Islamic and Arab studies scholarships for international ‎students in al-Azhar University

‎”THE World Association for al-Azhar Graduates” offers scholarships for international ‎students to join al-Azhar University in the field of Islamic and Arab studies to earn the ‎Bachelor’s degree, or graduate degree (Masters/PhD). ‎
‎(Students, who meet the requirements, can join one of the following faculties):‎
•For boys:‎
oFaculty of Islamic Jurisprudence (shari’ah and law)‎‏ ‏
oFaculty of Theology.‎
oFaculty of Islamic and Arab studies.‎
oFaculty of Islamic preaching (Da’wwah).‎
oFaculty of Islamic Sciences for international students.‎
•For girls:‎
oThe Islamic Faculty for girls, specializing in:‎
Faculty of Islamic Jurisprudence (shari’ah and law)‎‏ ‏
Faculty of Theology.‎
Faculty of Islamic and Arab studies.‎
Privileges of the Scholarship:‎‏ -‏
‎ Students, who obtain a scholarship, gain the following advantages:‎‏-‏
•Assistance in finalizing the procedures of registration and enrollment in the ‎university.‎
•One month salary paid annually to cover the cost of text books and study materials. ‎
•A stipend to cover all the living expenses on campus.‎
•One month salary paid annually to cover living costs.‎
•The association could pay in some exceptional cases the flight fees for the arrival ‎and final return after graduation.‎
•The association offers rewards and prizes for distinguished students.‎
General eligibility requirements (for both undergraduate and graduate students)‎
‎1.‎The applicant must be a citizen and resident of the country from which he/she is ‎applying.‎
‎2.‎The student must not be benefiting from any other scholarships.‎
‎3.‎The student must meet all conditions of admittance in one of the declared faculties. ‎‏ ‏
‎4.‎The student must be free of any infectious diseases.‎
First: the undergraduate (the Bachelor’s degree):‎
A: applicants can register in one of the following programs:‎
‎1.‎Faculty of theology which offers the Bachelor’s degree in:‎‏-‏
•Interpretation (Exegesis) and sciences of Qur’an;‎
Program duration: 4 years.‎‏ ‏
•The Hadith and its Discourse Sciences;‎
‎ Program duration: 4 years.‎
•Faith and Philosophy;‎
‎ Program duration: 4 years.‎
•Islamic Preaching (Da’waah);‎‏ ‏
‎ Program duration: 4 years.‎‏ ‏
‎2.‎Faculty of Islamic Jurisprudence (Shari’ah and law) which offers the Bachelors ‎degree in:‎‏-‏
•The Islamic Jurisprudence (Shari’ah and law);‎
‎  Program duration: 4 years.‎
•Jurisprudence and law; ‎
Program duration: 5 years.‎
‎3.‎Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies which offers the Bachelors degree in:‎
•Islamic and Arabic Studies;‎‏ ‏
Program duration: 4 years.‎‏  ‏
‎4.‎Faculty of Preaching (Da’waah) which offers a degree in:‎‏-‏
•The Islamic Preaching (Da’waah);‎‏ -‏
‎ Program duration: 4 years.‎‏ ‏
‎5.‎Faculty of Arabic Language which offers the Bachelors degree in:‎‏ -‏
•The Arabic Language; ‎
‎ Program duration: 4 years.‎
•History and Islamic Culture;‎‏-‏
‎ Program duration: 4 years.‎
‎6.‎Faculty of Islamic Sciences for International Students which offers the ‎Bachelor degree in:‎
•Islamic Studies;‎
Program duration: 4 years.‎
B:  Application Requirements:‎
In addition to the general requirements, the applicant applying for the scholarship for ‎earning the Bachelor’s degree must meet the following terms:‎
•Obtain Azhari secondary certificate, or  its equivalent, or Azhari missionary ‎secondary certificate or its equivalent, or, the Egyptian general secondary certificate ‎or its equivalent, or a bachelor’s degree from an authorized university.‎
•Age, should not to exceed, 40 years.‎
•Good command of the Arabic language.‎
‏ ‏
‎(The candidate maybe exempt from this condition provided s/he attends a preparatory year ‎long Arabic language program. As for those who held a secondary certificate equivalent to ‎the Egyptian General Secondary Certificate, they are allowed to attend a preparatory year ‎before registering in the chosen faculty)  ‎
‎-If you are eligible, please send us the following:‎
‎1- Copy of the academic Qualifications (general secondary certificate, bachelor degree).‎
‎2- Recent photo of the applicant.‎
‎3- Copy of the passport.‎
If you meet these terms, please send us your papers on the following address:‎

4 thoughts on “Islamic and Arab studies scholarships for international ‎students in al-Azhar University

  1. Asslam O Alikum wa Rahimtullah;
    Dear sir, its humble requested that, I have got done MA in Islamic studies from International Islamic University Islamabad Pakistan, now I’d like to apply faculty of Islamic Science for MS (Master).
    Therefore, sir, I’m searching Scholarship so, how can apply for Scholarship in Al- Azhar University Egyptian.

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