Month: December 2019

Posted in What's new

China: 8-year-old child teaches computer code on the internet

An eight-year-old Chinese boy launched his online tutorial to learn computer programming for young people. Black-rimmed glasses and red jersey, an eight-year-old Chinese computer connects…

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Posted in Scholarship in Europe

IMD Scholarships

Please don’t forget to attach your Financial Aid Form for all scholarship applications other than Merit and Co-Ro (see above). Scholarships Amount Profile & Criteria Scholarships for…

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Posted in Scholarship in Europe

Top 10 Scholarships in Switzerland for International Students

Did you know that tuition fees at Swiss universities are relatively low compared to other European countries? You can enroll in a Swiss university for less…

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Posted in Scholarship in Europe

University of Sussex Chancellor’s International Scholarships

University of Sussex Chancellor’s International Scholarships are available in the majority of Sussex Schools, and are awarded on the basis of academic performance and potential…

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Posted in Scholarship in Europe

Tuition Fee Scholarship, Mid Sweden University

Mid Sweden University offre quelques bourses de frais de scolarité aux candidats aux programmes suivants à partir du semestre d’automne 2022:

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Posted in Asia scholarship

Royal Thai Government Scholarships

Cette bourse est accordée aux candidats qualifiés ayant d’excellentes réalisations au premier cycle (baccalauréat) et aux cycles supérieurs (maîtrise) pour poursuivre leurs programmes de doctorat dans n’importe quel programme académique offert à l’École d’ingénierie et de technologie (SET) et à l’École de l’environnement, des ressources et du développement ( SERD) des pays prioritaires suivants, soutenus par le gouvernement de la Thaïlande.

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Posted in Scholarship in Europe

Top 10 scholarships in France for foreign students

France has become one of the most popular study destinations for international students. However, the cost of studying and living in France is not always affordable. Although…

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Posted in Health

Can we really treat depression with aspirin?

“Chinese researchers have come up with an important discovery: to cure depression, aspirin and ibuprofen would be more effective than antidepressants.”  The publication in the Journal of…

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Posted in Asia scholarship

Chongqing University Chongqing Municipal Government Mayor Scholarship

In order to encourage more outstanding international students to pursue a higher education in Chongqing, Chongqing Municipal Government launches the Chongqing Municipal Government Mayor Scholarship….

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Posted in Scholarship in Europe

Kent Business School International Research Scholarship

Kent Business School International Research Scholarships are awarded to students with excellent research potential. This is a three-year PhD studentship, which includes Overseas tuition fees,…

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Posted in Scholarship in Europe

Top 10 scholarships in Belgium for international students

A large number of scholarship programs in Belgium for international students are specifically for students from developing countries. The Belgian government, in its efforts for development…

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Posted in Scholarship in Europe

Awards and scholarships offered by the ULiège heritage Foundations

Specialised scholarships can be granted as part of a 2nd cycle (complementary Masters) and 3rd cycle (Doctorate). It is recommended to define your project quite early, ideally…

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United Arab Emirates University JOBS : Research Assistant in Veterinary Medicine

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Posted in America scholarship

Alberta University Global Citizenship Funding for International Students

If you want to get an undergraduate degree to start your  career  , you are in the right place. At the University of Alberta, they apply for global…

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Primary Health Care Corporation Doha,Qatar recrute des personnels infirmiers et des Conseillers en santé maternelle et infantile

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