Month: April 2020

Postdoc / Research Fellow With Small Satellite And Cubesat Technology Expertise

Aalto University is a community of bold thinkers where science and art meet technology and business. We are committed to identifying and solving grand societal…

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PhD Studentship: Characterization Of Pile Driving Induced Ground Motions

JOB DESCRIPTION Reference ENG1364 Closing Date Sunday, 31st May 2020 Department Engineering The position is available to start in October, December, February, April or July…

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PhD Research Studentship: Dielectric Spectroscopy And High Strain Rate Properties Of Polymers

Reference ENG1369 Closing Date Saturday, 30th May 2020 Department Engineering Applications are invited for a fully funded PhD studentship (3.5 years) in the Faculty of…

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Senior Scientist & Research Scientist, Carbon Sequestration, 2 Positions

Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) is a research organisation working to promote bioeconomy and sustainable use of natural resources. We provide solutions and services to…

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PhD – Gas monitor module for respiratory devices

The group of Integrated Devices and Systems (IDS) (a merger of the former Semiconductor Components and Micro Sensors and Systems groups) studies the heart of…

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Assistant Professor in Lab on a chip

We stand for life sciences and technology. High tech and human touch. Education and research that matter. New technology which leads change, innovation and progress…

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Scientist in Industrial Cyber ​​Security

Fraunhofer is the largest organization for application-oriented research in Europe and was recognized in 2019 as a TOP 1 employer in Germany in the Trendence…

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2 Post-Doctoral Researchers (F/M/D) – Economics

The University of Cologne is one of the largest and most research-intensive universities in Germany, offering a wide range of subjects. With its six faculties…

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University Teacher In Inorganic Materials Chemistry

Turku region with its 320,000 people, former capital and a major urban area in Finland, is located in the southwestern Finland. A leading hub for…

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University Teacher For Biotechnology

Turku region with its 320,000 people, former capital and a major urban area in Finland, is located in the southwestern Finland. A leading hub for…

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University Lecturer And University Teacher In Mechanical Engineering

Turku region with its 320,000 people, former capital and a major urban area in Finland, is located in the southwestern Finland. A leading hub for…

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1–2 University Teachers/University Lecturers, Business Studies

Turku region with its 320,000 people, former capital and a major urban area in Finland, is located in the southwestern Finland. A leading hub for…

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Two University Lecturers / University Teachers In Physics

Turku region with its 320,000 people, former capital and a major urban area in Finland, is located in the southwestern Finland. A leading hub for…

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Four Professors Or Assistant / Associate Professors In Mechanical Engineering

Turku region with its 320,000 people, former capital and a major urban area in Finland, is located in the southwestern Finland. A leading hub for…

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Deux Professeurs Ou Professeurs Adjoints / Associés En Science Et Génie Des Matériaux

La région de Turku, avec ses 320 000 habitants, ancienne capitale et une grande zone urbaine de Finlande, est située dans le sud-ouest de la…

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