Monthly Archives: August 2023

Turing AI World-Leading Researcher Fellowships: round three

Funding type:Fellowship Total fund:£12,000,000 Award range:£3,000,000 – £5,000,000 Publication date:26 January 2022 Opening date:4 April 2023 Closing date:7 September 2023 4:00pm UK time Start application Apply for funding to undertake world-leading research to advance the field of artificial intelligence (AI) in the UK. This funding opportunity is aimed at established …

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Canon Foundation-Kyoto University Japan-Africa Exchange Program (The Deadline 15 Nov. 2023)

Based on the Memorandum of Understanding concluded between the Canon Foundation in Europe (CFE) and Kyoto University (KU),  the Canon Foundation-Kyoto University Japan-Africa Exchange Program started in 2018. The program offers fellowships to highly qualified researchers in fields of research related to African Studies. The program is intended to support 1) fellows from KU who …

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Newsom-Davis Visiting Fellowships

Up to two short term fellowships will be awarded each year to neurologists from Eastern Europe (in former Warsaw pact countries) and countries eligible for Official Development Assistance (on the OECD’s List of ODA Recipients). The fellowships are intended for clinicians who wish to spend up to three months in …

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Immuno-Informatics Postdoctoral Fellowship – USA

The Cancer Research Institute (CRI) Immuno-Informatics Postdoctoral Fellowship Program aims to support qualified young scientists at academic research institutions around the world who wish to receive dual training in immunology and data science. The fellowships will support both computational biologists who seek to strengthen their knowledge of immunology and cancer …

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Absence des Universités Francophones en Afrique au Classement de Shanghai 2023

Les résultats du Classement de Shanghai 2023, publiés le mardi 15 août, ont confirmé une fois de plus l’absence remarquée des universités francophones en Afrique. Malgré les années qui passent, ces établissements n’ont toujours pas réussi à se hisser parmi les 1000 universités mondiales répertoriées. Le classement, qui célèbre cette …

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Potential Risks of Sucralose: Study Reveals Artificial Sweetener 600 Times Sweeter than White Sugar Could Impact Health

A recent study sheds light on concerns surrounding sucralose, a common artificial sweetener, by suggesting it might alter DNA and thereby increase the risk of cancer. Sucralose, marketed under the brand name Splenda, is approximately 600 times sweeter than conventional white sugar. The study highlights that sucralose could compromise the …

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A recent study conducted by researchers at Tohoku University in Japan has established a significant link between oral health, cognitive decline, and premature aging

A recent study conducted by researchers at Tohoku University in Japan has established a significant link between oral health, cognitive decline, and premature aging. The findings of this research underscore the importance of proper dental hygiene in preventing brain-related conditions tied to memory. The researchers found that tooth loss in …

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Africa’s biggest VENTURE BUILDING FELLOWSHIP for her youngest entrepreneurs

Anzisha Prize is a three-year fellowship for young African entrepreneurs between 15 and 22 years old. We identify, equip young people with tools and resources to run successful businesses and celebrate their entrepreneurial endeavours.  We invest deeply in storytelling  To create a meaningful movement, telling impactful stories matter. We don’t …

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Risks of a Raw Vegan Diet: The Tragic Story of Zhanna Samsonova

Due to starvation and exhaustion, Zhanna Samsonova, a media influencer of raw veganism, has passed away. How did this happen? What were the details of the diet she followed? And what are the associated risks? Russian influencer Zana died at the age of 39, with The Independent reporting that her …

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Co-funded Monash Graduate Scholarship (CF-MGS)

These scholarships are co-funded by Monash University and the enrolling faculty/academic unit and are available to help support students with living costs whilst studying at Monash. Applications Four rounds per year Total scholarship value $33,000 p.a. Number offered Varies See details Bachelor of Biomedical Science Ilaria My scholarship has given …

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New Insights into the Death of Alexander the Great: A 24-Century-Old Mystery Solved

For centuries, the mystery surrounding the death of Alexander the Great, the renowned military leader whose empire spanned vast territories from the Mediterranean to India, has confounded historians. A recent study might finally shed light on this enigma, challenging previous theories and revealing a surprising twist. Speculations about the cause …

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UNEATLANTICO Scholarship program

The UNEATLANTICO Scholarship program, in collaboration with the Iberoamerican University Foundation (FUNIBER), translates into a desire: “That no one should stop studying at the European University of the Atlantic for lack of financial resources.” These scholarships help cover the costs of tuition and accommodation, always as a complement to the family’s …

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The Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study awards 8-10 residential Faculty Fellowships annually to researchers whose work addresses the Institute’s yearly Research Theme. During the 2024-2025 academic year, the Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study is sponsoring residential research projects that investigate The Good Life. The Good Life fellowship program will bring …

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Brown University departments can propose postdoctoral appointments to meet ongoing or emergent instructional needs. Postdoctoral fellows are appointed jointly at the Cogut Institute and in the departments. Individuals may not apply to the Cogut Institute for postdoctoral fellowships: the Institute does not recruit postdoctoral fellows directly. Postdoctoral fellows enrich Brown University’s …

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Cologne Graduate School of Ageing Research – 2023 PhD Scholarships

Field of Study Chemistry. Medicine. Nursing & Psychology. Society. Level PhD Country Germany Eligibility Applicants with a degree in medicine are equally welcome to apply provided they have sufficient relevant research experience. Furthermore, candidates require excellent written and spoken English skills (C1 level). Requirements Start compiling your documents (CV, transcripts, …

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