37th Annual Akegarasu Haya Prize Essay Competition

The city of Hakusan created the “Akegarasu Haya Prize” to honor his remarkable achievements, while aiming to foster in today’s young people this same appreciation of their own cultural traditions, while bearing in mind that these young people will be the world leaders of tomorrow.

Recognizing the importance of all the different cultures of the world, the organizations of this award will accept essays from Japan and from abroad.

Guidelines for Applicant Authors: Applicants wishing to submit their papers are requested to follow the instructions given below:

 Regarding the submission of articles, only original articles are accepted. Articles already published will not be accepted. Documents or photographs submitted will not be returned to the author. Articles selected for publication will appear in book form, and copyright will be held by the City of Hakusan.

It should also be noted that those who have already acquired (former laureates) the “Akegarasu Haya Prize” are excluded.

  1. The categories and themes of the articles to be submitted

– Category 1: Essay on philosophy or thought You are asked to choose one of the following subjects

  • An essay that will give hope and suggestions for future lives;
  • A criticism of a philosopher or a thinker;
  • A new critique or interpretation of works of history, ethnology or literature; The argument should be presented creatively, the overall structure should be clear and easy to read. (Essays that are suitable for young readers will be especially appreciated)

– Category II: An essay or a practical dossier of concrete activities which allow young people to be brought up in a healthy way.

The theme of the category It relates to the different environments in which learning takes place for young people: home, school, office (workplace), in the community or in a private company.

This category covers the promotion of new life experiences, volunteering activities, exchanges or activities for the prevention of juvenile delinquency. It also concerns

the  vocational guidance. the  school guidance. the sports activities. cultural and  righ ts  of the child .

  1. The format, formatting of the essay text and application procedures

Others / applicants are welcome to submit essays / articles via email (bu  nkashinkou@city.hakusan.lg.jp ). MS Word can be used for text files for digital version. For those who are not able to submit their manuscripts by email owe the reverse as Word files by regular mail, at

condition to send it before the fixed deadline.

  1. Writing language  : English or Japanese.
  1. The format of  the  ‘  e ssa:
    1. Articles should include an abstract, keywords, text and references;
    2. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words;
    3. Category 1: the number of words must be between 3600 and 6000 words;
    4. Category II: the number of words must be between 3000 and 5000 words;

(Essays / articles with more or less words than the ranges indicated above will not be accepted).

  1. The titles and sub-titles:  the titles of the article must be numbered according to their hierarchical level (example: 1Title of level 1.1.1Title of level 2, 1.1 Title of level 3, ……….);
  2. the format of   the  a page and text formatting  : Pages must be standard A4 (2l7cm), double-spaced, Times font with a size of 12 and margins of 2.5 cm for the sides da page.

3. Information about the author / candidate

To apply, articles must be submitted with information about the author, including age (date of birth), address, phone number, and professional and academic background. This information will only be used to contact the author, and will not be disclosed / used for any other purpose.

  1. The deadline for submitting candidatures  :  Articles must have reached the Secretariat

before Friday  August  3, 2021 .

  1. The reward  :  prizes will be awarded to the best articles in both categories
  • •  Category  1:  A prize of 500,000 yen  (approx.  4,570 USD)  will be awarded to the best assai on the above-mentioned theme.
  • • Category II:  A prize of 300,000 yen  (approximately  USD 2,740)  will be awarded for the best essay on the above-mentioned theme.
  1. Notification of results  :  the selection / evaluation committee will select the winning papers and notify the winners  in  mid-October 2021 .
  2. The contact

To express their interest in participating in this competition, or for any need for information or other additional details, applicants are requested to contact the Secretariat in charge of the file, whose contact details are given as follows:

  • Adresse : Akegarasu Haya Prize Essay Contest Secretarait Cultural Promotion Division, Department of Tourism, Culture and Spots, Hakusan City 2-1 Kuramitsu, Hakusan, lshikawa, Japan 924-8688
  • Telephone:  + 81-76-274-9573; Fax:  + 81-76-274-9546

• E-mail:  bunkashinkou@city.hakusan.lg.jp

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