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Research Opportunities Week (ROW) 2023 & TUM Global Postdoc Fellowship in Germany

ROW 2023 | October 9–13, 2023 | Application Deadline: May 14, 2023 The ROW 2023 offers 50 talented international researchers the chance to get to know TUM and its research environment. The program includes visits at research facilities at TUM, matchmaking with TUM professors and information sessions on postdoc funding opportunities in …

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International Excellence Scholarships at University of Leeds

The University of Leeds offers up to 50% fee reduction scholarships are available for international students commencing studies in 2023. Host Institution(s): University of Leeds, UK Field of study: Eligible postgraduate degrees offered at University of Leeds in the following Schools: Arts, Humanities and Cultures • Fine Art, History of Art …

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The most studied dietary supplements for Parkinson’s disease

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic medical condition that primarily affects the body’s motor systems. Although medications are often used to treat the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, certain dietary supplements have been studied for their potential to help improve symptoms and slow disease progression. This article will look at some of …

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08 foods to avoid if you have diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects the way your body uses glucose (sugar). People with diabetes have permanently high blood sugar levels, which can lead to long-term complications, such as heart problems, nerve damage, kidney failure and loss of vision. Diet plays an important role in managing diabetes, as …

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You’re a European student and you wish to continue your Master’s studies in France? Apply until 30 March 2023 for the France Excellence Europa scholarship program! Developed by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, the “France Excellence Europa” scholarship program allows students from 26 European Union countries to obtain scholarships to …

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New Zealand Scholarships 2023

A Manaaki New Zealand Scholarship will change and enrich your life The entire scholarship experience from developing your mind and your career, to enjoying the relaxed Kiwi lifestyle and culture, has the potential to shape your life in the most enriching ways. We are sure that securing a Manaaki New …

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Respiratory drug to slow Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that usually affects people over the age of 60. It is characterized by the progressive death of nerve cells in the brain, which leads to a decrease in the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter important for the regulation of movement. Although there is …

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Atlantic Fellows for Health Equity Program Application

Application Process  Fellows will be selected based on demonstrated commitment in the area of health equity and leadership potential. The program will build and support a group of global, multidisciplinary leaders equipped with the technical knowledge, skills, and network to advance health equity in their organizations and communities. The program …

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Cours international annuel de formation (AITC)

Cours international annuel de formation (AITC) de la Thaïlande Informations sur le cours Développement vert du fret et de la logistique (priorité pour les pays membres de la stratégie de coopération économique Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mékong (ACMECS)

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Gates Scholarship

The Gates Scholarship will fund 300 students per year, starting with 2018, totaling 3,000 students over the life of the program. With the launch of this program in 2017, The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation continues its long-standing commitment to helping outstanding minority students who come from low-income backgrounds realize …

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Emploi du temps L2 SNV Oran1 2019-2020

Emploi du temps L2 SNV Oran1 2019-2020   Télécharger ici :ème-année-2019-2020-S3-nouveau-Canevas-V2-avec-TD-TP-.pdf   [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

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Liste des étudiants L2 par section et groupe

Liste des étudiants L2 par section et groupe   Sciences Biologiques   [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]   Biotechnologie [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]   Hydrobiologie [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]   Sciences alimentaires [pdfjs-viewer url=”” viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true download=true print=true]

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Hillary Clinton Center for Women’s Empowerment Scholar-in-Residence Program

In 2014, the Hillary Clinton Center (HCC) began a scholar-in-residence program that invites internationally recognized scholars who work on gender issues in North Africa to conduct their research ,while in-residence on the idyllic campus of Al Akhawayn University. The program now also offers opportunities to emerging scholars. Administrative support (residence, research permits, …

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微软奖项学费奖学金和会议奖学金每年以鼓励学生追求在研究计算机科学和相关 STEM(科学,技术,工程和数学)学科。对于这两个容器奖学金将颁发,以表彰他们对展示的技术,热情的学业,同时努力推进软件产业的卓越领导。 多样性微软 我们强烈建议未被充分代表的群体追求的研究领域STEM因为我们非常重视有观点和贡献的广大行列。特别是,我们致力于提供奖学金,为那些可能从个人背景,已经过时的名著历史上在技术领域代表性不足。我们优先考虑奖学金的应用,展示在推进STEM学科的多样性在他们的工作,卓越的领导大学。 学费奖学金 申请时间:2016年10月6日 – 2017年1月26日 资格: 您必须在全日制学士学位课程在四年制大学或进行注册的大学在美国,加拿大,墨西哥,或在当时申请已提交 该奖学金是开放给修读计算机科学,计算机工程或相关STEM学位 保持3.0累计平均绩点出了可能的,4.0或4.0的累积平均积分点出能5.0 详细信息: 收件人会收到全部或部分学费覆盖一个学术截至今年你的大学或张贴金融援助办公室大学 微软将一次性支付给指定的学校,和等效水不能转移到-其他学术机构 愿你用这笔资金用于学费只 – 而不是在你的账单总务上市 – 其它成本,如食宿 申请 提交您的申请学费奖学金 有问题? 发送电子邮件 格雷斯料斗会议奖学金 申请时间:2017年3月1日 – 到2017年5月15日 资格: 你必须进行注册全职学士,硕士或博士学位的四年制大学或计划的大学在美国,加拿大,墨西哥,或在当时申请已提交 该奖学金是开放给修读计算机科学,计算机工程或相关STEM学位 详细信息: 收件人会收到支付登记格雷斯料斗会议 在$ 1,200美元的数额旅游,酒店,及膳食津贴 这些资金不能转移到个人 – 其它。 网站:

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