Energy and the Environment are two subjects linked to the main societal challenges described in the strategic European research project Horizon H2020, namely societal challenges N°3 “Safe, clean and efficient energy” and N°5 “Action for the climate, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials”.
In this context, the European doctoral programme in Energy and Environment EDENE is an ambitious multidisciplinary, intersectoral and international project over a period of 5 years offering quality training to a total of 30 international and highly-qualified doctoral students in these fields. Its ambition is to develop a working dynamic around innovative subjects on these topics in all disciplines covered by the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA). Based on the obtention in 2017 of the competitive I-Site I-Site Label (Science / Innovation / Territories / Economy Initiative by the French Programme ‘Investissements d’Avenir’) for its project Energy & Environment Solutions (E2S), the UPPA’s priorities are to attract new talents, to develop international collaborations with targeted universities and to develop the international training offer, mainly in the fields of energy and the environment. This collaborative project also aims to strengthen links with local socio-economic players and cross-border university players, namely the University of Zaragoza, Enedis, Naldeo, Terega, TotalEnergies, the Avenia competitive cluster and the SATT Aquitaine Sciences Transfert.
Through this Second Call for Projects, CALL#2, EDENE will allow 10 excellent researchers to develop their talent beyond the Master, via a project of their choice, while being integrated in the best teams of UPPA and possible partners. Motivated candidates are asked to define their own research project in cooperation with their host unit at the UPPA, so they can develop a successful cooperation in term of research, excellence and career development.
We seek outstanding candidates with a clear passion for research and who are excited by the opportunity to provide future solutions for energy and the environment. These highly-motivated candidates will be able to undertake a PhD project in any areas of energy and the environment, connected to the research priorities of the University’s host laboratories. All disciplines studied at the UPPA are eligible for this call. Fellows will benefit from both UPPA academic supervision and external co-supervision if a partner is chosen.
Fellowships are open to highly-qualified graduates from all fields of energy and the environment. We want to attract candidates who stand out for their scientific excellence and to whom we will offer scientific challenges that meet their expectations.
Number of PhD Fellowships: 10 doctoral fellowships are available [monthly net entry salary (before income taxes) of approximately 1 587 €]
Employer : Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA)
Start : September 2022 – Duration : 36 months
- Citizens of all nationalities are eligible to apply. WARNING : applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity in France for more than 12 months in the 3 years preceding the PhD start date (1st september 2022) (supporting documents requested)
- Entrance requirements:candidates must hold a Master 2’ s degree (or equivalent degree) with outstanding records
- English language requirements: non-native speakers of English are required to provide proof of linguistic proficiency
- Required competencies: Applicants are expected to show outstanding commitment connected to the research priorities of the laboratories.
Steps for the selection:
- 1st step: Candidates have to contact the Research Laboratories from the UPPA in their field of interest, in order to find a supervisor and prepare their Research project
- 2nd step: by March 31st, 2022, applicants must submit their Research project, previously reviewed with the host laboratory, on the E2S UPPA online platform
- 3rd step: candidates will be selected on the basis of the quality of their curriculum and the relevance of their project proposal. The selection of the best candidates will be carried out by committees involved in the different stages of the process
- Interview – the best-ranked proposals will be short-listed (up to 40) for interviews; the candidate will be invited to defend her/his project in front of the selection committee
Selection criteria:
- The candidate’s marks and rankings during the selection process
- The candidate’s motivation, scientific maturity, and curiosity
- The adequacy between the research project and his/her skills
- Ability to work independently and to take responsibility for the progress and the quality of the project
Candidates must send their application, written in English and including the documents listed below before March 31st, 2022 (midnight, Paris time), via the submission website:
CAUTION! Applications received through any other means will not be reviewed!
Required application documents :
- A full CV (Template provided) that includes all personal information, education background, research activities (if any) and information about two referees
- Two Reference letters (in a single PDF file)
- The Research Project description (max 4 pages – Template provided)
- The Supervisor’s commitment letter (Template provided). It is the applicant’s responsibility to contact the Supervisor where he/she wishes to carry out his/her research project and to obtain the requisite commitment letter of acceptance signed by the Supervisor. In this letter, the Supervisor establishes a budget for research costs and undertakes to find funding for those research costs and possibly co-financing on salary.
- A personal statement (1-3 pages – no template – free writing) wherein the applicant introduces him/herself and presents his/her qualifications and achievements, and emphasizes his/her future goals and research focus.
- An ethical declaration (Template provided) to identify ethical matters relating to the research proposal
- Copy of the Master’s degree or equivalent (ex: Engineer degree); for candidates with a Master’s degree in progress during the 2021-2022 academic year, please join marks and rankings corresponding to the first semester of the M2. These documents should provide comprehensive information regarding the degree obtained (or to be obtained) and must be translated if the document is not written in English
- Copy of a certificate or test of English language proficiency (for non-native speakers, a minimum B2 level in English is required)
- Copies of supporting documents for the date of entry into France (Visa, school certificate, certificate of residence, plane tickets, etc.) for candidates already in France in 2021-2022 ONLY
- A request for extension (Template provided), if applicable, with supporting documentation
For general questions about the application assistance, please contact:
Note that detailed information is available on the EDENE Website
including the detailed Application Procedure, thorougly described in the Guide for Applicants
About the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, UPPA
The UPPA * is a leading research and teaching University located in the beautiful region of the Atlantic Pyrenees, in the southwest of France. Engaged in the fields of energy and the environment for several years, the university participates in the development of new technologies and in a global and multidisciplinary approach essential to understanding, anticipating and supporting energy transformation processes.
In the current context of climate emergency and energy transition, the UPPA is focusing its research efforts on deepening knowledge in many areas in order to provide the best solutions. For example, research on ecosystem functioning, resource management and the use of low-carbon energy sources are all priority areas of study. To this end, research at UPPA on these themes is carried out in the disciplines of Science and Technology (mathematics, geosciences, ecology, oceanography, engineering, biology, physics, chemistry, mechanics, etc.) as well as in Social Sciences and the Humanities (social sciences, economics, law, geography…). The theme of energy and environmental transition is therefore a source of innovation for the University and it enjoys high visibility and real interdisciplinarity through its research laboratories and the E2S UPPA project.
Integrating the EDENE doctoral programme within the UPPA thus means becoming an actor of this change by being a creative force on innovative research topics. It is a unique opportunity to develop interdisciplinary and to carry out applied research on the impacts of climate change and on new methods of reducing the massive use of fossil fuels with the aim of increasing the use of low-carbon energy sources for an efficient energy transition and thus contribute to the implementation of a more sustainable environment.
*UPPA Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour