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L’Institut de médecine tropicale (ITM) est l’une des institutions les plus importantes au monde pour l’enseignement, la recherche et les services de médecine tropicale et de soins de santé dans les pays en développement. Pour sa mission, ITM collabore dans le monde entier avec de nombreuses institutions scientifiques, gouvernements et organisations.  …

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The Institute of Tropical Medicine is an internationally recognised centre of excellence for education, research and service delivery in the field of tropical medicine and global health. It has an extensive network of structural collaboration with scientific institutions in Africa, Asia and Latin America with which it collaborates closely to …

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Poste de Directeur/rice Santé dans Médecins du Monde, BRUXELLES Belgique

Médecins du Monde est une ONG internationale de développement médical faisant partie d’un réseau international. Nous fournissons une assistance médicale aux groupes vulnérables, en Belgique et dans le reste du monde. Nous voulons une couverture universelle de santé où chaque personne a accès aux soins, sans obstacles (financiers, culturels, géographiques, …

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Maison Médicale la Poudrière au forfait créée en avril 2017, nous cherchons un généraliste pour renforcer notre équipe à long terme. Equipe jeune et dynamique : 2 accueillantes, 1 gestionnaire infirmière en santé communautaire, 3 infirmières, 2 médecins généralistes, 2 kinés et 1 psychologue Conditions : – Contrat de salarié …

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Professorship for Sports and Sports Didactics

The University of Education Freiburg is a tertiary institution with university status. Approximately 5,100 students are trained in Bachelor and Master courses of study in Educational Science as well as for the teaching profession at elementary, secondary and vocational schools and for the higher teaching profession at vocational schools. At …

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PhD positions in Inorganic materials and technology

What we offer: Unique opportunity to participate in the European project integrating significant international know-how and experience with access to up to 1 year internships with FunGlass international partners at their home sites in Germany, Italy or Spain under supervision of world leading scientists, scholarships to cover living cost during …

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MQ bio-psycho-social grants for mental health

MQ seeks to fund a diverse research portfolio that reflects a bio-psycho-social approach to mental health. The MQ Fellows Fellowships are open to researchers from all over the world and from all disciplines related to mental health research. Research may involve theoretical, experimental, social science or medical humanities approaches. In accordance with the work …

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As part of the UCAJEDI Excellence Initiative and its attractiveness policy, Université Côte d’Azur is launching a call for “Individual Grants for Young Researchers” applications, which aims to promote the recruitment of young researchers at the post-doctoral level. This call will allow young, top-level scientists to join a Université Côte …

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Associate and Assistant Professor

TENDER FOR JOB VACANCIES – PhD in Associate and Assistant Professor positions in the field of natural sciences, field of interdisciplinary natural science to work on the project UIP-2019-04-8401 Ecology of aerobic anoxigenic phototrophs in the Adriatic Sea, funded by HRZZ, one (1), part-time executive of four (4) years, full …

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Professor for the following field: Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences

Teaching and research at a dynamic institution of higher education! We are looking for persons, who would like to apply their extensive experience in their professional position in teaching and research at our institution of higher education based on an above-average doctorate (or similar proof of qualification in the field …

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Harvard Online Course

Of free online courses at the  University  Harvard  are available in many areas. These courses are called  MOOC  (Massive Open Online Courses). Anyone from around the world can access these  best online courses  , register and learn from the best teachers in the world. Free online course at Harvard University: Founded in 1636,  Harvard University  is one of the best and oldest …

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Assistant(e) administratif(ve) et commercial(e) – Agent de droit local

Lieu, service Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale du Caire. Pôle Éditorial. Statut, service Type de contrat: CDD annuel de droit égyptien, renouvelable; Date d’embauche: 15 mars 2020; Horaires du bureau: de 8h à 16h (une heure de pause méridienne incluse, avec disponibilité à travailler au delà des horaires et pendant les jours fériés et …

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Call for candidates for an Idéo-Ifao pre-doctoral or doctoral scholarship

The French Institute of Oriental Archeology (Ifao) and the Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies (Idéo) are joining forces to finance a 12-month pre-doctoral or doctoral scholarship, from September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021. This scholarship also grants residence to Ideo and Arabic lessons at the rate of two hours of …

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Cedej and Ifao offer aid for doctoral research in the humanities and social sciences for work on contemporary developments in Egyptian society

Dans le cadre d’un renforcement de leur coopération scientifique, le Cedej et l’Ifao proposent une aide à la recherche doctorale en sciences humaines et sociales pour des travaux portant sur les évolutions contemporaines de la société égyptienne aux XIXe et XXe siècles et nécessitant un séjour prolongé en Égypte. Bénéficiaires / Beneficiaries: étudiants …

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Associate Professor in Railway Engineering : NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology

We have a vacancy for an Associate Professor in railway engineering at Department for Civil and Environmental Engineering. Improvement of the Norwegian rail infrastructure is listed as one of the main priorities for the Norwegian society according to the National transport plan. To participate to reach this aim NTNU are …

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