Job Archives

Date limite de candidature : 06/05/2024

L'Unité Halieutique Manche Mer du Nord (HMMN) étudie la dynamique des pêcheries marines, des écosystèmes et de la biodiversité, soumises à la pression de la pêche et des autres activités humaines dans un contexte de changement global, et évalue stratégies de gestion pour atténuer l’impact de ces pressions.

Les activités du HMMN sont structurées en trois grands thèmes de recherche : (1) Individus, populations et niches écologiques, (2) Communautés, réseaux trophiques et biodiversité et (3) Flottes, pêcheries et scénarios de gestion, le tout soutenu par trois plateaux technologiques : un Centre National de Sclérochronologie Center, une plateforme d'écologie trophique et une plateforme de taxonomie et d'écologie du zoo- (et Ichtyo-)plancton.


Le hareng de la mer du Nord (Clupea harengus) est une espèce clé pour le secteur socio-économique du patrimoine culturel et de la pêche du nord de la France. Le hareng représente une source de revenus très précieuse pour les flottes pélagiques ciblant la population des Downs, qui fraye en hiver dans l'est de la Manche et le sud de la mer du Nord. De plus, le hareng joue un rôle central dans le fonctionnement du réseau trophique, à la fois comme prédateur du zooplancton et comme proie des prédateurs piscivores. L'objectif primordial de ce projet de thèse est de mieux comprendre les raisons qui sous-tendent la faible productivité persistante du hareng de la mer du Nord, en étudiant spécifiquement les processus qui déterminent la survie de la composante majeure de ce stock (la population des Downs), qui se reproduit en hiver dans la région. l’est de la Manche et le sud de la mer du Nord, dans un contexte de changement global. Ce projet de thèse comporte trois sous-objectifs :

1) Production de champs de proies zooplanctoniques en combinant modélisation biogéochimique et données disponibles ;

2) Modélisation de la dynamique des migrations hivernales du hareng des Downs ;

3) Modélisation des mécanismes biotiques et abiotiques qui déterminent la croissance et la survie des larves de hareng des Downs.

Mots clés

Hareng des colonies, migrations de frai, recrutement, écologie trophique

Profil recherché

  • Les candidats doivent être titulaires d'un Master en écologie quantitative ou en écologie marine. 
  • Les candidats doivent posséder des compétences en calcul, une solide expertise en analyse statistique et en modélisation, ainsi qu'une capacité à programmer en utilisant des langages scientifiques appropriés (par exemple, R, SAS, MATLAB, Python). 

Informations utiles

  • LOCALISATION Boulogne-sur-Mer - 62, France - zone de déplacement : internationale
  • CONTRAT CDD - 3 ans
  • SALAIRE Non défini
  • NIVEAU DE QUALIFICATION Ingénieur/Cadre/Bac +5
  • EXPÉRIENCE - 1 an
  • MODALITÉS DE TRAVAIL Temps complet
  • FONCTION Bureau d'Etudes/R&D/BTP archi/conception, Ingénierie - Chimie/Pharmacie/Bio.
  • SECTEUR Secteur Energie/Environnement
  • TÉLÉTRAVAIL Pas de télétravail

Conditions de travail spécifiques

  • À temps plein
  • Voyager en France et à l'étranger
  • Croisières en mer

La thèse est une véritable opportunité de travailler sur les thématiques scientifiques et technologiques prioritaires de l'Ifremer. Elle donne droit à un salaire mensuel brut d'environ 2300 euros pour une durée de 3 ans, non cumulable avec d'autres bourses. 

Comment postuler à ce poste ?

Votre dossier de candidature doit comprendre :

  • un curriculum vitae 
  • une lettre de motivation
  • une lettre de référence
  • un relevé de notes académique (Bachelor + Master 1 et premier semestre Master 2)

En cas de problème pour joindre votre document, merci de télécharger votre CV sur cette page (cette étape est obligatoire pour que votre candidature soit prise en compte) et d'envoyer l'ensemble des documents au directeur de thèse : Paul Marechal.

La date limite de candidature est le 6 mai 2024 . 

Les candidatures sont également à déposer sur la plateforme ADUM ( avant  le 6 mai 2024.  Néanmoins, nous vous invitons vivement à nous faire part au plus tôt de votre intention de postuler, en contactant le sujet superviseur.

Les contrats des doctorants débuteront à compter du 1er octobre 2024 , sous réserve de la confirmation du financement, et du dépôt des documents administratifs autorisant l'Ifremer à recruter le doctorant (attestation de fin de Master 2 ou diplôme d'ingénieur + visa pour doctorant étranger étudiants hors UE).

Qui sommes nous ?

IFREMER1625, Route de Sainte Anne • 29280 Plouzané • France

L'Institut et le service de recrutement 

Pionnier des sciences océaniques, la recherche de pointe de l'IFREMER s'inscrit dans le développement durable et la science ouverte. Notre vision est de faire progresser la science, l’expertise et l’innovation pour :

- Protéger et restaurer l'océan

- Utiliser durablement les ressources marines au profit de la société

- Créer et partager des données, des informations et des connaissances sur les océans.

Avec plus de 1 500 personnels répartis le long des côtes françaises sur plus de 20 sites, l'Institut explore les 3 grands océans : les océans Indien, Atlantique et Pacifique. Leader dans les sciences océaniques, l'IFREMER gère la flotte océanographique française et ses scientifiques dévoués créent des technologies révolutionnaires pour repousser les limites de l'exploration et de la connaissance des océans, des abysses à l'interface atmosphère-océan.

Bien implantés dans la communauté scientifique internationale, nos scientifiques, ingénieurs et techniciens ont à cœur de faire progresser les connaissances sur les dernières frontières inexplorées de notre planète. Ils fournissent la science dont nous avons besoin pour une prise de décision éclairée et des politiques publiques et transfèrent ces connaissances et technologies aux entreprises pour répondre aux besoins publics et privés. Notre mission consiste également à renforcer la sensibilisation du public à l’importance de comprendre l’océan et ses ressources, et à responsabiliser les générations futures de dirigeants par le biais de campagnes nationales d’éducation et de sensibilisation.

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat, Sciences Biologiques

Date limite de candidature : 06/05/2024 L’Unité Halieutique Manche Mer du Nord (HMMN) étudie la dynamique des pêcheries marines, des écosystèmes et de la biodiversité, soumises à la press...View more

Job description:

Applications are open until May 15, 2024, for a post-doctoral fellowship to conduct research on Machine Learning applied to Industry 4.0 at the IAsmin project (

The research will be developed at the Federal University of Sao Paulo in São José dos Campos, São Paulo state, Brazil, under the supervision of Prof. Lilian Berton (

Candidates are invited to apply for a 12-month post-doctoral position, available to start in June 2024, with a competitive scholarship (R$ 9,047.40 monthly) plus benefits. Inscriptions by the form:

Requirements: • Proven experience in machine learning, including knowledge of algorithms and techniques, and published articles. • Proficiency in programming languages, such as Python. • Familiarity with machine learning libraries and frameworks, such as TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-learn, and PyTorch. • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English. Responsibilities: • Develop and implement machine learning algorithms to solve industry 4.0 problems. • Collaborate with the research team to design experiments and analyze data. • Explore and apply advanced machine learning techniques, including deep neural networks, time series, etc. • Contribute to the writing of scientific articles and presentations at conferences.

This opportunity is open to candidates of any nationality. The selected candidate will receive a Post-Doctoral fellowship from the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) in the amount of R$ 9,047.40 monthly and a research contingency fund, equivalent to 10% of the annual value of the fellowship which should be spent on items directly related to the research activity.

Job Features

Job CategoryInformatique, Postdoctoral

Job description: Applications are open until May 15, 2024, for a post-doctoral fellowship to conduct research on Machine Learning applied to Industry 4.0 at the IAsmin project (https://plataformaiasmi...View more


Nous recherchons un candidat postdoctoral très motivé et talentueux s'intéressant aux simulations moléculaires, à l'apprentissage automatique et à la mécanique statistique pour des opportunités de recherche dans :

  • Développement de schémas basés sur les données pour la découverte de degrés de liberté lents
  • Simulations moléculaires de mécanismes complexes dans de grands objets biologiques
  • Modélisation informatique des voies de transition dans les systèmes de grande dimension

Une expérience préalable en programmation informatique, en algorithmes d’apprentissage automatique et en simulations moléculaires de systèmes biologiques est hautement souhaitable, mais pas nécessaire. Une solide formation en sciences physiques, de préférence en physique, et notamment en mécanique statistique, est requise. 

Christophe Chipot


Ce poste de deux ans sera basé au Laboratoire International Associé CNRS/UIUC, Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Théoriques, UMR n°7019, Université de Lorraine, BP 70239, 54506 Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy cedex, France . La durée ne peut excéder 24 mois.

La date cible de début du poste est le 31 mai 2024, avec une certaine flexibilité quant à la date de début exacte.

COMMENT POSTULER  Les candidats sont priés de soumettre les documents suivants : • Une lettre de motivation postulant pour le poste • CV complet et liste des publications • Relevés de notes académiques (les versions non officielles conviennent)

La date limite de candidature est le 15 mai 2024 . Les candidats seront interviewés par une commission ad hoc avant le 15 mai 2024 .

Les candidatures ne sont acceptées que par courrier électronique et ne seront prises en compte que si elles répondent aux critères d'expérience détaillés ci-dessus. Tous les documents doivent être envoyés à


Nancy, Lorraine, France

Job Features

Job CategoryInformatique, Postdoctoral

DESCRIPTION Nous recherchons un candidat postdoctoral très motivé et talentueux s’intéressant aux simulations moléculaires, à l’apprentissage automatique et à la mécanique statistiq...View more

Date de dernière candidature 30 juin 2024 00:00

Département WE14 - Département de Biologie Moléculaire Biomédicale

Contrat Durée limitée

Diplôme Master ès sciences en génie des biosciences, bioinformatique, biochimie et biotechnologie - majeure bioinformatique et biologie des systèmes ou autre Master ès sciences avec une expertise pertinente en biologie computationnelle

Taux d'occupation 100%

Type de poste vacant Personnel de recherche

Description de l'emploi

  • Le glioblastome reste une tumeur cérébrale agressive, mortelle et difficile à guérir. De plus en plus de preuves indiquent une grande hétérogénéité des tumeurs, ainsi qu'une plasticité en réponse au traitement, conduisant à un échec thérapeutique. Au niveau d'une seule cellule, cela se présente avec différents états cellulaires qui peuvent passer les uns aux autres en fonction de conditions environnementales ou d'un traitement spécifique. Une compréhension complète des mécanismes moléculaires et régulateurs sous-jacents à la plasticité induite par le traitement chez les patients atteints de glioblastome est indispensable au développement de nouvelles modalités de traitement plus efficaces et moins toxiques. Ce projet de doctorat s'inscrit dans le contexte d'un projet interuniversitaire « Stichting Tegen Kanker » qui vise à élucider les mécanismes moléculaires de la plasticité des cellules tumorales radio-induites à une résolution unicellulaire.
  • Le laboratoire de biologie computationnelle, intégromique et régulation génétique – CBIGR – du professeur Vanessa Vermeirssen se concentre sur l'acquisition d'une compréhension fonctionnelle de la régulation et de la signalisation génétiques en vue d'une médecine personnalisée, en utilisant les statistiques, la bioinformatique et l'apprentissage automatique, ainsi que la biologie à haut débit dans le cadre des réseaux de régulation génétique. Notre objectif final est d'utiliser ces connaissances dans le développement de nouvelles stratégies préventives ou thérapeutiques pour des soins de santé personnels réussis. Nous faisons partie du Département de Biologie Moléculaire Biomédicale et du Département de Médecine Biomoléculaire, avec une expertise reconnue en biologie moléculaire, technologies omiques, bioinformatique et cancer à l'Université de Gand. Nous sommes également partenaire du Cancer Research Institute Gand (CRIG), .
  • Nous recherchons un doctorant talentueux et très motivé pour rejoindre notre équipe enthousiaste dans la recherche sur le glioblastome multi-omique unicellulaire. Plus précisément, vous mettrez en œuvre et optimiserez des méthodologies (multi-omique informatique et expérimentale de pointe sur une seule cellule) et analyserez et intégrerez des données de grande dimension pour démêler l'hétérogénéité réglementaire du glioblastome et identifier les programmes clés de régulation de la plasticité.

Profil de l'emploi

  • Vous avez obtenu un Master ès sciences en génie des biosciences, bioinformatique, biochimie et biotechnologie - majeure bioinformatique et biologie des systèmes ou un autre Master ès sciences avec une expertise pertinente en biologie computationnelle.
  • Vous disposez d'un bon historique (résultats d'études – top 25 % de la cohorte étudiée – et/ou publications).
  • Vous avez de l'expérience en programmation (y compris bash, Python, scripts R, calcul haute performance, bases de données et outils de visualisation).
  • Vous possédez un fort intérêt et une expertise en bioinformatique, en biostatistique et en analyse de données de grande dimension.
  • Vous avez des connaissances en biologie moléculaire du cancer, unicellulaire et multi-omique.
  • Une expertise en travaux de laboratoire dans un laboratoire de biologie moléculaire, y compris les technologies omiques, est un plus.
  • Vous possédez d'excellentes compétences en communication écrite et orale en anglais.
  • Vous possédez de solides compétences analytiques en résolution de problèmes (créative, critique, pensée originale).
  • Vous êtes capable de travailler de manière indépendante et de prendre des initiatives, mais vous êtes également un joueur d'équipe.
  • Vous êtes précis et avez un fort sentiment de responsabilité.
  • Vous êtes persévérant et avez une forte ambition d'apprendre.

Notre offre

  • Vous travaillerez dans un environnement stimulant, multidisciplinaire et collaboratif et aurez la possibilité d'interagir avec les meilleurs chercheurs en cancérologie et en biologie computationnelle du CRIG, de l'UGent et des partenaires du projet à la KUL et au SCK-CEN.
  • Vous aurez accès à des technologies et à une infrastructure informatique de pointe.
  • Vous aurez l'occasion d'assister à des conférences internationales, de publier vos résultats dans des revues de premier plan et de visiter des instituts de recherche pertinents.
  • Vous aurez la chance de guider des étudiants de premier cycle et des stagiaires.
  • Vous recevrez une rémunération compétitive comprenant un large éventail de possibilités de formation et d'éducation (sur le terrain et via le programme de l'école doctorale de l'UGent par exemple), 36 jours de congés, une indemnité vélo et des éco-chèques.
  • Vous aurez la possibilité d'obtenir un doctorat. Nous proposons un poste d'une durée d'un an, qui sera normalement prolongé à 4 ans en cas d'évaluation positive. A noter que cette dernière peut nécessiter une candidature à une bourse doctorale FWO/BOF (vérifiez votre éligibilité sur "Profil et conditions" sur -recherche/ ).

comment s'inscrire

Soumettez les documents suivants, fusionnés dans un seul fichier pdf, par email à :

  • Lettre de motivation
  • CV
  • Noms et contacts d'au moins 2 références
  • Copie du diplôme

Les candidats les mieux classés seront invités à un entretien (soit sur place, soit via MS Teams/Zoom).

Pour toute demande concernant le poste, contactez le Prof. Dr. ir. Vanessa Vermeirssen ( ).

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat, Sciences Biologiques

Date de dernière candidature 30 juin 2024 00:00 Département WE14 – Département de Biologie Moléculaire Biomédicale Contrat Durée limitée Diplôme Master ès sciences en génie des bio...View more

Job-ID: 0052/24 | Department: Materials Research | Salary: as per tariff (TV-L) | Working Time: 40h/week with part-time option | Limitation: initially 2 years with option of extension | Starting Date: as soon as possible

IHP is an institute of the Leibniz Association and conducts research and development of silicon-based systems and ultra high-frequency circuits and technologies including new materials. It develops innovative solutions for application areas such as wireless and broadband communication, security, medical technology, industry 4.0, automotive industry, and aerospace. IHP employs approximately 380 people. It operates a pilot line for technological developments and the preparation of high-speed circuits with 0.13/0.25 µm-SiGe-BiCMOS technologies, located in a 1500 m² cleanroom that meets the highest industrial nanotechnology requirements.

The position:

As a PhD student and member of the research group "Semiconductor Optoelectronics" within the department "Materials Research" you will contribute to the field of group IV semiconductor integration into state-of-the-art CMOS technology.

Your tasks will include the experimental analysis of elemental semiconductor alloys and heterostructures using optical spectroscopy and cryogenic systems. An international team of scientists, including very experienced scientists as well as several PhD students, is looking forward to welcoming you and working with you. We see a diversity of perspectives as a great asset to the research team, and we are happy to have a balanced gender mix in our group.

Your PhD project:

The project at IHP aims at the development of a new material system for on-chip thermoelectric conversion at temperatures in the range of 0-100 C. The project includes an extensive material characterization activity, which would allow to evaluate the potential of SiGeSn heterostructures as a multifunctional material for opto-thermo-electronic integration, as well as the fabrication of prototype devices for the demonstration of thermoelectric power generation. A strong interaction with the project leader, the laboratory leaders and the partners of the project consortium is foreseen.

Your qualifications:

You have a Master's degree in condensed matter physics, semiconductor devices, materials science, or a related field. You have experience in optical spectroscopy (including micro-Raman, micro-photoluminescence) and/or scanning probe microscopy and data analysis (Python, Matlab, Origin). Ideally, you will have a background in semiconductor materials characterization (including e.g. X-ray diffraction/reflection, electron microscopy).

We need you to be a strong team player, able to effectively plan and execute your own work, and to work in an organized manner with other creative minds. You will be ideally suited for this position if you have experimental, analytical and problem-solving skills, very strong communication skills, the ability to quickly learn how to use the latest technical equipment including various software, and most importantly, if you are an independent thinker.

As IHP is an international research center, it is necessary that you are fluent in English. German language skills are welcome. The improvement of German language skills is expected and strongly encouraged, e.g. through in-house language courses and intensive courses.

Our Offer:

Conduct research in a challenging, multinational environment that offers excellent career opportunities. You will have the opportunity to build an international reputation at the forefront of cutting-edge technologies. The PhD will be supported by an experienced supervisor and accompanied by a supervision agreement. We give you the opportunity to complete your PhD in 3-4 years. After one and a half years, the duration of the contract will be adjusted by mutual agreement to the foreseeable duration of the doctorate. An orientation guide will help you to quickly integrate into the institute and familiarize yourself with the field.

It is important to us to support the individual career development (e.g. conferences, advanced training) as well as the personal needs of our employees by offering flexible working hours and the possibility to work off-site. The compatibility of work and family is highly valued. More information about our scientific excellence and the working environment at IHP can be found on our website.

IHP is TOTAL E-QUALITY-certified for equal opportunities for women and men in the workplace and actively pursues equality for all genders and all groups of people. We support the professional development of women and encourage them to apply. Disabled candidates who meet the above criteria will be given preference over other candidates with equivalent relevant qualifications.

Further advantages:

30 days holiday | special annual payment | Company pension scheme (VBL) | Flexible working hours, also part-time (no core working hours) | Possibility to work up to 40 % independent of location according to company agreement | Parent-child room as a possibility to work with a child in case of childcare bottlenecks | A wide range of further training opportunities in-house or within the framework of business trips | Discounted company ticket with monthly allowance of € 15 for various fare zones | Good transport connections, free parking at the institute | Canteen with breakfast and lunch | On-site health services | Company family and care guides | Free, confidential counselling by an external service provider in a wide variety of challenging private or professional situations, for example on how to reconcile work and family life or in psychosocial emergencies | Structured induction and actively supported integration into the institute (welcome workshop, intercultural workshop, joint leisure activities)

Your application:

Have we sparked your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your application via our online application form.

For further information regarding the position please contact Dr. Zöllner:

Job Features

Job CategoryDoctorat

Job-ID: 0052/24 | Department: Materials Research | Salary: as per tariff (TV-L) | Working Time: 40h/week with part-time option | Limitation: initially 2 years with option of extension | Starting Date:...View more

Job-ID: 3047/24 | Department: System Architectures | Salary: as per tariff (TV-L) | Working Time: 40h/week (part-time option possible) | Limitation: initially 2 years with option of extension | Starting Date: as soon as possible

IHP is an institute of the Leibniz Association and conducts research and development of silicon-based systems and ultra high-frequency circuits and technologies including new materials. It develops innovative solutions for application areas such as wireless and broadband communication, security, medical technology, industry 4.0, automotive industry, and aerospace. IHP employs approximately 380 people. It operates a pilot line for technological developments and the preparation of high-speed circuits with 0.13/0.25 µm-SiGe-BiCMOS technologies, located in a 1500 m² cleanroom that meets the highest industrial nanotechnology requirements.

The position:

As a member of the Fault Tolerant Computing research group within the Department of System Architectures, you will contribute to research in state-of-the-art communication technologies. Your tasks will include the development and implementation of wireless communication systems with localization and sensor functionality based on RADAR. Research topics include wireless communication and localization, applications for joint communication and sensing, and RADAR applications. The project work requires a certain level of management and technical coordination with other project partners.

An international team of 10 scientists including very experienced senior researchers as well as several PhD students is looking forward to you. Flat hierarchies and mutual support are important to us. We see a diversity of perspectives as a great asset for our team. We strive for a balanced gender mix in our team.

Your tasks: 

- Investigate and develop wireless sensor solutions for monitoring vital signs of farm animals

- Investigate and develop communication technologies and architectures for smart livestock monitoring

- Develop components for prototypical implementation of smart livestock monitoring

- Experimental validation of developed components and systems

Your qualifications:

You hold a Master's or Bachelor's degree in computer science, electrical engineering, communications engineering, or a related field. You have some experience in wireless communication systems, localization or RADAR applications. Some knowledge of wave propagation and communication system architectures is an advantage. Ideally, but not required, you will have a background in experimental work and embedded systems design with wireless communications systems or RADAR. Experience with standard simulation and programming languages for embedded design such as C, Python, and MATLAB is desirable. Some experience in vital signs recording and monitoring is an advantage.

You will also be a strong team player. We are looking for a team member who can structure their own work and bring a well-organized and systematic approach to working with creative minds. You will be an ideal fit for this position if you have experimental, analytical, and problem-solving skills, very strong communication skills, and the ability to quickly learn how to use the latest technical equipment, including various software. You must be fluent in English. German language skills are welcome. Further development of German language skills is expected and strongly encouraged, e.g. through in-house language courses and intensive courses.

Our Offer:

Do research in a challenging, multinational environment giving you excellent career opportunities. You will have the chance to establish international reputation at the edge of top-notch technologies.

It is important to us to support the individual career developments (e.g. conferences, advanced trainings) as well as the personal needs of our employees by offering flexible working hours and the possibility to work off-site. The compatibility of work and family is highly valued. More information about our scientific excellence and the working environment at IHP can be found on our website.

Depending on your qualifications and aspirations, this position can also be converted into a doctoral position.

IHP is TOTAL E-QUALITY-certified for equal opportunities for women and men at work and actively pursues the equality of all gender and all groups of people. We promote the professional development of women and strongly encourage them to apply. Disabled applicants, qualified according to the above criteria, will be given preference over other candidates with equivalent relevant qualifications.

Your application:

Have we sparked your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your application via our online application form.

For further information regarding the position please contact Dr. Ulbricht:

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique, Ingénierie et technologie

Job-ID: 3047/24 | Department: System Architectures | Salary: as per tariff (TV-L) | Working Time: 40h/week (part-time option possible) | Limitation: initially 2 years with option of extension | Starti...View more

The Faculty of Audiovisual Media and Creative Technologies at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN), the Game School has three permanent vacancies as Professor/Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer within the subject areas Game Technology and Artificial Intelligence that we invite you to apply for.

The faculty consists of The Norwegian Film School, the TV School and the Game School, as a newly established, combined faculty with effect from 1 August 2024. The merger will create the best possible framework conditions for further development of the audiovisual professional environments in the University, and ensure the national responsibility for art and creative technology educations at the highest level within games, film and TV.

aMEKdnf siste

About the Faculty and the Department of Game Development

The Faculty of Audiovisual Media and Creative Technologies, Department of Game Development - The Game School is part of Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Our department is located in Hamar, Norway, close to beautiful Mjøsa lake.

The Game School has 30 enthusiastic employees supported by a faculty administration and an increasing number of contracted employees. It is an international and interdisciplinary community. We have an international vision and make sure that students are at the heart of what we do. We offer industry-focused courses within the fields of game technology and simulation, animation and game-related digital art, virtual and augmented reality, cloud development, AI and gamification. The Department has approximately 300 students divided into the international programs BA in game technology and simulation, BA in animation and digital art, and an add-on education in VR and AR. In August 2024 the Department start a new bachelor’s degree in Artificial intelligence – development and applications in collaboration with the other faculties at the University. Alongside the new AI-program, the University has a main focus on building up relevant research around AI for both application and development. More educational and research programmes are under development.

We encourage an interdisciplinary approach with emphasis placed on industry standards and professional practice to prepare students for extensive collaborative production. The Game School has an industry standard Motion Capture studio and is part of the business cluster VRINN for XR development. In addition to education, The Game School plays an important role in promoting a flexible game community through its events and activities. These include annual events like Global Game Jam Hamar, which attracts over 250 participants and Game School expo. It also facilitates a lively exchange with many local indie game startups that have their roots in our educational programmes, XR-companies and e-sport.

VR/AR and game development companies are important for the development of the region. The University receives significant support from local and regional authorities as well as private companies.

Read more about us here: Faculty of Audiovisual Media and Creative Technologies, Department of Game Development - The Game School.

About the positions

The positions are affiliated with the Department of Game Development - The Game School

Responsibilities and tasks:

  • Teaching and academic supervision of students at BA and MA levels and lifelong learning programs within the fields of computer game- and/or AI development
  • Active involvement in syllabus and programme of study evaluations and changes
  • Take part in quality development at the department and faculty
  • Conduct research and take part in research application processes
  • Dissemination of R&D
  • Other relevant tasks may be added, such as continuing and further education courses, projects etc.


Formal qualifications - Education/academic expertise

Professor/Associate Professor:

  • Doctoral qualification in informatics, AI-development, game engine architecture, system development (programming) or related areas is required.

Senior Lecturer:

  • Master’s degree in informatics, AI-development, game engine architecture, system development (programming) or related areas and professional work of the amount of a ph.d is required.


  • Knowledge about areas within programming (C++ / Python), cloud development, AI development, game engine architecture, mathematics and/or 3D programming is required.
  • Experience with research projects, - applications and network is required
  • Previous teaching experience from higher education within the fields of informatics, computer engineering, game development/technology or related areas is an advantage
  • Knowledge about XR technology is an advantage
  • Experience from industry-related projects is an advantage
  • Experience and knowledge of the game industry is an advantage

Pedagogical competence Documented practical-pedagogical education and experience from teaching and supervision at university and college level, cf. Regulations on employment and promotion in teaching and research positions. Applicants who cannot document pedagogical competence upon employment are obliged to complete INN University's course in university college pedagogy or equivalent within two years from the date of appointment.

Personal qualities

Great emphasis is placed on personal suitability regarding the position, especially independence, relational and communicative skills, and good dissemination ability.

  • ICT expertise
  • Very good IT skills, broad expertise.


The applicant must master Norwegian or another Scandinavian language and English, both in writing and orally. International applicants outside of Scandinavia must master English and be prepared to learn Norwegian at a certain level within three years. Support will be provided. The working languages are Norwegian and/or English.

For more information on the formal qualification requirements, see Regulations on employment and promotion in teaching and research positions. The assessment of which candidate is best qualified for the position is made after a comprehensive evaluation of education, experience and personal compatibility and other qualification requirements as formulated in the vacancy text, as well as motivation for the position.

If relevant: If we haven't received applicants who satisfy the competence requirements for permanent employment, a temporary appointment may be made for a maximum period of three years in a lower position, cf. the Universities and University Colleges Act §6-5.

The position and associated tasks must be carried out in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations for government employees, including also the Act on Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology, etc. Candidates who, after assessment of the application and attachments, come into conflict with the criteria in the latter act, will not be able to take up the position at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Necessary approvals must be maintained throughout the employment relationship.

How to apply

Regsiter your application and CV electronically via "Apply for this job" on the job portal Jobbnorge.

Your application must include:

  • Cover letter (Can be written in Norwegian, English or a Scandinavian language)
  • CV with comprehensive overview of education, diplomas, work experience, pedagogical experience, administrative experience, accreditation work, coordination experience and other qualifying activities
  • Documentation of pedagogical qualifications in a systematic, comprehensive presentation, including an overview of formal pedagogical education, pedagogical practice (e.g. teaching/supervisory experience), experience of educational quality development, development of teaching plans, programme descriptions, etc.
  • Publication list
  • Work to be assessed

If you have any questions about uploading attachments or other technical matters regarding the application, please contact Jobbnorge customer service. Contact information can be found as a link in the application form.

Relevant applications will be assessed by an expert committee. Supplementary CVs, confirmed copies of diplomas and certificates, publication lists and documents/work to be assessed must be added as electronic attachments or links to the application.

Relevant candidates will be summoned to an interview and testing of pedagogical skills.

Requests for exemptions from the publicly available list of applicants must be clearly justified and specified via the electronic application form. Applicants will be contacted if the University is unable to comply with the request (cf. Section 25 of the Freedom of Information Act).

The state workforce shall to the greatest extent possible reflect the diversity of the population. It is therefore a HR policy goal of INN University to achieve a balanced age and gender composition and recruit people with an immigrant background. If necessary, working conditions will be adapted for people with disabilities. If applicants state that they have a disability or gap in their CV, this information may be used for registration purposes in connection with the target figure.

Information about applicants may be made public even if the applicant has asked not to be named on the list of persons who have applied. The applicant must be notified if the request to be omitted is not met.

For more information about the position, please contact: Marit Berg Strandvik, tlf: +4791555773, epost:

We offer

  • An exciting and challenging position at a developing institution
  • Position is paid and placed in position Professor/Associate Professor/Senior Lecture  in the Government Salary Scale
  • Membership in the Norwegian Public Service Pension, with among other things, good pension and insurance schemes.

For more information about INN University as an employer, please see here.

General information

HINN believes that there is strength in inclusion and diversity. We desire employees with different competencies, professional combinations, life experiences and perspectives to contribute to an even better way of solving problems. We will facilitate for employees who need assitance to realise their goals. Relevant adaptations can be, for example, technical aids, adapting furniture or adjusting routines, work tasks and working hours.

If there are qualified applicants with disabilities, gaps in the CV or immigrant background, we shall call at least one applicant in each of these categories for an interview. In order to be considered as an applicant in these groups, the applicants must meet certain requirements. You can read more on this here:

We encourage applicants to tick in Jobbnorge if they have a disability, a gap in their CV or immigrant background. The ticks in the jobseeker portal form the basis for anonymised statistics that all state-owned enterprises report in their annual reports

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique, Ingénierie et technologie

The Faculty of Audiovisual Media and Creative Technologies at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN), the Game School has three permanent vacancies as Professor/Associate Professor/Senior ...View more

Avis de vacance de poste au concours international pour le recrutement d'un administrateur scientifique

Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes, Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Montpellier (CIHEAM - IAMM)


Économie des systèmes agricoles et alimentaires/Durabilité de la chaîne de valeur

Réf. 20240406

Date de publication : 19 avril 2024

Date limite de candidature : 31 mai 2024

Date des entretiens pour les candidats présélectionnés : 10-21 juin 2024 TITRE FONCTIONNEL : Administrateur scientifique

LIEU D'EMPLOI : Montpellier, France Date de début : 1er septembre 2024 DURÉE : 4 ans, renouvelable


L'Institut Agronomique Méditerranéen de Montpellier (IAMM), l'un des quatre instituts du Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes (CIHEAM) est une organisation intergouvernementale dont la mission est le développement des activités de formation supérieure et continue, de recherche et de coopération dans l'espace méditerranéen. .

Le CIHEAM-IAMM ouvre un poste d'Administrateur Scientifique en  Economie des Systèmes Agricoles et Alimentaires/Durabilité des Chaînes de Valeur . Ce recrutement s'inscrit dans la stratégie scientifique qui structure les activités de formation, de recherche et de coopération du CIHEAM.

 Formation scientifique et profil d’emploi

La sécurité alimentaire dans la région méditerranéenne est désormais menacée par la rareté des ressources naturelles, la dépendance aux importations alimentaires et l'instabilité actuelle des marchés due aux crises mondiales. La production alimentaire est de plus en plus associée à des impacts environnementaux importants tels que les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, la pression accrue sur l’utilisation des terres, ainsi que la consommation d’eau et d’énergie. Les systèmes alimentaires méditerranéens sont donc confrontés au défi de nourrir une population croissante et de plus en plus urbanisée, tout en préservant les écosystèmes terrestres et les ressources naturelles.

Les systèmes alimentaires impliquent toutes les parties prenantes (agriculteurs, agro-entreprises, prestataires de conseil, autres intermédiaires) et leurs activités de création de valeur interconnectées, y compris la production, le transport, la transformation, la distribution et la consommation de produits alimentaires et agricoles. Les chaînes de valeur représentent une configuration de marché donnée et font partie des systèmes alimentaires. La transition vers des systèmes alimentaires durables repose largement sur le rôle central joué par les chaînes de valeur. Les chaînes de valeur englobent toutes les étapes impliquées dans la production, la transformation, la distribution et la vente au détail des aliments. La chaîne de valeur est à la fois une chaîne d’approvisionnement et une chaîne où différents acteurs ajoutent de la valeur tout au long du processus, à mesure que le produit ou le service passe d’une étape à l’autre. Les chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires (dont la majorité sont longues et complexes) sont confrontées à un certain nombre de défis en matière de durabilité : des pratiques agricoles innovantes mais avec de faibles revenus pour les agriculteurs ; les pratiques commerciales déloyales à certaines étapes de la chaîne de valeur ; des chaînes d’approvisionnement complexes qui ont souvent des conséquences environnementales néfastes.

Ces défis peuvent cependant être atténués par une approche renouvelée de l’utilisation des ressources naturelles, de la gestion des pertes et du gaspillage alimentaires et de l’adoption de pratiques ayant des impacts environnementaux et sociaux réduits. La création de chaînes de valeur durables nécessite l’adoption de pratiques qui donnent la priorité aux objectifs environnementaux, à l’équité sociale et à la viabilité économique à chaque étape. Il s’agit donc d’un processus complexe et continu qui nécessite la participation et l’engagement de toutes les parties prenantes (acteurs publics et privés, institutions, organisations) pour une transition agroécologique tout au long de la chaîne de valeur.

Pour proposer l'adoption de modèles organisationnels intégrant des pratiques durables au sein des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires, il est nécessaire de caractériser : la performance économique, sociale et environnementale des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires ; la dynamique des flux de biens et services échangés dans les chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires dans les territoires ; la durabilité des modèles d’affaires agroalimentaires innovants.

Plusieurs approches et méthodes scientifiques sont proposées pour caractériser et évaluer la performance des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires, la dynamique des flux territoriaux et la durabilité des modèles économiques innovants à différentes échelles spatiales. Le positionnement scientifique multi-échelle – méso-économique et macro-économique – permet d’appréhender la transition des chaînes de valeur et des systèmes alimentaires vers la durabilité, dans une approche méthodologique systémique qui prend en compte, d’une part, tous les maillons et acteurs (de la production, de la distribution, de la transformation jusqu'à la consommation finale) et, d'autre part, la complexité de ces questions croisées et les arbitrages à résoudre. Ce positionnement conceptuel est également pertinent pour produire des outils d'aide à la décision tant à destination des acteurs privés que des décideurs publics pour la conception de chaînes de valeur et de systèmes agroalimentaires durables qui s'appuient sur de nombreuses innovations telles que les pratiques de bioéconomie circulaire, la digitalisation, les nouveaux modèles économiques. , les modèles d'organisation et de gouvernance et les nouvelles pratiques sociales et environnementales.

Le poste proposé rejoindra une équipe travaillant sur l'évaluation de la performance des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires, sur la dynamique des flux territoriaux ainsi que sur la durabilité des modèles économiques innovants en mobilisant des approches quantitatives. Ces activités d'enseignement et de recherche constituent un des axes du projet scientifique de l'Institut (disponible sur demande).

Pour le CIHEAM-IAMM, l'enjeu de ce recrutement est de compléter et de renforcer les compétences existantes. Il s’agira notamment de :

  1. maîtriser les méthodes quantitatives aux échelles méso et macro-économiques – nécessaires à la construction de cadres de référence analytiques et d’indicateurs de performance de durabilité économique, sociale et environnementale ;
  2. mobiliser des méthodologies d'évaluation multicritères qui intègrent : la mesure de la performance économique, sociale et environnementale des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires (ex. analyse du coût du cycle de vie), la modélisation des flux de capitaux produits et échangés dans les chaînes de valeur territoriales (ex. analyses socio-économiques quantitatives des flux de biens et de services), l'analyse de modèles économiques durables et innovants (par exemple, évaluation des coûts et avantages globaux des innovations).

Ce renforcement rendra plus complètes nos activités scientifiques sur la conception et l'évaluation des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires, prenant en compte à la fois la caractérisation des nouveaux modèles économiques et la dynamique des systèmes alimentaires à l'échelle territoriale. Sur le plan scientifique, le candidat devra contribuer au renouvellement, pour l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche, d'approches intégrées basées sur des méthodes quantitatives aux échelles méso et macro-économiques – nécessaires à la construction de cadres d'analyse et d'indicateurs de performance de l'économie, durabilité sociale et environnementale des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires et des systèmes alimentaires.

De plus, le candidat devra :

  1. savoir mobiliser des cadres théoriques en économie sectorielle, économie industrielle, économie institutionnelle, économie territoriale,
  2. s'impliquer dans des recherches interdisciplinaires (notamment avec les différents axes de recherche de l'Institut sur la conception et l'aménagement de systèmes agricoles et territoriaux résilients au changement climatique et aux enjeux de la transition agroécologique),
  3. collaborer à des recherches participatives dans le cadre d'approches multi-acteurs afin d'analyser les stratégies d'adaptation des acteurs et leurs dynamiques d'innovation,
  4. savoir produire des connaissances opérationnelles ainsi que des scénarios prospectifs pour éclairer les processus de décision des institutions et des acteurs économiques,
  5. participer à des programmes de coopération au développement axés sur l’amélioration des chaînes de valeur, en tenant compte de la résilience économique, du bien-être social, de la bonne gouvernance et de l’intégrité environnementale des territoires et des communautés locales.


Les activités de la personne recrutée seront réparties selon les trois missions du CIHEAM-IAMM : Enseignement supérieur – Recherche – Coopération au développement.

  • Enseignement supérieur  (niveau M2) : il/elle sera en charge de co-diriger le master CDVALES « Chaîne de valeur agroalimentaire durable : Logistique, Environnement, Stratégies ». Dans ce contexte, le candidat se concentrera sur « l'évaluation multicritère des chaînes de valeur agroalimentaires qui prend en compte les performances économiques, sociales et environnementales, la dynamique des multiples flux de capitaux dans les territoires, les modèles économiques et organisationnels durables et innovants ».
  • Recherche :  le candidat devra contribuer activement au développement d'un réseau international sur le thème de la description de poste, postuler à des appels à recherche internationaux, à des projets de recherche-action et publier les résultats de ses recherches dans des revues scientifiques.
  • Coopération au développement :  le candidat doit contribuer activement à postuler aux appels à projets de coopération financés par des bailleurs de fonds nationaux et internationaux pour le développement agricole, agroalimentaire et rural, en mettant à profit l'expertise acquise dans le cadre de ses recherches, sur ces projets. , en vue de transformer efficacement les réalités locales.

Ce poste basé à Montpellier nécessitera des déplacements fréquents dans les pays méditerranéens.

 Qualifications requises

  • Diplômes : Ph.D. en économie ou en économie agricole/agroalimentaire
  • Solide connaissance des approches quantitatives dans le domaine du profil d'emploi
  • Capacité à diriger et produire des recherches et des publications
  • Une expérience d'enseignement au niveau Master est préférable
  • Expérience dans la candidature à des appels d'offres internationaux préférée
  • Une bonne maîtrise de l'anglais et du français parlé et écrit est obligatoire

 Formulaire de candidature

La candidature doit comprendre les éléments suivants :

  • CV comprenant :
    • activités scientifiques comprenant une liste de publications et d'activités de recherche
    • Activités pédagogiques
    • Activités de coopération au développement
  • Mémoire sur des travaux scientifiques ou équivalent (8 pages maximum)
  • Lettre de motivation sur la réalisation des missions définies dans le profil de poste (3 pages maximum)

 Procédures de sélection et rémunération

Les candidatures seront examinées par un  comité d'experts internationaux . Une short list sera établie et les candidats sélectionnés seront invités à une présentation orale de leur candidature. Le comité rendra un avis au directeur du CIHEAM-IAMM qui soumettra son choix au secrétaire général du CIHEAM pour validation par le conseil d'administration du CIHEAM.

Le candidat sélectionné bénéficiera du statut d'Administrateur CIHEAM-IAMM (inscrit sur la liste des personnels permanents de l'Institut) avec un contrat d'administrateur scientifique de 4 ans renouvelable qui débutera par une période de stage probatoire de 6 mois.

Le  niveau de rémunération , comparable à celui appliqué dans l'enseignement supérieur français, est fixé conformément à la grille salariale CIHEAM-IAMM, en fonction des qualifications et de l'expérience du candidat sélectionné.

Le CIHEAM Montpellier est engagé dans une politique de non-discrimination et de genre. Poste ouvert aux personnes handicapées.

Date de clôture de l'appel à candidatures :  31/05/2024

Le dossier de candidature devra comprendre au maximum 3 documents électroniques (fichiers doc, odt ou pdf) et être envoyé par email à l'adresse suivante :

Le CIHEAM est une organisation intergouvernementale créée en 1962, qui regroupe aujourd'hui treize pays méditerranéens : Albanie, Algérie, Egypte, France, Grèce, Italie, Liban, Malte, Maroc, Portugal, Espagne, Tunisie et Turquie. Son Secrétariat Général est situé à Paris. Les missions du CIHEAM consistent à former des gestionnaires agricoles des pays méditerranéens, à mener des études et des recherches sur l'agriculture méditerranéenne dans un contexte international et à mettre en œuvre des projets de coopération entre pays et acteurs de la région méditerranéenne. Le CIHEAM-IAMM contribue ainsi à la production de connaissances et de compétences techniques, et offre à ses étudiants les outils nécessaires pour mieux comprendre les problématiques globales et spécifiques liées au développement des pays du bassin méditerranéen. Le CIHEAM-IAMM est accrédité par la France pour délivrer des masters nationaux, et délivre également un diplôme international : le CIHEAM Master of Science. (

Job Features

Job CategoryAgriculture, alimentation et vétérinaire, Enseignement et recherche scientifique

Avis de vacance de poste au concours international pour le recrutement d’un administrateur scientifique Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes, Institut Agronomiqu...View more

Le programme de bourses pour les jeunes du Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) est un programme de renforcement des capacités de sept mois conçu pour aider les jeunes leaders des pays du CVF à devenir des acteurs actifs dans la prise de décision et les discussions politiques.

Soutenu et dirigé par les Youth Climate Reality Leaders des Philippines, le programme vise à soutenir le CVF en dotant une nouvelle génération de négociateurs, de décideurs politiques et de lobbyistes climatiques des compétences et des connaissances nécessaires pour influencer les discussions sur la politique climatique à tous les niveaux.

Le CVF est un partenariat international regroupant des pays très vulnérables au réchauffement de la planète. Il comprend 68 pays représentant quelque 1,74 milliard de personnes originaires d'Afghanistan, du Bangladesh, de la Barbade, du Bénin, du Bhoutan, du Burkina Faso, du Cambodge, du Tchad, de la Colombie, des Comores, du Costa Rica, de la Côte d'Ivoire, de la République démocratique du Congo, de la Dominique, République dominicaine, Eswatini, Éthiopie, Fidji, Gambie, Ghana, Grenade, Guatemala, Guinée, Guyana, Haïti, Honduras, Jordanie*, Kenya, Kiribati, Kirghizistan, Liban, Libéria, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Îles Marshall, Mongolie, Maroc, Mozambique, Namibie, Népal, Nicaragua, Niger, Pakistan, Palaos, Palestine**, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, Paraguay, Philippines, Rwanda, Sainte-Lucie, Samoa, Sénégal, Sierra Leone, Soudan du Sud, Sri Lanka, Soudan, Tanzanie, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinité-et-Tobago, Tunisie, Tuvalu, Ouganda, Vanuatu, Viet Nam et Yémen. 

*Dans l'attente d'une discussion plus approfondie.  **En tant qu'État observateur non membre de l'ONU.
Êtes-vous un jeune leader climatique âgé de 18 à 30 ans et passionné par le fait de faire la différence ? Ce programme est fait pour vous si vous :
  • êtes citoyen d’un pays membre du CVF
  • pouvez obtenir l'approbation du point focal CCNUCC/chef de délégation de votre pays pour un badge d'accréditation COP29.
  • travaillez actuellement ou faites du bénévolat auprès d'une organisation climatique dirigée par des jeunes ou au service des jeunes
  • peut assister à l'intégralité de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (COP29) à Bakou, en Azerbaïdjan, du 8 au 25 novembre 2024
  • avoir d'excellentes compétences écrites et verbales en anglais
  • être titulaire d'un passeport valable jusqu'en novembre 2025
Engagement DEI : Le comité de sélection se consacre à évaluer de manière impartiale tous les candidats, sans aucune discrimination fondée sur la race, la religion, la couleur, l'origine nationale, le sexe, l'orientation sexuelle, l'identité de genre, l'âge ou les capacités.
Les candidats intéressés doivent remplir le formulaire de candidature avant le 13 mai 2024. Voici les documents requis des candidats:
  • CV mettant en avant votre expérience dans le domaine climatique (format PDF)
  • Lettre d'approbation du responsable de votre organisation climatique (format PDF)
  • Lettre d'approbation de votre point focal/chef de délégation de la CCNUCC (format PDF)
  • Page d'informations sur le passeport (format PNG ou JPG)
Vingt (20) candidats seront choisis pour participer au programme. Le comité de sélection sera composé de personnes du Secrétariat du CVF et du Climate Reality Project Philippines. Le calendrier du processus de candidature sera le suivant :
  • 22 avril – 13 mai 2024 : Appel à candidatures ouvert
  • 13 – 18 mai 2024 : sélection des candidats
  • 20 – 25 mai 2024 : entretiens avec le panel
  • 05 juin 2024 : Annonce des Youth Fellows du CVF
  • 22 juin 2024 : Orientation
Le programme vous donne les connaissances et les compétences nécessaires pour être une voix puissante en faveur de l'action climatique. Vous apprendrez auprès d'experts en science du climat et en politique internationale, vous préparant à participer activement à la COP29 au sein de la délégation de votre pays. Après la COP29, le programme se concentre sur le développement de vos compétences en matière de plaidoyer pour influencer l'élaboration des politiques climatiques dans votre pays. Le programme culmine avec la création du CVF Youth Fellows Network, une plateforme de soutien et de collaboration continus sur des campagnes climatiques critiques.
  • Engagement : les boursiers doivent être en mesure de s'engager dans l'intégralité du programme, avec une seule absence excusée autorisée lors d'une session synchrone. Nous nous alignerons avec les boursiers pendant l'orientation pour fixer une heure standard pour toutes les sessions synchrones.
  • Participation : les boursiers doivent accomplir toutes les tâches, évaluations et résultats créatifs pour recevoir un financement pour leur participation à la COP29. Les boursiers doivent être disponibles pendant toute la durée de la COP.
  • Plaidoyer : Après la COP29, les boursiers seront habilités à plaider en faveur d'une plus grande représentation des jeunes dans la politique climatique de leur pays.

Keith Sigfred Ancheta Coordinateur du programme

Mia Niña Maria Catipon Responsable du programme Youth Cluster

Secrétariat du CVF secré

Job Features

Job CategoryStage et Formation

Le programme de bourses pour les jeunes du Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF) est un programme de renforcement des capacités de sept mois conçu pour aider les jeunes leaders des pays du CVF à devenir d...View more

Research Field
Religious sciences
Researcher Profile
First Stage Researcher (R1)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


Al Mawrid Arab Center for the Study of Art in the Research Institute, New York University Abu Dhabi, seeks to recruit a research fellow to conceive and execute collaborative research on modern art of the Arab world. The successful applicant will engage in research that advances knowledge on modern Arab art, author/edit peer reviewed publications, contribute to the expansion of the Center’s unique Arab Art Archive and will create pedagogical programs engaging faculty and students in interdisciplinary research in the visual art. The candidate will participate in the Center’s strategic planning, in collaborating with art institutions, and in researching and writing grant proposals.  Additionally, the post holder will serve as an information conduit between members of the Center’s research and archive teams as well as interact with the NYUAD community, and will foster partnerships with key stakeholders in the region and beyond. The candidate will contribute to creating a nexus for conversations and collaborations on art of a region that is experiencing unprecedented growth in its arts and culture ecosystem.

Applicants must have a Ph.D. with a primary focus on the art and culture of the Arab world. The Ph.D. will ideally be in Art History but may also be in a related field. A preference for an additional degree and/or training in library science and digital humanities. Minimum of 3-year experience as a researcher in art and culture of the Arab world with peer reviewed publications. Fluency in English and Arabic is required.

The terms of employment are very competitive and include housing and educational subsidies for children. Applications will be accepted immediately and candidates will be considered until the position is filled. To be considered, all applicants must submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, transcript of degree, a one-page summary of research accomplishments and interests, and at least 2 letters of recommendation, all in PDF format. If you have any questions, please email:

About NYUAD:

NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply

About al Mawrid:

al Mawrid Arab Center for the Study of Art is a research center and archive dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of the visual arts of the Arab world. Through a range of activities that include fellowships, research projects, and conferences, as well as the construction of a unique digital archive which acquires primary source materials pertaining to modern art across the Arab world, between 1850 to 1995. The Center works with artists, their families, collections, galleries, arts organizations, and other institutions throughout the region and around the world to digitize and produce research from a range of primary documentary material. The Center is part of the NYUAD Research Institute and works in collaboration with the Arts and Humanities Division serving faculty research and undergraduate and graduate education.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique, Langues, Littérature & Culture

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field History Philosophy Religious sciences Researcher Profile First Stage Researcher (R1) Country United Arab Emirates Application Deadline...View more

Research Field
Medical sciences
Ethics in health sciences
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Post-Doctoral Associates in the Center for Brain and Health (CBH) & ASPIRE Precision Medicine Research Institute - Dr. Bas Rokers


The Center for Brain and Health and the ASPIRE Precision Medicine Research Institute at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) seek to recruit Post-Doctoral Associates for two projects for Rokers Vision Lab reporting to Dr. Bas Rokers.

1) Linking Retinal, Neural, and Perceptual Deficits in Visual Disorder:

Individuals in the UAE are at substantial risk for perceptual deficits due in part to one of the highest diabetes rates in the world. About 10% of diabetic patients suffer severe vision loss and another 2% are completely blind 15 years post-diagnosis. Thus, understanding precisely how diabetes leads to visual deficits is a question with key regional relevance.

Importantly, diabetic vision loss is not fully explained by retinal damage alone. Instead it is likely that microstructural damage in the brain as well as the eye contribute. Since early risk prediction and timely intervention can mitigate vision loss, it is critical that we fully understand the underlying cause(s). This project aims to identify biomarkers in the eye and brain that explain vision loss, building on our previously-developed method linking clinical, neural and behavioral data (Allen et al., 2018; Miller et al., 2019; Pedersini et al., 2023). We combine ophthalmological, neuroimaging and behavioral data, and incorporate deep learning methods to facilitate biomarker discovery and enhance predictive power. As a postdoctoral associate you will join a multidisciplinary research team including experts at NYUAD and Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi with a demonstrated track record in vision science, neuro-imaging, neuro-ophthalmology and deep learning.

2) Using Advanced Imaging-derived Biomarkers to Predict Health Outcomes:

Neurological problems, such as stroke, are a likely consequence of obesity, diabetes, MS, and cardiovascular disease. Since these conditions are prevalent in the UAE, identifying the factors that predict and mitigate the risk of stroke early is critical to local health. To this end, NYUAD recently initiated the first large epidemiological study in the UAE – the UAE Healthy Future Study (UAE-HFS), a prospective cohort study of 20,000 UAE nationals aged 18- 40 years which seeks to determine how health is affected by lifestyle, environment, and genes. While these risk factors will be important in understanding long-term health, it is not yet clear how physiological data, such as neuro-imaging can advance our understanding of health outcomes.

This project seeks to address this critical gap in our knowledge. A key limitation of previous work has been a focus on individual imaging modalities (e.g., fMRI, diffusion imaging) at the exclusion of combining information across modalities. Our long-term objective is to develop a “phenotypic fingerprint” from multimodal imaging data in healthy controls to be used as an early predictor of adverse neurologic events. The overarching aim of this project, which represents the first step in this objective, seeks to develop and validate this pipeline.

Our approach is to recruit healthy control subjects and patients through collaborations with Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi to develop and test the “phenotypic fingerprint” method. This approach is inspired by large ongoing studies including the UK Biobank and the Human Connectome Project, but with a focus on the local population, which present a unique genetic makeup, and regionally-relevant disorders. As a postdoctoral associate you will join a multidisciplinary research team with expertise in neuro-imaging (Rokers, Abdullah) and experience applying multimodal imaging to health-related issues and public health (Ali, Cho).

Job Requirements:

Required expertise includes strong knowledge of sensory neuroscience and expertise in at least one of the imaging methodologies involved in the project (OCT-A, structural MRI, fMRI, dMRI, ASL). For a competitive application at the post-doctoral level, candidates should demonstrate experience in leading imaging studies, as shown by publications in international scientific journals. The successful candidates will work in a multidisciplinary Center environment with world-class research infrastructure, consisting of PhD-level scientists, graduate and undergraduate students.

The positions are funded for two years with the possibility of renewal.

The terms of employment are extremely competitive and include housing and educational subsidies for children. Applications will be accepted immediately and candidates will be considered until the positions are filled. For formal consideration, applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of research interests, expected date of availability, and contact information for at least 2 letters of recommendation all in PDF format, via Interfolio.

Questions regarding specifics for this position may be directed to Dr. Bas Rokers at


NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply.

Application Process

This institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Search to conduct this search. Applicants to this position receive a free Dossier account and can send all application materials, including confidential letters of recommendation, free of charge.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategorySanté et médecine, Postdoctoral

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Medical sciences Sociology Ethics in health sciences Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country...View more

Research Field
Computer science
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


The research lab of Dr. Karim Ali, in the Division of Science (Computer Science Program) at New York University Abu Dhabi, seeks to hire a post-doctoral associate to work on programing languages research, to be involved in the development of open-source tools and resources, and to work on publications related to their research.

Dr. Ali’s research focuses on scalability, precision, and usability of program analysis tools. Current research projects range from developing new theories for scalable and precise program analyses (e.g., pointer analysis, data-flow analysis) to applications of program analysis in security (e.g., crypto API misuses) and just-in-time compiler optimizations (e.g., method inlining). More information on Dr. Ali’s research is available at

The position will target the rank of Post-Doctoral Associate (within 3 years of PhD) with the following:

Minimum Qualifications:

  • PhD in Computer Science, with a focus on programming languages or related fields
  • Proven scientific and research background through the independent design, implementation, and evaluation of at least one programming languages related research project
  • Excellent programming skills
  • Strong software engineering skills including use of version control systems, continuous integration, testing
  • Excellent communication skills (both written and verbal)
  • Demonstrated ability to work as part of a team

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Research publication record appropriate for the hiring rank
  • Industry experience is a plus

This position will be based at New York University in Abu Dhabi, and the candidate must be ready to relocate to the United Arab Emirates. The terms of employment are very competitive and include housing and educational subsidies for children. Applications will be reviewed immediately and candidates will be considered until the position is filled.

To be considered, all applicants must submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, transcripts of all degrees, a one-page summary of research accomplishments and interests, and at least 2 references for letters of recommendation, all in PDF format. Short-listed candidates will be invited for an online interview, which will include delivering a short research talk. If you have any questions, please email:

About NYUAD:

NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryInformatique, Postdoctoral

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Computer science Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates Application De...View more

Research Field
Computer science
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


The Laboratory for Computer-Human Intelligence in the Division of Engineering of New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD), seeks to recruit a motivated Post-Doctoral Associate to work on cutting-edge machine learning / artificial intelligence applications that utilize human signals (e.g. text, audio, physiology).

Technical Experience

The successful applicant will have the following technical experience in:

  • The development of end-to-end applications (e.g. databases, algorithms, visualizations).
  • Processing one or more data types/signals (e.g. text, audio, images, physiology).
  • Applying machine learning algorithms (e.g. regression, neural networks).
  • Utilizing the following programming languages/frameworks: bash, SQL, Python, HTML, Javascript, and Tensorflow/Pytorch, as well as code version control (git).
  • Authoring peer-reviewed scientific papers in top-tier scientific venues.


The successful applicant should be self-driven and interested in the general domain of machine learning (e.g. latest ideas, research findings, research tools), contain a scientific curiosity for formalizing the underlying mechanisms of the observable world (e.g. do we make conclusions based on the words in speech, or intonation of speech?), and is passionate about creating timeless systems, with an attention to detail and zeal for quality.

Educational Experience

The successful application will have a PhD degree in Computer Science (or equivalent major).

Application Requirements

Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the position is filled. An applicant that passes the review process will be accepted immediately. The terms of employment are very competitive and include housing and educational subsidies for children. To be considered, all applicants must submit both a screening form and a full application docket in PDF format.

Step 1: Completion of the screening form available here:

Step 2: The full application docket in PDF format must include the following:

  1. Cover letter
  2. Curriculum Vitae
  3. Transcript of degree
  4. Research Statement
  5. Two letters of recommendation

If you have any questions, please email:

Professor Tuka Alhanai, Lab Principal Investigator at


NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply.


This position is not located in the United States. You must be willing to relocate to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Application Process

This institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Search to conduct this search. Applicants to this position receive a free Dossier account and can send all application materials, including confidential letters of recommendation, free of charge.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique, Ingénierie et technologie, Postdoctoral

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Computer science Engineering Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates Ap...View more

Research Field
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
Established Researcher (R3)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description


The Division of Engineering at New York University Abu Dhabi, seeks to recruit a motivated postdoctoral associate to work under the supervision of professor Pradeep George in process Optimization, with emphasis on Chemical vapor Deposition (CVD). The successful applicant must have a strong background in the area of Computational Fluid Dynamics. Familiarity with response surface modeling and optimization, is a plus. Experience using commercial codes like ANSYS-FLUENT is desirable. The candidate will work in a multidisciplinary environment consisting of PhD-level scientists and undergraduate students. In addition to conducting high-quality innovative research, responsibilities also include publishing research findings in scientific journals and conferences, mentoring undergraduate students, and participate in drafting research grant proposals.

Applicants must have a PhD in mechanical engineering, or closely-related fields. For consideration, applicants need to submit the following in PDF format:

  • cover letter,
  • curriculum vitae with full publication list,
  • statement of research interests,
  • contact details of at least three references
  • sample relevant publications (if available)

Applications will be accepted immediately, and candidates will be considered until the position is filled. The terms of employment include a highly competitive salary, medical insurance, housing allowance, annual home-leave travel, educational subsidies for children, and other benefits.

If you have any questions, please email prof. Pradeep George,

About NYUAD:

NYU Abu Dhabi is a degree-granting research university with a fully integrated liberal arts and science undergraduate program in the Arts, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Engineering. NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU New York, and NYU Shanghai, form the backbone of NYU’s global network university, an interconnected network of portal campuses and academic centers across six continents that enable seamless international mobility of students and faculty in their pursuit of academic and scholarly activity. This global university represents a transformative shift in higher education, one in which the intellectual and creative endeavors of academia are shaped and examined through an international and multicultural perspective. As a major intellectual hub at the crossroads of the Arab world, NYUAD serves as a center for scholarly thought, advanced research, knowledge creation, and sharing, through its academic, research, and creative activities.

EOE/AA/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity Employer

UAE Nationals are encouraged to apply

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryIngénierie et technologie, Postdoctoral

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Engineering Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) Established Researcher (R3) Country United Arab Emirates Application Deadlin...View more

Research Field
Researcher Profile
Recognised Researcher (R2)
First Stage Researcher (R1)
United Arab Emirates
Application Deadline
Type of Contract
Job Status
Is the job funded through the EU Research Framework Programme?
Not funded by an EU programme
Is the Job related to staff position within a Research Infrastructure?

Offer Description

Open Rank, Professor in Economics, with a priority given to the field of Theoretical or Applied Econometrics, Tenured/Tenure Track


The Economics Program in the Division of Social Science at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) is inviting applications from economists with an excellent research record. Strong preference will be given to candidates in theoretical or applied econometrics, but outstanding candidates in all fields may be considered. The position comes with generous research support.

About NYU Abu Dhabi

Established in partnership between New York University (NYU) and the emirate of Abu Dhabi, over the last decade, NYUAD has assembled a remarkable community of scholars, students, researchers, artists, inventors, and others who have contributed to the growth of the UAE’s capital as a global hub of knowledge and culture while establishing a new model of higher education for today’s complex world.

NYUAD is animated by inspiring and diverse faculty, students, and staff working together in an exciting and dynamic city. As an international center of excellence in teaching and research, our goal is to attract outstanding faculty who are leaders in their fields, encouraging them to create programs that draw outstanding students and provide an intellectually rich environment.

NYUAD students come from more than 126 countries, with no single nationality exceeding more than 15 percent of the total student population. Likewise, our over 320 faculty members represent more than 45 nationalities and bring a global perspective to their classrooms and research projects. NYUAD is committed to building and strengthening a university-wide culture of inclusion, diversity, belonging and equity (IDBE), which is fundamental to the University’s commitment to excellence. Visit our website for more information on NYUAD’s commitment to IDBE and how these values are fundamental to our mission.

Students are drawn from among the world’s best. They are bright, intellectually passionate, and committed to building a campus environment anchored in mutual respect, understanding, and care. The NYUAD undergraduate student body has garnered an impressive record of scholarships, graduate-school admissions, and other global honors. Graduate education is an area of growth for the University; the current graduate student population of over 100 students is expected to expand in the next decade as doctoral programs are developed. In Economics, we currently offer a Bachelor’s and a MSc degree.

Working for NYUAD

At NYUAD, we recognize that Abu Dhabi is more than where you work; it’s your home. In order for faculty to thrive, we offer a comprehensive benefits package. This starts with a generous relocation allowance; educational assistance for your dependents; access to health and wellness services; and more. NYUAD is committed to faculty success throughout the academic trajectory, providing support for ambitious and world-class research projects and innovative, interactive teaching approaches. Support for dual-career families is a priority. Visit our website for more information on benefits for you and your dependents.


This position requires a Ph.D. in economics.

Application Instructions

To apply for this position, please submit the following items:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Cover Letter
  • Teaching Statement
  • Research Statement
  • Recent teaching evaluations (optional)
  • Diversity Statement (how you would contribute to inclusion, diversity, belonging, and equity)
  • Up to 5 representative publications or other writing samples
  • Names and email addresses of 3 references (each will be contacted to upload their reference via Interfolio). Senior candidates may delay having references sent until they know if they are finalists.

We will review applications on a rolling basis and will continue until the position is filled. We will anticipate that successful candidates can start the appointment and relocate to Abu Dhabi in the academic year 2024-2025.

For questions about this position, please email

Join NYU Abu Dhabi, an exceptional place for exceptional people.

NYUAD values diversity, inclusion, belonging, and equity; such principles are fundamental to the university's commitment to excellence. NYUAD is an equal opportunity employer. We particularly welcome applications from members of traditionally underrepresented groups, women, and UAE nationals. Multidisciplinary research and exceptional teaching in a highly diverse and inclusive campus community are hallmarks of the University’s mission.

@WorkAtNYUAD #nyuadfacultycareers

Application Process

This institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Search to conduct this search. Applicants to this position receive a free Dossier account and can send all application materials, including confidential letters of recommendation, free of charge.

Equal Employment Opportunity Statement

For people in the EU, click here for information on your privacy rights under GDPR:

NYU is an equal opportunity employer committed to equity, diversity, and social inclusion.

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique, Études commerciales et de gestion, Économie

Organisation/Company NEW YORK UNIVERSITY ABU DHABI Research Field Economics Researcher Profile Recognised Researcher (R2) First Stage Researcher (R1) Country United Arab Emirates Application Deadline ...View more