Plant, Food, and Environmental Sciences – Assistant Professor (Plant Pathology)

Posted 1 Jahr ago

Dalhousie University

Location: Nova Scotia
Date posted: 2024-01-22
Advertised until: 2024-02-21

The Department of Plant, Food, and Environmental Sciences (PFES) in the Dalhousie University Faculty of Agriculture invites applications from qualified candidates for a full-time, tenure stream faculty position in Plant Pathology at the Assistant Professor rank. The successful candidate will commence July 1, 2024 (or negotiable) and contribute to Teaching (40%), Research (40%) and Service (20%) responsibilities.

The Faculty of Agriculture ( located on the Dalhousie University Agricultural Campus, located in Truro, Nova Scotia. The Faculty offers technical, undergraduate, and graduate (MSc, PhD) programs in agriculture, aquaculture, environment, and related life and social science disciplines, and is home to approximately 1,000 students and 50+ professors. Dalhousie University is the largest university in the Maritime region of Canada and a member of Canada’s  U15 research-intensive university  group. It is comprised of 13 faculties with a current enrollment of 18,500 graduate and undergraduate students, including 3,500 in graduate programs, from 115 countries .

The Department of Plant, Food, and Environmental Sciences is home to a vibrant team of scientists and instructors focused on four priority areas: plant and horticultural sciences, environmental sciences and agroecology, food science, and landscape architecture. Related areas of Departmental research strengths include crop physiology, soil health, climate change, organic agriculture, agronomy, horticulture, landscape architecture, food science, molecular biology, and agroecology. The department also benefits from strong collaborations with the agricultural industry, and research stations of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, throughout the Atlantic region and beyond. Cropping systems in Atlantic Canada are diverse with industry sectors linked to perennial (blueberry, grapes, tree fruits) and annual (potatoes, vegetables, cereals, pulses, and oilseeds) crop production. Other regional opportunities also include maple production, forestry, Christmas tree, and ornamental horticulture. Agri-environmental challenges include stress on crops and natural ecosystems due to increasing disease and insect pressure exacerbated by climate extremes and soil health issues.

The successful candidate is expected to develop a productive, innovative and competitively funded research program working in plant pathology that is recognized regionally, nationally, and internationally. Potential areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Epidemiological approaches using spatial/temporal digital technologies and data analytics,
  • Omics approaches applied to plant pathology,
  • Host-pathogen interactions within the context of changing environments,
  • Applying artificial intelligence and smart technologies, to study pathogens and identify management solutions,
  • Disease management and development of agroecological solutions that improve crop resilience, and/or
  • Post-harvest pathogen

The successful candidate will be required to teach undergraduate students as well as mentor  and train graduate students. The teaching assignment will reflect the expertise of the successful candidate within the needs of the department and may include courses at the entry- and/or upper- level. Service responsibilities include development of good working relationships with appropriate commodity and community groups, industry and government. The candidate is expected to become an active, engaged member of the Department, Faculty and University, and is encouraged to maintain professional membership in the Nova Scotia Institute of Agrologists. Activities at local, national and international levels are expected to promote excellence and continuous improvement in research, teaching and learning at Dalhousie.

The successful applicant will:

  • Have Ph. or equivalent degree in plant pathology, ecology, epidemiology, or related field (degree must be awarded by start of appointment)
  • Have a record of independent research in plant pathology or a closely related discipline with application to Plant Pathology as demonstrated by publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals or demonstrate potential for a strong research publication record.
  • Demonstrate an ability or potential to acquire research funding through grant-writing and will be evaluated on their potential to develop a strong externally funded program, including Tri-Council (
  • Show evidence of their potential to become an international leader in the field of Plant Pathology. We seek a team-player and team-builder who can forge synergies within and between academia, government research institutions, industry, and other stakeholders within and beyond the Atlantic Region.
  • Demonstrate experience or potential to teach effectively at the undergraduate
  • Ideally have completed (and show evidence for) at least some professional development related to teaching.
  • Be a clear and stimulating communicator who can inspire students of all levels, support Faculty initiatives, and participate in growing the reputation of the Faculty and University.

A complete application package for this position should include:

  • A cover letter summarizing qualifications and experience relevant to this position (maximum of 2 pages)
  • A detailed CV
  • A prospective research plan (maximum of 2 pages)
  • A statement of teaching interests and philosophy, including a brief summary of experience and training (maximum of 2 pages), with details of training and teaching experience to be listed in the C. V.
  • An explanation of how equity, diversity, inclusivity , and accessibility (EDIA) will be integrated and promoted in both the research and teaching program (1 page)
  • Reprints of up to three publications authored or co-authored related to Plant Pathology or closely related disciplines
  • Names, addresses and emails of three references (Applicants selected for further consideration will be notified before referees are contacted.)

Dalhousie University recognizes that career paths can be diverse and that career interruptions may occur. Applicants are encouraged to include, in their cover letter, an explanation of the impact that any career interruptions may have had on their record of research achievement.

For further information regarding this position, please contact the Chair of the selection committee, Dr. Andrew Hammermeister, Department of Plant, Food, and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture : andrew.hammermeister@dal.caApplications for this position must be made through Dalhousie’s online portal via this posting.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

Dalhousie University commits to achieving inclusive excellence through continually championing equity, diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. The university encourages applications from Indigenous persons (especially Mi’kmaq), persons of Black/African descent (especially African Nova Scotians), and members of other racialized groups, persons with disabilities, women, and persons identifying as members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and all candidates who would contribute to the diversity of our community. For more information, please visit iringfordiversity.

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If you require any support for the purpose of accommodation, such as technical aids or alternative arrangements, please let us know of these needs and how we can be of assistance. Dalhousie University is committed to ensuring all candidates have full, fair, and equitable participation in the hiring process. Our complete Accommodation Policy can be viewed here.

Deadline: 02/21/2024


Required Documents

  1. Resume / Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  2. Cover Letter
  3. Teaching Statement
  4. Research Statement
  5. Sample Publication(s)
  6. List of referees
  7. EDIA Statement

Job Features

Job CategoryEnseignement et recherche scientifique

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