Monthly Archives: December 2021

CENTRALE NANTES – EiT Manufacturing grant – Master Data Science and AI for Competitive Manufacturing

The training provided at the EIT Manufacturing Master School aims to combine technical skills with those of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. The students will be part of a group of engineers, operators, inventors always ahead of their field. These students will improve their knowledge on the most recent industrial production techniques and will …

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Des milliers de postes dans les universités américaines ouverts à de nouveaux étudiants

Chaque année, environ 15 000 étudiants internationaux et étrangers fréquentent des établissements postsecondaires du Minnesota. L’État possède deux systèmes universitaires publics (subventionnés par les impôts) : le Minnesota State Colleges & Universities (MnSCU) et le système University of Minnesota, ainsi que de nombreuses facultés et universités. Aux États-Unis, les institutions d’enseignement …

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SupAgro Foundation: International Excellence Scholarship

SupAgro Foundation awards international scholarships of excellence which make it possible to partially cover the training costs of engineer training ” Sustainable agricultural and agro-food systems in the south “ (SAADS), International Master “Science and technology of agriculture, food and the environment “   (3A) and Master in Vine and Wine Sciences ELIGIBILITY Be an international candidate  admitted to the SAADS Engineering course, to the 3A …

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Institut Agro | Montpellier SupAgro : Candidatez à la bourse d’excellence Eiffel session 2022

Depuis plusieurs années, L’Institut Agro | Montpellier SupAgro accueille des étudiantes et étudiants internationaux dans le cadre des Bourses d’Excellence Eiffel. Les cursus ingénieur, master et doctorat sont les formations les plus prisées par les candidat·es à ce dispositif. L’Ecole est particulièrement attentive à la qualité des candidatures ainsi qu’aux …

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Val d’Oise International Scholarship (BIVO) – for Japanese students

The Val d’Oise international scholarship (BIVO) is only open to Japanese students wishing to study in the Val d’Oise. Intended to support international mobility and promote partnership relations for more than 30 years with Japan, it aims to select Japanese students on criteria of excellence to enable them to carry …

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Pre-France program for Malaysian students in political science and management

Training program in political science and management supported by the JPA (Ministry of the Civil Service). After obtaining their SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, equivalent of the British O-Level), students undergo a 13-month pre-university training in Malaysia (French courses and specialty courses) followed by 2 months in a host family. French …

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French Government scholarship

In line with French diplomacy, the French Institute of Serbia and the French Embassy promote the objectives of sustainable development alongside the United Nations. This year, particular emphasis is placed on objectives 5 “Gender equality” and 13 “Measures relating to the fight against climate change”. While all disciplines remain eligible for a …

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Erasmus + mobility outside the EU (ICM grants)

Through the ICM action (MIC in French: International Credit Mobility) of the Erasmus + program, the University of Rouen Normandie offers its students the possibility of studying and / or internship mobility outside Europe. Students who wish to do so can apply for one of the following destinations ( note, each …

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Mälardalen University Scholarship Programme

Chaque année, l'Université de Mälardalen offre un nombre limité de bourses dans le cadre du programme de bourses de l'Université de Mälardalen à des étudiants internationaux de pays sélectionnés en dehors de l'UE / EEE et de la Suisse, qui postulent pour un programme de maîtrise comme premier choix sur le portail national d'admission de la Suède.

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