Month: June 2020

Postdoc Position in Chemistry & Chemical Biology (CCB) at Rutgers

The Izgu research lab in the Department of CCB at Rutgers University is seeking applications for an NIH-funded postdoc position to work at the interface…

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Posted in America scholarship

Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Students (PBEEE) at Laval University

Instructions for preselection for the 2021-2022 competition For this scholarship program, only candidates preselected by a Quebec university establishment will be invited by the organization…

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Principal Electron Microscopy Scientist

Principal Electron Microscopy Scientist Harwell Science and Innovation Campus, Oxfordshire Salary £42,931 to £50,507, dependent upon skills and experience Full time / Flexible hours considered…

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Le groupe des sciences, de l’ingénierie et de la technologie et la faculté de génie des biosciences de la KU Leuven acceptent les candidatures pour…

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Position postdoctorale pour développer de nouveaux modèles multicellulaires 3D CNS humains pour le développement précoce de médicaments (HTB)

Chez Roche, nous pensons qu’il est urgent de fournir des solutions médicales dès maintenant – même si nous développons des innovations pour l’avenir. Nous sommes…

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PhD position ‘Regeneration of Diseased Bone’

2 PhD positions ‘Regeneration of Diseased Bone’ Nijmegen, 36 hours a week Job description Infection and cancer often cause severe bone destruction, thereby dramatically reducing…

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Postdoc position ‘Colloidal biomaterials for bone regeneration’

2 Postdoc positions ‘Colloidal biomaterials for bone regeneration’ Nijmegen, 36 hours a week Job description Infection and cancer often cause severe bone destruction, thereby dramatically…

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PhD Position – Development of Electrode Architectures and Novel Membrane Electrode Assembly Concepts for CO2 Electrolyzers

Work group: IEK-14 – Elektrochemische Verfahrenstechnik Area of research: PHD Thesis Job description: Electricity can be used as energy input to enable novel electrocatalytic conversions…

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Senior Developer / Search Engine Specialist

The Web Production Team is responsible for provisioning and managing the infrastructure for Web Services at the EMBL–EBI and is led by Rodrigo Lopez. We…

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PhD scholarship in Charges and Potentials in Liquid Phase Electron Microscopy

This 3-year PhD project seeks to find ways to obtain the deepest level of understanding of charges and potentials in liquid chemical processes. It is…

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PostDoc Position in Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing Group

A 1-year PostDoc position is available in Biocatalysis and Bioprocessing Research Group at the Biological and Chemical Engineering Section of the Department of Engineering at…

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Postdoc Position at the Center for Adipocyte Signaling

Center for Adipocyte Signaling – ADIPOSIGN hereby announces an open postdoc position. We seek an outstanding candidate with a keen interest in applying and developing…

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Bourse de recherche en histoire des sciences, de la technologie et de la médecine

Une bourse de visite est offerte chaque année à Trinity Term (8 semaines du 26 avril au 19 juin avec une prolongation possible de trois mois )…

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L1 : Explication Audio des cours d’embryologie

L1 : Explication Audio des cours d’embryologie Cours 1 Télécharger:énéralités-sur-lembryologie-2019-2020.pptx Cours 2 Télécharger :ème-cours-Appareil-génital-Spermatogenèse-chez-lhomme-2020.pptx Cours 3 partie 1 Télécharger  :ère-partie-Explication-du-3ème-cours-Appareil-génital-chez-la-femme-Folliculogenèse-Ovogenèse.pptx Partie 2…

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Posted in Offer, Prizes and Contests

Joint call for proposals on Equality and Wellbeing across Generations

Submission deadline: September 14th 2020 This call aims to support policy in reducing inequality in the face of demographic change. The call seeks proposals for…

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