We have four vacant postdoctoral research fellow positions in political science for two ERC projects at the Department of Administration and Organization Theory at the University of Bergen. The positions are for a fixed-term period of 4 years, of which 75% (3 years) will be dedicated to research within the themes of one of the two ERC projects and 25% (1 year) will be dedicated to teaching and administrative tasks in the field of political science.
Applicants are asked to specify in their application if they want their application to be considered for a position in one or both of the two ERC projects, SUCCESS or INCLUDE. They are asked to submit a project proposal only for the most preferred project.
The Inclusive Politics Project (INCLUDE): The objective is to take research on public opinion and the politics of cultural and religious diversity in a new direction. With few exceptions, research has understandably targeted exclusion—opposition to immigration, prejudice towards minorities, the surge in support for the far right. This project aims to expand the scope of inquiry and to examine instead openings to the inclusion of minorities in contemporary established liberal representative democracies. The INCLUDE project will bring conceptual and empirical attention to different aspects of public opinion and different segments within the public than are currently at the center of attention in research on intergroup attitudes and support for the far right. The team will collect data in sequences of survey experiments in Norway, Germany, France, the UK, the Netherlands, and Sweden. The project leader is Professor in Political Science, Elisabeth Ivarsflaten. Read more about the Inclusive Politics Project here: https://inclusivepolitics.w.uib.no/
The Gender Gaps in Political Endurance Project (SUCCESS): Gender imbalance in political office has been a recurring topic in political science the last decades. This project takes a fresh look at this debate by arguing that if we cannot just look at variation in numbers of men and women elected to office, we must also take a closer look at how political careers unfold. The project aims to expand our knowledge about not just how political careers starts, but how they proceed and how quickly they end. Of interest is research into where, why and how gender gaps in political careers occur. The project will carry out qualitative interviews with parliamentarians and their allies in five countries, conduct representative and citizen surveys with experiments in a selection of these countries, and develop a dataset on political endurance across the world. Cases selected for the first round of the project is France, Norway, and the United States. Later two additional cases will be selected based on the findings from the first round, most likely cases in other world regions. The project leader is professor in Political Science, Ragnhild L. Muriaas. Read more about the SUCCESS project here: https://www.uib.no/en/persons/Ragnhild.Louise.Muriaas
About the project/work tasks:
- The INCLUDE project seeks postdoctoral candidates who plan to conduct research at the forefront of the subfields of public opinion and political behaviour with an emphasis on inter-group attitudes and/or new methodologies in survey research. The INCLUDE project welcomes two types of postdoctoral research plans: (a) those seeking to advance survey and survey experimental research in the field of political science generally and (b) those seeking to contribute to new knowledge about conflicts between liberal democratic values in questions of Muslim inclusion in established democracies. Both types of research plans must demonstrate relevance to the new inclusive politics research agenda to be advanced by the INCLUDE project. The postdoctoral research fellow will be part of a research group that will collect experimental survey data in Norway, Germany, France, the UK, the Netherlands, and Sweden. Incorporating plans for survey data collection in these countries in the project proposal will be an advantage.
- The SUCCESS project seeks postdoctoral candidates who are interested in moving the research-front on questions related to gender and representation further with an emphasis on gender-gaps in political careers. The project is looking for applicants who are interested in studying the choices, networks and resources involved in sustaining the political careers of elected representatives (qualitative/quantitative techniques) and/or an interest in survey research on how candidate profiles affect vote choice (survey studies / experiments). The postdoctoral research fellows will be part of a research groups that will collect data in Norway, France, the United States and two additional cases.
- The Postdoctoral fellow is expected to contribute fully to all scientific activities needed for the project to reach its goals. While most of the three project-years will be geared towards conducting independent and collaborative research, ordinary administrative project tasks such as writing project reports, organizing meetings, and contributing to dissemination is also a part of the position. One year will be dedicated to teaching and administrative tasks in the field of political science at the University of Bergen.