Kinesiology – Instructor I (9.5-month continuing position)

Posted 1 Jahr ago

Acadia University

Location: Nova Scotia
Date posted: 2024-01-24
Advertised until: 2024-02-17

Position # 30407
Acadia University acknowledges that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq. This territory is covered by the “Treaties of Peace and Friendship” which the Mi’kmaq, Wəlastəkwiyik, and Peskotomuhkatiyik Peoples first signed with the British Crown in 1726. These treaties did not implicate or affirm the surrender or transfer of land to the British but recognized Mi’kmaq title and set the rules for what was to be a long-standing relationship between nationsAcknowledging the land that we are on, means that we are working towards decolonization across campus.

Acadia University is recognized as one of Canada’s premier primarily undergraduate institutions. Academic innovation and a personalized learning environment have garnered the university a reputation for success. Acadia is nestled in the Town of Wolfville, amongst orchards and vineyards in Nova Scotia’s Annapolis Valley. A short walk from the shores of the renowned Bay of Fundy, the area offers a small-town setting with a relaxed lifestyle and outstanding cultural and recreational opportunities. With a progressive commitment to sustainability that echoes Acadia’s status as Canada’s first organic campus, the region offers locally crafted artisan food and beverage with many communities embracing organic, fair trade, and farm-to-table ideals. The Annapolis Valley is home to highly developed agricultural, agri-food, biotechnology, and manufacturing industries that offer growing employment and research opportunities. It is also home to 14 Wing Greenwood, the largest air base on the East Coast. Southern Nova Scotia is surrounded by ocean and therefore has an experienced fishing industry, marine research, and ocean technology companies. Halifax, whose airport is only 60 minutes from Wolfville, provides a wide variety of opportunities and connections academically and commercially in terms of research.

The School of Kinesiology invites applications from candidates for a 9.5-month continuing position (August 1 – May 15 annually) at the rank of Instructor I, commencing August 1st, 2024.

Academic Qualifications: The successful candidate will possess a Master’s degree in Education or Teaching and Leadership, or a related field, and have experience teaching Physical Education at the elementary and/or secondary levels.

The successful candidate will teach undergraduate courses to provide students with background knowledge that could contribute to a future career in teaching physical education (e.g. schools and health; inclusive physical activity; culture and leadership in physical education) as well as other elective courses and/ or activity labs (e.g., educational gymnastics, dance, games). Membership or leadership experience with organizations such as PHE Canada, and the Teaching Association for Physical and Health and Education (TAPHE) would be an asset.

Candidates who possess professional certifications from the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC), and who have been involved in coaching school or community sport, may have the opportunity to teach in the area of coaching (focusing on the NCCP curriculum).

An overall ability to contribute to the collaborative and dynamic teaching and research culture in the School of Kinesiology is essential. The successful applicant will collaborate with the faculty to broaden the work of the School, particularly with undergraduate students wanting to pursue teaching physical education or coaching as a career. The successful candidate is expected to be an excellent teacher, to contribute to mentoring students, and will also contribute to community engagement and service activities.

The School of Kinesiology encourages applications from Indigenous people, African Canadians, African Nova Scotians, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, women, persons of any minority sexuality, gender identity or gender expression, and all intersections of these identities. 

How to Apply: Candidates are asked to submit their application in a single PDF document to Receipt of the application will be acknowledged via email. Applications should include the following:

  • position number 30407 (include in the subject line of the submission email),
  • a cover letter,
  • a description of past teaching experiences,
  • a current curriculum vitae
  • the names and email/phone contact information of three referees (to be contacted if short-listed).

The application should be addressed to:

Dr. Darren Kruisselbrink
Acadia University
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada B4P 2R6

Acadia University invites applications from all qualified individuals; however, Canadians and permanent residents shall be given priority. The University encourages applications from Indigenous people; African Canadians; African Nova Scotians; persons with disabilities; visible minorities; women; persons of any minority sexuality, gender identity or gender expression; and all intersections of these identities. Acadia embraces the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion as fundamental in creating an expansive academic environment and champions diverse knowledge systems as pillars of academic excellence.

All applicants are required to submit an online Employment Equity Self-Identification Form as part of their application package. The form provides the option of self-identifying based on the applicant’s comfort level. Failure to complete the form by the closing date will result in the disqualification of your application.

 Closing Date: February 16, 2024

Accessibility Statement
The University strives to be an equitable and inclusive community, and proactively seeks to increase diversity among its community members.

The University will provide support in its recruitment processes to applicants with disabilities, including accommodation that takes into account an applicant’s accessibility needs. If you require any accommodations at any point during the application and hiring process, please contact the Chair of the Selection Committee at

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

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