research, experiential teaching, while conducting and publishing quality academic research. Applicants must include a record of research and publication which demonstrates their potential to publish in high-quality peer-reviewed journals. Candidates who incorporate Indigenous Ways of Knowing into their teaching and research are encouraged to apply.

Applicants TRU is committed to building and fostering an inclusive environment. TRU continuously strives to increase the diversity of its faculty and welcomes applications from all; including those who identify as Indigenous, from visible minorities, those having disabilities and from persons of any sexual and gender identities. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply. The University will assist any candidate who requires special accommodation during the recruitment process. If required, please notify us of your request with your application.

Application Process Candidates are encouraged to apply early. Assessment of applications will begin March 15th, 2024 and will continue until the position is filled.

Interested applicants should submit the following:

  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Statement of research interest and teaching philosophy
  • All scholarly research including publications, conference papers, and/or working papers
  • Teaching evaluations (if available)

Applications are made online through Thompson Rivers University’s (Deltek) Human-Resources system. Please note that shortlisted candidates will require to submit three letters of reference.

Please direct all questions to Dr. Rhonda Dever, Chair of the selection committee at

Pay Band: $71,520.00 - $181,896.00 (According to TRUFA Salary Schedule - Range TS01 - TS35) Location: Kamloops, BC CA (Primary) # of Hires Needed: 1 Organizational Unit: Thompson Rivers University -> Bob Gaglardi School of Business and Economics

Diversity and Inclusion Commitment: Thompson Rivers University is strongly committed to hiring based on merit with a focus on fostering diversity of thought within our community. We welcome those who would contribute to the further diversification of our staff, our faculty and its scholarship including, but not limited to, women, Indigenous, Black and People of Colour, persons with disabilities and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity. Please note that all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply, however applications from Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

NOTE: To learn more about Thompson Rivers University or living in Kamloops or Williams Lake please visit our Careers website. External Candidates invited to interview will be required to bring a copy of their transcripts to the interview.

Apply Here:

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Thompson Rivers University Location: British Columbia Date posted: 2024-01-29 Advertised until: 2024-03-29 Open to both Internal and external Job Type: Faculty (Tenure, Tenure Track, LTC) Closing App...View more

Mount Royal University

Location: Alberta
Date posted: 2024-01-29
Advertised until: 2024-02-28

Founded in 1910 and located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Mount Royal University grew into a vibrant college in the 1930s and became a mid-sized university in 2009. Today, Mount Royal offers 14 bachelor degrees and 38 majors, along with a wide range of diploma and certificate options. It boasts a diverse community with nearly 16,000 credit students, more than 5,500 non-credit students and about 1,700 employees.

Mount Royal is located in the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta, which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina, and the Iyarhe Nakoda. The City of Calgary is also home to the Métis Nation.

Mount Royal is committed to removing barriers and fostering the inclusion of voices that have been historically underrepresented or discouraged in our society. In support of our belief that diversity in our faculty and staff enriches the work, learning and research experiences for the entire campus community, we strongly encourage members of the designated groups (women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, and diverse sexual orientation and gender identities) to apply and self-identify.

About the Faculty of Science and Technology Mount Royal’s Faculty of Science and Technology offers Bachelor’s Degrees in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Data Science, Environmental Science, Geology, and General Science which allow students to prepare for a variety of exciting careers in science and technology by not only teaching them the basics of science but also how to be flexible and innovative problem-solvers.

Faculty members in the Faculty of Science and Technology also support the delivery of the liberal education component of all Mount Royal University undergraduate degree programs by teaching courses in General Education (GNED), Cluster-One: Numeracy and Scientific Literacy. In foundation level GNED courses students explore pre-disciplinary themes and subjects and are exposed to a range of academic disciplines while developing key undergraduate intellectual capacities.

The Department of Chemistry and Physics offers a Bachelor of Science Chemistry major with two concentrations (Analytical Biochemistry and General Chemistry Option), as well as minors in Astronomy, Chemistry and Physics. The Department is committed to providing exceptional teaching and scholarship experiences for undergraduate students in a supportive environment of equity, diversity and inclusion.

About the Role The Department of Chemistry and Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology at Mount Royal University invites applications for a tenure track position which will commence July 1, 2024, subject to final budgetary approval, at the Rank of Assistant Professor.

The successful candidate will be a passionate teacher who will make substantial contributions to the Analytical Biochemistry concentration in the Bachelor of Science in Chemistry major. Applicants should have a PhD in Chemistry or a closely related field, with expertise in analytical chemistry applied to biochemical problems. Expertise in spectroscopic methods that leverages the Department’s suite of instruments will be considered an asset. The successful candidate will teach specialized courses in the Analytical Biochemistry concentration as well as more general courses throughout the Chemistry major. The successful candidate will also have the possibility to teach in the General Education program if desired.

Applicants should demonstrate their intent and ability to pursue a research program. In particular, they should articulate a well-defined plan to involve undergraduate students in their research program. The potential for success in obtaining external funding will be considered an asset.

The successful candidate will be hired directly into the Teaching/Scholarship/Service (TSS)  work pattern. The TSS work pattern focuses on teaching with the requirement that the faculty member also be involved in a  program of scholarship as well as service to the Mount Royal community. Alternatively, the Teaching/Service pattern (TS) focuses on teaching and service only. There is an option to change work patterns after tenure.

For further information, contact Dr. Raphael Slawinski, Chair, Department of Chemistry and Physics at

What We Offer Talented and committed employees are the driving force behind student success. We strive to be an employer of choice among Canadian post-secondary institutions.

At Mount Royal University, we recognize that people are a combination of many intersecting identities; we work to cultivate an environment that welcomes the whole person, and harnesses the strength that is available in our diversity, creating a rich and inclusive workplace.

Investing in the learning and development of our employees benefits the individual and the University. A variety of services, resources and programs encourage a healthy, productive workplace. Mount Royal University offers a competitive total compensation package including health and dental benefits, pension, health and personal spending accounts, paid vacation, winter holiday closure, personal days and a free membership in our fully equipped recreation centre.

Our campus offers the convenience of a full medical clinic, dentist and pharmacy, as well as a variety of wellness services such as physiotherapists and massage therapists. Campus Recreation offers many activities, including personal training, fitness classes, climbing, aquatics, sports and certifications for students, employees and the public.

Closing Date: February 23, 2024

Apply Here:

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Mount Royal University Location: Alberta Date posted: 2024-01-29 Advertised until: 2024-02-28 Founded in 1910 and located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Mount Royal University grew into a vibrant colleg...View more

Mount Royal University

Location: Alberta
Date posted: 2024-01-29
Advertised until: 2024-02-28

Founded in 1910 and located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Mount Royal University grew into a vibrant college in the 1930s and became a mid-sized university in 2009. Today, Mount Royal offers 14 bachelor degrees and 38 majors, along with a wide range of diploma and certificate options. It boasts a diverse community with nearly 16,000 credit students, more than 5,500 non-credit students and about 1,700 employees.

As a student-focused undergraduate university built on teaching excellence, Mount Royal is known for its top-calibre programs, high-quality teaching and learning experience, robust delivery of liberal education, scholarly teaching, experiential learning and undergraduate research. Grounded in community, Mount Royal is a place where faculty, staff and alumni can know each other by name — and where everyone is welcome. Learn more about Mount Royal’s strategic academic direction at

Mount Royal is located in the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta, which includes the Siksika, the Piikani, the Kainai, the Tsuut’ina, and the Iyarhe Nakoda. The City of Calgary is also home to the Métis Nation.

Mount Royal is committed to removing barriers and fostering the inclusion of voices that have been historically underrepresented or discouraged in our society. In support of our belief that diversity in our faculty and staff enriches the work, learning and research experiences for the entire campus community, we strongly encourage members of the designated groups (women, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, and diverse sexual orientation and gender identities) to apply and self-identify.

About the Faculty of Science and Technology Mount Royal’s Faculty of Science and Technology offers bachelor’s degrees in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Computer Information Systems, Data Science, Environmental Science, General Science, and Geology which allows students to prepare for a variety of exciting careers in science and technology by not only teaching them the basics of science but also how to be flexible and innovative problem-solvers.

Faculty members in the Faculty of Science and Technology also support the delivery of the liberal education component of all Mount Royal University undergraduate degree programs by teaching courses in General Education (GNED), Cluster-One: Numeracy and Scientific Literacy. In foundation level GNED courses students explore pre-disciplinary themes and subjects and are exposed to a range of academic disciplines while developing key undergraduate intellectual capacities.

The Department of Biology offers a Bachelor of Science Biology major with three concentrations (Cellular & Molecular Biology, Anatomy & Physiology, and Ecology & Evolution), an Honours Biology degree, and a Biology minor.

About the Role The Department of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology at Mount Royal University invites applications for a tenure track position which will commence July 1, 2024, subject to final budgetary approval, at the Rank of Assistant Professor.

The successful applicant will demonstrate a primary commitment to undergraduate teaching and an ongoing research program. Applicants must have expertise to teach and develop senior-level courses in community ecology and support other course offerings in ecology and evolution. A Ph.D. in Biological Sciences or related discipline with expertise in community ecology is required. The successful candidate will develop/maintain an active research program. The ability to involve undergraduate students in research and potential for success in obtaining external funding are considered assets.

There are two work patterns at Mount Royal University. The teaching/ scholarship/ service pattern (TSS) focuses on teaching with the requirement that the faculty member be involved in a research program as well as service to the Mount Royal community. The teaching/ service pattern (TS) focuses on teaching and service only. The successful candidate for this role will be hired into the teaching/ scholarship/ service pattern (TSS). There is the option to change work patterns after tenure.

For further information, contact Dr. Dorothy Hill, Chair, Department of Biology at (403) 440-7796 or

What We Offer Talented and committed employees are the driving force behind student success. We strive to be an employer of choice among Canadian post-secondary institutions.

At Mount Royal University, we recognize that people are a combination of many intersecting identities; we work to cultivate an environment that welcomes the whole person and harnesses the strength that is available in our diversity, creating a rich and inclusive workplace.

Investing in the learning and development of our employees benefits the individual and the University. A variety of services, resources and programs encourage a healthy, productive workplace. Mount Royal University offers a competitive total compensation package including health and dental benefits, pension, health and personal spending accounts, paid vacation, winter holiday closure, personal days and a free membership in our fully equipped recreation centre.

Our campus offers the convenience of a medical clinic, dentist and pharmacy, as well as a variety of wellness services such as physiotherapists and massage therapists. Campus Recreation offers many activities, including personal training, fitness classes, climbing, aquatics, sports and certifications for students, employees and the public.

Closing Date: 16 February 2024 

Apply Here:

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Mount Royal University Location: Alberta Date posted: 2024-01-29 Advertised until: 2024-02-28 Founded in 1910 and located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Mount Royal University grew into a vibrant colleg...View more

University of Waterloo

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2024-01-29
Advertised until: 2024-03-29

Ranked #1 in Canada and in the top 50 engineering faculties in the world, University of Waterloo Faculty of Engineering occupies a singular space in the world of technology and innovation because of our unique co-operative education program, entrepreneurship ecosystem, and our strong partnership with industry.

The Conrad School of Entrepreneurship and Business in the Faculty of Engineering, University of Waterloo is searching for its next director. Home to nearly 100 graduate students, 14 faculty members and 5 staff this vibrant School provides a unique and innovative environment for research and learning in entrepreneurship and business. The School is a diverse academic unit with faculty in the areas of entrepreneurship, strategy, marketing, leadership, organizational behaviour and social innovation.

Conrad offers a graduate master’s degree in business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (MBET) and Canada’s first-ever PhD in Entrepreneurship and Organization. Researchers at the Conrad School are devoted to forward-thinking work on innovation, entrepreneurship and commercialization. (The School’s research strengths are summarized at In addition, Conrad is highly regarded for the quality of its teaching. Each year, over 3,500 University of Waterloo students choose to take elective courses at the School. Waterloo attracts outstanding students, both domestic and international. Our faculty and students are engaged in cutting-edge research to develop businesses that are relevant and viable. As a result, our graduates are highly sought around the world for their exceptional abilities.

The Director will lead the School in implementing its strategic plan for education and research and will play a crucial role in shaping the direction of Waterloo’s Faculty of Engineering. This role also involves cultivating relationships with internal and external stakeholders to enhance Conrad’s reputation and impact. The successful candidate will have a relevant PhD degree, be appointed at the rank of tenured Professor or senior Associate Professor, and is expected to have a distinguished record of teaching, research, and service. The appointee will be a person of academic stature, with demonstrated leadership, academic, educational, and administrative credentials. The first term of office for a School Director is four years, renewable for an additional four years. Following the term(s) of appointment as Director, the appointee will assume regular faculty member duties within the School.

The University of Waterloo is a world leader in innovation and entrepreneurialism. QS World University Rankings ranks Waterloo’s Faculty of Engineering as amongst the top 50 engineering schools worldwide. With more than 42,000 students attending annually, Waterloo is #1 in Canada for experiential learning and employer-student connections. Located at the heart of Canada's Technology Triangle, just west of Toronto, our researchers and students benefit from close connections with Canada's highest concentration of high-technology and manufacturing companies, as well as University of Waterloo's unique intellectual property policy which ensures your work is your property – 100% of the ideas developed at Waterloo are owned by creators. If you are entrepreneurial, Waterloo is the ideal university for you with a wide range of resources ready to support your success.

The base salary range for the position is $185,000 to $230,000. Negotiations beyond this range will be considered for exceptionally qualified candidates.

Applications and nominations should include a detailed curriculum vitae, and personal statements on administrative responsibilities held, teaching, and research experience, and future vision, along with three names of references. The successful candidate is expected to take office by July 1, 2024, or soon afterwards. The Nominating Committee will begin to review complete applications upon receipt; however, to ensure full consideration, applications must be received by March 31, 2024. The Nominating Committee is committed to respecting the confidentiality of applicants.

Please visit to submit applications and nominations for this position.

The University of Waterloo acknowledges that much of our work takes place on the traditional territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabeg and Haudenosaunee peoples. Our main campus is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land granted to the Six Nations that includes six miles on each side of the Grand River. Our active work toward reconciliation takes place across our campuses through research, learning, teaching, and community building, and is centralized within our Indigenous Initiatives Office (

The University values the diverse and intersectional identities of its students, faculty, and staff. The University regards equity and diversity as an integral part of academic excellence and is committed to accessibility for all employees. The University of Waterloo seeks applicants who embrace our values of equity, anti-racism and inclusion.  As such, we encourage applications from candidates who have been historically disadvantaged and marginalized, including applicants who identify as Indigenous peoples (e.g., First Nations, Métis, Inuit/Inuk), Black, racialized, people with disabilities, women and/or 2SLGBTQ+.

The University of Waterloo is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. If you have any application, interview or workplace accommodation requests, please contact Fred Zhu, Executive Officer, at

If you have any questions regarding the position, the application process, assessment process, or eligibility, please contact Fred Zhu, Executive Officer, at

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Three reasons to apply:

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

University of Waterloo Location: Ontario Date posted: 2024-01-29 Advertised until: 2024-03-29 Ranked #1 in Canada and in the top 50 engineering faculties in the world, University of Waterloo Faculty o...View more

Wilfrid Laurier University

Location: Ontario
Date posted: 2024-01-29
Advertised until: 2024-02-29

The Lazaridis School of Business & Economics (Lazaridis School) at Wilfrid Laurier University invites applications for three, one-year Limited Term Appointments at the rank of Lecturer/Assistant Professor in the Marketing area, commencing September 1, 2024. These positions are subject to budgetary approval.

The Lazaridis School of Business & Economics has over 150 full-time faculty and more than 6000 undergraduate and graduate students on campuses in Waterloo and Brantford, and a location in Toronto, Ontario. With a mission to achieve excellence in management education, the school offers undergraduate and graduate degrees, including Honours BBA, MBA, MFin, MMA and PhD. Laurier’s undergraduate and graduate business programs are AACSB accredited. For more information, please visit

Waterloo, Ontario is a highly innovative and dynamic region. It is the home to a number of leading high technology firms, insurance companies and educational/research institutions (e.g. University of Waterloo, the Balsillie School of International Affairs and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics).

The Lazaridis School of Business & Economics is also home to the Lazaridis Institute, which helps Canadian technology companies reach their next level of growth through world-class programs; leading-edge research in innovation, management, and disruption in the tech ecosystem; and the connection of international research, best practices in global scaling, and curriculum.

The successful candidate will be primarily responsible for teaching core and elective Marketing courses in the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs and engaging in service activities for the Marketing area.

Applicants for this position must have the following qualifications:

  • Degree Information: Minimum of a Masters or MBA degree.
  • Evidence of teaching excellence at the undergraduate and/or graduate (MBA) levels: Applicants should demonstrate evidence of a strong teaching record through teaching evaluations, testimonials, letters of reference, etc.
  • Ability to teach a broad range of courses will be of importance. Prior experience in teaching Introductory marketing at the undergraduate level will be preferred. The Introductory Marketing course will be offered mostly in the Fall term of 2024 and the chosen candidate will be expected to teach these courses, among others. The courses offered by the Marketing Area include Introductory Marketing, Marketing Research, Marketing Strategy, Consumer Behavior, High-tech Marketing, Services Marketing, Social Media Marketing, International marketing, B2B Marketing, Brand Communications/ Management, Marketing Communications, Sales Management, & Marketing and Society. Applicants are encouraged to clearly identify their prior experience, and ability to teach (any of) the above-mentioned courses both at the BBA and MBA levels.
  • Demonstrated ability to deal with student management issues such as timely grade assessments and academic misconduct
  • Proven ability to deal with in-class and out of class technology including remote teaching technology such as Zoom (Note: All classes are currently held in person and not remotely)
  • Verifiable capacity to work as part of a faculty teaching team to ensure consistency across classes in a multi-section course including but not limited to: teaching coordinated course content, meeting deadlines for drafting assignments and examinations, meeting deadlines for marking assignments and examinations, and meeting deadlines for return of assignments and examinations
  • Experience teaching in a large class business school environment preferred
  • Willingness and capacity to take on substantial service responsibilities within the Marketing area as may be required: Such activities may include course coordination, committee membership, student mentoring, etc.
  • Applicants who are either engaged in conducting and disseminating research by publishing articles/cases/books, attending conferences, reviewing papers and books; or are engaged in industry professional activities including consulting, advice, boards of director activities, professional events that focus on the practice of business, management, and related issues, and/or other activities that place them in direct contact with businesses will be preferred.

Applications must include:

  • A letter of application
  • A curriculum vitae
  • A statement regarding teaching experience and interests (clearly indicate the courses you can teach)
  • Names and emails of at least three academic referees

Applicants may also include teaching evaluations or other evidence of teaching ability. Only complete applications will be considered. 

Only complete applications will be considered and should be addressed to:

Dr. Sapna Isotupa Associate Dean of Business: Faculty Development & Research Lazaridis School of Business & Economics Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario, N2L 3C5


Deadline for applications is February 29, 2024

Diversity and creating a culture of inclusion is a key pillar of Wilfrid Laurier University’s Strategic Academic Plan and is one of Laurier’s core values. Laurier is committed to increasing the diversity of faculty and staff and welcomes applications from qualified members of the equity-deserving groups. Indigenous candidates who would like to learn more about equity and inclusive programming at Laurier are welcome to contact the Office of Indigenous Initiatives at Candidates from other equity-deserving groups who would like to learn more about equity and inclusive programming at Laurier are welcomed to contact Equity and Accessibility at

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, as per Canadian immigration laws, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. To comply with the Government of Canada’s reporting requirements, the University is obligated to gather information about applicants’ status as either Permanent Residents of Canada or Canadian citizens. Applicants need not identify their country of origin or current citizenships, however, all applicants must include one of the following statements in their cover letter:

Yes, I am a current citizen or permanent resident of Canada; No, I am not a current citizen or permanent resident of Canada

Members of the designated groups must self-identify to be considered for employment equity. Candidates may self-identify, in confidence, to Michael Lisetto-Smith, Senior Administrative Officer ( Further information on the equity policy can be found at

Applicants are encouraged to address any career interruptions or special circumstances that may have affected their record of research and teaching, in accordance with SSHRC and NSERC definitions and guidelines. To obtain a copy of this job description in an accessible format, please contact Britwin Dias (

The Lazaridis School of Business & Economics wishes to thank all applicants for their interest. All nominations and applications shall be reviewed and considered under a set of criteria established by the Search Committee and a short list of candidates shall be interviewed. Only those applicants selected for the short list will be contacted.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

Wilfrid Laurier University Location: Ontario Date posted: 2024-01-29 Advertised until: 2024-02-29 The Lazaridis School of Business & Economics (Lazaridis School) at Wilfrid Laurier University invi...View more