Monthly Archives:

Associate Professor In Mental Health Care

Two permanent vacancies are available for associate professors (førsteamanuensis or førstelektor) in mental health care in the Department of Nursing and Health Promotion at the Faculty of Health Sciences from mid-August. We are looking for someone with the ability and willingness to help to strengthen the professional and educational work …

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Postdoctoral Researcher in Chemistry in University of Jyväskylä

The main strength areas of the department are structural and synthetic chemistry, computational chemistry and spectroscopy, renewable natural resources and chemistry of living environment, and education in chemistry. Moreover, the department is a member of the Nanoscience Center of University of Jyväskylä, which promotes interdisciplinary research projects in nanoscience. The …

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Professor in Child Psychiatry (50%) in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu

Nomination and Location of the Position The post concerned is a Professor in Child Psychiatry (50%) and it belongs to PEDEGO Research Unit in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu. Position of Chief Physician in Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District (Oulu University Hospital) is connected to this post. These two …

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Chercheur Post-Doctoral En Modélisation Basée Sur Les Agents Et Recherche Atmosphérique

L’équipe ATMOS a récemment reçu d’importantes subventions de recherche de l’ Académie de Finlande et de la Fondation Tiina et Antti Herlin pour utiliser l’intelligence artificielle et les méthodes d’apprentissage automatique, en particulier la modélisation basée sur les agents (ABM), pour la recherche sur les changements atmosphériques et climatiques. Nous …

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Doctoral Student In Agent-Based Modeling And Atmospheric Research

The ATMOS team has recently received significant research grants from the Academy of Finland and Tiina and Antti Herlin Foundation to use artificial intelligence and machine learning methods, in particular agent-based modeling (ABM), for atmospheric and climate change research. We are looking for a highly motivated doctoral student to carry out …

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Offres d’emploi de L’Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer, France

L’Ifremer mobilise les compétences diversifiées de ses quelques 1500 collaborateurs, pour accomplir ses missions dans les domaines des sciences de la mer. Ses objectifs ? Conduire et promouvoir des recherches fondamentales et appliquées ainsi que des actions d’expertise et de développement technologique et industriel destinées à : Connaître, évaluer et mettre en valeur …

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OsloMet Civil Engineering and Energy Technologies Department is recruiting

One of OsloMet’s greatest strengths is our educational portfolio. Our institution, which houses programs leading to teacher education, nursing, engineering – to name a few – we are uniquely positioned to develop cutting-edge solutions to the challenges facing the welfare state. confronted with.  Associate Professor of Special Education / Theory …

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The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) is recruiting an experienced Researcher (f / m / d) in immunology and aging

The German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) is a unique non-university research center devoted to the subject of dementia and all its fields, as well as other neurodegenerative diseases. The center covers all basic research from population sciences to health care research. The DZNE stands for excellence in scientific research and management, …

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The Department of Civil Engineering and Energy Technologies is recruiting a Head of Studies in Energy and the Environment

JOB DESCRIPTION The Department of Civil Engineering and Energy Technologies wishes to strengthen the management of the department. We are therefore looking for an enthusiastic, enterprising and development-oriented Head of Studies in Energy and Environment in Buildings constituting 50% constituting 50% of a full-time position, the remaining 50% of the full-time position …

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Post-Doctoral Researcher, Spatial and Regional Economics Research Centre & The Department of Economics

The research project will address the question of what forces will shape the development of agriculture and associated livelihoods in the period to 2050 and what are the implications of these drivers for the attractiveness of farming/forestry and, ultimately, generational renewal? It is a two year project funded by the …

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CeMM is recruiting A project scientist in proteomics / metabolomics joins the Superti-Furga laboratory at CeMM

Do you want to be part of an international consortium committed to characterizing human transporters at the interface between biological systems and the environment? We are looking for a  project scientist  to plan, carry out and supervise desorphelination studies on human transporters using proteomic / metabolomic  approaches   in cooperation with the proteomics / metabolomics facility …

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The Department of Earth Sciences at ETH Zurich is recruiting a Professor of Engineering Geology

The successful candidate should create and supervise an innovative research program focused on subjects closely related to the geology of the engineer, including the construction of technical structures (tunnels, bridges, dams, landfills, nuclear deposits), the development of nearby resources of the surface (groundwater, geothermal energy, carbon sequestration and mineral deposits) …

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Le Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de la Réforme de l’Administration recrute de 220 adjoints administratifs

Recrutement Le Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de la Réforme de l’Administration organise le 19.04.2020 un concours pour le recrutement de 220 adjoints administratifs 3ème grade (échelle 06) [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

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The Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) announces up to 7 vacancies for undergraduate students to work in a lab at the CNIO over the summer

The Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) announces up to 7 vacancies for undergraduate students to work in a lab at the CNIO over the summer. The programme runs from June, 22 to August 14, 2020, and is open to undergraduate students of any nationality who have passed at least …

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PHD THESIS CEMEF 2020: Nouveau cadre de jeu de niveaux en éléments finis 3D pour la modélisation des transformations de phase solide-solide et des interfaces de grains pour les polycristaux à grande échelle

CONTEXTE ET OBJECTIFS DIGIMU est une chaire industrielle ANR gérée par ARMINES MINES ParisTech et co-financée par l’ANR et un consortium industriel formé par ArcelorMittal, AREVA, ASCOMETAL, AUBERT & DUVAL, CEA et SAFRAN. Cette chaire traite du développement d’un cadre innovant et global pour la modélisation des évolutions microstrUcturales impliquées dans …

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