Sport and Recreation Capital Works Program in Australia

Posted 1 Jahr ago

The aim of the City of Mount Gambier Sport and Recreation Capital Works Program is to foster and assist in the development and/or capital renewal of sport and recreation infrastructure within the city.

Applications are now open for 2023/2024 with submissions closing on Monday, 4 September 2023. Please refer to the below Guidelines and Application Form for details.

As a general rule, applications should be for projects with a minimum total cost of $10,000 and a maximum total cost of $50,000. Preference will be given to applications that demonstrate a high incidence of self help as evidenced by matching funds or significant in-kind contributions by the organisation.

The applicant’s contributions for this purpose may include cash from the organisation’s own resources, grants or funds from sponsors or other sources or in-kind support in the form of labour or services. If the applicant’s contribution includes a grant from another source, the applicant must provide evidence that the grant has been awarded or confirmed with an application under this program.

Please refer to the program guidelines for further information, including:

  • Types of projects eligible for funding under the program,
  • What is not eligible for funding under the program,
  • Who can apply for the funding, and
  • Payment conditions of grants.

For further information contact (08) 8721 2555 or email

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